dll delay locked loop
Design of noise-robust clock and data recovery using an adaptive-bandwidth mixed PLL/ DLL
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Abstract As the continuing technology scaling keeps increasing the maximum on-chip clock frequency, the demand for the high-speed link that bridges the faster on-chip world and slower off-chip world is rapidly growing. The challenges are stronger than before with more
Analysis of DLL Jitter Affected by Power Supply Noise on Power Distribution Network
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AbstractIn this paper, we analyze a noise-to-jitter transfer function on DLL (Delay Locked Loop) considering power supply noise effects on PDN (Power Distribution Network). Noise- tojitter transfer function of DLL circuit can be estimated by using single-tone power supply
Analog DLLbased period synthesis circuit
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Abstrucf-An indirect analog period synthesis circuit, which can generate a target period from a reference period, is presented. It uses analog switches and an analog delay-locked loop ( DLL ) to generate a fractions1 ratio of the input clock. This circuit has been implemented in
All-digital dll architecture and applications
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Abstract An improved architecture for all digital Delay Locked Loop (ADDLL) had been developed and implemented for several applications and design methodologies. In most cases it can be based on standard cells only. Several techniques are used to minimize the
Characterisation of Ionosphere Scintillations PLL and DLL Errors at receiver level
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Abstract This paper presents an analysis of loss of lock probabilities and positioning errors obtained at equatorial regions due to scintillations on GPS links. This analysis has been conducted with help of a numerical scintillation model. Some elements of comparisons with
Non-mononotonical behaviour of reaction diffusion front width. Simulation studies in frame of dynamic lattice liquid ( DLL ) model
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Investigations of anomalous behaviour of the reaction diffusion front for A+ B→ 2C (inert) and A+ B→ CC processes are presented. Computer simulation studies were performed using the model of dynamic lattice liquid ( DLL ) for both two-and three-dimensional cases.
A CDR with digital threshold decision technique and a cyclic reference injected DLL frequency multiplier with a period error compensation loop
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Abstract This dissertation proposes a CDR with a digital-threshold decision technique which enables high jitter tolerance performance, fast acquisition, low complexity and low power consumption, and a cyclic reference-injected, programmable DLL based frequency
Low-noise local oscillator design techniques using a DLLbased frequency multiplier for wireless applications
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Page 1. Low-Noise Local Oscillator Design Techniques using a DLLbased Frequency Multiplier for Wireless Applications
Reflective DLL injection
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Under the Windows platform, library injection techniques both local and remote have been around for many years. Remote library injection as an exploitation technique was introduced in 2004 by Skape and JT. Their technique employs shellcode to patch the host processes
First report on an adaptive density based branching rule for DLLlike SAT solvers, using a database for mixed random conjunctive normal forms created using
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Abstract We introduce an adaptive density-based heuristics hA for a given ( DLLlike, otherwise arbitrary) SAT solver A, leading to a (hopefully) improved SAT solver A0. The determination of hA is motivated by a generalised threshold conjecture for random formulas,
Using a DLL to filter time
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Abstract A new mechanism to obtain an accurate mapping between samples and system time was recently introduced into JACK1. It is based on a the use of a Delay Locked Loop ( DLL ). This paper discusses the problem that was solved, and introduces the reader to the
GoldSim Dynamic-Link Library ( DLL ) Interface for Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP) Code Integration 11444
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ABSTRACT The Cementitious Barriers Partnership (CBP) Project is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional collaboration supported by the United States Department of Energy (US DOE) Office of Waste Processing. The objective of the CBP project is to develop a set of
DLL Side-Loading: A Thorn in the Side of the Anti-Virus (AV) Industry
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Page 1. SESSION ID: DLL Side-Loading: A Thorn in the Side of the Anti-Virus (AV) Industry HTA-W04A Amanda Stewart Malware Research Engineer Fireeye Page 2. #RSAC Overview What is DLL Side-loadingAPT using the techniqueHow to recognize itHow to avoid
