distributed system IEEE PAPER 2017
Type 2: A Distributed Multi-Loop Networked System for Wide-area Control of Large CPS
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AbstractFor large-scale physical systems, advanced sensors of high resolution (like the PMUs in the power grid system) have been widely deployed. However there exist great challenges in designing efficient wide-area communication and computing systems to
An Algorithm for Optimized Cost in a Distributed Computing System
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Abstract-A distributed system consists of a collection of autonomous computers, connected through a network which enables computers to coordinate their activities and to share the resources of the system. In distributed computing, a single problem is divided into many The broad area of research presented in this book is designing operating systems (OS) for distributed systems. The advantages of a distributed system over a traditional time-sharing mainframe system depend a lot on the underlying operating system. The expected benefits
Partitioning of Query Processing in Distributed Database System to Improve Throughput.
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Abstract-Query processing in distributed system calls for the transmission of records among computers in community. The arrangement of statistics transmission and local information processing is known as distribution strategy for a query. Two cost measures reaction time
Effects on Power System Stability due to Integration of Distributed Generation
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Abstract Power requirement is the most necessary requirement of the modern high power advanced technology. To fulfil this increased demand of power requirement, a new technology has been developed which is known as the Distributed Generation (DG). It uses
Dima: A Distributed In-Memory Similarity-Based Query Processing System
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ABSTRACT Data analysts in industries spend more than 80% of time on data cleaning and integration in the whole process of data analytics due to data errors and inconsistencies. It calls for effective query processing techniques to tolerate the errors and inconsistencies. In
On the design of a Globally Distributed, Locally Compressed Knowledge Base System.
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Most big data processing are addressed by distributing the data and the execution of programs over a cluster of commodity hardware. These processing are generally handled by a cluster computing engine based on the MapReduce approach, eg, Apache Hadoop. We
Grid Interconnection of Distributed Generation System with Power Quality Improvement Features
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This paper presents the modeling and control of grid interfaced Distributed Generation (DG) system with embedded active filter function. The output of the DG is given to the DC side of the Voltage Source Inverter for interfacing to the Grid. In the presented work, the features of
Analytical Method for Optimal Location and Sizing of Distributed Generation Considering Voltage Stability and Power Loss in a Power Distribution System.
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ABSTRACT In this paper, a multi-objective analytical method to evaluate the impacts of optimal location and sizing of distributed generation is presented. This method is based on an analysis of the exact loss formula and continuous power flow in a radial distribution
Impact of Distributed Generation on the Reliability of Local Distribution System
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AbstractWith the growth of distributed generation (DG) and renewable energy resources the power sector is becoming more sophisticated, distributed generation technologies with its diverse impacts on power system is becoming attractive area for researchers. Reliability
Distributed Operating System and Scheduling for MPSoC
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Multiprocessor system on chips (MPSoCs) allow developers to leverage the flexibility of software development, such as multi-threaded and multi-tasked application writing, with the computational power and hardware design flexibility of field programmable gate arrays
Household level distributed energy management system integrating renewable energy sources and electric vehicles.
