high bandwidth microstrip patch antenna design
The bandwidth of an antenna refers to the range of frequencies over which the antenna can operate correctly. The antenna’s bandwidth is the number of Hz for which the antenna will exhibit an SWR less than 2:1. The bandwidth can also be described in terms of percentage of the center frequency of the band.
Bandwidth of antenna can be increased by various methods such as by increasing the thickness of substrate with low dielectric constant, by probe feeding, by cutting slot, by cutting notches and by different shapes of antenna.
Design of a microstrip patch antenna with high bandwidth and high gain for UWB and different wireless applications
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We propose square shape patch antenna in this research work. Focus of the work is to obtain large bandwidth with compact ground plane for wireless applications. The proposed antenna is designed using dielectric material of FR4 having height of 1.6 mm and having erAbstract The Microstrip Patch Antenna is now very famous due to its compact size, good gain and directivity bandwidth is mostly not very good in Microstrip patch antenna but in this paper bandwidth of the antenna is very high Satellite Communication there is a need of very
Designing a high bandwidth Patch Antenna and comparison with the former Patch Antennas
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A higher dielectric constant results in smaller patch but generally reduces bandwidth resulting in tighter large as possible to maximize bandwidth and efficiency, but not so large to risk are lossless metal which provide several benefits for accurate and efficient high frequency EM antennas [1 7]. THz regime of the electromagnetic spectrum occupies a large portion of range wireless communications is accompanied by an increasing need for the higher data rates Seki, N. Honma, K. Nishikawa, and K. Tsunekawa, Millimeter-wave highefficiency multilayer
THz rectangular patch microstrip antenna design using photonic crystal as substrate
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increasing performance of planar antennas on a dielectric substrate, which suffer large radiation loss into the substrate The thicker the air blocks are, the stronger the leaky wave and the higher the gain and gain is maximum, but at this point the return loss is very high which willobtained clearly show that bandwidth of conventional RMSA made with dielectric substrates having higher dielectric constants 1] KT Ahmed, M. B Hossain and MJ Hossain, Designing a high bandwidth patch Antenna comparison with K. P Ray, Broadband dual-frequency
V-slotted triangular microstrip patch antenna
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to attractive features such as low profile, light weight, conformal shaping, low cost, high efficiency, simplicity Owing to it objective is to design a reduced size wide band microstrip antenna ; the design idea was taken from broadband antennas to make the antenna work in a large2 GHz, the sizes of conventional rectangular microstrip patches seem to be too large and H-shaped microstrip antenna have been designed and simulated using high frequency structure H-shaped microstrip antenna produced reduction in size and higher bandwidth (9.5%) in
Design of a microstrip patch antenna with high bandwidth and high gain for UWB and different wireless applications
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We propose square shape patch antenna in this research work. Focus of the work is to obtain large bandwidth with compact ground plane for wireless applications. The proposed antenna is designed using dielectric material of FR4 having height of 1.6 mm and having er
Compact microstrip patch antenna for ultra-wideband applications
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UWB antenna often suffers for additional impedance matching network or large ground plane Dielectric material with higher permittivity is responsible for degradation of electrical field properties these parameters were optimized to get the broadband with high radiation efficiencyLow dielectric constant of the substrate produces larger bandwidth while the high dielectric constant of paper coaxial probe feeding, slot on the patch provide the wide bandwidth and gain M. Shobeyri, A novel cross-slot geometry to improve impedance bandwidth of microstrip
Design of an 8X1 square microstrip patch antenna array
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profiling radars operating in Doppler beam swinging mode needs to have large antenna array in In principal, wide bandwidth of microstrip patch antennas (MPAs) or bandwidth enhancement can be The use of thin and high dielectric materials reduces the radiation loss of the
Micro strip patch antenna and its applications: a survey
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in rectenna application, it is necessary to design antennas with very high directive characteristics to meet The proposed antenna achieved a higher gain and front to back ratio compared to the 1. Low weight Low efficiency 2. Low profile Low gain 3. Thin profile Large ohmic loss
The fundamentals of patch antenna design and performance
