dsp-digital signal processing IEEE PAPER 2017
Unified Digital Signal Processing System for X-band FMCW Radar Hardware
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Abstract Small Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology based on frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) processing is drawing a growing interest for both business and military applications. FMCW-based radar systems have lower power consumption compared
Linear and Nonlinear Impairment Compensation in Coherent Optical Transmission with Digital Signal Processing
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The work presented in this Thesis was carried out as a part of my Ph. D. project in the period February 14th, 2014 to February 14th, 2017. The work took place at DTU Fotonik (Technical University of Denmark, Department of Photonics Engineering), with a visiting stay of five
The Use of Redundant Modular Codes for Improving the Fault Tolerance of Special Processors for Digital Signal Processing
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Abstract The purpose of the research is to increase the fault tolerance of highspeed special processors for digital signal processing (DSP). Achieving this goal is possible due to parallelization of computations. It is shown in the paper that, to provide signal processing in In this book, we tried to explain digital signal processing topics in detail. We paid attention to the simplicity of the explanation language. And we provided examples with increasing difficulty. The reader of this book should have some background about signals. If it is
A Mixed Learning Approach To Integrating Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Exercises Into a Non-Lab Junior Year DSP Course
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ABSTRACT Laboratory courses can be difficult to fit into an engineering program at a liberal arts-focused university, which requires students to be exposed to appropriate breadth, as well as sufficient depth in their engineering education. One possible solution to this issue is
Signal Processing Platforms and Algorithms for Real-Life Communications and Listening to Digital Audio
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The need for understanding business trends, ensuring public security, and improving the quality of customer service has caused a sustained development of speech analytics systems which transform speech data into a measurable and searchable index of words,
Universal Digital Aggregator for in-Line Signal Processing
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ABSTRACT Universal digital aggregator is a device for general signal processing with around 100kHz bandwidth. It consists of 4 inputs and 4 open-drain outputs-all of which are fully programmable. When the number of controlling digital signals exceeds the number of
Applying Filtering in Digital Signal Processing for Improved Accuracy
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Abstract In the theoretical plan, the primary optimization of the cost of exchange processes (which has methods, transformations, transmissions, processing and representations) that measure data in information and measurement systems, in order to improve, first and
ESE 531: Digital Signal Processing
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Page 1. 1 ESE 531: Digital Signal Processing Lec 11: February 16th, 2017 Data Converters, Noise Shaping Penn ESE 531 Spring 2017 Khanna Lecture OutlineMulti-Rate Filter Banks (cont)Data ConvertersAnti-aliasingADCQuantizationPractical DACNoise Shaping
A Multiplexer assisted Parallel Multiplier for Digital Signal Processing Applications
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Abstract-This paper introduces a novel multiplexer assisted parallel multiplier (MAPM) for signed and unsigned numbers which can be employed as a building block in the multiplication operation to be performed in signal processing methods. The proposed
Design and Implementation of Computer Assisted Instruction for Course of Digital Signal Processing Based on MATLAB
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Abstract Digital signal processing is the theory and technology that uses the way of numerical calculation to processing signal. Matlab Graphical User Interface (GUI) is devoted to the rapid development of graphical user interface environment. The system combines
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LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Develop an application that uses GUI components, Font and Colours 2. Develop an application that uses Layout Managers and event listeners. 3. Develop a native calculator application. 4. Write an application that draws basic graphical
image fusion with generalised Gaussian and Alpha-Stable distributions. In 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2007) Wales, UK.(
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ABSTRACT This paper describes a new methodology for multimodal image fusion based on non-Gaussian statistical modelling of wavelet coefficients of the input images. The use of families of generalised Gaussian and alpha-stable distributions for modelling image wavelet
Parallel Computation Booth Multiplier Design for Digital Signal Processing Applications
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Abstract Multiplication is an important fundamental function in arithmetic operations. Multiplication-based operations such as Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) and inner product are among some of the frequently used Computation- Intensive Arithmetic Functions (CIAF)
Digital Communication and Signal Processing
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Digital communication systems are characterized by ever increasing requirements on data rate, spectral efficiency and reliability. Due to the huge advances in very large scale integration (VLSI) we are now able to implement extremely complex digital signal
DSP Frame and Algorithm of LLRF of IR-FEL
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Abstract Infrared Free Electron Laser (IR-FEL) use linear accelerator to accelerate electron to relative speed and then generate simulated radiation of infrared wavelength by periodic magnetic field of undulator. The amplitude and phase of microwave field need to be
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ABSTRACT This paper discusses the processes involved in designing and implementing an object-oriented library for audio signal processing in C++(ISO/IEC C++ 14). The introduction presents the background and motivation for the project, which is related to providing a
The Design of DSP Electric Vehicle Charging Power Supply
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ABSTRACT In todays society, the speed of industrialization is accelerating, and communications between cities are becoming frequent and closer. It is fast and convenient to promote these rapid developments. Traditional transportation usually are fueled by oil
A Mixed Learning Approach To Integrating Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Exercises Into a Non-Lab Junior Year DSP Course
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ABSTRACT Laboratory courses can be difficult to fit into an engineering program at a liberal arts-focused university, which requires students to be exposed to appropriate breadth, as well as sufficient depth in their engineering education. One possible solution to this issue is
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Abstract-This paper presents the architecture of a reconfigurable and high performance computation unit for DSP applications called Reconfigurable Computation Unit. The architecture operates based on fast Carry-Save (CS) arithmetic. A multirate processor
DSP for Mobile Wireless LTE System: AReview
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Long term evolution (LTE) is the last step towards the 4G of radio technologies designed to increase the capacity and speed of cellular networks. With the appearing of 4G LTE networks, there has been increasing interests and special attention is paid to the
Designing the SD Card Device Driver for File Management of DSP based CNC Machine.