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To reduce the burden on data communication in smart girds, household level distributed energy management systems have become increasingly vital due to their capability of distributed intelligence and scheduling devices. This paper studies the optimal management
Modified Shuffled Frog-Leaping Algorithm Based Determination of Optimal Size and Location of Distributed Generation in Radial Distribution System
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AbstractThe distributed generation (DG) has created a challenge and an opportunity for developing various novel technologies in power generation. DG provides multitude of services to utility and consumers. Loss reduction is one of the prime objectives for distributed
A Distributed Time Triggered Control for a Feedback Control System
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Abstract-The paper presents a distributed time triggered control using time triggered CAN (TTCAN) for a closed-loop control system. The balance of computing load is the rule to separate the control system into functional parts for controllers. The controllers are operated
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Abstract-The main objective of this project is to power control of distributed wind and solar generators using multi-agent system by ANFIS controller which reduces transmission, distribution losses, reduces total harmonic distortion and increases system efficiency
Evolution of High Speed Railway Communication system towards 5G: A Unique Scalable Model using Distributed Mobile Relays
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Abstract Telecommunication network is gradually evolving to its 5th Generation by circumventing conventional wireless technologies and devices. The need for a seamless next generation wireless network in a highly mobile environment like High Speed Rail has
Applying Pade Approximation Model in Optimal Control Problem for a Distributed Parameter System with Time Delay
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Abstract This paper presents a research replacing a delayed object by using firstorder Pade approximation model in order to solve the problem of optimal control for a distributed parameter system with time delay (DPSTD). The system is applied to a specific one-sided
FRIB Fast Machine Protection System: Engineering for Distributed Fault Monitoring System and Light Speed Response
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Abstract The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a highpower, heavy ion facility, can accelerate beam up to 400 kW power with kinetic energy≥ 200 MeV/u. Its fast protection system is required to detect failure and remove beam within 35 µs to prevent damage to
Distributed Collector System: Modelling, Control and Optimal Performance
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Abstract Continual increases in electricity demand, the global rise in oil consumption and prices, the contribution of oil consumption to greenhouse gases emissions and the fact that the supply of fossil fuels will eventually run out are all driving factors in the need for
An Optimized Bracing System for Distributed Lateral Loads
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AbstractOne of the most crucial components of a tall building is its lateral loading system. In this paper, we provide the development of a lateral bracing system that results in bracing material savings of up to 50% relative to a traditional X-Bracing system, as well as lighter
Octopus: an RDMA-enabled distributed persistent memory file system
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Abstract Non-volatile memory (NVM) and remote direct memory access (RDMA) provide extremely high performance in storage and network hardware. However, existing distributed file systems strictly isolate file system and network layers, and the heavy layered software
Development of a Compact Acquisition System for Touch Location on a Conformable Monoport Distributed Sensor
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Abstract: A compact acquisition system developed for a flexible large area monoport tactile surface is presented in this paper. This sensor requires a single port connection and avoids complicated matrix acquisition system and multiplexing. The tactile surface is based on a
Percival: A Reliable, Long-Term, Distributed Storage System Free of Fixed-Key Encryption
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In order to meet data availability and reliability requirements, storage system designers often turn to a distributed type architecture. However, when faced with the reality of insider threat, these types of systems often have difficulty meeting the security and information privacy
Optimal Energy-Efficient Power Allocation Scheme with Low Complexity for Distributed Antenna System
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Abstract. In this paper, by maximizing the energy efficiency (EE), an optimal power allocation scheme is developed for downlink distributed antenna system (DAS). Different from conventional optimal power allocation schemes that need iterative calculation, the
Energy Efficient Power Allocation for Distributed MIMO System
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Abstract The rapid increasing demands of multi-media applications have busted the improvement of video transmission. By the increase of multimedia transmission, quality of experience (QoE) has become the hot topic of the wireless networks research. This paper
Multi-Level Inverter with Simplified Control Strategy for Distributed Energy Resource Integration with Distribution System
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Abstract: Distributed generation (DG) provides stability to system reducing the power generation from plants running with fossil fuels. With the advancements in power electronics, integration of distributed generation became simple and cost effective. This paper illustrates
Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with System and Algorithm Co-design
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Abstract Due to the rapid growth of data and the ever increasing model complexity, which often manifests itself in the large number of model parameters, today, many important machine learning problems cannot be efficiently solved by a single machine. Distributed
Optimal Allocation of Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Generation in Electrical Distribution System under Uncertainties
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Abstract In this paper, a new approach is proposed to select the optimal sitting and sizing of distributed solar photovoltaic generation (SPVG) in a radial electrical distribution systems (EDS) considering load/generation uncertainties. Here, distributed generations (DGs)
Effective Loss Minimization in Main Distribution System by Assignment of Numerous Distributed Generators
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This paper clarifies an effective improved methodology for numerous distributed generator- DG placement in main distribution system for loss reduction. Optimal location for distributed generator-DG is placed by Improved Analytical expressions and the optimal DG size
A Cloud Based Distributed Medical Record System with Big Data Analytics
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Abstract: Medical health records are also known as public health record (PHR)/electronic health record (EHR). Generally the records stored in the hospital are very complex it contains data such as personal information which is in the relational database format,
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Distributed generation (DG) is developing rapidly and is gradually reshaping the conventional power systems all over the world. Among the most actively developing distributed generation are wind power, micro-turbines, and small hydropower plants [1]. The
Integrated Flight and Propulsion Distributed Control System Simulation Platform Design
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The traditional flight control system and the propulsion control system run separately, but the coupling of the two systems does exist, which makes the control system to sacrifice some stability [1]. As a result, with the development of both platform, it is of great necessity to
Stability Analysis of Distributed Generation System for Three Phase Inverter Interfacing with Ultracapacitor
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Abstract: Now a days the use of the renewable energy systems has been increased in the distributed generation. This paper presents an Adaptive voltage control theory for the three phase system, which is feeded by solar PV system (renewable energy system). An ultra-
A Bibliography of Publications about the ATT Plan 9 Distributed Operating System
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Multi-agent System Distributed Sensor Fusion Algorithms
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Abstract The concept of consensus filters for sensor fusion is not an entirely new proposition but one with an internally implemented Bayesian fusion is. This work documents a novel state update algorithm for sensor fusion which works using the principle of Bayesian fusion
Real Time Distributed Systems Modeling and Control: Application to Photovoltaic Fuel Cell Electrolyser System.