Resolution proofs and DLLalgorithms with clause learning
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Abstract This thesis analyzes the connections between resolution proofs and satisfiability search procedures. It is well known that DLL search algorithms that do not use learning are equivalent to tree-like resolution in terms of proof complexity. To generalize this result to DLL
A dual-edge triggered phase detector for fast-lock DLL
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Abstract:- DLL is used as a clock generator due to its stable operation and relatively simple design. Analog DLL has the advantages of lower phase offset and lower clock jitter than digital DLL . However, locking speed is slow in analog DLL . This paper proposes a dual
A high-resolution dual-loop digital DLL
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( DLL ) using a hybrid (binary+ sequential) search algorithm is presented to achieve both wide-range operation and high delay resolution. A new phaseinterpolation range selector (PIRS) and a variable successive approximation register (VSAR) algorithm are adopted to
Development of Program Package for Thermophysical Properties of Fluids: PROPATH-Availabilities of Dynamic Link Library ( DLL ) in Windows Applications
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Page 1. Development of Program Package for Thermophysical Properties of Fluids: PROPATH Availabilities of Dynamic Link Library ( DLL ) in Windows Applications T. YamaguchiC,S Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan tomo@net.nagasaki-u.ac.jp R. Akasaka Kyushu Lutheran
Comparative analysis of operational malware dynamic link library ( dll ) injection live response vs. memory image
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Abstract: One advanced tactic used to deliver a malware payload to a target operating system is Dynamic Link Library ( DLL ) injection, which has the capabilities to bypass many security settings. In cases of compromise involving DLL injection, volatile memory contains
Mathematical Model of Non-Coherent- DLL Discriminator Output and Multipath Envelope Error for BOC (, β) Modulated Signals
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ABSTRACT In this paper we propose the derivation of the expressions for the non-coherent Delay Locked Loop ( DLL ) Discriminator Curve (DC) in the absence and presence of Multipath (MP). Also derived, are the expressions of MP tracking errors in non-coherent
Modern Approaches to Digital Learning: DLL projectresults
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This publication is a collection of articles based on the research results of the Digital Learning Lab ( DLL ) project. The DLL research project is a joint project of HAMK University of Applied Sciences and University of Tampere. DLL commenced in 2004 and was completed
MARS- DLL Model Development for the JRTR Simulator Application by using the MARS Interactive Controls Capability
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The plant simulator is an important application instrument that whole nuclear power plant operation situations are conducted with a reality. The power plant situations include normal operation, non-accidental transient, and even break accident conditions. For the training
High Accurancy Self-Configurable DLL by Frequency Range
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AbstractAn architecture of Self-configurable Delay-Locked Loop (SCDLL) by frequency range presented in this paper. The proposed architecture produces different phases of clock signal for the different frequencies in the output of DLL over PVT, which is needed to avoid
A low-jitter DLLbased clock generator with two negative feedback loops
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AbstractThis letter proposes a low-jitter DLLbased clock generator with two negative feedback loops. The main negative feedback loops suppress the jitter of DLL . The additional negative feedback loops suppress the delay-time variance of each delay stages. Both two
An Ultra-Low Power Harmonic-Free Multiphase DLL Usinga Frequency-Estimation Selector
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AbstractThis paper presents an all-digital multiphase delay-locked loop (ADMDLL) for wide-locking range and micro-power applications. To enhance locking range and locking speed of the ADMDLL, we proposed the adaptive successive approximation register-
Design and Simulation of DLL with Double Edge Synchronization in 0.13mCMOS Technology
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AbstractThis paper describes a wide-range, low-power and low-jitter delay-locked loop ( DLL ) with double edge synchronization which is mainly used in clock alignment process. Double edge synchronization method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Using
An asynchronous data recovery/retransmission technique with foreground DLL calibration
