Autonomous road profiling
Measurement of the international roughness index (IRI) using an autonomous robot (P3-AT)
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Both manual and automatic multi- function profiling systems are continuously being developed and marketed for In this study, we pioneer the use of an autonomous robot (the P3-AT) to m/km) obtained by the P3-AT is comparable to commercial Australian Road Research Board the MPV in real time based on real time traversability (RTT) analysis for a 6ⅹ6 autonomous vehicle running on from real vehicle experiments . RTT analysis uses the path-allowable maximum velocity profiling module, the dynamic analysis module, the road clas- sification the driving and handling limits of the vehicle . The vehicle velocity was also studied for travelling time and road curvature constraints [ 9]. A model predictive control was developed for an autonomous vehicle based on the feasible road region and the vehicle shape . A path
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Finally, a laser profiling of the tunnels lining, for a narrow region close to detected crack is The robotic platform consists of an autonomous mobile vehicle; a crane arm, guided by the The entire system has been evaluated in railway and road tunnels, ie in Egnatia Highway and
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AN AUTONOMOUS PROFILING VEHICLE Acoustic Research Laboratory, Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore, 12 A Kent Ridge Road , Singapore
Autonomous intersection management for semi- autonomous vehicles
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In the future, we intend to devise better constraint-based reservation requests using more accurate profiling of the vehicles physical behavior. REFERENCES K. Dresner and P. Stone, Sharing the road : Autonomous vehicles meet human drivers. In Proceedings of the
Autonomous observing strategies for the ocean carbon cycle
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James KB Bishop EO Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road , MS 90-111 Berkeley, CA 94720 These needs can be addressed by carbon system observations made from low-cost autonomous ocean- profiling floats and gliders
A review and analysis of literature on autonomous driving
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A citation and profiling analysis of pricing research from 1980 to 2010. Journal of Business Research, 65(7), pp. 1010-1024 The mind in the machine; Anthropomorphism increases trust in an autonomous vehicle Road -Boundary Detection and Tracking Using Ladar Sensing Road Terrain Classification Technology for Autonomous Vehicle, Unmanned System Technologies,
Autonomous platforms for studies in the coastal zone
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AUTONOMOUS PLATFORMS FOR STUDIES IN THE COASTAL ZONE, 5 Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute,7700 Sandholdt Road ,Moss Landing how, have been serviced through the use of ocean going ships with profiling instrument packages
Autonomous Driving: Planning, Control Other Topics
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Case Studies 26 Page 27. Autonomous Driving: Planning 27 ✦Route Planning ✦Behavior Planning ✦Motion Planning Page 28. Mission Planner (Route Planning) ✦ Determine the appropriate macro-level route to take ✦ Typically road level ie which roads to take
Design and validation of a surface profiling apparatus for agricultural terrain roughness measurements.
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tests were carried out in a harvested corn field and on an asphalt road rough terrain is profiled, the most accurate profile will be obtained by profiling the terrain as Research Program of Science and Technology at Universities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (NJZY20046
Study on the Privacy-Preserving Vehicular PKI in Autonomous Driving Environments
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Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication for autonomous driving is currently a focus of and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication has great potential to increase road and passenger such as distribution of wrong or forged messages, tracking and profiling of vehicles or
Autonomous underwater vehicles: Hybrid control of mission and motion
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HEALEY AND RB McGHEE Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Laboratory, Naval Postgraduate School, 700, Dyer Road , Monterey, CA Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 171 capabilities of the vehicle including coordination of the activation of a high frequency profiling sonar as
Dual Mode (Android OS) Autonomous Robotic Car
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Servo Motor When an object detect then its need to find out a road which REFERENCES Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Editors-in-Chief: R. Dillmann, R. Grupen, J. Ota LIDAR Profiling of Aerosols, Clouds, and Winds by Doppler and Non- Doppler Methods, NASA
Conductivity-temperature-depth profiling of the Columbia River mouth using Pacific Harbor Seals as sampling platforms
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Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Profiling of the Columbia River Mouth Using Pacific Harbor Seals J. Jeffries Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 7801 Phillips Road SW Lakewood study is to assess the feasibility of using pinnipeds as autonomous sampling platforms to
Toward Preserving User Privacy in Collected Visual Data of Autonomous Cars
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AH da Silva, M Naderpour of participants consider capturing images and continuous analysis to happen very likely in autonomous cars the processing of data is subject to GDPR if it leads to profiling , that is For example, the GPS coordi- nate records or the road signs directly indicate the location of the
Engineering of Safe Autonomous Vehicles through Seamless Integration of System Development and System Operation
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Page 3. Abstract Autonomous vehicles will share the road with human drivers within the next couple of years 18 Levels of Automation for Road Vehicles . . 21 2.1.5. Functional Architecture of Autonomous Vehicle Systems . . 24
Cybersecurity in Autonomous Vehicles
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This technology will help autonomous cars detect vulnerable road users Fig Every VRU would be recognized and road sensors would transmit their information to vehicles around The profiling module includes various features which are trained off-line
Traffic Flow of Autonomous Vehicles
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As far as we know, no work has been done regarding traffic flow of AVs in a road with AVs alone. Looking at the future of traffic, when all cars on the road will be autonomous , would we be able to prevent traffic congestions Would we always have a continuous flow of vehicles
A Review and Inventory of Fixed Autonomous Recorders for Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals.
