crime detection system
Resilient identity crime detection
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It also needs to ignore redundant attributes which have many missing values, and other issues. 1.2 Existing Identity Crime Detection System There are nondata mining layers of defence to protect against credit application fraud, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses
PerpSearch: an integrated crime detection system
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Information technologies such as data mining and social network analysis have been widely used in law enforcement to solve crimes. Recent research indicates that geographic profiling also plays an important role in facilitating the investigation of crimes. However, lack of
Internet of things for smart crime detection
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In this paper, we present the design of IoT based smart crime detection system . The proposed system is able to detect crimes in real-time by analyzing the human emotions In this paper, we present the design of IoT based smart crime detection system
Violent crime detection system
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The violence is one of the problems of our society. Violence prevention requires violence detection first, which needs a lot of human resources, and therefore it cannot be done instantly and ubiquitously. With the development of technologies it became possible to Our system will be able to quickly identify and assess criminal activity which will in turn reduce workloads on the supervising officials. When implemented across smart city infrastructure it will allow for a efficient and adaptable crime detection system . I. INTRODUCTION
ATM crime detection using image processing integrated video surveillance: a systematic review
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Integrating image processing in video surveillance systems is a challenging task that has been attempted for the past several decades. Despite being susceptible to crime, automated teller machine
Crime detection using text recognition and face recognition
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vehicles. Many a times there is no identification of the person who was involved in criminal activities. To avoid such situation, we have proposed an effective crime detection system using Text and Face recognition technique. Such
Adaptive algorithm for cyber crime detection
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M Kaur, S Vashisht, K Saurabh International Journal of Computer Citeseer The main objective of this paper is to construct an efficient cyber crime detection system which is adaptive to the behavior changes by combining the data mining techniques. The proposed system is a two stage cyber crime detection
Crime detection and prevention using social network analysis
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6.1. Fuzzy Rules (Canonical form) A fuzzy rule base R governing the crime detection system are given below: Rule 1: Rule 2 6.5. Fuzzy Rules base governing the crime detection (Canonical form) A fuzzy rule base R governing the crime detection system are given below
Financial discussion boards irregularities detection system (fdbs-ids) using information extraction
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unaffordable. This research highlights the importance and the need of an automated crime detection system on FDBs, such as FDBs-IDS which could be used and thus tackle potential criminal activities on the internet. Keywords
Detecting cyber crime by analyzing users data
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The main objective of this paper is to construct an efficient cyber crime detection system which is adaptive to the behavior changes of the user and the data. This paper presents a security application which is a two stage cyberIn recent years, the number of online crimes (eg, the various emerging scams and criminal schemes) has increased. Online crime suspects utilize the anonymous nature of web to disguise their identity through various methods and evade detection and surveillance from
Factex: A Practical Approach to Crime Detection
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Effective tracking of vehicles and criminals is still a big problem and involves plenty of resources. To evade such a condition, we have proposed a machine learning-based practical crime detection system using the text and face recognition techniques In order to speed up the detection of cybercrime worldwide, a new cross-border cybercrime detection system is designed by introducing the PSE theory and the principle of big data analysis. In the TFTP server, the U-boot network development board and OpenStack crime
Recognizing and Converting Cockney Rhyming Slang for Cyberbullying and Crime Detection
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casual English sentences. Finally, we process the obtained output and verify usability of the modules in cyberbullying and crime detection system . 収録刊行物. Proceedings of Language Sense on Computers IJCAI Workshop
Methods and systems for detection of financial crime
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an embodiment of the present disclosure; FIG. 2 is a block diagram that schematically illustrates a financial crime detection system in accordance with an embodiment of the present disclosure; and. FIG. 3 is a flow diagram that
Recognizing and converting cockney rhyming slang for cyberbullying and crime detection
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Finally, we process the obtained output and verify usability of the modules in cyberbullying and crime detection system . 1 Introduction Electronic communication has changed the way we communicate. In this sense it also changed the way we live in generalSystems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. pp. 2848-285 1998. Li Ding et al., PerpSearch: an integrated crime detection system IEEE 161-163 ISI 200 June 8-1 200 Richardson, TX, USA. K. Zakhir Hussain, M
Can CCTV reliably detect gun crime
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Page 1. CAN CCTV RELIABLY DETECT GUN CRIME lain Darker, Applied Vision Research Centre, University of Loughborough, Loughborough, LE11 3UZ, UK. Alastair Gale, Applied Vision Research Centre, University of Loughborough, Loughborough, LE11 3UZ, UK
Multilayered Approach for Identity Crime Detection system
