Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices.
Design of parabolic solar dish tracking system using arduino
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This paper demonstrates the designing parameters of a solar parabolic dish prototype for rustic areas with great solar irradiance rate availability, where have no access of electricity services or low-income people survives to buy a stove (electric or gas). The solar parabolic The implementation of IO-Link in the automation industry has increased over the years. Its main advantage is it offers a digital point-to-point plugand-play interface for any type of device or application. This simplifies the communication between devices and increases
Object Sensor and Counter Using Arduino Uno
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Object sensor and counteris a reliable circuit which overtakes the role of counting number ofPersons/visitors in the room. When anyone enters the room, the counter isincremented by one and when anyone exit the room the counter decreased by one and the total number of
Automated Watering and Irrigation System using Arduino UNO
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Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of India and contributes to 18 percent of Indias GDP. The irrigation system used determines the quality of the yield and affects the sector. The conventional irrigation systems used in major parts of the country do not provide
Automatic Speed Detection and Reporting System Using Arduino
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From the advent of increased transportation, over speeding of vehicles has become one of the major causes for accidents and killing many lives. This paper presents a system, developed for over-speed detection of the vehicle or human beings and alert corresponding
Design and Development of a Low Cost, Smart Infusion Pump to Deliver Medications for Patients using Labview Interface With Arduino
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An infusion pump is a medical device that delivers fluids such as nutrients into a patients body in controlled amount. They are widely used in clinical settings such as hospitals, nursing homes etc. There are many types of infusion pumps including large volume, patient