LIDAR robot
LIDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure ranges (variable distances) to the Earth.
Lidar scan-matching for mobile robot localization
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Problem of mobile robot localization is usually solved by using GPS and INS system, but the system error of this kind of system has to be corrected by other sensors such as lidar . This study proposes an algorithm to do lidar scan-matching. The method employs a fuzzy
Indoor scanning and mapping using mobile robot and rp lidar
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The environment scanning has been important in a mobile robot studies and applications that may help people to investigate, monitor and study a variety of environments such as an unexplored, hazardous, dynamic, cluttered and others. The main issue regarding this
Modeling and control for vision based rear wheel drive robot and solving indoor SLAM problem using LIDAR
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monitoring reconnaissance vision manipulation autonomous navigation multi- robot cooperation and other behaviors general robotics $ 4000 Pioneer 3 DX Powerful but Expensive Page 7. Robots (Different Styles and Modes) 7 FreeSLAM Robot : Vision Mode Rear Wheel Drive
Analysis of ROS-based Visual and Lidar Odometry for a Teleoperated Crawler-type Robot in Indoor Environment.
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This article presents a comparative analysis of ROS-based monocular visual odometry, lidar odometry and ground truth-related path estimation for a crawler-type robot in indoor environment. We tested these methods with the crawler robot Engineer , which was
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In agricultural robotic, the nature of the environment is very important for any type of agricultural robotic research. The higher degree of environment complexity in agricultural area encourage researchers to use expensive sensors in order to produce a reliable map
LIDAR and stereo camera data fusion in mobile robot mapping
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LIDAR (2D) has been widely used for mapping and navigation in mobile robotics. However, its usage is limited to simple environments. This problem can be solved by adding more sensors and processing these data together. This paper explores a method how
making a framework for a robot with a mobile base
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This thesis is about making a framework for a robot with a mobile base, where the only external sensor is a LIDAR unit. The framework is made to be expanded upon, but to also be switched out or used for other tasks with its modular design. In this work, the users