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Abstract Old grids which are more dependent on centralized power stations had shown incapacity in term of integrating large amounts of geometrically dispersed consumers and energy resources such as renewable energy resources (RES), that require a scheduled
An Investigation of the Gathering System Options for a Hypothetical Field with Uniformly Distributed Production Wells
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Abstract The gathering systems in the production wells are very crucial in the transportation of produced liquids from production wells to collection points such as the processing plant or central processing facilities. Liquid transmission pipelines are a part of the energy industry
The introduction of the distributed ledger technology in banking system as an alernative for Single European Payment Area solutions
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Abstract Research background: The year 2016 ended the period of migration from national payment services to the SEPA instruments and it has become apparent that some problems remained unresolved. Overcoming them requires finding suitable technological solutions.
Distributed Artificial intelligence and Multi Agent System
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Abstract: As we know Distributed Artificial intelligence and Multi agent systems is an expanding field that blends classical fields like game theory and decentralized control with modern fields like computer science and machine learning. This monograph provides a
Circuit with distributed resistance sensor based on the residue numerical system
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Abstract. It has been shown that the use of residual classes allows the known total resistance effectively determine the resistance of each of several series-connected resistors. Selection of modules that satisfy the conditions of perfect form system of residue systems,
Performance of MIMO Schemes in Radio-over-fibre-based Distributed Antenna System
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ABSTRACT The research presented in this thesis has focused on the use of MIMO wireless communications in a RoF-based DAS to improve wireless coverage and capacity performance in an indoor environment. The aim is to analyse the practical issues that cause
Package Approach for Load Balancing in Distributed System
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Abstract:-In this paper we formulate the Dynamic load balancing and static load balancing problem in distributed systems. Static load balancing method tasks are allocated to the processors on compile time and ones they are allocated, there can be no changes further at
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Abstract: The Distributed Computing System [DCS] has several challenging problems, in this paper we discussed and provide an optimal solution for assigning a set ofmtasks of a program to a set ofnprocessors where m> n. In Distributed Computing Environment we
Job Scheduling in a Heterogenous Distributed Computing System using a Competitive Matchmaking System
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AbstractEvery day services that requiere the use of distributed computing systems, like Grid and Cloud services, are getting more popular and necessary. One of the core functions of these systems is finding a good scheduling of computing jobs in order to minimize their
An Intelligent Distributed Embedded System Architecture for Real-Time traffic control system
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Abstract: Recent advances in distributed computing, embedded systems, communication, and sensor technology are pushing the development of many new applications. This trend is especially evident in pervasive Real-time functionality in life critical situations. Current high-
The Sound Motion Controller: A Distributed System for Interactive Music Performance
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ABSTRACT We developed an interactive system for music performance, able to control sound parameters in a responsive way with respect to the users movements. This system is conceived as a mobile application, provided with beat tracking and an expressive parameter
Distributed System Behavior Modeling of Urban Systems with Ontologies, Rules and Many-to-Many Association Relationships
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AbstractModern societal-scale infrastructures are defined by spatially distributed network structures, concurrent subsystemlevel behaviors, distributed control and decision making, and interdependencies among subsystems that are not always well understood. This work-
Sampling Selection Strategy for Large Scale Deduplication in a Distributed System Using Apache Spark
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AbstractThe generation of information from a wide range of sources has opened opportunities for the emergence of several new applications such as digital libraries, media streaming etc. that presuppose high quality data to provide reliable services. Data quality is
Performance Evaluation of System Optimal Load Balancing Schemes for Multi-User Job Distributed Systems
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Abstract Load balancing of computing resources in distributed computing systems is essential for improving the performance of computation-intensive applications. In this paper we study static and dynamic load balancing schemes whose objective is to provide a system
Distributed System Reconfiguration with Optimal Allocation of DFACTS and DG for Reliability Enhancement using DTLBO Algorithm
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Abstract: Reconfiguration is an important activity to increase the efficiency of the power distribution systems. The reconfiguration problem is normally addressed as complicated combinatorial optimization problem due to the presence of discrete decision variables within
