gnss global navigation satellite system
IGS-MGEX: preparing the ground for multi-constellation GNSS science
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With a total of four new and emerging constellations (BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS, IRNSS) as well as the ongoing modernization of GPS and GLONASS the world of satellite navigation presently experiences dramatic changes. Facing these challenges, the International GNSS
Bernese GNSS software version 5.2
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Parameter estimation in the Bernese GNSS Software is based on least squares adjustment. The two main programs in the software package that allow for the adjustment of model parameters based on GNSS observations are: GPSEST ( Menu Processing Parameter
Carrier phase ambiguity resolution in GNSS2
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The accuracy requirements of future satellite-based positioning applications are expected to necessitate the use of carrier-phase techniques. These must at the same time be rapid and robust. The signal designs of GPS and GLONASS limit what can be achieved, but it may be In the past years, the scientific community has placed a special interest in remotely sensing soil moisture and vegetation parameters. Radiometry and radar techniques have been widely used for years. Global Navigation Satellite Systems opportunity signals Reflected
Lane-level integrity provision for navigation and map matching with GNSS dead reckoning, and enhanced maps
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Lane-level positioning and map matching are some of the biggest challenges for navigation systems. Additionally, in safety applications or in those with critical performance requirements (such as satellite-based electronic fee collection), integrity becomes a key
Spread spectrum systems for GNSS and wireless communications
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Binary Shift Register Codes for Spread Spectrum Systems 2.2.1 Equivalence of the Fibonacci and Galois Forms of a Linear SRG 2.6 Codes for Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Applications
GNSS indoor location technologies
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This paper presents an overview of GNSSbased indoor location technologies. Current and emerging users and their potential requirements are first discussed. Signal attenuation and multipath caused under indoor environments are described. The basic method to acquire
GNSS and ionospheric scintillation
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Eleven years marks only one iteration of the cycle of solar activity, but it represents several generations of GNSS receiver design. So, as the next high point of sunspots arrives in 2013 much of the installed base of GPS equipment will have been untested in the environment of
A new carrier phase ambiguity estimation for GNSS attitude determination systems
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In this paper, the results of a new method to fix integer ambiguity in the attitude determination are presented. The results are obtained by means of a novel LAMBDA based method of making use of all a priori information on the baseline configuration The LAMBDA
Using GLONASS in combined GNSS receivers: current status
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The paper focuses on using GLONASS in state-of-the-art combined GNSS (GPS/GLONASS) receivers in the light of the GPS and GLONASS current status. The launch of GLONASS-M satellite is an important event that opens new horizons for satellite navigation
Retrieval analysis and methodologies in atmospheric limb sounding using the GNSS radio occultation technique
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The thesis has been
Use of a vector delay lock loop receiver for GNSS signal power analysis in bad signal conditions
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(VDLL and VFLL) GPS receiver following the software defined radio approach and the use of this receiver to analyze signal power of GPS C/A code signals in a selection of experiments including indoor signals, car navigation and satellites at negative elevation
GNSS occultation sounding for climate monitoring
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Considerable efforts are currently invested into the setup of a Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) for monitoring climate change over the coming decades, which is of high relevance given concerns on increasing human influences. A promising potential
GNSS remote sensing
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The Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS ) has provided an unprecedented high accuracy, flexibility and tremendous contribution to navigation, positioning, timing and scientific questions related to precise positioning on Earths surface, since Global
GNSS ambiguity bootstrapping: theory and application
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The purpose of carrier phase ambiguity resolution is to improve upon the precision of the estimated GNSS baseline by means of the integer ambiguity constraints. There exists a whole class of integer ambiguity estimators from which one can choose. Members from this
6DoF SLAM aided GNSS /INS navigation in GNSS denied and unknown environments
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This paper presents the results of augmenting 6DoF Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) with GNSS /INS navigation system. SLAM algorithm is a feature based terrain aided navigation system that has the capability for online map building, and
GNSS Aided Navigation Tracking: Inertially Augmented Or Autonomous
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This new book, fortified by thousands of hours working with real GPS and inertial data, provides several flight-validated formulations and algorithms not currently in use, only because of their originality. Considerable improvement is thus offered in multiple areas
Positioning with OFDM signals for the next-generation GNSS
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Instead of spread spectrum signals used for positioning in current global navigation satellite systems ( GNSS ), this paper presents a novel positioning method using OFDM signals for the next-generation GNSS . In contrast to the existing positioning methods with OFDM signals
Intelligent urban positioning using multi-constellation GNSS with 3D mapping and NLOS signal detection
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Reliable metres-level positioning in dense urban areas is difficult to achieve cost-effectively using a single method. The way forward is to combine multiple positioning techniques. This paper introduces the concept of intelligent urban positioning (IUP), which combines Multi
Total Electron Content Observations by Dense Regional and Worldwide International Networks of GNSS