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Identity crime is well known, prevalent, and costly, and credit application scam is a specific case of identity crime. The methods communal detection (CD) and spike detection (SD) are unsupervised algorithms. CD finds real social relationships to reduce the suspicion score incidents. In Crime Detection System developed to discover a new relationship between offenders and communities using Arabic investigation document and visualize the results to assist crime data analysis. Sharma V. et al
A complete survey on application of frequent pattern mining and association rule mining on crime pattern mining
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Page 1. D.Usha et al., International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 3(4), April 201 264 275 264 A Complete Survey on application of Frequent Pattern Mining and Association Rule Mining on Crime Pattern MiningThe existing toll booth system is time consuming. The theft vehicle detection system is also not working properly. Since the number plate of theft vehicle can be removed from the vehicle or it can be replace by other number plate, It makes very difficult to detect the theft
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This study utilized biometric fingerprint recognition and Global system for Mobile Communication (GSM) Short Message Service (SMS) to identify military armoury users and alert possible intrusion to take arms without authorization respectively. This is aimed at
Adaptive communal detection in search of adversarial identity crime
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3.1 Business Viewpoint Figure 1: Overall view of important stages in a real-time, stream processing identity crime detection system 3.1.1 Stage 1 With reference to Figure fraudster(s) possibly submit some applications to gain illegal access to credit. At the same time Byun et al. presented the design of IoT based smart crime detection system . Proposed system consists of modules for sensing and recording of emotions, crime prediction, visualization and detection. For monitoring purpose, proposed system uses CCTV cameras Page 1. ICICES2014 SAEngineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India ISBN No.978-1-4799-3834-6/14/$31.00 IEEE Data stream mining based resilient identity fraudulent detection V. Mareeswari# S.Sundareswari*2 IT Department# CSE Department cyber crimes. Therefore, incorporating machine learning techniques such as classification and clustering into our framework can help to build a cyber crime detection system and prediction of cyber attacks annually. ExistingJ. Han, and M. Kamber, Data mining: concepts and techniques, Jim Gray, Series Editor Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, August 2000. L. Ding et al., PrepSearch: an integrated crime detection system IEEE 161-163 ISI 200 June 8-1 200 Richardson, TX, USA
Intelligent responsive indoor system (IRIS): A Potential shoplifter security alert system
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Based on the authors knowledge, Malaysia does not have any specific Pre- crime detection system for a specific shop but the standard practice by shopkeepers is to utilise CCTV. Generally, almost all small shops use CCTVs as their security measure
IAA (Internet access account) based security modal for detection and prevention of cyber crime
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This will lead failure of Cyber Crime Tracking System, and create problem of Owner. Cyber Crime detection system mainly works on (a) Entity Extraction: Entity extraction identifies particular patterns from data such as text, images, or audio materials
Temporal and Spatial Crime Hotspot Verdict
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SRITHA ZITH DEY BABU, DIGVIJAY PANDEY, ISMAIL SHEIK, AN OVERVIEW OF A CRIME DETECTION SYSTEM USING THE ART OF DATA MINING, IJIERT International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, Volume Issue ISSN: 2394-3696
A study on intelligent security camera for crime scene detection
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However, taking action relevantly is only possible when the crime scenes are monitored manually. Thus, if we can de- velop an automatic crime detection system using video streams, it will be very effective for crime prevention at anytime and anywhere. 3 Feature Extraction System consists of main three components including Input processing model, Single frame representation model and Activity recognition model. In September 201 Dorogyy introduced a violent crime detection system
Cyber Crime Detection and Control Using the Cyber User Identification Model
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This will ease further investigation and possible prosecution of the criminals. If the Cyber User Identification and Crime Detection System (CUICDS) designed in this study is put into use, it will scare cyber users from indulging in criminal acts
Predicting of Crime Detection Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm
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IV. METHODOLOGY A. Design of Crime Detection System Start Insert Crime Process Insert Crime Name D a ta b a se Process Analysis View View by City View by Date View by Crime Analysis by Crime Type Analysis by Gender Rate Fig. 1 Design of Crime Detection System
The use of formal methods to describe a financial crime analytics model
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practices has on global financial systems. By applying formal methods to financial crime detection system documentation, we should be able to enforce a stronger defence against malicious behaviours by both understanding software better and ensuring that
Automatic video surveillance for theft detection in ATM machines: An enhanced approach
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Although several researches are going on in the field of ATM crime detection, however the utilization of the crime detection system is scarcely observed due to lack of efficiency and processing in the existing crime detection systems
Data Mining in Crime Control A Critical Analysis
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To revive the old traditional system, use of Information and communication Technology (ICT), Data Mining (DM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs to be adopted. Crime detection system of the Indian Police is far behind from the advanced countries
A data mining with hybrid approach based transaction risk score generation model (TRSGM) for fraud detection of online financial transaction
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Developing a financial cyber crime detection system is a challenging task To the best of our knowledge, this is first ever attempt to develop financial cyber crime detection system using hybrid approach like data mining, statistics and artificial intelligence