analog ic
Analog integrated circuits were primarily designed using hand calculations and process kit parts before the invention of microprocessors and other software dependent design tools. Analog integrated circuit design is used for designing operational amplifiers, linear regulators, oscillators, active filters, and phase locked loops. The semiconductor parameters such as power dissipation, gain, and resistance are more concerned in the designing of analog integrated circuit.
How to automate analog IC designs
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In a matter of hours rather than weeks or months, basic analog integrated circuits can now be designed to suit the needs of the systems they are destined for. This sudden advance is due to new knowledge-based computer-aided design (CAD) tools. With the tools help,
Biologically-Inspired Locomotion Controller for a Quadruped Walking Robot: Analog IC Implementation of
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The present paper proposes analog integrated circuit (IC) implementation of a biologically inspired controller in quadruped robot locomotion. Our controller is based on the central pattern generator (CPG), which is known as the biological neural network that generates M. Bucheret al. present EKV3. 0: an advanced charge-based MOSFET transistor model which is design-oriented towards next-generation CMOS technologies and IC designs. Historically, the development of the EKV model is driven by the needs of analogIC designers
Analog IC Design in Nanometer CMOS Technologies.
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In nanometer CMOS technologies, several new effects emerge, such as velocity saturation and gate leakage currents. As a result the transconductance and speed are both limited by velocity saturation. Also noise and mismatch are affected as a result of the thinner gate
SWARM: A self-organization approach for layout automation in analog IC design
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AbstractOptimization-based analog layout automation does not yet find evident acceptance in the industry due to the complexity of the design problem. This paper presents a Self-organized Wiring and Arrangement of Responsive Modules (SWARM), able to Abstract In this paper we present a novel application of Qualitative Reasoning to perform the task of analogue circuit design correction in a design automation (DA) environment. Information derived from a single simulation is manipulated using Qualitative Reasoning to
CMOS analog IC Design
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Analog IC design with a library of parameterized device generators
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ABSTRACT The CAIRO+ tool allows the designer of analog circuits to automate his flow, and permits the reuse. However, it doesnt prevent him from controlling the generation. CAIRO+ is based on a library of smart generators which can handle the analog specific
Design of a 12-bit cyclic RSD ADC Sensor Interface IC using the Intelligent Analog IP Library
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AnalogIC Design Flow from Circuit Level to Layout. Analog Layout Generator for CMOS Circuits. IEEE Tran
Graphical Representations for Analog IC Design in Deep and Ultra-Deep Submicron CMOS
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Abstract The paper presents a set of simulation experiments for characterization and graphical representation of the performance of deep and ultra-deep submicron CMOS transistors. The aim is to propose a general approach for illustration of the basic capabilities Over the past few decades, very large scale integration technologies have been widely improved, allowing the proliferation of consumer electronics and enabling the steady growth of the integrated circuit (IC) market to an estimated value of over $350 billion in 2016. The
A Biologically Inspired Model of Spiking Neurons Suitable for Analog IC Design.
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Abstract-In this paper it is described the structure and the working way of an electronic model of spiking neurons developed for silicon implementation. Being sensitive to external medium changes and being able to strengthen their synapses when concurrent events
Penalty function approach to robust analog IC design
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Abstract Automating the robust IC design process is becoming more and more important due to its complexity and decreasing time to market. In order for the circuit to be robust it must satisfy all design requirements across a range of operating conditions and manufacturing
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testing analogIC defect detection, artificial neural networks, wavelet decomposition, principal component analysis, convex hull algorithm 1 INTRODUCTION In contemporary integrated
The Practice of Analog IC Design
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Page 1. The Practice of AnalogIC Design (5/13/04) Page 1 IEEE Santa Clara Valley Solid-State Circuits Chapter May 13, 2004 PE Allen 2004 THE PRACTICE OF ANALOGIC DESIGN
AIDA-CMK: Multi-Algorithm Optimization Kernel Applied to Analog IC Sizing
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The rapid evolution and widespread use of consumer electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, or smart TV puts a great innovative pressure on the integrated circuit industry. Most of the functionalities of such devices are implemented using digital circuitry
Extraction and Compression of Interconnect Parasitics for Small-Feature Analog IC Layouts
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Summary Analog circuit design methodology has consistantly evovled in the direction of greater use of integrated design-layout-extraction-simulation tools to improve first-cut successes. While the inteface between design, layout and simulation has improved vastly
Measurement and Control Technology in Analog IC Design
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Analog technology is very important in commercial and industrial instruments and systems such as measuring instruments and automatic control systems–that have analog inputs and outputs. Consumer equipment drives demand for improvements in analog circuit
IIP Generators to Ease Analog IC Design
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AbstractSemiconductor technology has shown significant progress over the last decades. Digital EDA (electronic design automation) allowed that this progress could be converted to highperformance digital ICs. Analog components are part of Systemson-Chip (SoC) too, but