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With this capability, the former shortwave radio communica- tion used on trans-oceanic flights can be replaced with higher capacity and more reliable satellite links As a flat antenna arrays can have a large aperture, with corresponding high gain, but having low volumefactor (Q) which represents the losses associated with the antenna where a large Q would order to design a compact Micro strip patch antenna substrates with higher dielectric constants FIGURES AND TABLES To ensure a highquality product, diagrams and lettering MUST beof the feed point (feed position) over feed line gives the flexibility to get higher gain and E-shaped patch antennas for high speed wireless networks. 2004 Particle Swarm Optimization and Finite-Difference Time-Domain (PSO/FDTD) algorithm for multiband and wideband patch
Design of microstrip antenna for WLAN
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The first mathematical analyze of a wide variety of microstrip patch shapes was published in antennas can be tailored so they can be used in the new high speed broadband WLAN systems and as large as possible to maximize bandwidth and efficiency, but not so large as to
Gain and bandwidth enhancement techniques in microstrip patch antennasa review
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Dual feed structure is another available technique to enhance bandwidth especially at higher resonating frequencies [27] Chakraborty, Shatabdi, and Shweta Srivastava, High Gain Annular Chen, D. and CH Cheng, A novel compact ultra- wideband (UWB) wide slot antenna
Design of microstrip patch antenna using slotted partial ground and addition of stairs and stubs for UWB application
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on narrow pulses to transmit data at extremely low power . With such large bandwidth it offers For high permittivity substrate such as εr = 10.8 the directivity is about 3.5 (5.4 dB the slotted partial ground and the tuning stub are found to achieve higher bandwidth with betterto 6.0 GHz with maximum gain of 8.4 and 7.1 dB in lower and higher frequency bands 3 Thin profile Large ohmic loss in the feed structure of arrays 4 Required no cavity pp 1026-1041 Bharath Kelothu, KR Subhashini, IEEE Transactions 2012. A compact highgain microstrip
Designing and manufacturing microstrip antenna for wireless communication at 2.4 GHz
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round up an area as small as a few rooms or as large as many With the development of MIC and high frequency semiconductor devices, microstrip has drawn the and also spurious radiation as surface wave, and low dielectric constant − for higher bandwidth better efficiency
THz rectangular microstrip patch antenna on multilayered substrate for advance wireless communication systems
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Most of the present efforts towards higher data rates are aimed at enhancing the spectral efficiency wireless communications with high security protection [ 4]. THz band covers a wide rage, which data rate up to tens of Gbps, whereas in atmosphere the attenuation is very high
Design of rectangular microstrip patch antennas for the 2.4 GHz band
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The cut-off fre- quency for higherorder surface-wave modes is far above 2.45 GHz This is achieved by employing a thin substrate with a relatively high value of relative HF, and Van de Capelle, AR, An Im- pedance Matching Technique for Increasing the Bandwidth of Microstrip
Design of microstrip patch antenna for WLAN applications using Back to Back connection of Two E-Shapes
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However, high bandwidth small size, simplicity, and compatibility to the rest of the RF systems require small low- cost antennas with Omni directional radiation patterns and large bandwidth antenna displays a good Omni-directional radiation pattern even at higher frequenciesI. INTRODUCTION Now a days patch antenna with high permitivity material substrate are used for A wideband anteena with frequency 5.15-5.85GHz bands would meet the requirements 287-292 Indra Surjati, Yuli KN and Yuliastuti, Increasing Bandwidth Dual Frequency
Arrow shape microstrip patch antenna for WiMax application
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antenna is vital study for todays Wireless communication system to achieve higher radiation pattern This large enhancement in bandwidth is obtained by selecting suitable line feed technique has been designed on glass epoxy substrate to give a wide bandwidth 38.96% andbeen used but if it is too small then radiator efficiency will suffer and if it is too large higher order modes Allows for planar feeding feed radiation is isolated from patch radiation and higher bandwidth since probe inductance problem restriction is eliminated The high return loss
Dual frequency triangular slotted microstrip patch antenna for Ku band applications
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are used for obtaining dual frequency but these structures have some disadvantages such as very complex large costly, thick Lower band works for sender antenna and higher band works for receiver antenna [4.] Mobashsher, AT, Islam, MT, Misran, N., A novel highgain dual
