image processing project
Image processing based forest fire detection
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A novel approach for forest fire detection using image processing technique is proposed. A rule based color model for fire pixel classification is used. The proposed algorithm uses RGB and YCbCr color space. The advantage of using YCbCr color space is that it can separate
Image processing based intelligent traffic controller
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The frequent traffic jams at major junctions call for an efficient traffic management system in place. The resulting wastage of time and increase in pollution levels can be eliminated on a city-wide scale by these systems. The paper proposes to implement an intelligent traffic
Image processing based heuristic analysis for enhanced currency recognition
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A successful approach for currency recognition depends upon feature extraction of that currency image . This paper represents the heuristic analysis of characters and digits of serial number of Indian currency notes to recognition of currency notes. To recognize a
Morphological operators for color image processing based on Mahalanobis distance measure
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Morphological image processing has been widely used to process binary and grayscale images. To extend the concept to color images, an ordering of the data is required. The solution is not unique, because color spaces are not totally ordered and the ordering process is not
A new image processing based technique to determine chlorophyll in plants
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Leaf colour is usually used as a guide for assessments of nutrient status and plant health. We propose a new inexpensive, hand-held and easy-to-use technique for the detection of chlorophyll content and foliar nitrogen content in plants based on leaf colour. This method
Efficient forest fire detection system: a spatial data mining and image processing based approach
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The drastic ascent in the volume of spatial data owes its growth to the technical advancements in technologies that aid in spatial data acquisition, mass storage and network interconnection. Thus the necessity for automated detection of spatial knowledge from
Image processing based leaf rot disease, detection of betel vine (Piper BetleL.)
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This paper deals with leaf rot disease detection for betel vine (Piper betel L.) based on image processing algorithm. The measurement of plant features is a fundamental element of plant science research and related applications. The information related to plant features is
Image processing based OMR sheet scanning
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This paper aims to develop Image processing based Optical Mark Recognition sheet scanning system. Today we find that lot of competitive exams are been conducted as entrance exams. These exams consists of MCQs. The students have to fill the right box or
Optimized flame detection using image processing based techniques
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Present work is an in depth study to detect flames in video by processing the data captured by an ordinary camera. Previous vision based methods were based on color difference, motion detection of flame pixel and flame edge detection. This paper focuses on optimizing
A new image – processing – based technique for measuring leaf dimensions
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We propose in this paper a new method for measuring a number of leaf dimension parameters including height, width, average width, perimeter and area. A digital scanner is utilized to acquire leaf images, which unlike digital cameras, requires no calibration in terms
Agricultural plant leaf disease detection and diagnosis using image processing based on morphological feature extraction
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Leaf spots can be indicative of crop diseases, where leaf batches (spots) are usually examined and subjected to expert opinion. In our proposed system, we are going to develop an integrated image processing system to help automated inspection of these leaf batches
Image processing based automatic visual inspection system for PCBs
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The on-line or automatic visual inspection of PCB is basically a very first examination before its electronic testing. This inspection consists of mainly missing or wrongly placed components in the PCB. If there is any missing electronic component then it is not so
Image processing based automatic toll booth in Indian conditions
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in this research paper we examine the image the respective information will be processing based toll collection system and how to make more efficient and perfect. On any toll both the vehicle has to stop for paying the toll. We are trying to develop a system that would pay the
Image processing based approach to cancer cell prediction in blood samples
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Acute leukemia is a disease of the leukocytes and their precursors. It is characterized by the appearance of immature, abnormal cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood and frequently in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and other parenchymatous organs. The paper
Raspberry Pi and image processing based electronic voting machine (EVM)
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Abstract Electronic voting machine has already been developed and widely used in many developed countries. But most of them use Radio Frequency ID. In developing countries RFID for each person does not exist. And using RFID is still a costly solution. Some of the developing
Automated blood cancer detection using image processing based on fuzzy system
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Blood cancer is the most prevalent and it is very much dangerous among all type of cancers. Early detection of blood cancer has the potential to reduce mortality and morbidity. There are many diagnostic technologies and tests to diagnose blood cancer. However many of these
Image Processing Based Traffic Light Control
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We are very much aware of the fact that, the population of city and number of vehicles on the road are increasing day by day. With increasing urban population and hence the number of vehicles, need of controlling streets, highways and roads is major issue. The main reason
Digital image processing based noise reduction analysis of digital dental xray image using matlab
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This paper work based on Quality improvement analysis of digital dental X-ray image . If it is one of the active research areas in Digital Image Processing (DIP), it is removal of noise from images. Taking this into consideration this paper presents a filtering technique to
Finger motion parameterization based on image processing
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This contribution is denoted to the finger motion parameterization based on image processing . There is a very short description of the parameterization principle in the part methods. The precision of the parameterization process is evaluated based on two
HIPI: a Hadoop image processing interface for image – based mapreduce tasks
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The amount of images being uploaded to the internet is rapidly increasing, with Facebook users uploading over 2.5 billion new photos every month [Facebook 2010], however, applications that make use of this data are severely lacking. Current computer vision