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AbstractThis paper presents a cost effective solution to increase the memory size of the DSP based CNC for Industrial application using DSP TI LaunchXL F28379D Launchpad and SD card. The main objective is to implement file management system for CNC machine
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Abstract-Modern Digital signal processing and image processing applications are aiming towards energy efficiency. The prime arithmetic operation performed for these processes is multiplication. Hence energy efficiency of multiplication is critical. Since many digital
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Abstract This paper presents DSP controlled high frequency battery charger application consisting of a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) and resonant converter to transfer the maximum possible power from PV panels to the battery group. High power density is
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ABSTRACT DSP operations are very important part of engineering as well as medical discipline. For the designing of DSP operations Multiplication is play important role to perform signal processing operations. Multiplier is one of the critical components in the area
Systolic Arrays for Reconfigurable DSP Systems
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AbstractSystolic arrays provide an alternative view of reconfigurable computing systems where real-time reconfiguration may be achieved by changing the sequence of events among the PEs forming the array. A rich selection of algorithms can be mapped into a
Estimation of Rate and Number of Under-reporting DSP
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Abstract OBJECTIVES: Rates of dDeliberate Sself-Ppoisoning (DSP) attempts are subjected to under-counting, under-reporting, and denying suicide attempts. In this study, therefore, we seek to make some estimation ofestimate the rates of under-reported ing of DSPs, which is
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Abstract. This Work focuses on design and implementation of Digital FIR Filters using Window method. For this various windows like Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Blackman, Kaiser Windows are used. Then the comparison of the features of these windows is done
FPGA-based Stream Computing for High-Performance N-Body Simulation using Floating-Point DSP Blocks
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ABSTRACT Recent advancement of FPGAs allows high-performance and lowpower computing by constructing deeply-pipelined custom hardware using floating-point DSP blocks. In this paper, we present a stream-computing architecture and design for FPGA-
Design Of DSP Application In Low Power Specific Parallel Array Multiplier
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AbstractA digital signal processor is an important kernel of multiplier. Two important design of multiplier factor is Power consumption and area owing to circuit complexity. For each portable device the power consumption issue of avoiding cooling package and
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Abstract: Obfuscation is a technique that makes comprehending adesign difficult and hides the secrets in the design. Obfuscation is called best-possible if the obfuscated design leaks no more information thanany other design of the same function. In this paper, we prove that
DSP Processor as part of a closed loop feedback in the system MR fluid clutch control maintaining a constant clutching torque
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Abstract. The paper presents a research test stand developed in order to control the MR fluid clutch in a closed loop feedback. The individual elements of the stand with a focus on part containing the DSP processor that is used to record the signal voltage of the torque meter
Research and design of PFC control based on DSP
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Abstract. A realization scheme of single-phase power factor correction (PFC) circuit based on digital signal processor (DSP) is proposed and discussed. The parameters of the main circuit, signal conditioning circuit, current loop and voltage loop of PI control are designed.
Detection of Abnormalities in the Functioning of Heart Using DSP Techniques
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Abstract: Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Applications have gained great popularity in the study of Bio-Medical Signal Processing. DSP can be used as a tool in the era of Bio-Medical Engineering and it is used to study the continuous rhythmic periodic waveform of ECG and
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AbstractHardware acceleration has been proved an extremely promising implementation strategy for the digital signal processing (DSP) domain. Rather than adopting a monolithic application-specific integrated circuit design approach, in this brief, we present a novel
Design and Implementation of 64-bit MAC Unit for DSP Applications using verilog HDL
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Abstract: In this paper, we proposed a new architecture of multiplier-and-accumulator (MAC) for high-speed arithmetic and low power. With the rapid advances in multimedia and communication system, high capacity signal processing are in demand, so High Speed MAC
image fusion with generalised Gaussian and Alpha-Stable distributions. In 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2007) Wales, UK.(
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ABSTRACT This paper describes a new methodology for multimodal image fusion based on non-Gaussian statistical modelling of wavelet coefficients of the input images. The use of families of generalised Gaussian and alpha-stable distributions for modelling image wavelet
Power Estimation for DSP Components for Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
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Abstract In this thesis, we propose and examine a power estimation method for Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters used in short-reach fiber-optic communication systems, where limitations on size and power consumption start to become a critical design metric.
DSP Based Standby Power Loss Controller
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AbstractThis paper is based on standby power losses of electronic equipments. Standby power is the power drawn by electrical devices when they are in the idle condition. Standby power consumption may be a result of a combination of poor power supply design, memory
DSP Based Implementation of Field Oriented Control for Induction Motor Drives
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Abstract-This paper presents a practical implementation of field oriented control of three phase induction motor drives. In order to control the induction motor, TMS320F28335 digital signal processing (DSP) is used. Code composer studio is used to build the control
A Study on Atomic Spectroscopic Term Symbols for Non-equivalent Electrons of (n-1) dsp Configuration Using Russell-Saunders Coupling Scheme
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ABSTRACT Electronic and magnetic properties of the inorganic molecules and complexes can be understood very well by using the term symbols. Term symbols are a shorthand method used to describe the energy, angular momentum, and spin multiplicity of an atom/ion CSE PROJECTS