hybrid coupler
Optical single-sideband modulation based on a dual-drive MZM and a 120-degree hybrid coupler
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A novel scheme for implementing high-performance optical single-sideband (OSSB) modulation based on a dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) and a 120-degree hybrid coupler is proposed and demonstrated. A RF signal is divided by the 120-degree hybrid This paper describes a miniaturized 90 degree hybrid coupler using edge-coupled microstrip lines. A high dielectric constant substrate and meandered coupled-line configuration are adopted to realize small size. In the designing, the effects of meandered
Ultra-wideband circularly polarized wide-slot antenna fed by three-stub hybrid coupler
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In this paper, a three-stub hybrid coupler fed systems for many years to allow more flexible orientation of circularly polarized wide-slot antenna is presented and studied the transmitting and receiving antennas to the received for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications. The
Broadband 90 degree hybrid coupler using photonic transversal approach
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A novel technique to phase shift signal by 90 degrees over a broad frequency range is proposed. The technique is based on a transversal signal processing approach. It is verified by numerical simulations that fractional RF bandwidth as large as 10: 1 is achievable with a
Behavioral modeling of a C-band ring hybrid coupler using artificial neural networks
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Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) gained importance on the RF microwave (MW) design area and behavioral modeling of MW components in the past few decades. This paper presents a cost effective neural network (NN) approach to overcome design, modeling and
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Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) is a promising heating method for a fusion device due to its localized power deposition profile, a direct ion heating at high density, and established technology for high power handling at low cost. For the same reason 1.5
Reduced size Koch fractal hybrid coupler for IEEE802. 11b/g wireless applications
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A new miniaturized Koch Fractal Hybrid coupler is proposed using Koch Fractal curve. In order to validate the results, the miniaturized Koch Fractal Hybrid Coupler is designed, fabricated and measured using Microstrip transmission line at operating frequency 2.44
3 dB Hybrid Coupler
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In this work a 3dB stripline broadside coupler is designed and simulated. Various combinations were tried and final geometry is simulated with a 3-D planar electromagnetic simulation software, Sonnet Suites . Simulation results are satisfactory and presented
3 dB 90° hybrid quasi-optical coupler with air field slab in SIW technology
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This letter presents a new class of small-size and high performance directional coupler based on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. This type of coupler is composed of a waveguide section of four arms connected by a central junction. Quasi
Investigation of a hybrid coupler for a 6 meter S-band linear collider accelerating structure
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The possibility of using the symmetric SBLC coupler for hybrid mode damping is investigated. The requirements for the frequency and Q-factor of the coupler at first dipole mode are obtained on the basis of an equivalent scheme of diskloaded waveguide (DLW)
Short-slot hybrid coupler in gap waveguide at 38 GHz
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This thesis is an attempt to validate the recently developed gap waveguide technology. Gap waveguides are modified form of conventional microstrip and hollow waveguides. It provides two alternatives such as ridge gap waveguide and groove gap waveguide. This thesis
90 Degree Hybrid Coupler
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Abstract In this Major Qualifying Project we were tasked by our project sponsor, Skyworks Solutions Inc., to redesign a 90- hybrid coupler with the center frequency of 1.9 GHz. The sponsors requirements for the new design were to increase the bandwidth and decrease
A general analysis and new designs for the hybrid -ring directional coupler
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General expressions are presented for the scattering parameters of the hybrid -ring directional coupler , assuming only one-axis symmetry and isolation of output arms. Under the condition of matching of input arms, the existing designs for 3-dB as well as those for
Design of an E-plane Ring Hybrid Coupler in a Rectangular Waveguide
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Rectangular waveguide ring hybrid couplers are often used in combining, subtracting and dividing microwave signal in waveguides. In this paper, we present the optimum design and experimental verification of an E-plane 180 ring hybrid coupler in a rectangular waveguide
Wideband non linear 3 dB hybrid coupler for X-band swiched beam antenna
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This paper presents a new wideband 3 dB hybrid coupler for X-band. The proposed wideband 3 dB hybrid coupler has been designed by using non linear arm with exponential impedance taper to achieve a good performance. The proposed hybrid coupler achieved an
Transmission characteristics analysis of a directional coupler based on hybrid SNIMS plasmonic waveguide
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We numerically simulate a directional coupler based on hybrid SNIMS (semiconductor- nanowire-insulator-metal strip) plasmonic waveguide using COMSOL. The distributions of electromagnetic field and longitudinal energy flux density when only fundamental mode
Analysis of a microwave hybrid graphene-metal branch line coupler
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This paper introduces a new branch line coupler (BLC) based on the graphene-metal structure. Because of frequency dependency of the surface conductivity of graphene, it could be utilized as a matching element in the ports of the BLC. The simulation results of this
An Embedded RF Lumped Element Hybrid Coupler Using LTCC Technology
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A novel embedded RF lumped element 3-dB hybrid coupler is proposed by a 3D vertical architecture using LTCC technology. The innovative architecture deliberately inherits the parasitic capacitance that is inevitable to embedded inductors for size reduction. A prototype
Miniaturized hybrid rat-race coupler of a 2.5 GHz loaded by resistors
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A rat-race coupler is one of the essential components used in microwave circuits. Rat-race coupler has numerous applications in satellite communication, phased array radar antenna systems and radar. Recently, wireless communication systems usually require smaller
Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Microwave Directional Couplers and Rat-Race Hybrid Coupler Using Open Source Finite Element Software
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Computer modeling and simulations of physical processes play an important role in teachinga-learning process of engineering courses and particularly for difficult courses such as electromagnetic and microwave engineering. In this paper we determined the s