automation for space technology
Using robotics or human-assisted robotics and automation eliminated the risk to the crew while still performing the tasks needed to meet the mission objectives. The Shuttle Robotic Arm, commonly referred to as “the arm,” was designed for functions that were better performed by a robotic system in space.
Advanced automation for space missions
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The heavens have always been the subject of intense curiosity and longing, beckoning to our imaginations and, sometimes, to our desires for dominion over that which is not yet under human control. Recent American space exploration efforts represent only tentative
Test automation for avionic systems and space technology
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Introduction. In this article, we give an overview about typical objectives and problems to be encountered when testing embedded systems in avionics or space technology. The overview is based on experiences gained during (1) the veri cation and test of the DMS-R
Automation and Robotics for the Space Exploration Initiative: Results from Project Outreach
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Review of the submissions of further research in A and R issues has led the Project Outreach A and R panel to make the following observations and to submit the following recommendations for consideration by the Synthesis Group:(1) Systematically integrate SEI
Explorations of space -charge limits in parallel-plate diodes and associated techniques for automation
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Space -charge limited flow is a topic of much interest and varied application. We extend existing understanding of space -charge limits by simulations, and develop new tools and techniques for doing these simulations along the way. The Child-Langmuir limit is a simple
SLR automation for the new space geodesy multi-technique sites
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Background NASAs Next Generation Satellite Laser Ranging System (NGSLR) was originally designed to be a completely autonomous satellite laser ranging system, with the capability of ranging to low Earth orbiting satellites and LAGEOS during both night and day
Health and Usage Monitoring for Space Applications: Drilling Automation for Mars Exploration
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The research work discussed in this paper concerns Drilling Automation for planetary (Mars) Exploration. The purpose of the project is to develop enabling technologies for planetary subsurface exploration. The specifications and requirement of such a subsurface drilling
An Automation Language for Managing Operations in the Deep Space Network (ALMO)
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Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive, M/S 156-201 Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 {Patricia.F.Sarttos, Paul. Pechkam}@jpl.nasa. gov We developed a language called the Automation Language for Managing Operations (ALMO). It
An automation language for managing operations (ALMO) in the deep space network
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Configuring a set of devices for pre-and post-track activities in NASAs Deep Space Network (DSN) involves hundreds of keyboard entries, manual operations, and parameter extractions and confirmations, making it tedious and error prone. This article presents a language called
A framework for automation of system-level design space exploration
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Abstract Design Space Exploration is the task of identifying optimal implementation architectures for an application. On the front-end, it involves multi-objective optimization through a large space of options, and lends itself to a multitude of algorithmic approaches
Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics
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Distribution of dark-mantle material Principal areas of dark-mantle are shown in Figure 1. The largest areas are the one along the south and southwest sides of Mare Serenitatis, including the Taurus-Littrow and Sulpicius Gallus regions, and the Rima Bode area. Dark
Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics A NASA supported Center for the Commercial Development of Space
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A direct, high-resolution measurement from lunar orbit of the location of high concentrations of 3He in the lunar regolith is needed for the initiation of cost-effective mining operations on the moon. Gamma-ray spectroscopy has been successfully used to map the abundances
Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics A NASA supported Center for the Commercial Development of Space
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A concept is described which has the potential to perform the in-situ heating of the lunar regolith in order to release the solar wind gases. The poor thermal conductivity of the lunar soil is increased approximately 100-fold by the introduction of an artificial hydrogen
Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics A NASA supported Center for the Commercial Development of Space
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After the initial confirmation of the existence of He-3 on the lunar surface in 198 there has been a flurry of activity both in the US and abroad to find the best method of garnering it. The group at the University of Wisconsin has been focusing on a multipurpose lunar miner called
Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics A NASA supported Center for the Commercial Development of Space
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A combination of man-made and natural resources on earth could provide sufficient 3He fuel for the technological development of D-3He fusion reactors. Helium exists in natural gas wells; however, at the present rate of natural gas usage this resource would provide 5 kg/yr
Intuitively operable interfaces for space automation systems by means of projective virtual reality
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The general aim of the development of virtual reality technology for automation applications at the IRF is to provide the framework for Projective Virtual Reality which allows users to project their actions in the virtual world into the real world primarily by means of robots but
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As part of the ESA X-ROB study a Visual Odometry (VO) based localisation component was selected for evaluation and bread-boarding as part of a GNC solution for the European Ground Prototype (EGP). Existing ExoMars Rover, EGP and Sample Fetch Rover (SFR)
10th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation ASTRA 2008
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The drive to planetary exploration, including re-visiting our own moon will inevitably require a level of interaction with these environments that is beyond previous robotic probes. To fully explore these hostile environments will require increasing levels of dexterity. This trend is
10th Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation ASTRA 2008
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15:40 Abstract Recent Progress in Designing the Sample Preparation and Distribution System of the ExoMars Mission
Design Space Exploration for Building Automation Systems
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In the building automation domain, there are gaps among various tasks related to design engineering. As a result created system designs must be adapted to the given requirements on system functionality, which is related to increased costs and engineering effort than
Automation of Prototype Solid Waste Management System for Long Term NASA Space Missions
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like thank the many individuals that have contributed to make this project a success and my educational experience so enjoyable. Specifically, I would like to express my great appreciation to Dr. Arthur A. Teixeira, my academic advisor