dsp digital signal processing 2021
FPGAs Dual-Port ROM-Based 8×8 Multiplier for Area Optimized Implementation of DSP Systems
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FPGAs block memory be programmed as a single or dual-port RAM/ROM module that leads to an area-efficient implementation of memory-based systems. In this contest, various works of carrying out an optimized implementation of simple to complex DSP systems onComputation and Communication are the two major requirements of any VLSI design unit. Many applications in Defense, Robotics, and Industrial Automation etc. demand a reconfigurable platform that incorporates high speed Computation and Communication. All
J- DSP Online Lab Exercise for Speech Signal Formant Estimation and Clustering
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Page 1. J- DSP Editor J- DSP Online Lab Exercise for Speech Signal Formant Estimation and Clustering April 2 Vivek Narayanaswamy, Andreas Spanias Final NSF IUSE Workshop Collaborative Research: Integrated Development of Scalable Mobile Multidisciplinary Modules Spectral analysis of heart rate fluctuations are commonly used as quantitative and non- invasive techniques for the study of short-term cardiovascular control functions. Such fluctuations contain key information relating to sympathetic and parasympathetic activity
Study on DSP architectures for Wireless Sensor Nodes
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Radio communication exhibits the highest energy consumption in wireless sensor nodes. Given their limited energy supply from batteries or scavenging, these nodes must trade data communication for on-the-node computation. But maintain an appropriate processing
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In most of the DSP (Digital Signal Processing) and multimedia communication applications the important operations are multiplication and accumulation. Real time signal processing requires a low power consumption, lower delay and highspeed MAC (Multiplier This paper describes a design flow used in an on-going implementation of a fixed-point DSP processor with variable word length. Based on the top-down design approach described in , we discuss the approach based on a sequence of models and stepwise refinements. The
Wireless Detector for Lung Sound Disorder Based on DSP TMS320C6416T Module
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Lung sound disorder can be one of the signs that indicate the human respiratory problems. The conventional stethoscope can be used to determine the imperfection of the lung; however, it only depends on the ability of hearing. When someones has problem of hearing
Array Multiplier and CIA based FIR Filter for DSP applications
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Abstract In Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter is one of the important applications in the context of Digital Signal Processing ( DSP ). The traditional FIR is designed using a number of the adders, multipliers which enlarge the
Education for Sustainable Development Barriers
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education. 2. Dominant Social Paradigm According to Milbrath (1989) un-sustainability, in all its manifestations, arises from the political, social and economic and systems of the dominant social paradigm ( DSP ). Critical realism
A Feasibility Study on Realizing General-purpose Technology Mapper for DSPs of FPGAs Using Exhaustive Search
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Abstract This paper proposes a technology map- ping algorithm applicable for arbitrary single-output tree-structure DSP block whose operation nodes have up to two fan-ins of FPGAs, based on an exhaustive search to find an optimal implementation of the given application
Study to Investigate the Hormone Analysis in Male Albino Rats under the Pharmacological Kinetics of Thimerosal
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These results demonstrated that thimerosal has strong effects on male sex hormones and their DSP and efficiency of DSP in adult albino rats Daily sperm production ( DSP ) = Y/6.3 Where, Y = Number of spermatozoa and spermatids found in homogenate
Digit Recognition using Spectrogram in JDSP
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Emerging applications in speech and computer vision necessitate its introduction at the undergraduate level DSP classes Growing interest and demand in both Page 3. ML in Undergraduate DSP classes We introduce ML concepts in DSP class through learning modules
SysMon GUI
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SysMonApp is an Android programme that interfaces with Q6s on (Appliation DSP )ADSP/( Computational DSP )CDSP/(Sensor DSP )SDSP subsystems over FastRPC and supports different user functions such as profiling Q6 workload, getting clock information, setting/removing
Cooperative Learning Method for Improving Learning-Outcome in Digital Signal Processing Course
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ABSTRACT Digital Signal Processing ( DSP ) is a mandatory course for students of the Electrical Engineering Department in Universitas Andalas This article is aimed at describing the implementation of cooperative learning method in DSP class
The Next Generation of Oral Contraception: Advances in Estrogens
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E in combination with the progestin drospirenone ( DSP ), has been extensively stud- ied over the past several years as a potential contraceptive option. [Editors note: an OC containing this combination was approved by the US FDA in April 2021]state and sensors increases. Hence to address the compu- tational complexity, digital signal processing ( DSP ) architectures are proposed and accelerated the algorithm to meet the real-time constraints. In the MSSKF algorithm
Creation of a Clinical Intake System and Corresponding Database to Explore Development and Medical Conditions of Individuals with Down syndrome
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The purpose of the clinical intake system and database at the Boston Childrens Hospital Down Syndrome Program (BCH DSP ) is to create a central collection system for patients developmental and medical histories that can be utilized to more effectively investigate research
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OD 680 Days erlen/260 lux ( Dsp 1) erlen/840 lux ( Dsp 2) bottle/360 lux ( Dsp 3) bottle/air/840 lux ( Dsp 4) Page 4. XXI SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE BIOPROCESSOS XII SIMPÓSIO DE HIDRÓLISE ENZIMÁTICA DE BIOMASSA 3 a 6 de setembro de Aracaju, Sergipe, Brasil
Quantum Machine Learning Algorithm Online Labs using HTML5 and Mobile platforms Future Work
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Page 3. J- DSP Editor jdsp.asu.edu 3 Quantum Circuit Design J- DSP New method to develop quantum circuit Any new open-source python package can be developed into a toolbox for integration into J- DSP Page 6. J- DSP Editor jdsp.asu.edu 6 PLANNED ASSESSMENT
