fingerprint verification
A correlation-based fingerprint verification system
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In this paper, a correlation-based fingerprint verification system is presented. Unlike the traditional minutiae-based systems, this system directly uses the richer gray-scale information of the fingerprints. The correlation-based fingerprint verification system first
Fingerprint verification system using minutiae extraction technique
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Most fingerprint recognition techniques are based on minutiae matching and have been well studied. However, this technology still suffers from problems associated with the handling of poor quality impressions. One problem besetting fingerprint matching is distortion. Distortion
Fingerprint verification based on invariant moment features and nonlinear BPNN
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A fingerprint verification system based on a set of invariant moment features and a nonlinear Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) verifier is proposed. An image-based method with invariant moment features for fingerprint verification is used to overcome the demerits of
Online fingerprint verification system
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1.12 Various commercial sensors available for live capture of fingerprints 19 1.13 The illustration shows the results of correlation between images of the same user (a) and different user (b). It can be seen the the peak output of the correlation is high in case ofFingerprints are the most widely used biometric feature for person identification and verification in the field of biometric identification. Fingerprints possess two main types of features that are used for automatic fingerprint identification and verification :(i) global ridge
A multimodal biometric system using fingerprint face and speech
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We introduce a multimodal biometrie system, which integrates face recognition, fingerprint verification and speaker veri- fication in making a personal identification. This sys- tem takes advantage of the capabilities of each indi- vidual biometrics
Fusion of multiple matchers for fingerprint verification
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Automatic identity verification systems play an important role in many applications where the access to critical resources must be controlled (eg internet transactions, airport access and so on). Fingerprints have been used as biometrics to identity verification and manyAll the biometrics, fingerprint recognition is one of the most reliable and promising personal identification technologies. Fingerprints are plays an important role in biometric system. In biometrics technologies, fingerprint authentication has been in use for the longest time andimprovement in the performance of the fingerprint verification system. 1 Introduction I n this paper we investigate the performance of our fingerprint verification system over different parameters of the image acquisition process. O ur results show that
Fingerprint verification testing scenarios for multi-impression enrollment and template adaptation
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Performance evaluation for biometric systems can be classified into three types: technology, scenario and operational evaluation . The technology evaluation is normally performed under the offline testing scenario and suitable for the algorithm evaluation. On the other2. Minutiae Extraction The first stage in our fingerprint verification system is the extraction of minutiae points from a fingerprint image. The algorithm proposed by Jain et al. has been used for this purpose A Correlation- Based Fingerprint Verification System
On the relation between biometric quality and user-dependent score distributions in fingerprint verification
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The lack of robustness against image quality degradation is a open issue in fingerprint verification . It has been found in previous studies that the behavior of a fingerprint verification system vary depending on the quality of the fingerprints. In this paper, weIt includes two sub-domains: one is fingerprint verification and the other is fingerprint identification (Figure 1.3) The input fingerprints are taken from the database provided by FVC2004 ( Fingerprint Verification Competition 2004). 2.1 Design Description
Hiding fingerprint minutiae in images
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Pankanti and Yeung proposed a fragile watermarking method for fingerprint image verification or texts. Pankanti and Yeung conclude that their watermarking technique does not lead to a significant performance loss in fingerprint verification . Uludag et al
Fingerprint verification on the VEX processor
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The speed gap between a processor realized in Semicustom ASIC technology and a processor realized in FPGA technology is narrowing. In processor design, the approach is to define the microarchitecture of the processor and to design and implement it for executing
A SIFT-based fingerprint verification system using cellular neural networks
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Recently, with the increasing demand of high security, person identification has become more and more important in our everyday life. The purpose of establishing the identity is to ensure that only a legitimate user, and not anyone else, accesses the rendered services
SFinGe: an approach to synthetic fingerprint generation
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database of synthetic images is successfully used to train a fingerprint indexing system; the synthetic fingerprints can be used to test the robustness of fingerprint verification systems against Tro horse attacks against the sensor or the feature extractor . SFinGe allows toWith the increase of online communication and transactions, the demand for security and privacy increases. There are several solutions already in use to protect confidential information and to authenticate people electronically. When biometrics is used, it often
Fingerprint classification and matching using a filterbank
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To assess the performance limitations of popular minutiae-based fingerprint verification system, we theoretically estimate the probability of a false correspondence between We have used this compact representation for fingerprint classification as well as fingerprint verification
Studies of fingerprint matching using the NIST verification test bed (VTB)
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A series of fingerprint matching studies have been conducted on an experimental laboratory system called the Verification Test Bed (VTB). The VTB is a collection of commercial off the shelf (COTS) computer hardware, an open-source operating system, and a suite of public
Reducing process-time for fingerprint identification system
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Also this method does not take into account the global pattern of ridges and furrows . Fingerprint Verification System is a system that determines the correspondence of an input fingerprint with a template fingerprint stored in data base
Fingerprint Biometric System-Using of Personal Authentication
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and frequency. We have evaluated the presentation of the image enhancement algorithm using the goodness index of the extracted minutiae and the exactness of an online fingerprint verification system. An experimental result
Fingerprint verification based on fusion of minutiae and ridges using strength factors
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With the increasing emphasis on the automatic personal identification applications, biometrics especially fingerprint identification is the most reliable and widely accepted technique. In this paper Fingerprint Verification based on fusion of Minutiae and RidgesKeywords: Fingerprints, Enrollment, Fingerprint sensor, Failure to enroll (FTE), Failure to capture (FTC), Verification Fingerprint templates 1. Introduction 165 Our proposed system uses fingerprint verification technique to automate the attendance system
A Spatial Method for Watermarking of Fingerprint Images.
