metal detector robot
to develop a robotic vehicle that can sense metals ahead of it on its path similar to sensing land mines.
Wireless metal detector robot circuit is designed using 8051 microcontroller and is mainly used to detect landmines, minerals, weapons,
Factors Effect on Metal Detecting System using Mobile Robot
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The metal detection mobile robot has got to the summit of the utilized methods in landmines and unexploded ordnance detection techniques, while it is used in other applications like archeology, treasure and mines prospection and underground metallic services search in
Knight Sweeper 4200 Autonomous Metal Detecting Robot
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Knight Sweeper vehicle. Knight Sweeper is an autonomous vehicle designed to detect any metallic objects and avoid obstacles during its route of navigation. Once detection occurs the vehicle is designed to identify region of detection and avoid collision with the actual metallic
Bluetooth controlled Metal detecting robot with message alert
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This project is mainly used for finding metal elements. In army for detecting the land mines the soldiers use handled metal detector so that some times the land mine was explode. That way the soldiers are died. For solving this problem, this project is used. This project have
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Existing system This robot is controlled by a RF remote. This can be moved forward and reverse direction using DC motors. Also this robot can take sharp turnings towards left and right directions. This project uses AT89S52 as its controller. A high sensitive induction type
Management and Achieving System for Metal Detection Robot Using Wireless-Based Technology and Online Database Registry
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The tremendous recent involvement of technology in our life generates a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, and to profoundly augment its positive influence, at the expense of the negatives, most technology be deployed to serve humanity and society
Multi Directional Conductive Metal Detection Robot Control
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As technology is growing there is a considerable demand on machine interface to the controlling system. Robotics is an era where mechanical structures are powered by interfacing personal computers with the improved software tools. Hyperlink is a standalone
Mechatronics Design of a Mobile Robot for Detection of Metal Object
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A particular importance will be given to how the principle ideas were managed to achieve an optimal mechatronic product if certain conditions imposed. Schemes in principle on the whole mechatronic product was designed, conducted and completed in detail. The present
Mobile robot design for metal objects detection
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A particular importance will be given to how the principle ideas were managed to achieve an optimal mechatronic product if certain conditions imposed. Schemes in principle on the whole mechatronic product was designed, conducted and completed in detail. The present
Implementation of Autonomous Metal Detection Robot with Image and Message Transmission using Cell Phone
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This paper describes the implementation of autonomous robot prototype for metal detection . The robot scans predefined area strip by strip and detects metallic object. Two DC geared motors are used for controlling the movement of robot . The metallic objects are detected by
Metal And Remnants of War Detection Robot
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After the industrial and technological revolutions, robots have a major rule in various industrial fields including production due to its advantages of reducing production cost and time and the ability to operate in hazardous environments. This paper is a robot that can be
An ultrasonic Based Path Finder Robot with Metal Detection Capability
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The robotic capability of finding its own path without any instruction and human effort. The electronically decision taking capability is provide by microcontroller which control the robot by using ultrasonic sensor output. The microcontroller gave instruction to the robot to survive
Pick and Place Robot Arm for Metal and Non- Metal Detection
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The pick and place robot is one of the technologies in manufacturing industries which is designed to perform pick and place operation. This system is a robot manipulator to pick metal and place it defined position and to pick non- metal and place it defined position. The
Wireless Robot for Personal Mine Detection and Extraction Equipped with a Wide Range Metal Detector Sensor
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This paper deals with design and implementation of a novel low cost-four wheels mine detection and extraction robot . The powering, driving and controlling circuits are illustrated. It is multitasks cooperative controlled robot for personal land-mine detection and extraction of
Metal , fire and light detection robot with advanced wireless Bluetooth control
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The concept of our project is to control and monitor trough mobile app using blue-tooth the elements like based on sensing elements fire, metal through the code embedded in the microcontroller. The code is written in general purpose microcontroller for the purpose of
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Existing system This robot is controlled by a RF remote. This can be moved forward and reverse direction using DC motors. Also this robot can take sharp turnings towards left and right directions. This project uses AT89S52 as its controller. A high sensitive induction type