digital to analog converter
converts a digital signal into an analog signal. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) are very important components in electronic equipment. Since most real world signals are analog, these two converting interfaces are necessary to allow digital electronic equipments to process the analog signals. Precision DACs High-speed DACs High-speed, high-performance DACs for wide-bandwidth systems
Evaluating high speed DAC performance
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Unlike an ADC which requires an FFT processor to evaluate spectral purity, a DAC produces an analog output which can be examined directly using a traditional analog spectrum analyzer. A challenge in DAC evaluation is generating the digital input that can range from a
Comparison of DacElisa and Dot-Blot-Elisa for the detection of Cucumber mosaic and Banana streak viruses infecting banana
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the details of direct antigen coating ( DAC )-ELISA and Dot- blot-ELISA for the detection of banana streak badnavirus (BSV) and cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) in banana leaf and pseudostem tissues. Suckers were collected from
Practical telecom DAC testing
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Telecommunication applications require high linearity and high bandwidth. A desirable direct conversion radio transmitter, for example, could consist of a DSP processor feeding matched quadrature DACs, followed by a quadrature up-conversion to RF. Ignoring many practical
DAC static parameter specifications-some critical notes
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Abstract-In this paper DAC static parameter definitions are evaluated highlighting their differences and similarities. Great attention has been paid to the most commonly used specifications. As a result of this analysis a unique set of DAC specifications is proposed
A self-calibrating current-steering 12-bit DAC based on new 1-bit selftest scheme
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Abstract-This paper presents a self-test self-correction scheme for segmented current steering (CS) DACs. Prior art is critically analyzed. The new scheme improves the DAC linearity by improving the accuracy of the thermometer current sources. The algorithm, which
The Developmental Effectiveness of Untied Aid: Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration and of the 2001 DAC Recommendation on Untying
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Summary This report presents the results of Phase I of a thematic study being undertaken to assess the effectiveness of untied aid. The study is in response to the proposals of the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness and the DAC Network on Development Evaluation and
Low-Distortion Single-Tone and Two-Tone Sinewave Generation Using Σ DAC
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Low-Distortion Single-Tone and Two-Tone Sinewave Generation Using DAC
Component and measurement advances ensure 16-bit DAC settling time
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Instrumentation, waveform generation, data acquisition, feedback control systems and other application areas are beginning to utilize 16-bit data converters. More specifically, 16-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) have seen increasing use. New components (see
A floating-gate trimmable high-resolution DAC in standard 0.25m CMOS
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Abstract We have built a 14-bit digital-to-analog converter ( DAC ) in a standard 0.25m digital CMOS process. We use analog values stored on floating-gate p-channel MOSFETs to trim the DAC linearity. Because the storage is nonvolatile, we eliminate the need for Abstract Second-order XA DACs employing multistage (MASH) and multi-loop structures have been designed and implemented in a 1.2 pm double-polyldouble-metal CMOS process, employing dynamic element matching techniques. The testing results showed that
Statistical reporting by the BillMelinda Gates Foundation to the OECD DAC
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This year, for the first time, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC ) includes in its aid data grants made by the BillMelinda Gates Foundation in support to global health. The Gates Foundation
Draft Background paper on methodology DAC study on capacities, change and performance
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1.1. The European Center for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) located in Maastricht, The Netherlands, is currently conducting an applied research study under the auspices of the Development Assistance Committee ( DAC ) of the Organization for Economic
Comparative analysis of different acquisition techniques applied to static and dynamic characterization of high resolution DAC
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Abstract-Two acquisition techniques pointed out for the static and dynamic test of high resolution DAC by low resolution ADC are analyzed and compared. These two techniques differ on the basis of the specific approximated evaluation of the DAC output voltage. The
The non DAC Donordata availability index
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What are the data gaps in the Non DAC donoraid data generated through AidData initiative For the purpose of analysis the data gap is defined as the lack of data for a particular Non DAC donor with specific type of information
Bit Current Steering DAC
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Binary Weighted DACs: These DACs consist of either current sources or resistors for each bit. These elements are connected to a summing point which provides the output.R2R Ladder DACs: These DACs consist of a structure of resistor values which can be closely
Calculated bandwidth dependent DGS and DAC curves for phased array sizing
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Abstract Angle beam probes, single element or phased array, based on the trueDGS technology have a fully modelled special transducer shape generating rotational symmetric sound fields. These probes reach an up to date unachieved DGS accuracy for angle beam
Supporting Partner Country Ownership and Capacity in Development Evaluation. The OECD DAC Evaluation Network
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In the context of ongoing implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and a growing desire to improve development outcomes through better aid management and mutual accountability for results, donors and partners are working together to cultivate
Reduction of influence of finite resolution of feedback DAC on intelligent cyclic ADC performance using digital dither
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AbstractThe paper presents a new method of employing dither for additional improvement of the intelligent cyclic A/D converters (IC ADCs) performance. The proposed dithering method is based on the adding a digital dither signal to the signal at the input of the
The 20-bit DAC is the easiest part of a 1-ppm-accurate precision voltage source
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Over time, the definition of what constitutes a precision integratedcircuit DAC has changed rapidly as semiconductor processing and on-chip calibration technologies have advanced. Once, highprecision 12-bit DACs were considered to be hard to achieve; in recent years, 16-
DDS-Based Clock Jitter Performance vs. DAC Reconstruction Filter Performance
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Rev. 0 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use.
