Garbage Collection Robot
Due to rapid economic and technological growth, India faces many other problems like corrosive urban planning, poor civic amenities, overpopulation. Till now, no steps have been taken to manage the garbage properly has worked as per expectations. And, we are on a constant lookout for innovative ways of managing the mammoth task of garbage collection and segregation. This paper is based on the problem of garbage and it looks forward to provide a solution, namely the autonomous garbage collecting bot works with the Arduino controller. The robot is built on an aluminium base of size 30 × 40 cm which is powered by a battery of 12 V, 7.5 A. The robot movement is controlled by motors connected to the programmed Arduino. The robot can only be designed to move on hard, cemented surfaces. When it senses an obstruction, it follows the code and proceeds to lift the garbage as per the designed mechanism. All this can be achieved through Arduino which is the CPU of the bot.
Garbage collection robot on the beach using wireless communications
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This article presents the garbage collection robot on the beach using wireless communications. The robot is built on the caterpillar wheels, sizes 52x74x17 cm and the power is supplied from 12V 30Ah battery which is connected to 40W solar cells. The user
Object Detection Based Garbage Collection Robot (E-Swachh)
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People are busy in their professional life and they forget to pay attention to their surrounding problems, which can lead to many hazards. One of the main problem is Garbage collection . Many times, it has been observed that the garbage which should be inside the dustbin is
Garbage Collection Robot on the Beach Using Wireless Communications
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This article presents the garbage collection robot on the beach using wireless communications. The robot is built on the caterpillar wheels, sizes 52x74x17 cm and the power is supplied from 12V 30Ah battery which is connected to 40W solar cells. The user
Garbage is a major problem worldwide attention. It can be seen from organizations that support and fix this problem, such as Ocean Conservancy that is a non-profit environmental advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., United States. The organization reports on 23 August 2013 that over the past 27 years, over 9.5 million volunteers have removed 163 million pounds of trash from more than 330,000 miles of coastline and waterways in 153 countries and locations. At the present, more than 10 million pounds of trash along nearly 20,000 miles of coastlines were picked up by more than 550,000 people. In Thailand, this problem affects to the destruction of the beautiful scenery and attractions. Moreover, it causes the problem about the sea animal death. For example, the death of the whale on the beach, Patong, Phuket because it eats the plastic waste. Although, some organizations try to clean the beach but the amount of the trash on the beach is still increasing at all time. Therefore, the development of the technology such as robot for collecting the garbage is the one aspect that is interested.
Until now, the service robots about cleaning robot for the swimming pools , the house , the wall and the domestic stairs are interested and developed continually but the cleaning robot for the beach does not be much interested. Therefore, this paper presents the development of a prototype garbage collection robot on the beach. This robot uses the Bluetooth for communication between the user and the robot. Moreover, IP camera with added pan/tilt capabilities can send the image data to the user via the Adhoc system. The details of this paper are organized as follows. In section 2, we will introduce the material and methods of the robot including the hardware and software implements.