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ABSTRACT A new technique for asynchronous data recovery based upon using a delay line in the incoming data path is introduced. The proposed data recovery system is well suited for tight tolerance channels and coding systems supporting standards that limit the maximum
A Fast-Lock Low-Jitter DLL with Double Edge Synchronization in 0.18m CMOS Technology
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ABSTRACT Aims: This paper describes a fast-lock, low-power, low-jitter and good duty-cycle correction capability delay locked loop with double edge synchronization which is mainly used in clock alignment process. A clock alignertask is to phase-align a chip internal clock
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An all-digital delay-locked loop ( DLL ) suitable for implementation in the programmable logic device (PLD) is presented in this paper. Analog parts of the conventional DLL are realized by digital circuitry. Digital-controlled delay line (DCDL) is made of programmable digital-
Weak Resolution Trees with Lemmas-Resolution Refinements that Characterize DLLAlgorithms with Clause Learning
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(WRTL) and with input lemmas (WRTI) are introduced. Dag-like resolution is equivalent to both WRTL and WRTI when there is no regularity condition. For regular proofs, an exponential separation between regular dag-like resolution and both regular WRTL and
DLLbased Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizers
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Abstract Fractional-N phase locked loops (PLLs), widely used for clock/frequency generation in communication/digital systems, offer a frequency resolution tighter than their reference frequency. This work introduces an alternative delay locked loop ( DLL ) based fractional-N
A GAUSS/ DLL Implementation of Alan GenzFortran Packages for Computing Multivariate t CDF
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MVT is a GAUSS library for computing multivariate t cdf. It is based on the Fortran packages mvt.f and mvtdstpack.f written by Alan Genz. The Fortran source code is available from his web pageThe Fortran packages contain different subroutines to compute t-probabilities. The
Delay-Locked Loops 5. All-Digital DLL and Low-Power DLL
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Page 1. Delay-Locked Loops 5. All-Digital DLL and Low-Power DLL Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Seoul National Univ. Woorham Bae wrbae@isdl.snu.ac. kr Page 2. 2015 CONFIDENTIAL 2 All-Digital DLL All components provide digital interface
Universal DLL based components for simulations of multiphysical electro-thermal systems
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Abstract. This paper presents the procedures for universal models preparation of components and devices that can be used in various simulation software environments that can be used for electro-thermal systems analysis. Such approach is applicable for
ET_CSDLL: A DLL for the Computation of Reference and Crop 1 Evapotranspiration 2
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ET_CSDLL is a MS Windows library containing routines to estimate reference crop 5 evapotranspiration (ET0) following the guidelines of the FAO Irrigation and Drainage 6 Paper No. 56 for implementing the Penman-Monteith (PM) equation. In addition, the 7
Delay-Locked Loops 3. Clock Multiplying DLL
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Page 1. Delay-Locked Loops 3. Clock Multiplying DLL Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Seoul National Univ. Woorham Bae wrbae@isdl.snu.ac.kr Page 2. 2015 CONFIDENTIAL 2 DLL as a Frequency Multiplier In Lecture 1, It is difficult to generate different
Design and Implementation of Fast Locking and Harmonic Free in Multiphase Digital DLLRobust to Process Variations
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Abstract: An ADMDLL (All Digital Multiphase Delay Locked Loop) with Harmonic free, Low power, Low Jitter and Immune to SSN features are presented. Harmonic Free and Immune to SSN of the proposed ADMDLL are achieved by implementing a Narrow-Wide Coarse AbstractA CMOS active diode rectifier with voltage-time conversion (VTC) delay locked- loop ( DLL ) circuit is proposed to achieve zero-voltage switching (ZVS) operation for an efficient wireless power transmission system. The proposed VTC DLL can achieve stable
Dual Edge Triggered Phase Detector for DLL and PLL Applications
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Abstract An ASIC design of Dual Edge Triggered Phase Detector (DET PD) for Delay locked loop ( DLL ) and Phase locked loop (PLL) applications is proposed in this paper. The proposed DET PD has high locking speed and less jitter. The designs are based on TSPC
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ABSTRACT Sensitivity analyses were performed on chemical mechanisms for the treatment of combustion flue gases with high-energy radiation. The sensitivity analysis of the radical production reactions showed that the radical concentrations did not depend strongly on most