Research of Forecasting Information Time Delays with Nenural Network in Telecontrol System
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0 3 developed DSP as core and motor drive modules with serial communication functions which directly connected the server serial port in order to facilitate the research on motor network control technology and control network functions embedded in the information
Effect of Duration of Diabetes Mellitus Type-2 on Electrophysiological Indices of Sensorimotor Nerves in Subjects with Diabetic Polyneuropathy: A Cross
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Key words Diabetes mellitus type- Diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy The study investigated the effect of duration of diabetes mellitus type-2 on the electrophysiological characteristics of sensorimotor nerves in patients with clinical diabetic polyneuropathy ( DSP )
Multi-component mass transport modeling of water desalination with reverse osmosis
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With the inclusion of all the chemical equilibria into the extended Donnan-Steric Partitioning (ext- DSP ) pore model, we are able to The development and extension of the transport model which is based on the ext- DSP pore model will be done on the level of a full module
Active Noise Cancellation of HVAC System Noise in Audiometric Test Rooms
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The algorithm is implemented in real-time on Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 DSK. Blocks within the Matlab/ Simulink Signal Processing Blockset and the Embedded Target for TI C6000 DSP family are used. A working model
Mandarin Has Degree Abstraction After All
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those that have a positive setting for the so-called Degree Semantics Parameter ( DSP ). In [+ DSP ] languages, gradable predicates express relationships between et al. (2010) subdivide the [+ DSP ] languages into those that allow abstraction
Multiphase Converter with Current-less Sensing Technique
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A voltage sensor is connected in parallel to the phase inductor and fed into the pins of analog to digital conversion (ADC) of a digital signal processor ( DSP ). The DSP will convert the sampling voltage into a phase inductor current
Primary Aluminum (Aluminium) Production
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then leached with caustic soda to immobilize the silicates from clay minerals (eg kaolinite) as insoluble desilication product ( DSP ), thereby preventing the contamination of the final aluminum product aluminate the aluminum while leaving the DSP in the residue
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By 202 70% of customer interactions will have some level of artificial intelligence involved . In recent years, Digital service providers ( DSP ) have been rapidly engaging with automation and AI-based services . Contact center plays a crucial part in DSPs and shows great
Application of Radiation Protection of Patients in Medical Diagnostic Radiology (Case of Public Hospitals, Fianarantsoa District, Haute Matsiatra Region
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The distances between the X-rays tube focus and the patients skin for CHUA are: 1. Thorax face thickness 20 cm: DSP (Skin-source distance) (SSD)=130 cm 2. Abdomen face thickness 20 cm: DSP (Skin-source distance) (SSD)=130 cm 3. Skull face thickness 15 cm: DSP (SkinOn-Chip Implementation of Cascaded Integrated Comb filters (CIC) for DSP applications Rozita Teymourzadeh Abstract In this paper, a design of a DSP (digital signal processing) for an ambient colour light sensor is presented
Pre-encoded Multiplier based on Non-Redundant RADIX-4 Signed Digit Encoding
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Multimedia and digital signal processing ( DSP ) applications (eg, Fast Fourier transform (FFT), audio/video Codes) carry out a large number of multiplications with coefficients that do not change during the execution of the applicationTraditional hardware platform include ADC, DAC, FPGA, DSP CPLD, peripheral stor- age and interface chips This new space-borne mufti-functional integrated hardware platform is include RFSoc, DSP DDR interface chips and so on
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Abstract:- Multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital signal processing ( DSP ) systems. Typical DSP applications where a multiplier plays an important role include digital filtering, digital communications and spectral analysis
Image Acquisition and Techniques
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its the necessity of your time to understand how the pictures are being captured and stored in memory. A method of image acquisition supported the digital signal processor ( DSP ) is introduced. DSP complex programmable
The Effect of Environmentally Friendly Additives on the Rate of Fluid loss and the Rheological Properties of the Drilling Fluid
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(2016) Date seed powder ( DSP ) has been tested as The analysis of clay-free Water + XC1 and Water + XC1 + DSP6 spurt loss activity shows 90 cc API spurt loss for the XC containing method, but just 9 cc API spurt loss after applying DSP to the Water + XC1 clay-free system
Digital Surgical Planning for Mandibular Reconstruction With Free Fibula Flap: Is the Accuracy Affected by the Number of Compromised Mandibular Segments
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Digital surgical planning ( DSP ) aids in designing the procedure through three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the anatomical defect, ap positioning, and contour restoration. Some studies have explored the DSP for assistance with
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filters. Keywords: Digital signal processing ( DSP ), Finite impulse response (FIR) filters, Look up table (LUT)-based computing, Distributed arithmetic (DA), Very large scale integration (VLSI) 1. INTRODUCTION Finite Impulse
Benchmarking of Carrier Phase Recovery Circuits for M-QAM Coherent Systems
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Abstract: We benchmark blind carrier phase recovery DSP circuits in terms of SNR penalty, power dissipation, latency, area usage, and cycle slip probability, to identify optimal implementations for 1 6 and 256QAM. The Author(s) 1. Introduction
Adaptive Disassembly Sequence Planning for VR Maintenance Training via Deep Reinforcement Learning
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stochastic problems, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is adopted in this paper for the solution of adaptive disassembly sequence planning ( DSP ) in the VR maintenance process, and then the DSP problem is defined as a Markov decision process (MDP)The algorithm is conceived as computationally light to be easily implemented on a Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ); it is also designed to detect human posture independently of the initial exact position and orientation of the sensor on the trunk