motor driver
used to control motors in autonomous robots. Motor driver ICs act as an interface between microprocessors in robots and the motors in the robot. DC motor driver ICs provide the simplest and most flexible solution available for driving brushed direct current (DC) motors. These ICs include power FETs and protection circuits.
Three-phase sinusoidal current PWM brushless motor driver ICs
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Abstract This paper reports a newly developed single packaged IC, integrating 500V 1A one chip inverter IC and its controller chip. The developed ICs greatly reduce the footprints and realize an optimized solution for sinusoidal current PWM drive of DC brushless motorsIntroduction
Design and analysis of a double sided linear switched reluctance motor driver for elevator door
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Abstract. In this study, an electromagnetic design of double sided linear switched reluctance motor (LSRM) is presented. It has been designed for driving an elevator door. The motor has tree phase and 6/4 poles. The motormagnetic analysis was done as a 3 dimensional
A New Microstepping Motor Driver IC with Integrated Step and Direction Translator Interface
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ABSTRACT A new microstepping motor driver integrated circuit with an integrated step and direction translator interface has been developed specifically to drive bipolar stepper motors. This new IC incorporates several unique design features, including automatic mixed-mode
Design and qualification of a smallsat stepper motor driver flight results on-board the YES2 satellite
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ABSTRACT Drivers for stepper motors are a commonly required critical technology for small satellites. This paper highlights the stepper driver design, test, and mission performance for the second Young Engineers Satellite (YES2). The unit integrates the required digital and
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Specifically created and intended for bidirectional current control of two-phase step motors, this IC merges pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) current regulation with innovative mode control circuitry. Although singularly targeted for bipolar-drive oferies connected tep
L6235 three phase brushless dc motor driver
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For small-motor applications many appliance designers favor modern three phase brushless DC motors because of the high efficiency (as great as 95%) and small size for a given delivered power. Designers have to handle control logic, torque and speed control, power-
L6234 Three Phase Motor Driver
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The L6234 is a DMOSs triple half-bridge driver with input supply voltage up 52V and output current of 5A. It can be used in a very wide range of applications. It has been realized in Multipower BCD60II technology which allows the combination of isolated DMOS transistors
detection of position and speed in brushless DC motors using the derivative of terminal phase voltages technique with a simple and versatile motor driver
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Abstract The detection of position and speed in BLDC motors without using position sensors has meant many efforts for the last decades. The aim of this paper is to develop a sensorless technique for detecting the position and speed of BLDC motors, and to overcome
Integrated DC motor driver with digital speed controller
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Abstract This work presents the design of a DC motor H-Bridge driver with a closed loop digital speed controller, using quadrature encoders commonly found in this kind of device. The controller is composed of several building blocks that filter and process the encoders
A New Serial Controlled Motor Driver IC
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ABSTRACT A new serial-controlled IC has been specifically developed to drive dc motors. This paper will present this new serial-controlled motor driver which includes several unique circuit design features. These features, which include various current-decay and
Dual BLDC motor driver for arm of humanoid robot MARKO
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BLDC motor driver that is capable of driving two motors and interfacing to absolute and incremental encoders. The developed driver will be used for controlling the motion of arms joints of the humanoid robot MARKO. A brief description of electrical motors and their use in
Detection of faults in AC to AC converter fed induction motor driver
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Abstract-This paper presents simulation results of the harmonics analysis of motor current signatures under different fault condition of CSI (Current Source Inverter) fed induction motor drive. In this work, simulation studies are performed for two different post fault conditions ie
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the relation between the output voltage and energy efficiency of an ultrasonic motordriver and the duty cycle of the driving pulse is analyzed K eywords: ultrasonic motor driver CPLD 1 INTRODUCTION
A Sensor-less Ultra-high-Speed Motor Driver
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Abstract An ultra-high speed motor is important in machine tools. A speed sensor-less ultra- high speed motor driver is proposed in this paper. Due to cost, only few drivers build up a closed-loop control, which could improve driverperformance. Therefore, a sensor-less
An Ultrasonic Motor Driver Using a Resonant Booster
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According to the capacitive characteristic of the ultrasonic motor, a non-transformer driver scheme for ultrasonic motor using LC resonant is proposed in this paper. The circuit is theoretically analyzed and verified by simulation. The relationships of the amplitudes and
Development of High Power 20kW Brushless DC Motor Driver and Application of Novel Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles
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ABSTRACT In recent years, as the environmental protection and global warming has risen, it is important to reduce the pollution of environment. According to The World Energy Council (WEC) estimation, the petroleum of world will be use up in 40-50 year. A solution way is
Implementation of 3-Phase Motor Control System based on a Dedicated Motor Driver
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Abstract: In this paper, we propose alternative development method of motor control system by using AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture)-based Infineon eMotor Driver. Conventional development methods of control system are dependent on the hardware. For
Calculating Motor Driver Power Dissipation
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ABSTRACT When selecting a motor driver IC for a particular application, consider the maximum amount of current that must be driven. The thermal characteristics of the IC and PCB are often the limiting factor in how much current a given motor driver provides. To
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ABSTRACT A new dual H-bridge motor driver IC has been developed to address the universal need to reduce the cost of driving a bipolar stepper motor. This paper will present this new dual H-bridge motor driver which includes several unique circuit design features.
Design and Implementation of Motor Driver Based on 32Bit Arm Cortex Processor
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ABSTRACT In motion control system, stepper motors are widely used in robotics and numerical machine tools, where the highprecision is required. In this paper the design and implementation of motor drive with Hybrid Stepper Motor (HSM). Based on STM32F407 32-