lli# dll
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Abstract-The paper is devoted to the analysis of thermoelectric cooling phenomena in a pn semiconductor structure. The formulation of an adequate self-consistent theoretical model describing the effect is presented. The role of the recombination rate as a new source of heat
Writing DLL in Assembler for External Calling in Maple
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This article started from a posting in comp. soft-sys. maple newsgroup where I wrote: In general, such calculations as huge factorials mod p should be programmed directly in assembly. It is fairly easy and doesnt require much assembly knowledge-just a few
Design of process invariant Delay Lock Loop ( DLL ) ECE 6770-Final Report
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Abstract: Random device mismatch have a significant impact on the performance of analog circuits. This report discusses the design of a Delay Lock Loop ( DLL ) which is insensitive to process variation. The DLL is optimized for reduction in the variation of threshold voltage
A DLLbased reference-less CDR with ISI jitter reduction scheme for clock-embedded signaling in 65nm process
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Abstract-A DLLbased reference-less CDR for clock-embedded signaling in 65nm CMOS is presented. The proposed receiver operates in mixed mode and the supply voltage is 1.0 V. To save the channel for forwarded clock and eliminate the external reference, clock-
An Ultra Low Power DLL with Operating Range from 500 kHz, 117 nW to 166 MHz, 20 uW
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AbstractIn this paper, we describe an ultra low power DLL suitable for ultra low power applications such as multiple clock phase generation for ultra low power SoCs and pulse generation in low power timing schemes. The ADDLL features a current starved VCDL and
Design of Power Efficient Double Edge Triggered DLL Clock Generator
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ABSTRACT Low power is a big concern for any electronic device in the modern world. The Delay Locked Loop ( DLL ) clock generators play a vital role in clock generator circuits, due to the low jitter accumulation and stability in the output. The proposed Double Edge Triggering
Examining the Impact of Explicit Goal-Setting and Tracking on Student Achievement in the Diversity in Language and Learning ( DLL ) Program at Mary Lou
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When Proposition 203 passed in Arizona in 2000 it radically changed the instructional practices for English Language Learners (ELLs) by eliminating the ability to use native language instruction in classrooms and requiring schools to implement Structured English
A Low-Power and High-Speed Frequency Multiplier for DLLBased Clock Generator
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AbstractA low-power and high-speed frequency multiplier for a delay-locked loop-based clock generator is proposed to generate a multiplied clock with different range of frequencies. The modified edge combiner consumes low power and achieves a high-speed
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ABSTRACT The aim of delay-locked loop-based clock generator to generate a multiplied clock with a high frequency and wide frequency range. The proposed edge combiner achieves a high-speed and highly reliable operation using a hierarchical structure and an
fli-it 131134* l% dll 5% 01435; g llilb or} Biff-PE
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Abstract Nowadays, there are many situations which the conventional control system cant be applied any more (cg. nuclear waste disposal sites, radioactive laboratories, the deep ocean and the vacuum of the outer space). New control system must be considered such as
A DLL . Circuit Design with Precise Delay Coordination Method
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AbstractThis paper describes a novel DLL (delay locked loop) design with the delay coordination method. This design conists of a main DLL and a second DLL from each tap of the main DLL . The main loop generates a xed phase step which is the function of the
Design of Self Calibrated DLL Based Clock Generator Using Modified GDI Technique
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Abstract: This paper describes a low-jitter delay-locked loop ( DLL )-based clock generator for dynamic frequency scaling in the extendable instruction set computing (EISC) processor. The DLLbased clock generator provides the system clock with frequencies of the reference
Design of a Near Threshold Low Power DLL for Multiphase Clock Generation and Frequency Multiplication
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Abstract-In this paper we present an ultra low power all digital DLL operating near threshold voltage with lock in range of 80-200MHz. The DLL is immune to false locking problem and dithering around the lock point. Besides clock de-skewing and multiphase clock generation