Exploration of Teaching Reform on the Analog IC design in Independent College
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Abstract: Article Preview Article Preview The Analog IC design is one of the most important specialized courses in speciality of Electronics Science and Technology. This essay investigates the exploration and reform of teaching methods in current situation in
AIDA-C: Evolutionary Optimization Techniques applied to Analog IC Design
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AbstractThis paper presents an approach to automatically generate circuit-level design constraints to a layout-aware sizing approach. The proposed approach is an enhanced version and implementation of an established method, based on pattern recognition and
MP 4.9 An Analog CMOS IC for Template Matching
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A 3V 0.5 m CMOS analogIC correlates each 9×9 pixel window in an input image with 8 stored 9×9 templates at rates up to 5MHz and outputs the best match
Facilitated design kit development for analog IC elaboration on semicustom array A 3201
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Abstract The results of a further evolution of the bipolar application specific semicustom array (ASSA), intended for designing prototype ICs, used in physical experiments, are described. That is achieved by PC platform adaptation of the IC developerDesign Kit on
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For RF and non-linear analog circuits, due to the non- linearity of the circuit, design optimization is not a trivial task. This paper will give an overview of the synthesis tools for RF and AnalogIC with emphasis on trade-offs in terms of noise and distortion. 1. INTRODUCTION
Experience-based Automation of Analog IC Design
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While digital design automation is highly developed, analog design automation still remains behind the demands. Previous circuit synthesis approaches, which are usually based on optimization algorithms, do not satisfy industrial requirements. A promising alternative is
Analysis and Design of Analog IC Title
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Make students understand what the design challenge isShow students where to look for information and how to read itPresent analog design techniques and how to use them efficientlyExpose students to Lab equipment and analog measurementsPresent a
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Abstract The paper describes use of MOSIS fabricated CMOS Operational Amplifiers as a real world design experience in senior level Analog Integrated Circuit Courses in Electrical Engineering. In the one-semester course on CMOS Analog IC Design offered at our
Accurate table model of IC components for analog IC simulation
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The properties of spline-interpolation application in the course of component models realization (for example on MOSFET model) were observed in the article. Standard methods of local spline interpolation are not suitable for getting values of table functions and their
OpenModelica for Analog IC Design
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Page 1. Master Thesis OpenModelica for Analog IC Design Department of Link ping
RF/ Analog IC team, ETRI
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Simulation Result : Cadence Spectre-RF 1°° s 2 ~ 5 g; 5 5° Optimum PP-lter for RX : 1055~1085M Hz R1=23OQ, R2=36OQ Cl=C2=500fF for TX : 960~990MHz Rl=26OQ, R2=39OQ Cl=C2=500fF Phase difference ideql Phase error Ideql Phase error 0.7° Amplitude error 1.5dB 4Silicon
Stopping Criteria for Less Expensive and High Quality MC-Based Analog IC Yield Optimization
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INTRODUCTION In deep-submicron technologies and high performance specifications, random and systematic process variations have a large influence on the quality and yield of the manufactured analog circuits. Hence, not only fully optimized nominal design is necessary, but also high robustness
New Technology Migration Methodology for Analog IC Design
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AbstractIn this paper, a new approach for technology migration of full custom IC designs is presented. Differently from previous methodologies, in which the generation of the circuit on the target process is either done manually or at netlist level, the migration is performed on a
EECT 7329 Advanced Analog IC Design Homework 3
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Page 1. Homework 4 By Yuan Zhou EECT 7329 Advanced AnalogIC Design Homework 4 Yuan Zhou Step 1. Simulate the return ratio of differential feedback loop In this part, we are going to measure the generalized return ratio of the 5-transistor amplifier and the folded-cascode amplifier
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Analog IC Design Project Folded Cascode Operational Amplifier
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There are variety of structures available for all of the above three mentioned stages, each have some advantages and some disadvantages of its own. While designing the operational Amplifier meticulous choice of these configurations is essential for proper functioning of
Technology Commercialization in the Area of Analog IC Design Automation
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ABSTRACT This dissertation aims to provide a viability analysis for a potential commercialization project for AIDA, an electronic design automation (EDA) software to optimize analog integrated circuits design developed on Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT),
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In this project, two constant Gm input stages are designed. First circuit tries to keep sum of the square roots of the tail currents constant. Second circuit shifts the DC voltage between two input pairs. Design steps and simulation results are given in this work. Simulations are
A Current-Path Based Placement Methodology for Analog IC Layout Design
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Abstract:-In this paper, we present a transistor placement methodology for CMOS analog integrated circuit that leads the subsequent phase to conform to analog layout constraints, such as: matching, symmetry, signal coupling and geometric constraints such as: cell aspect