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Two-dimensional ionospheric total electron content (TEC) maps have been derived from ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS ) receiver networks and applied to studies of various ionospheric disturbances since the mid-1990s. For the purpose of
Combined SLR and GNSS solution using co-locations in space
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The International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF, 1) combines microwave (MW) based observations to Global Navigation Satellite Systems ( GNSS ) satellites and Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) observations to the pairs of LAGEOS satellites using local ties at the stations
Nonlinear Observer for Tightly Coupled Integrated Inertial Navigation Aided by RTK- GNSS Measurements
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A modular nonlinear observer is considered for tightly coupled integration of inertial measurements with global satellite measurements. A real-time-kinematic approach is utilized where the rover and base station measure pseudoranges, carrier phase, and carrier Currently, with the rapid development of multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems ( GNSS ), the real-time positioning and navigation are undergoing dramatic changes with potential for a better performance. To provide more precise and reliable ultra-rapid Snow water equivalent (SWE) is a key variable for various hydrological applications. It is defined as the depth of water that would result upon complete melting of a mass of snow. However, until now, continuous measurements of the SWE are either scarce, expensive Time synchronization is critical for the operation of distributed systems in networked environments. It is also demanded in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs), which, as a special type of wireless networks, are becoming increasingly important for emerging
Precipitable water vapour content from ESR/SKYNET sun sky radiometers: validation against GNSS /GPS and AERONET over three different sites in Europe
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The estimation of the precipitable water vapour content (W) with high temporal and spatial resolution is of great interest to both meteorological and climatological studies. Several methodologies based on remote sensing techniques have been recently developed in order In order to incorporate the time smoothness of ionospheric delay to aid the cycle slip detection, an adaptive Kalman filter is developed based on variance component estimation. The correlations between measurements at neighboring epochs are fully considered in
Assessing properties for near real-time estimations of the vertical total electron content of the ionosphere from GNSS data
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Erdogan et al.(2017) have recently developed a near real-time processing framework to estimate the global vertical total electron content (VTEC) of the ionosphere from GNSS data. In this approach VTEC is represented as a series expansion in terms of tensor products of
The BELS Pproject: an opportunity for setting collaboration links between Europe and South East Asia in the field of GNSS
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In 2016 the European Global Navigation Satellite System (EGNSS) Galileo should start initial services that will make it available for practical use together with other existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems ( GNSS ). South East Asia (SEA), which is the Region in the
GNSS Observation and Monitoring of the Hakone Volcano and the 2015 Unrest
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In recent years, earthquake swarm activities have occurred at the Hakone Volcano in the western area of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, with a frequency of once in several years. Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS ) observations have detected the inflation of
Wave-optics uncertainty propagation and regression-based bias model in GNSS radio occultation bending angle retrievals.
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A new reference occultation processing system (rOPS) will include a Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS ) radio occultation (RO) retrieval chain with integrated uncertainty propagation. In this paper, we focus on wave-optics bending angle (BA) retrieval in the lower
A comparison of methods to estimate vertical land motion trends from GNSS and altimetry at tide gauge stations.
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Tide gauge (TG) records are affected by vertical land motion (VLM), causing them to observe relative instead of geocentric sea level. VLM can be estimated from global navigation satellite system ( GNSS ) time series, but only a few TGs are equipped with a GNSS receiver The current popular GNSS RTK technique would be not applicable on ocean due to the limited communication access for transmitting differential corrections. A new technique is proposed for high-precision ocean RTK, referred to as ORTK, where the corrections are
Transmission delay inconsistency in satellite array antennas cause elevation-dependent pseudorange biases in GNSS signals
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Dear editor, With the increasing demand for higher-precision positioning by the global navigation satellite system ( GNSS ), more accurate original measurements are required by the receiver, such as the pseudoranges and carrier phases. However, in recent years, a
Design of a Configurable Monitoring Station for Scintillations by Means of a GNSS Software Radio Receiver
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This letter addresses the design and implementation of a monitoring station for Global Navigation Satellite Systems signals based on the software-defined radio paradigm. The monitoring platform exploits a digital data grabber based on the use of Universal Software
The Use of GNSS GPS Technology for Offshore Oil and Gas Platform Subsidence Monitoring
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Due to oil and gas exploitation, offshore oil and gas platform may experience subsidence. Continuing subsidence may deform the platform infrastructures, adding the risk for any failure on the platform objects. The failure means disaster. Therefore the subsidence
Investigation of GNSSderived baselines for gravity field recovery
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Gravity field recovery from GNSS observations of Low-Earth orbiting satellites is a well known approach. Commonly kinematic satellite orbits are use as observations for the gravity field estimation. Some of satellite missions include more than one satellite, orbiting the Earth
International GNSS Service: Technical Report 2017
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Abstract Applications of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems ( GNSS ) to Earth Sciences are numerous. The International GNSS Service (IGS), a voluntary federation of government agencies, universities and research institutions, combines GNSS resources and expertise to