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2 Fingerprint Image Watermarking Most common fingerprint verification methods are based on point patterns called ridge endings and bifurcations (minutiae) in fingerprints Hence, the performance of fingerprint verification identification system is not affected by watermarking
Ridge Orientation Estimation and Verification Algorithm for Fingerprint Enhancement.
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Fingerprint image enhancement is a common and critical step in fingerprint recognition systems. To enhance the images, most of the existing enhancement algorithms use filtering techniques that can be categorized into isotropic and anisotropic according to the filter
A minutiae-based matching algorithms in fingerprint recognition systems
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There are two main applications involving fingerprints: fingerprint verification and fingerprint identification . While the purpose of fingerprint verification is to verify the identity of a person, the goal of fingerprint identification is to establish the identity of a person
An effective fingerprint verification system
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Fingerprints are widely used in biometric techniques for automatic personal identification. It remains a reliable, efficient and commonly accepted biometric. In this paper, a fingerprint recognition system for identifying the low quality fingerprint on inked-printed paper isMost fingerprint verification algorithms rely on minutiae features, and these algorithms can only be as robust as the underlying minutiae features. Therefore 6. A. Jain, L. Hong, and R. Bolle, On-line fingerprint verification . PatternThis feature of enhancing core block is essential for fast and robust performance of fingerprint verification / identification In close around the core point there exists rich minutiae information than others, which is necessary for the fingerprint verification /identification The most-widely known performance evaluation efforts in this field are the Fingerprint Verification Competitions (FVC) and the Fingerprint Vendor Technology Evaluation (FpVTE); other re- cent initiatives include the NIST SDK Testing [42] and the MINEX campaign aimed at
A Multi-Stage Fingerprint Recognition Method for Payment Verification System
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This thesis is on fingerprint recognition method and system, more in detail, the layered fingerprint recognition method and system to compare not only the minutiae or singular point, but also compare the images of detailed area for making prompt and accurate
Fingerprintbased attendance management system
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The reason for the popularity of fingerprint verification is that fingerprints satisfy uniqueness, stability, permanency and easily taking . In this paper, an attempt was made to look at the prevalence in the high level of impersonation experienced on a daily basis in both private
Fingerprint image processing for automatic verification
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The performance of an automatic fingerprint verification approach relies heavily on the quality of the fingerprint image. Enhancement of the fingerprint image is then a crucial step in automatic fingerprint verification . This paper discusses the fingerprint image processing
On security evaluation of fingerprint recognition systems
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For keeping track of the multitude of potential vulnerabilities an attack tree is used. Only potential vulnerabilities specific to fingerprint verification sys- tems are considered Figure 1 shows part of the attack tree for a positive-claim fingerprint verification system
A novel design of electronic voting system using fingerprint
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The various stages in a fingerprint verification system are shown in Fig 4. Fig 4 Architecture of Fingerprint Verification System The first stage is the data acquisition stage in which a fingerprint image is obtained from an individual by using a sensorIt includes two sub-domains: one is fingerprint verification and the other is fingerprint identification . Verification specify an individual fingerprint by comparing only one fingerprint template stored in the database, while identification specify comparing all the fingerprints stored
On fingerprint template synthesis
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keywords:- Biometrics, image database, fingerprint identification, fingerprint verification minutiae points, template match- ing Hence, the problem of fingerprint verification can be reduced to a point pattern matching problem when these local structures are considered
Fingerprint Verification System based on Active Forgery Techniques
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The fingerprint is a powerfully applicable tool for person authentication in commercial business, civil, and forensic usage. Minutiae points and ridge patterns consider the main source of features that mostly used in recent fingerprint identification systems. In this paper
Novel Multiple Impression based Multimodal Fingerprint Recognition System
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ABSTRACT As population grow, the task of fingerprint verification system becomes increasingly more difficult. However In fingerprint verification systems, there are usually multiple enrolled impressions for a same finger. The