hot swap controller
Hot Swap controllers allow electronic circuit boards and cards to be inserted into live system backplanes, eliminating the need to power them down. Mission critical systems, such as servers and communication equipment, operate continuously as boards are hot plugged in or pulled out, either for system maintenance an N-channel MOSFET that serves as the main power-control switch, a sense resistor that measures the current, and the hot-swap controller—which includes a current-sense amplifier—completing the loop to control the MOSFET’s pass current
Understanding hot swap : Example of hot swap circuit design process
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Although the currents that must be interrupted and started up can be large, some of the subtleties of high-current design are often given very little consideration. Since thedevil is in the details,this article will focus on the function and significance of the components of a
Design and implementation of an hot swap mechanism for adaptive systems
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This Chapter highlights a common problem that plagues modern computing system, the skyrocketing complexity. We think the solution to this problem is self-aware adaptive computing and this Chapter provides an overall introduction on this topic and on motivations
Hot swap power management
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ABSTRACT This topic introduces the concept of Hot Swapping DC power buses and why hotswapping has become a mainstream requirement, particularly in the telecommunications industry. Several methods of implementing hot swap will be provided along with the pros
PCI Features § Full Hot Swap CompactPCI PIGMG 2.1-R1. 0 compliant
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Introduction u This document is the primary reference manual for PLD Applications CPCI10K- PROD boards. The CPCI10K-PROD is built with PLD Applications-PROD Concept.-PROD boards are designed with:-A FLEX10K programmable logic device for interfacing the PCI
Distributed Hot Swap management in an embedded system
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In a CompactPCI Hot Swap system, peripheral boards have a micro-switch attached to the lower board latch. When the latch changes state between open and closed, the System Host is interrupted and can deal with the event. A Hot Swap Control and Status Register in
Hot Swap Controller and Digital Power Monitor with PMBus Interface
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Rev. C Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use.
hoT sWAp AnD poWeR MoniToRing
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The ADM1075 is a full feature, negative voltage, hot swap controller with constant power foldback that allows boards to be safely inserted and removed from a live 48 V backplane. It also features current, voltage, power readback, and energy metering via an integrated 12-bit
Hot Swap Controller and Digital Power and Energy Monitor with PMBus Interface
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Resistor-programmable 5 mV to 25 mV VSENSE current limit Programmable start-up current limit 1% accurate UV and OV thresholds Reports power and energy consumption over time Peak detect registers for current, voltage, and power PROCHOT power throttling capability
Hot Swap Controller and Digital Power and Energy Monitoring with PMBus Interface
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Rev. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use.
Design, DevelopmentVerification of Customized 32 bit cPCI Bus Target IP with Hot SwapGeographical Addressing
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ABSTRACT Compact PCI (cPCI) is a computer bus interconnect for industrial computers, combining an Eurocard-type connectors and PCI electrical and logical signaling environment. In this paper the design, development and UVM compliant Verification IP (VIP)
Full-Feature48 V Hot Swap Controller
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Rev. B Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use.
A Power Management Interface Circuit for Telecom Hot Swap with Local DC/DC Conversion
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A Ripanti notes-application.abcelectronique ABSTRACT Much of the Telecom and Datacom equipment infrastructure operates from a power architecture based on a 48 Vdc distribution bus. This supply level has emerged as a standard and efficient means of distributing power throughout equipment racks, while