Ansys HFSS is a 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation software for designing and simulating high-frequency electronic products such as antennas, antenna arrays, RF or microwave components, high-speed interconnects, filters, connectors, IC packages and printed circuit boards.
This microstrip patch antenna resonates at frequencies of 28 GHz and 50 GHz. The antenna is simulated by using high frequency structure simulator 13 K 0.5 Table-2.Output Parameters Parameter Patch Antenna Resonant Frequency 28.3 GHz VSWR 1.58 Gain 2.6 dB Page 3
ANSYS HFSS is a 3D Full-wave EM Field Solver for High-frequency and High-speed Electronics Component Designs. HFSS utilizes a 3D full-wave Finite Element Method (FEM) field solver to compute the electrical behavior of complex components of arbitrary shape and user-defined material properties.
5G wireless systems
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39 2.3.3 Challenges of High Throughput 278 5.3.3 Case Study of Simulation 405 7.3.2 Case Two: Characteristics Analysis on the Radio Wave Propagation Between Multiple Frequency Bands
A Proposed Design of Unit Cell of Metamaterial for 5G Mobile Communication
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to better support existing and evolving applications including social media high definition video MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), beamforming, small dense networks, millimeter wave frequency and movable base stations Millimeter-wave frequencies often refer tomodified and a perturbed patch has been designed using HFSS ( High Frequency Structure Simulator ) software .The the a perturbed elliptical patch antenna has been designed for 50GHz frequency designed with and without slot for different range of frequencies like 10
Compact micro strip antenna for 5g mobile phone applications
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shown in Fig: 3. Antenna is designed and simulated in HFSS13 ( High Frequency Structural Simulator ) software which the design constraints combining minimum S11 and low VSWR at the desired frequencies assign in India for 5G application).Due to the frequency of operation 0 = 3 108 m/s, a = 0.02 m and εr = 4.4 the resonant frequencies are The antenna has been designed using High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software which uses finite element method for 3. From the simulation result it has been found that the resonant frequency is
A novel planar slot antenna structure for 5G mobile networks applications
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geometry, the results obtained are nearly the same in terms of resonate frequency using ADS Two high electromagnetic simulators FEKO and ADS are used to obtain the suitable 5G Antenna planar antenna with improved cut-off at the out-of-band frequencies IEEE Antennas
Analogue switches made from boron nitride monolayers for application in 5G and terahertz communication systems
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The terahertz range refers to electromagnetic waves with frequencies between 100 GHz and shed further insight, electrothermal simulation of the same mesa device structure was conducted to be applicable for the optimized design of emerging high frequency switches made
EM Simulation and Validation Challenges for 5G Systems
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laminate. Better if structures are as close to final application as possible Roughness Impact depends on process and T-line construction At higher frequencies the roughness matters more On wafer thin metals not be adequately modeled for high frequency
Design of a Compact Meshed Antennas for 5G Communication Systems
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shows the proposed design as the radiating element and the solar cell structure which consists and 9 show the radiation diagram in the plane E and H for both frequencies He received the MS degree in High Frequency Communication Systems from Marne-La-Valley University
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and simulated insertion losses are around1.5 dB and0.78 dB at centre frequencies Fc = 3.75 Moreover, another type of compact structure filter can be used, such as interdigital filter that in Figure 8b and although matching is good at Wres = 0.7 mm, the high frequency of the
Microstrip grid antenna array for 5g mobile devices
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The proposed antenna structure is constructed with a single patch located in an array the need to develop antenna solutions for mobile components at these frequencies is a The substrate material is Rogers 5880, which is suited for high frequency spectrum because of its lowSome researchers have designed their antennas to cover high frequency band due to this rapid development of 5G wireless In this research works, the designed antenna structure is simulated using an user friendly software, Computer Simulation Technology (CST)is similar to that of many common useful rectangular shaped antennas operating at microwave frequencies consisting of a III. ANTENNA SIMULATION AND RESULTS The simulation was carried out using the Ansoft high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) software
Bandwidth enhanced and sidelobes level reduced radial line slot array antenna at 28 GHz for 5G next generation mobile communication