Graph Processing On A Distributed System For A Massive Scale Using Epicg
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A large numbers of focused graph processing systems have been developed to cope with the increasing stipulate on graph analytics. Most of them require users to systematize a new framework in the cluster for graph processing and toggle to other systems to accomplish non-
Palestinian Heritage Digitization: A Collaborative Distributed System Approach
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Abstract. This paper presents a collaborative distributed system architecture participates in preserving global heritage, taking the Palestinian heritage that, which is continually threatened and distorted, as a case study. This proposed system design provides a platform
Fuzzy based Hybrid Distributed System Integration with grid
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Abstract-This paper depicts about vulnerabilities relief in joining of sun oriented power era and geothermal power era utilizing voltage source converter (VSC) fuzzy controller. The power era of PV framework is persistently varies, because of this HVDC back-back
Designing Distributed Applications Using a Phase-Aware, Reversible System
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AbstractDistributed applications will break down or perform poorly when there are too many failures (of nodes and/or communication) in the operating environment. Failures happen frequently on edge networks including mobile and ad hoc networks, but are also
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Abstract In this paper, a novel control strategy is proposed for inverters to simultaneously improve the power quality of the inverter local load voltage and the current exchanged with the grid. It also enables seamless transfer of the operation mode from stand-alone to grid-
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ABSTRACT Reduplication storage space and download bandwidth to reduce duplicate copies of the data used in cloud storage, a technology to eliminate. However, the file is owned by a large number of users, even if there is only one copy of each file stored in the
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Abstract. In this paper, we introduce a novel fully exponentially convergent direct integral pseudospectral method for the numerical solution of optimal control problems governed by a parabolic distributed parameter system. The proposed method combines the superior
DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM FOR THE FMIT* JA Johnson, DR Machen and RM suyamat Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87545
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Summary The control system for the Fusion Materials Irradiation Test (FMIT) Facility will provide the primary data acquisition, control and interface components that integrate all of the individual FMIT systems into a functional facility. The control system consists of a
An Efficient De-Duplication Mechanism in Hadoop Distributed File System Environment
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Objective: Day by Day the usage of internet increase exponentially due to growth of IT sector, Technological advancement, modern gadgets usages etc. Big data plays a vital role in manipulation of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. Handling huge amount
Ph. D. Thesis in Automatic Control Title: Energy based modeling and distributed control of a compliant bio-medical system
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This thesis will take place within a collaborative project between CODE (COntrol and DEsign) and MiNaRoB (Micro-/Nano-Robotique Biomédicale) teams of AS2M (Automatique et Systèmes Micro-Mécatroniques) department of FEMTO-ST Besançon. The aim of this
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Abstract: This paper prapoes and off-grid distributed generation system for the calculation of cost and reliability. The reliability is evaluated on the base of loss of power supply propability. The distributed generation system consist the component as PV, wind, battery
Short Circuit Capacity: A Key to Design Reliable Protection Scheme for Power System with Distributed Generation
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AbstractWith the emerging issues about the ecological pollution and potential energy deficiency, many efforts are taken to initiate the renewable energy plans, established primarily with wind energy, solar panels and low capacity water power plants etc. These Abstract: An ultra-long distance distributed intrusion detecting system assisted with power amplification and sensitivity enhancement is proposed and demonstrated. Firstly, through introducing multiple bi-directional amplifiers into the unbalanced Mach-Zehnder/Sagnac
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ABSTRACT For a power distribution system with distributed generation (DG) units, its fault current and induced overvoltage under abnormal conditions should be taken into account seriously. In consideration that applying superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) may be
Distributed OAIS-Based Digital Preservation System with HDFS Technology
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OAIS-based digital preservation system which uses HDFS as a file storage system and supports wide distribution on a number of clusters nodes. It is based on Apache Hadoop framework-a reliable open source solution with well horizontally scalable distributed
Feasibility study of Strain Profile Measurement by a Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing System under Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Fiber-Reinforced