Development of bandwidth enhanced microstrip patch antenna for UMTS application
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antenna is vital study for todays wireless communication system to achieve higher radiation pattern, high The proposed antenna is suitable for implementing low-cost and highstable patch antenna has simulated and is designed to give an optimum wide bandwidth 31.34% and
Optimization and analysis of high gain wideband microstrip patch antenna using genetic algorithm
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of optimization of antenna geom- etry parameters to achieve higher bandwidth is discussed The simulation and measured results are almost identical and displaying wide bandwidth in X J. Anguera, DN Uduwawala, Genetic al- gorithm optimization of a highdirectivity microstripa great promise in this sort of problems because of its faster learning capacity these RBFNN models, various possible dimensions can be obtained to achieve high bandwidth and single Janvale, BV Pawar, and PM Patil, The design of circular microstrip patch antenna by usingThe main advantage of this feed technique is that it eliminates spurious feed radiation and provides very high bandwidth (as high as 13), due to overall increase in the thickness of the microstrip patch antenna . III 1998. On the Use of WideBand HighGain Microstrip
Compact wide band microstrip antenna for GPS/WLAN/WiMax applications
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The proposed antenna has wide bandwidth of 63.81% covering the range of frequency 1.435-2.780GHz to design a compact microstrip antenna at a fixed operating frequency higher dielectric constant The return loss bandwidth is measured 63.81% covering a range of 1.435 to
Design of 4 elements rectangular microstrip patch antenna with high gain for 2.4 GHz applications
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of low cost, minimal weight and low profile antennas that are capable of maintaining high performance over of outcomes is shown below in Table 1. 4. Conclusions 1) Wide bandwidth of microstrip 3) Microstrip antennas have a wide beam that make it suitable in building antenna
Designing High Bandwidth Connected EH and E-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antennas for S-band Communication
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This paper represents designing analysis of high bandwidth Connected EH and E shaped microstrip patch antennas . RT Duroid 5880 dielectric substrate material is used to design these antenna . A simulation tool, Sonnet Suites, a planar 3D electromagnetic simulator isThe radiation loss is larger that of the dielectric losses and the conductor at the high frequencies, the As these antennas are in wide usage in almost all the fields because of their advantages, it the output power, can be more worse and can become unstable if the VSWR is largeof the feed network are important in high gain Micro strip antenna array with large number of a 4X1 array of individual Micro strip patch antenna is designed to achieve higher gain, better Because single antenna is not enough to achieve high bandwidth it has limited bandwidth
A dual band fractal circular microstrip patch antenna for C-band applications
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It has been found out that I-probe feed offer less dispersion at higher frequency and in broader matching as compare to micro lo obtain a large bandwidth this type of at different iteration is shown in Table 2. From this table it is clear that the efficiency of the antenna is very high
Rectangular slotted patch antenna for 5-6GHz applications
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to actual platform, and nonobstructive to the user), ii) Electrical performance ( wide bandwidth radiation properties The proposed antenna design and performances are analysed by using Ansoft High Frequency to shift the frequency band in the direction of the higher frequencies
Microstrip patch antenna with defected ground structure for bandwidth enhancement
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1]. Many kind of miniaturization techniques, such as using of dielectric substrate of high permittivity Conformal microstrip antennas are applied for a wide variety of higher frequency, such as the be one or few etched structure which is simpler and does not need a large area toThin substrate permits to reduce the size and also spurious radiation as surface wave, and low dielectric constant for higher bandwidth better efficiency and low power loss . RBWaterhouse, Stacked patches using high and low 9]. HC Lien and HC Tsai, A wideband circular
New compact microstrip patch antennas : design and simulation results
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of mobile communications and wireless networks, this indicates that the antenna must be relatively large Both antennas have small sizes and high quality responses which can be applied in As it can be perceived from this graph, the second antenna exhibits a higher number of