air quality monitoring
Ambient air monitoring is the systematic, long-term assessment of pollutant levels by measuring the quantity and types of certain pollutants in the surrounding, outdoor
A Cost-effective Wireless Sensor Network System for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Applications.
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Indoor air pollution has become a serious issue affecting public health. An indoor air quality monitoring system helps in the detection and improvement of indoor air quality . The monitoring systems presently available are very expensive. In this paper, we present a low
Air quality monitoring using heterogeneous networks
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In this paper, we consider some approaches to spatio-temporal modeling of environmental data obtained from an heterogeneous network. Besides discussing modeling details for spatio-temporal dynamics and calibration of different instruments, we consider crossvalidation issues and extensions
The citisense air quality monitoring mobile sensor node
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This work presents the design of a wearable, low power, air quality and environmental monitoring sensor node that can be used in mobile and stationary settings. The sensor node includes a microcontroller for local data analysis and a Bluetooth transceiver to
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Air pollution is one of environmental issues that cannot be ignored. The heavy transportation and urbanization result in the air pollutants concentrated in certain areas. Inhaling pollutants for a long time causes damages in human health. Traditional air quality monitoring methods
Wireless sensor network for indoor air quality monitoring
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A home-made and home-developed sensor network was proposed and developed in this paper for indoor air quality monitoring . The network consists of a base station connected to internet and several autonomous nodes equipped with different sensors to measure
Air quality monitoring in an urban agglomeration
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The paper describes the experience and results from one year of air quality monitoring campaigns in the Romanian city of Timisoara. Air quality measuring is still less experienced in Eastern European countries. The University Politehnica from Timisoara undertook on
The Pearl River Delta regional air quality monitoring network-regional collaborative efforts on joint air quality management
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ABSTRACT In November 2005 the Guangdong and Hong Kong governments established the Pearl River Delta regional air quality monitoring network ( PRD RAQMN ), which represented the first joint regional air pollution and reporting effort in this rapidly developing
Representativeness and classification of air quality monitoring stations
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The main objectives of the project Development of the methodologies to determine representativeness and classification of air quality monitoring stations are toâ obtain a set of validated methodologies to classify monitoring stations and toâ quantify the respective
Arduair: air quality monitoring
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Air pollution and quality monitoring is extremely important in todays world as it has a direct impact on human health. Air pollution is on the rise due to a number of anthropogenic activities and its monitoring is of vital importance to mitigate certain measures to control it. In
A cloud-based knowledge discovery system for monitoring fine-grained air quality
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Many developing countries are suffering from air pollution recently. Governments have built a few air quality monitoring stations in cities to inform people the concentration of air pollutants. Unfortunately, urban air quality is highly skewed in a city, depending on multiple
Air quality monitoring system based on Arduino microcontroller
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The level of pollution has increased with times by lot of factors like the increase in population, increased vehicle use, industrialization and urbanization which results in harmful effects on human wellbeing by directly affecting health of population exposed to it. In
Real-world application of new sensor technologies for air quality monitoring
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In Europe, the majority of the population lives in areas where air quality levels frequently exceed WHOs ambient air quality guidelines (EEA). Current air pollution networks consist on few stations instrumented with costly air quality monitors, which provide accurate
The EveryAware SensorBox: a tool for community-based air quality monitoring
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In the EU-FP7-funded EveryAware project a SensorBox is built that will be used in community-based air quality monitoring in Belgium, Italy and the UK. It is conceived as a portable multisensor array or e-nose using commercially available electrochemical and
The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme
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Summary The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme (LMP) was started in 1982 as the first nation-wide urban air pollution monitoring programme in Denmark. The programme has been adjusted to the pollution pattern by two revisions. The present phase (LMP III) was
Air quality monitoring in communities of the Canadian Arctic during the high shipping season with a focus on local and marine pollution
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We thank you and the reviewers for the constructive comments. We have addressed all issues in the responses below and will upload all necessary files to the portal, including the modified graphics, modified manuscript in LaTeX and format [submission C], a
Use of an electronic nose for indoor air quality monitoring
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Indoor air quality is important to occupant health because it affects the health and comfort of occupants. Ventilation is the technique used for regulating indoor air quality . Currently, CO2 is the pollutant that is taken as the reference to calculate the makeup air rate and
Deploying a LEACH Data Aggregation Technique for Air Quality Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Network.
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The aim of this paper is to develop an effective aggregation technique for wireless sensor networks that is mainly designed to suit air quality monitoring application. The solution is based on LEACH by Heinzelmanet al.; a well known data aggregation technique for
Radial passive samplers for air quality monitoring in field comparison with a BTEX automatic analyser preliminary results
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The more frequent usage of passive sampling techniques in air quality monitoring campaigns demands for more control of the results obtained. This can be achieved by employing this sampling methodology in field studies, or at least by its comparison with
Closing the gap on lower cost air quality monitoring : Machine learning calibration models to improve low-cost sensor performance
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Low-cost sensing strategies hold the promise of denser air quality monitoring networks, which could significantly improve our understanding of personal air pollution exposure. Additionally, low-cost air quality sensors could be deployed to areas where limited
MODIS multiannual observations in support of air quality monitoring in Northern Italy.
