fading simulators
An ARMA multipath fading simulator
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In this paper we propose the application of an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model to create a digital filter which closely matches the Jakes-Reudink autocorrelation function of a frequency-nonselective multipath fading environment/1). This involves a least
Implementation and evaluation of 4 4 MIMO fading simulator considering antenna characteristics
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A 4 x 4MIMO fading simulator (MIMO-FS) was constructed for the development of MIMO products. This MIMO-FS consists ofmulti-port up/down converters for 2.4/5.2 GHz bands and baseband reconfigurable digital signal processors which allows the implementation of
4-5 Fading Simulator for Satellite-to-Ground Optical Communication
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One of the important subjects to establish a stable optical link is to study the variations in the received optical signal caused by atmospheric turbulence in ground-to-satellite optical communications. Atmospheric turbulence is a phenomenon of variations in the refractive
A new computer generated multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulator
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Fading communication channel models found in literature can be described in the time domain , or frequency domain . If computer simulation is the employed method the choice between each other method can be based in the processing time and or
An ARMA Multipath Fading Simulator
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In this paper we propose the application of an aatoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model to create a digital lter which closely matches the Jakes-Rendink autocorrelation function of a frequency-nonselective maltipath fading environment [I]. This involves a least
Fig. 4 shows the BER performances of the SSFH2 equipment. Lines are the results obtained in laboratory experiments by using the fading simulator .
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Diversity effect is one of the major features of spread spectrum techniques. Among which, frequency diversity in the FH (Frequency Hopping) technique is considered much helpful to reduce the influence of fading [l]. That is realized by hopping over a sufficiently wide
A software-based fading channel simulator
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A software-controlled, hardware-based simulator of the mobile wireless multipath fading channel has been designed and implemented. Multipath fading occurs when several reflected versions of a transmitted radio signal arrive at the receiver. Movement of the
Design of High-Speed Frequency Selective Fading Channel Simulator by Using Table Look-Up Techniques
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This paper describes a procedure for designing fast channel simulator to simulate frequency selective fading channel. The concept of the simulation method is based on Rices sum of sinusoids and improves simulation speed by using table look-up technique. The proposed
Design of a Stochastic Frequency Hopping Rayleigh Fading Channel Simulator with Given Correlation Properties
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In this paper, a stochastic Rayleigh fading channel simulator with excellent frequency hopping (FH) capabilities is described. The proposed simulator is based on a finite double- sum of properly weighted harmonic functions. Closed-form expressions can be derived for
Impact of Scattering within a Multipath Simulator Antenna Array on the Ricean Fading Distribution Parameters in OTA Testing
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In this paper we investigate the unwanted scattering that exists within the MultiPath Simulator (MPS) array antennas employed in Over The Air (OTA) testing of mobile terminals. The impact of scattering is evaluated in terms of the measurement uncertainty of the average