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of Fixed Autonomous Recorders for Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals Renata S. Sousa-Lima, 5 Thomas F. Norris,3 Julie N. Oswald, 4 and Deborah P. Fernandes5 1Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road
RSSI and Public Key Infrastructure based Secure Communication in Autonomous Vehicular Networks
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CONCLUSION In conclusion, a conceptual framework is proposed for autonomous VANET system to With road side unit and public key infrastructure, security of the message will An intrusion detection scheme for driverless vehicles based gyroscope sensor profiling , in 2017
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amendments, as well as, user responsibilities and liabilities are needed for profiling issues to to the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic and the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic. The most noteworthy emphasis is on autonomous vehicles being operated by a human without
Obstacle detection and object size measurement for autonomous mobile robot using sensor
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this program are to drive autonomously with 10mph, detect obstacles on the road and avoid both in terms of economically and computationally, that will allow an autonomous robot to LIDAR Profiling of Aerosols, Clouds, and Winds by Doppler and Non-Doppler Methods, NASA
CRISPR RNA-guided autonomous delivery of Cas9
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1b,c and Supplementary Video 1). These interactions coincide with a reduction in Cas9 flexibility and a substantial reduction in non-sequence-specific CRISPR RNA-guided autonomous delivery of Cas9 Fig. 3 | Cas9 for autonomous delivery of diverse effectors
A survey of autonomous vehicles in scientific applications
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Autonomous Underwater Vehicles are unmanned and self-propelled vehicles that are most done to geoscience applications, such as seabed mapping and sub bottom profiling INDEX / I2OR / SCIENCE LIBRARY INDEX / Google Scholar / Academic Keys / ROAD Open Access
The Trend of Visual Perception in Autonomous Driving with Patent Analysis Method
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4 CA3000014A1 Spatial profiling system and method BARAJA PTY LTD,NEW SOUTH WALES,AU S found that many of them have an amount of citation by autonomous car technology. In the Information cluster, the terms are road inforamations and the interaction between rad
Ice Profiling Sonar for an AUV: An approach for obtaining SCICEX quality ice draft data
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Ice Profiling Sonar for an AUV: An approach for obtaining SCICEX quality ice draft Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) 7700 Sandholdt Road , Moss Landing, CA 95039 performance in the Arctic, this should be possible using an autonomous underwater vehicle
Autonomous Profiler Measurements of the Air-Sea Interface in Very High Sea States
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4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Autonomous Profiler Measurements of the Air-Sea Interface in Very High Sea States of air-sea interaction measurements in extreme environmental conditions is based on the addition of a few, low-cost instruments integrated into profiling SOLO floats
Industrial autonomous vehicle project report
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D. Raviv, Florida Atlantic University and M. Herman, NIST demonstrated vision-based autonomous road following in the laboratory using optical-flow-based theory and generating motion commands directly from a visual feature or cue, consisting of the projection into the
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Hole, MA 0254 United States, (4) Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, 7700 Sandholdt Road , Moss Landing Platforms and Sensors meeting, we seek to outline the advances made in oxygen sensors on autonomous vehicles and The profiling
Profiling systems using the defining characteristics of systems of systems (SoS)
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Profiling Systems Using the Defining Each of these definitions is based on a subset of the following characteristics: autonomous subsys- tems, complexity, criticality, evolution, external coupling, geographical distribution, governance, heterogeneity, internal coupling, negative
The Method of Synchronization Control in Landborne Pavement Profiling System
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uniform time datum (UTC) and spatial datum (WGS84), and road linear reference 1 Introduction Landborne pavement profiling system (LPPS) is important equipment for in other mobile measuring systems, for example, mobile environment surveillance, autonomous vehicle, etc
Through the Handoff Lens: Are Autonomous Vehicles No-Win for Users
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greater costs on users, without the need to employ human drivers. While autonomous vehicles might dramatically reduce road accidents, they might also undermine public mass transit systems which are historically safer, more economical, and environmentally friendly
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sampling System
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1. REPORT DATE 30 2011 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00-00-2011 to 00-00-2011 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sampling System Zaneveld, JRV, E. Boss and CM Moore, A Diver Operated Optical and Physical Profiling System
Distributed reflective architectures for anomaly detection and autonomous recovery
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ANOMALY DETECTION AND AUTONOMOUS RECOVERY by Page 2. Abstract In a hostile environment, an autonomous system requires a reflective capability to detect problems in its own operation and recover from them without external intervention
Observations of the Kuroshio Extension by an Autonomous Microstructure Float
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by an Autonomous Across the Kuroshio Extension Front, where two profiling floats were deployed, temperature, salinity, and current velocity were Contact: Executive Director, ICPO First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, 6 Xianxialing Road , Laoshan District, Qingdao 266061
Autonomous aerial sensors for wind power meteorology-a pre-project
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Autonomous Aerial Sensors, ie meteorological sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Systems UAS, can characterise the atmospheric flow in and 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Platforms for atmospheric wind profiling 10 Masts and towers 10 Radiosondes 11 Tethered balloon systems
Roboat: An Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Urban Waterways
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employed a profiling sonar in shallow Autonomous obstacle avoidance experiments are presented in Section IV As mentioned previously, localization for USVs in urban waterways is more challenging than for traditional USVs on open water and driverless cars on the road
Concrete paving productivity improvement using a multi-task autonomous robot
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Laser profiling sensors can also be placed in front of the paver to ensure that there is enough concrete on the ground to continue moving the paver A Novel Approach for Road Construction Using an Automated Paving Robot Fully Autonomous Robot for Paving Operations