Uncertainty evaluation of DAC time response parameters
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Abstract-The paper proposes a novel approach to evaluate the measurement uncertainty of time domain dynamic parameters in Digital to Analog Converters (DACs). In particular, DAC rise time and fall time are taken into account and analyzed experimentally by means of
A VisionThing Debate and Difference within the OECD DAC Poverty Network Approaches to Social Protection
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Voipio explains this difference in approach partly in organisational terms. He suggests that for large agencies like the World Bank, the EU, DFID and the ILO, the comprehensive approach espoused by the Nordic countries may appear confusingly broadbecause they
study the developmental effectiveness of untied aid: Evaluation of the implementation of the Paris Declaration and of the 2001 DAC recommendation on untying
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In the 2008 Phase I study The Developmental Effectiveness of Untied Aid, it was found that aid to LDCs is now overwhelmingly untied (excluding exempt categories, technical cooperation and food aid). However, it was also found that there existed very little formal
A 12-Bit 1-Gsample/s Nyquist Current-Steering DAC in 0.35m CMOS for Wireless Transmitter
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Abstract The present work deals with 12-bit Nyquist current-steering CMOS digital-to-analog converter ( DAC ) which is an essential part in baseband section of wireless transmitter circuits. Using oversampling ratio (OSR) for the proposed DAC leads to avoid use of an
Basic DAC Architectures I: String DACs and Thermometer (Fully Decoded) DACs
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Rather than simply treating DACs as black boxes having a digital input and an analog output, it is much more useful to understand the fundamental DAC architectures in use today. This can also aid in the selection process which can be somewhat daunting
An MSB-first monotonic switched capacitor serial DAC
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Abstract-A DAC using switched capacitor integrator is presented. For an N-bit digital input sequence, the proposed DAC starts conversion with the MSB and takes N cycles to finish conversion. The DAC samples the reference voltage only once and transfers
A Multi-bit/Cycle 12-bit Cyclic DAC for TFT-LCD Column Drivers
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ABSTRACT A 12-bit cyclic DAC with multi-bit conversion per cycle architecture is proposed. Passive conversion has been used for low power high speed conversion. 12-bit conversion is done within 1.5s and the output is driven during the rest of 1-H time. Switched-capacitor
Design and Calibration of a 12-bit Current-steering DAC Using Data-interleaving
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ABSTRACT High speed current-steering DACs with high linearity are needed in today applications such as wired and wireless communications, instrumentation, radar, and other direct digital synthesis (DDS) applications. However, a trade-off exists between the speed
Basic DAC Architectures II: Binary DACs
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While the string DAC and thermometer DAC architectures are by far the simplest, they are certainly not the most efficient when high resolutions are required. Binary-weighted DACs utilize one switch per bit and were first developed in the 1920s (see References 1, 2, and 3).
Design and optimization on the interior DAC of SAR ADC
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Abstract. DAC is an important module within the SAR ADC, innovation design on DAC structure to ensure the accuracy of components is the key component to improve the performance of SAR ADC. Based on the comprehensive analysis on some kinds of DAC
Security assurance for a resource-based RBAC/ DAC /MAC security model
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Research and development for access control of data and databases has evolved into three approaches: mandatory access control (MAC), discretionary access control ( DAC ), and role- based access control (RBAC). The MAC approach is based on security classification of
Implementation of high resolution DAC test station: A contribution to draft standard IEEE P1658
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AbstractThe paper deals with the implementation of a measurement station for the test of high resolution of Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs). The basic idea relies on the employment of a differential amplifier that provides a signal related to the difference between
A maximum likelihood estimator for ADC and DAC linearity testing
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Abstract-The paper illustrates a method for simultaneous ADC and DAC linearity testing in a loop-back scheme. The main features of the method are:(i) it is statistically nearly optimal, being based on a maximum likelihood estimator;(ii) it does not require prior knowledge