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Aerosol satellite remote sensing can be profitably exploited in Air Quality monitoring in order to estimate the particulate matter concentration (PM) at surface level. Actually, the satellite sensor synoptic view enables monitoring of PM concentration spatial distribution fostering
Air quality hazard zones in an Industrial Zone using a Mobile Robot
A Smart Mobile Robot to Detect Abnormalities in Hazardous
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alert SMS is sent to the authority through GSM. The mobile robot is Keywords: Abnormalities, GSM module, Hazardous zones , Mobile robot , VOC emission. pollutants, accurate air quality monitoring system and follow-up industries cannot be avoided. Design of Air
The Design and Experimental Development of Air MDPI
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quadcopter was integrated with air monitoring sensors to collect the monitoring stations with network systems located in critical areas for sensor to perform air quality measurement, thus called a sniffer quadcopter. Lilienthal, A.J.; Cuckett, T. Building gas concentration grid maps with a mobile robot .
Practical Application of Robot Safety Robotic Industries
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Always perform a complete risk assessment of all machine hazards , How to design a robot cell axis which be either fixed in place or mobile for use in restricted space and safety zones dual light curtain zone . The outer zone mutes the inner zone . Disable the light quality as the safety circuit being muted.
Mobile Robots with In-Situ and Remote Sensors for Real
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leaks, identify hazardous areas with high concentration levels and they can be used as tion algorithms with a mobile robot equipped with remote sensors is first areas . For example, gas sensitive robots can be used in industrial facilities (Fig- of a few square meters and under tightly controlled environmental conditions.
Using Mobile Robots to Monitor Pollution in Pedestrian Area
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Using mobile robots for air quality monitoring has been addressed in the EU project DustBot (Mazzolai, in which robot prototypes are developed to clean pedestrian areas and concurrently monitor the pollution levels.
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mobile robot with equipped by several air quality parameters sensors is monitor certain area investigation, the mobile robot is guided by using wireless image processing are very broad areas of research, and there are an ever-growing The following table lists the chemicals, when classified as hazardous wastes,.
monitoring of air ducting using mechanical robot for Core
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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become public concern recently. Air ducting is used in 2.5.2 Mobile Robot and Duct Cleaning have been conducted to investigate the relation between industrial areas and the residential The hazard inside the ducting is unpredictable, probably due to the gaseous that be hazardous to
Air Quality Monitoring Using IoT and Big Data GSMA
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up new growth opportunities for us like in the area of . Smart Cities. This is why were working with the GSMA and the mobile industry to make this happen. pollutants which can be found in concentrations that are hazardous to health.
Recent advances in low-cost particulate matter sensor Open
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Floor print of room with 17 markers where the robot stopped and in and around metropolitan areas or industrial areas . particulate matter sensor for portable air quality monitoring devices, SENSORS IEEE, a more common parameter for presenting the potential airborne hazards . The.
air quality rules Utah Department of Environmental Quality
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Proof of Purchase to Demonstrate Eligibility for Special Mobile Particulate Matter Nonattainment and Maintenance Plan Areas National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants 15 VOC Content Determinations Using Product Formulation and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial .
Air Quality Implications of an Energy Scenario for California
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significant improvements in air quality due to electrification, which lead to Figure G-2: Selected California Industrial Fossil Fuel Consumption (end use fuels areas : economic, land use and development, wildlife, sea-level rise, public health, tribal and The model assesses effects for each grid cell assuming a consistent
air pollution monitoring, modelling and health Ademloos
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comprehensive and organised body of information in the area of air pollution . new air quality regulations, moving the industrial activities to the developing countries, etc. We run the EMISENS model with variable parameters in one cell . hazards and crop damage be higher in the greater Cairo area than in Central
User guide (en) Mobile Industrial Robots
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Robot going into protective stop while driving with shelves. 150. 10.9 Error handling marked operating hazard zones must be respected. air humidity. The battery system when an obstacle is within the protective zone of the laser scanners. Mapping: get the highest possible quality . Figure 3.5.
Mobiles Robots Past Present and Future IntechOpen
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example, their use in the automotive industry has drastically cut the time it takes to Mobile Robots State of the Art in Land, Sea, Air , and Collaborative Missions. 2 As opposed to fix based industrial robots, a mobile robot has its movement wide area of this subject exhaustively, it highlights some key developments.
The Penetration of Internet of Things in Robotics: Towards a
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As the IoT penetrates different domains, application areas and the robotics industry toward service robots and human-centric design key aspect in order to deal with the variety of environmental aspect, nearby environment and with cloud computing, high- quality data in Sense hazardous materials.