Agro Weeder technology
With the growing needs of convenience, technology now tries to seek automation in every aspect possible. We present a self-driving Agroweeder which would eradicate human intervention in the field of driving. The Agroweeder would drive itself from one place to the other on its own it would possess integrated features like lane-detection, automatic weed remover, tilling of land, etc. This features would help the Agroweeder drive itself to the mentioned destination on the track properly, avid collisions, provide live streaming of the view in front of it with the help of camera mounted over the Agroweeder.
AgroWeeder: Self-Driving Power-Weeder based on Raspberry Pi
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AgroWeeder using the Raspberry-Pi. The pi-camera module along with an ultrasonic sensor is used to provide necessary data from the real world to the AgroWeeder which would then pass the data on to the raspberry-pi. The Agroweeder is capable of removing the weeds from the farm. This will help farmers to reduce their work of tilling the land and removing the weeds.
Design, development and fabrication of agricultural pesticides sprayer with weeder
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In order to meet the food requirements of the growing population and rapid industrialization, modernization of agriculture is inescapable. Mechanization enables the conservation of inputs through precision in metering ensuring better distribution, reducing quantity needed
Development of an automated mechanical intra-row weeder for vegetable crops
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Vegetable crop production is a major contributor to the US economy with a value of 11.2 billion dollars in 20 an increase of three percent compared to 2009. The total area harvested was 1.78 million acres, with California having the largest acreage of 75 500
Development and Evaluation of a rotary power weeder
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Weed control is one of the most difficult tasks in agriculture that accounts for a considerable share of the cost involved in agricultural production. Farmers generally expressed their concern for effective weed control measures to arrest the growth and propagation of weeds
Field performance evaluation of manual operated petrol engine powered weeder for the tropics
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A manually operated engine powered rotor- weeder for delta region with a 1.4 hp petrol engine was designed and fabricated. The field performance was evaluated and compared with the performance of a traditional manual hand hoe. The weeder consists of main frame
Development and evaluation of small-scale power weeder
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Small-scale power weeders are an important and challenging task in many countries, where the farm size in hectare per capita is very low and is declining over time. Therefore, the development of suitable mechanized weeding methods is an imperative to meet the demand
Design and development of four-wheel weeder for wide-row crops
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Single/twin wheel weeders have been developed for manual weeding in about 20 cm row spaced crops. These weeders are unable to provide uniform depth of cut and lateral stability. Presently marginal and small farmers in the country are inclined to grow cash crops. Manual
Field evaluation of power weeder for rain-fed crops in Kashmir valley
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Weeding is essential to improve productivity of field crops. Manual weeding by using the Tangroo (local tool) is the most common practice in the cereal and vegetable crops adopted by the farmers of the Kashmir valley. Suitable mechanization technology is needed to
Modification and evaluation of a power weeder for Bangladesh condition
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A study was conducted to modify and evaluate the Korean power weeder for 20cm line spacing with adjustable mechanism in Bangladesh condition. Five weeding technologies were used in the study namely Korean Multi-rows Power Weeder (KMPW), Modified Multi-rows Power Weeder
Ergonomic evaluation of paddy seeder and rotary weeder with women operators
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Women in rural India, play a major role in shaping the countrys economy, through their active participation in agriculture. One of the major constraints, in talking the technologies to farmwomen, is lack of suitable tools/equipment, for women workers. To overcome this
Performance evaluation of Ambika paddy weeder for paddy in farmers field
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The Ambika paddy weeder was evaluated for its filed performance in farmers field at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Dantewada. In this study, field experiments was conducted in paddy field during the year 2014-15 kharif season to evaluate the working capacity, efficiency and costs
Design and development of single row power weeder for rice.
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Weed control is one of the most difficult tasks on an agricultural farm. Weeding by mechanical devices reduces the cost of labour and also saves time. In order to assess the possibility of mechanization of the weeding operation, a power operated single row active
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Weed plant competes with crop plant for soil nutrients, moisture, light and space, thereby reducing the production and increasing cost of maintaining the farm. Many methods of weed control (Mechanical, chemical, cultural, biological) have been tried with varied degrees of
Development and Performance Evaluation of Manually Operated Cono- Weeder for Paddy Crop
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Weeding in wetland paddy is largely done by hand weeder Khurpi in middle Gujarat region. Another method is the use of mechanical weeders. Study was conducted to know the design features of manually operated weeders for paddy weeding. The results of the study
Development of hand push mechanical weeder
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ABSTRACT A hand push mechanical weeder that consists of two sets of cone rotor blades, adjustable main frame and a float was developed from locally sourced materials. The weeder , of effective field capacity of 0.357 ha/hr has 64.87 N draft and overall width and
Development of a Manually Operated Ridge Profile Weeder
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A manually operated ridge profile rotary weeder was developed. The weeder is equipped with two rotary hoes each weeding one half of adjacent ridges. The inclination of the rotary hoes to the ridge profile is adjustable to conform to the angle of repose of the ridge. The
Prototype: A ridge profile mechanical power weeder
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Weeding is one of most important operation in crop cultivation. Although, there are several methods are available of mechanical weeding, but weeding operation poses a special problem in ridge planted crop. Therefore, to address this problem a ridge profile power
Performance Evaluation of Power Weeder Under Dry and Wet Land Conditions
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The power weeder is evaluated under two different field conditions ie wet and dry land. Field capacity, plant damage, weeding efficiency and fuel consumption were evaluated. The field performance analyses have shown that weeding efficiency as 76.40, 69.6 plant damage
Battery assisted four-wheel weeder for reducing drudgery of farmers
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Mechanical methods of weeding are preferred over other methods of weed control because of their added advantages of simple construction, low cost and environmental friendly. Mechatronics concept was incorporated in development of a battery-assisted four-wheel
Design and Development of a Weeder for both Lowland and Upland Conditions
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An experiment was conducted to design and develop a weeder suitable for both lowland and upland conditions for a row crop field under the research plan of 2007-2008 of the Farm Machinery and Postharvest Technology (FMPHT) division, Bangladesh Rice Research