Drone warfare
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that usually carries aircraft ordnance such as missiles, ATGMs, and/or bombs and is used for drone strikes.
Drone warfare : Blowback from the new American way of war
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Targeted killing by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), commonly known as drones, has become the central element of US counterterror operations in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, a safe haven for Taliban and al-Qaeda militants. Over
Terminator Planet: The first history of drone warfare -2050
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The first history of drone warfare , written as it happened. From the opening missile salvo in the skies over Afghanistan in 2001 to a secret strike in the Philippines early this year, or a future in which drones dogfight off the coast of Africa, Terminator Planet takes you to the front The world is in the midst of a revolutionary shift in warfare that will have profound implications for the future of international security. It is a transition away from traditional forms of combat that require humans to be physically present on the battlefield and toward a
Modern Drone Warfare : An Ethical Analysis
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The revelation of drone warfare presents an onslaught of new and never-before considered ethical issues. These aircraft are the equivalent of the robotic armies discussed in so many science fiction novels. While indeed drones do a great justice by protecting the lives of our
Assessing the debate on drone warfare
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The public view: British attitudes to drone warfare and targeted killing
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According to results, the British public is near evenly divided on whether drone strikes in countries like Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia are helping or hindering Western security. Roughly a third in each case say that drones have made the West more safe overall by
Targeted Killings: Does Drone Warfare Violate International Law
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Targeted killing has been heralded as one of the most effective methods for reducing the terrorist threat in the Middle East, yet its legality remains a point of controversy. At issue is the question of whether the United States is, or even can be, at war with al-Qaeda, as a
Lawful but Awful: The Moral Perils of Drone Warfare
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Writing at the Hill, a Washington political blog, Blank notes a tendency among those assessing conflicts like Gaza to count up the civilian casualties on both sides and to declare significant asymmetries as evidence of war crimes-which some have accused Israel of
The Diffusion of Drone Warfare Industrial, Infrastructural and Organizational Constraints
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Many scholars and policy-makers are concerned that the emergence of drone warfare a first step towards the robotics age will promote instability and conflict at the international level. This view is based on the shared assumption in IR that military hardware spreads easily
Predator Drone Strikes: 50 Civilians Are Killed For Every 1 Terrorist, and the CIA Only Wants to Up Drone Warfare
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While the 2012 presidential election racket focuses on gaffes, Romneys binders, and Big Bird, the CIA and the Pentagon are currently busy finding ways to increase their military power and influence around the globe. According to the Washington Post, CIA Director
Critical Reflections on the Reality of Drone Warfare : Thinking with Jean Baudrillard
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In order to enter symmetrical relations of force in a war, the two opposing sides need to have some balance in technology (and overall power). When such balance is not there in a war, eg like the Gulf War in the early 1990s, it transforms into, what Jean Baudrillard calls, a non
Lawnmowers in the Sky: the Turbulent Past and Uncertain Future of Drone Warfare
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For the past 15 years, the drone has become one of Americas premier tools of its counterterrorism campaign, being deployed to Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Libya, and Syria. It is seen as means of combating terrorism without putting boots on the ground. The use of
The Case for Drone Warfare
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One day in September 2000, United States Air Force special operations pilot Scott Swanson was flying a Predator drone around a mud-walled compound in Afghanistan when he saw on his video screen a tall man in white robes that happened to be the FBIs most wanted
Drones series, Part V. The biopolitics of drone warfare
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The current debate on armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, focuses mostly on legal implications and moral implications of their use. Issues such as civilian deaths, as well as the strategic implications and tactical advantages of drones are
Intervention Ghosts in the Machine: Drone Warfare will Haunt the Future
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How did the planet become a robotic hunting ground The grip of a single nation over the world is a fantasy as old as empire. But in the past decade the hubris of that dream of a global battlespace has slowly been materializing, first as shadow, then as spectacle. While
Modern drone warfare and the geographical scope of application of IHL: pushing the limits of territorial boundaries
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The waragainst international terrorism, but also the rapid development of new weapons technologies, has led to a change in the way that hostilities are conducted, especially in the last 10 to 20 years. The times where wars were fought as an inter-state conflict, with man-to
The next arms race A military ethical reflection on the effects of artificial superintelligence on drone warfare and American counterterrorism
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1 Transcendent Man is a documentary based on Kurzweils life and bestselling book The Singularity Is Near (2005), in which he discusses his expectations regarding intelligence greater than that of humans, namely an ASI although he does not refer to it as ASI
Drone Warfare
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Drone warfare, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles ( drones in public parlance) in military operations, goes back centuries, with heated discussions regarding the correct start date and relevant technological breakthroughs. Modern drones developed around the year 2000;
Predator Empire: Drone Warfare and Full Spectrum Dominance
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Lets start with the obvious: Ian GR Shaw has written a fascinating and theoretically rich book on drones and dronification. The book contains, in addition to a broad introduction and conclusion, five chapters offering a historical context for what Shaw sees as essential to the
John Kaag, Sarah Kreps, Drone Warfare
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The rapid technological development and proliferation of the unmanned aerial vehicle for only a few decades has changed the character of modern warfare . The book Drone Warfare deserves our particular attention by the mere fact that it raises relevant interdisciplinary