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The measurement of the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of composite materials is usually conducted according to the ASTM D5528-13 or the ISO 15024 standards [1, 2], using a Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) specimen (Fig. 1). The propagation of this crack is
DREMS-OS: An Operating System for Managed Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems
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AbstractDistributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems executing mixed criticality task sets are increasingly being deployed in mobile and embedded cloud computing platforms, including space applications. These DRE systems must not only operate over a
Realtime, Distributed Big Data Indexing System using Spark for Term-Based Search Engine on HPC Clusters
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ABSTRACT Realtime Indexing has recently become an active research area due to the size and growth rate of todays internet content. It is crucial for search engine to not only be able to index large datasets, but also index at fast rate. In this paper, we propose a approach to
An Efficient De-Duplication Mechanism in Multinode Hadoop Distributed File System Environment
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AbstractReal-time exposure towards dealing with large volume of data is called Big data. Big data is one of the emerging technologies in the modern era. Handling huge volume of data in a real time environment is a hectic process. To handle this issue Hadoop Distributed
Developing a Distributed Consensus-Based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) System for Heterogeneous Vehicles with Predecessor Following
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Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) has become an increasingly popular topic recently. As an application, Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) systems are of high interest, allowing CAVs to communicate with each other, coordinating their maneuvers
Distributed Damping Control of Power System Oscillations under Communication Constraints
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Abstract We present a distributed Model Predictive Control (MPC) design for inter-area oscillation damping in power systems under two critical cyber-physical constraints-namely, communication constraints that sparsify the number of communication links, and actuator
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ABSTRACT Renewable energy is important for replacing the energy generated by natural resource like petroleum, coal etc. Energy consumption from resource like oil and coal must be reduced because of the limited petroleum resources and contribute of pollution to the
A permanent inspection system for damage detection at composite laminates, based on distributed fiber optics sensing
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Abstract Distributed fibre optic systems allow to get information of the local strain all along the optical fibre. Advanced systems may get strains readings with a spatial resolution of a few mm, and accuracy of a few micro strains. This new technology offer a wide range of
Towards Security in Distributed Home System
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AbstractToday, personal data analytics and privacy face a dichotomy: application authors and service providers require scalable analytics systems, while the users and regulators increasingly demand for applications which respect the individuals privacy. In this paper we
Creating Highly Available Distributed File System for Maui Family Job Schedulers
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This article describes a way to implement a distributed file system for MAUI job scheduler, which solves the problems of low scalability and unreliability of data storage, as well as a problem of problem of data inaccessibility due to failures in software or hardware. The
Performance Improvement of Hadoop Distributed File System Using Cauchy Coding Approach
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Abstract-Clients of cloud storage for the most part dole out various repetition designs of eradication codes, contingent upon the wanted harmony amongst execution and adaptation to internal failure. Our study finds that with low likelihood, one coding plan picked by
A High Performance Based Secured Distributed Deduplication System
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Abstract-Data deduplication is a system for evacuating the duplicate copies of data, and has been extensively used as a piece of appropriated stockpiling to decrease storage space and exchange information exchange limit. Regardless, there is one and copy for each archive
Bandwidth based Distributed Denial of Service Attack Detection using Artificial Immune System
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Abstract: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack cause a serious threat to the security of the network. There are two kinds of DDoS attack: Bandwidth dependent DDoS attack and resource consumption dependent DDoS attack. The Bandwidth dependent DDoS attack
Evaluating a Distributed Temperature Sensing System for Anchor-Ice Studies
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Fluvial anchor ice formation depends on a number of factors working in combination (KempemaEttema 2011, SticklerAlfredsen 2009, TurcotteMorse 2011). These factors determine when and where anchor ice will form along a river reach, and can be grouped
Stability and Control for Machining of Thin-Walled StructuresA Time-Varying Delayed Distributed Parameter System
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This dissertation studies the modeling and control of a class of combined systems that includes distributed parameter systems, the time varying interactions of sub time invariant systems, infinite dimensional systems and delayed systems. T CSE PROJECTS