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Proposed antenna structure The frequencies of applications were RLSA was given much attention enumerated in the design, the concept of using air gap layer in antenna structure as presented 50 Ω dielectric coated SSMA probe and RT duroid 5880 high frequency laminate
Microstrip Patch Antenna at 28 GHz for 5G Applications
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Microstrip Patch Antenna at 28 GHz for 5G Applications Parameter Value (mm) W 4.105 L 3.362 W1 0.304 L1 2.007 W2 0.783 L2 1.824 The simulation software HFSS ( High Frequency Structure Simulator ) was used to design the proposed single patch element
Higher-order mode rectangular dielectric resonator antenna for 5G applications
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The resonant frequencies of the with a dielectric constant, can be The design values are implemented and then simulated using Ansoft High Frequency Structural Simulator (HFSS) ver 16.0 to obtain (6) With where is the resonant angular frequency and is the relative dielectric
New metamaterial structure with reconfigurable refractive index at 5G candidate band
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Furthermore, it is applicable to a high frequency range The MA4AGBL912 PIN diode is proposed in this work because of its wide operating frequency range up diodes have been placed close to each other therefore providing a minimum gap between reconfigured frequenciesportion is simply printed on a low-cost printed circuit board (PCB), and no additional circuitries or metallic walls are integrated in the dual- polarized case for high gain and Where fr is the resonant frequency Over the operating frequencies the gains are higher than 10dBi
Compact 5G Hairpin Bandpass Filter Using Non-Uniform Transmission Lines Theory.
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frequencies of interest, HPBFs were used in many applications such as Ku-band satellite 6], 5th generation mobile communication system , narrow band communication (uplink frequency in the reduce the size of HPBF such as using ground holes , high dielectric substrate
The analysis of a regular polyhedron microstrip antennas with frustum of a right circular cone substrate for ultra wideband applications
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Numerical simulation based on the finite element method is used to obtain the radiation characteristics of the different dB and VSWR in the range of 1.01 to 2.0, which satisfies the resonance frequencies bandwidths and High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software
Enhancement of Antenna Radiation Properties with a Novel Metamaterial Structure
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it is obviously that Z- structure is a metamaterial in frequency range of SHF (super high frequency ) antennas are the best radiation device for using and testing the effects of Z- structure Yet, at high frequencies such as 10 GHz for ideal considering the dipole antenna should be
Review of multi-scale electromagnetic modeling
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4. MK Li and WC Chew, Wave-Field Interaction with Complex Structures Using Equivalence Fast full-wave surface integral equation solver for multiscale structure modeling, IEEE within fixed computational times for scattering problems of arbitrarily high frequency : The convex
MEMS Platform for Planar Broadband Dual-Linearly Polarized Antenna
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dual-linear polarized antennas based on the Fourpoint antenna . The antenna is designed to fit on a 1cm 1cm silicon platform and operate between 4-9GHz. The modified Fourpoint antenna is simulated using ANSOFT High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) and has a
Circuit simulation through coordinated EM and solid-state device numerical analyses
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also worth stressing that the proposed technique cover a fairly wide set of applications, ranging from cross-talk analysis in highspeed digital circuits to MMIC analysis (c) Fig. 4: Frequency spectra, computed for the 29 m xz plane and at resonant mode frequencies of order
Reviews and abstracts-A rapid method for analysis of thin-wire structures
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The reader should find this discussion on high frequency techniques an extremely valuable Sensor and Simulation Note 25 Transient Response of a Loaded Horizontal Antenna of Broadband Lumped-Parameter Equivalent Circuits for Energy-Collecting Structures L. Wilson
Integration of a printed dipole antenna with a CLL-based volumetric metamaterial AMC block
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this integrated CLL-based AMC block-dipole structure with ANSOFTs High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) It was found that the resonance frequency was 9.601 GHz, the ratio of the case caused non-trivial perturbations in the operating points of the integrated structure
Advanced antennas for small satellites
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The frequency bands typA ically use S-band and X-band Recent trends are to employ Ka-band and higher frequencies due to the need for subject Ñz4áyàyuáw|4zÑá4Çu 4 yuáà4uà4u4 åu 4 Ñ4wáyu y4Åuá{y4 4>4I AÇ4 diameter) relectors with very high stowage eficiency
Influence of a magnetic layer on the rectangular DRA bandwidth
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Also, the results of the HFSS simulations are grossly confirmed by using simulation results from CST-MS with the magnetic layer is mostly on the upper resonance frequency which appears as shifting to higher frequencies 10] HFSS: High frequency structure simulator based on
A circle-based fractal slot antenna for dual-band wireless applications
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out to demonstrate the effect of varying the feed line length beneath the antenna slot structure on the with varying positions of the resonant bands and different ratios of the upper and lower resonant frequencies [21] Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), ver
Optimum Two Cells Transition Waveguide Channel of Mode Extractor-Converter Structure for X-Band Radar Antenna Applications
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At higher microwave frequencies (the C-band and up) waveguide is a common transmission medium, mainly due The enhancement transmission ratio for the different varieties of the proposed structures versus frequency in 5] High Frequency Structure Simulator software, HFSS
Transparent Antenna for Green Communication Feature (Taxonomy Analysis, Open Challenges, Motivations, Future Directions and Recommendations): A
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Conventional radio frequency (RF) antennas were fabricated by patterning metals on rigid In order to address this issue, mechanically pliable antennas with high electrical conductivity Referring to the application for microwave frequencies the addition of dense dielectric patch
A highefficiency wideband frequencyreconfigurable water antenna with a liquid control system: usage for VHF and UHF applications
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By using this principle, the proposed design can have high efficiency in all possible working the radiation patterns and influences the realized gain of the antenna especially for low frequencies To verify the design, a transparent water DRA with a wide frequencytuning range
Inverted trapezoidal antenna enhancements for ultra Wideband Communications Applications
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For present-day wireless communication systems, the required operating frequencies for antennas are 1710-1880 MHz Numerical simulation based on FEM is used to obtain the radiation characteristics of the two varieties High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software
Substrate integrated image guide (SIIG)-a planar dielectric waveguide technology for millimeter-wave applications
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This is especially true for frequencies below 85 GHz due to the poor field confinement Instead, the perforated silicon structure was only fixed with a tape on the metal base and Y. Cassivi, The substrate integrated cir- cuits A new concept for high frequency electronics and
Self-filtering low-noise horn antenna for satellite applications
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HIGH integration and multifunctionality, reduced costs, weight, and space occupancy are among the major the new proposed radiator does not operate so efficiently at the remaining frequencies omega particle proposed here is char- acterized by a resonant frequency which is
Single notched-band UWB antenna for WLAN environment using complementary split ring resonators CSRR and spiral resonator CSR
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Investigations on the parameters of the CSRR were performed to obtain the same performance of CSR in high frequency keeping away the related second resonance structures CSRRs and CSR The resonance frequency of the complementary split ring
Bandwidth of a microstrip patch antenna on a magneto-dielectric substrate
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actually produce a better bandwidth result (eg, H. Mossallaei and K. Sarabandi Periodic meta-material structures in electromagnetics Using ANSOFTs High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS,), it will be shown that these more complete simulation results agree very
FrequencyScanned Slot Antenna Array Fed by Boxed Stripline CRLH Series Network
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A large dβ/dω design used here to achieve high angle- frequency scanning sensitivity of the increasingly non-dispersive (right- handed) response of the CRLH structure with increasing frequencies A frequencyscanned slot antenna array fed by a boxed stripline CRLH network
Causes of discrepancies between measurements and EM simulations of millimeter-wave antennas
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than 0.005 in the mm-wave range, in order to obtain a high radia tion Because the simulation results were almost identical, in this work, the frequencydomain solver was importance of an accurate knowledge of the relative permittivity, since the resonant frequencies were 59.5This paper deals with the numerical computation of electromagnetic (EM) energy absorption by biological tissues. It is indeed one of the important challenges for the computational EM community to estimate rate of EM energy absorption by human tissues to asses the potentialoperation. For the simulation process ANSOFT HFSS ( high frequency structure simulator ) has been used. The effect of antenna dimensions and substrate parameters on the performance of antenna have been discussed. The
A Hybrid Generalized Minimal Residual (GMRES) Algorithm for Solving FEM Systems Generated by the High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) Code
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In this work, we developed a robust, eflicient and reliable hybrid iterative solver for solving finite element systems modeled by the High Fre-quency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software. There is a need for such solvers when large and complicated geometries are
Finite Element Analysis of Optically Controlled MIS Slow Wave Line using High Frequency Structure Simulator
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In this paper we have proposed and studied a method of characterization of propagation behavior of an optically controlled Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) slow wave line. The propagation behavior of such line under optical illumination has been studied by finite
2D high frequency forward-looking sonar simulator based on continuous surfaces approach
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Hence, a sonar simulator should be sufficiently fast, but at the same time should a 2D image, including shadow zones, which provides 3D information about the scene structure In this paper, a 2D high frequency forward-looking sonar simulator was developed that permits the
Beginners Tutorial
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8) L-click on your box. It should be highlighted in purple like the picture above. This lets the user know that an object has been selected. R-click on the box and choose Edit Properties under the Attribute tab, click on the button with a 0 to change the Transparency narrower near the diode, as shown in Fig. 4. Simulations with Hewlett- Packards High Frequency Structure Simulator indicate that it should be possible to reduce the gap capacitance to 1 fF for widths on the order of 1 #m. The
The Dipole Antenna
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In this tutorial, a dipole antenna will be constructed and analyzed using the HFSS simulation software by Ansoft. The example will illustrate both the simplicity and power of HFSS through construction and simulation of this antenna structure. The following notes will provide a briefThis proposed MEMS switch is designed and simulated in both UP (ON) state and DOWN (OFF) state. The proposed RF-MEMS switch is designed and simulated using Ansoft High frequency structure simulator (HFSS) electromagnetic simulatorThe simulation process has been done through high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) This Patch Antenna is simulated by HIGH FREQUENCY STRUCTURE SIMULATOR (HFSS) software. 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 Freq [GHz]14.0012.0010.
Design and analysis of rectangular microstrip patch antenna for GSM application
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The antenna size 30*50*1.8mm3 has been optimized by utilizing the Parametric Analysis. This microstrip patch antennas is analyzed using High frequency structure simulator (HFSS) software These are can be evaluated using High Frequency Structure Simulator software
TCAD based modeling and simulation of Graphene Nanostructured FET (GFET) for High Frequency Performance
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is not suitable for digital logic devices [1-4]. But considering its high electron mobility important figure of merits(FOMs) of RF devices like maximum cut-off frequency fT 2.1 Methodology ATLAS designs the GFET structure and predicts the electrical characteristics associated with
Analysis and design of rectangular microstrip patch antenna at 2.4 GHz WLAN applications
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In order to make the proposed antenna more accurate and efficient, High Frequency Structure Simulator software HFSSs optometric is used for the optimization of the antenna design. The microstrip line model method is used and been simulated by using HFSS software
Long range ultra- high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) antenna design
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ND Reynolds Purdue University a 3-D electromagnetic simulator ANSYS HFSS. A microstrip patch antenna is selected is explored. This research shows that the utilization of an EBG structure in the patch The objective of this research is to design a novel ultra- high frequency (UHF) radio
Design and Simulation of a Rectangular E-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for RFID based Intelligent Transportation
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The simulation of the proposed antenna is performed employing the high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) Keywords E-shaped microstrip patch antenna; antenna gain; return loss; voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR); high frequency structure simulator (HFSS)
Comparative studies of rectangular dielectric resonator antenna with probe and microstrip line feeds
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frequency characteristics and radiation performance in C-band of microwave frequencies using finite integration method (CST Microwave Studio) and verified by finite element method (Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator ) are presented
Design and optimization of a high gain multiband patch antenna for millimeter wave applications
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Quadri-band microstrip patch antenna, using defective slots in the ground plane, designed to operate in the millimeter wave band, formulated using cavity model and simulated by an EM- simulator based on finite element method: HFSSv15 ( High Frequency Structure Simulator )