nanomagnet-nanotechnologies 2021
A nanomagnet is a submicrometric system that presents spontaneous magnetic order (magnetization) at zero applied magnetic field (remanence). The small size of nanomagnets prevents the formation of magnetic domains
The dynamics of nanomagnets underpin existing commercial products such as computer hard drives and magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) chips. Nanomagnet dynamics are also at the heart of a wide array of devices currently under development or proposed for future electronics.
Magnetic nanoparticles are a class of nanoparticle that can be manipulated using magnetic fields. Such particles commonly consist of two components, a magnetic material, often iron, nickel and cobalt, and a chemical component that has functionality.
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have shown promise in a number of biomedical applications, including: magnetic hyperthermia, enhancing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, supplementing tissue engineering efforts and improving the delivery of drugs to difficult to reach microniches
Nanomagnetic technology can be used to develop devices with more durable batteries and increased storage memories. Magnetricity can be used to produce more powerful and smaller cell phones and computers, as an alternative to the use of electricity.
Nanomagnetic chips are made from material similar to refrigerator magnets, etched with rows of rectangles. Each rectangle measures about 100 nanometers on a side and has magnetic poles.
Magnetization Reversal in Hexagonal Nanomagnets .
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Magnetic nanostructures are of high interest for basic research of the interplay between magnetocrystalline and shape anisotropy as well as for a broad range of applications from biomedicine to data storage systems . Recently, often magnetic nanofibers were
Controlling Molecular Nanomagnet Properties by the Host Lattice
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ABSTRACT 16 Structural control over the magnetic properties of molecular nanomagnets (MNM) is key to 17 bottom up design strategies for novel molecule-based magnetic materials, for eg data storage, 18 magnetic cooling or spintronics. Herein, we switch theWe report a study of demagnetization protocols for frustrated arrays of interacting single domain permalloy nanomagnets by rotating the arrays in a changing magnetic field. The most effective demagnetization is achieved by not only stepping the field strength down
Realization of quantum nanomagnets in metal-free porphyrins
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Quantum nanomagnets exhibit collective quantum behaviors beyond the usual long range ordered states due to the interplay of low dimension, competing interactions and strong quantum fluctuations. Despite numerous theoretical works treating quantum magnetism, the
Data mining, dashboards and statistics: a powerful framework for the chemical design of molecular nanomagnets
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Three decades of intensive research in molecular nanomagnets have brought the magnetic memory in molecules from liquid helium to liquid nitrogen temperature. The enhancement of this operational temperature relies on a wise choice of the magnetic ion and the
NanoSCL: A Standard Cell Library for Nanomagnetic Logic
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The Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology is reaching its physical limitations, and several recent works focus on Field-Coupled Nanocomputing technologies such as the Nanomagnetic Logic (NML). In our work, we present NanoSCL, a
Near-infrared emissive cyanido-bridged molecular nanomagnets sensitive to the nitrile solvents of crystallization
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One of the pathways toward luminescent single-molecule magnets (SMMs) is realized by the self-assembly of lanthanide (3+) ions with cyanido transition metal complexes. We report a novel family of emissive SMMs,{YbIII (4-pyridone) 4 [FeII (phen) 2 (CN) 2] 2}(CF3SO3) 3 This paper looks at designing circuit elements that will be constructed with nanoscale magnets within the Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) computational paradigm. In magnetic QCA (MQCA) logical operations and dataflow are accomplished by manipulating
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This paper presents synthesis of a nanomagnetic sponge loaded with oil in water (O/W) microemulsion for removing aged varnish from an Egyptian inlaid wooden jewelry box artifact, Ottoman period, 18th century. It was displayed in the museum of faculty of applied
Nanomagnetic Actuation of Hybrid Stents for Hyperthermia Treatment of Hollow Organ Tumors. Nanomaterials 202 1 618
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This paper describes a magnetic nanotechnology that locally enables hyperthermia treatment of hollow organ tumors by using polymer hybrid stents with incorporated magnetic nanoparticles (MNP). The hybrid stents are implanted and activated in an alternating
Rhodamine 6g Removal from Aqueous Solution with Coconut Shell-Derived Nanomagnetic Adsorbent Composite (Cs-Nmac): Isotherm and Kinetic Studies.
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Faculty of Agro-Based Industry, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus 17600 Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia the other models (Langmuir, Temkin and BET). The maximum adsorption capacity was 32.02 mg/g. Rhodamine 6G removal by CS-NMAC obeyed theThe authors show how to implement a 4-state universal logic gate (NOR) using three straincoupled magnetostrictive-piezoelectric multiferroic nanomagnets (eg Ni/PZT) with biaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Two of the nanomagnets encode the 2-state input bits
A New Nanomagnetic Pd-Co Bimetallic Alloy as Catalyst in the Mizoroki-Heck and Buchwald Hartwig Amination Reactions in Aqueous Media
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A Pd-Co bimetallic alloy encapsulated in melamine-based dendrimer supported on magnetic nanoparticles denoted as γ-Fe2O3@ MBD/Pd-Co was synthesized by a facile co- complexation-reduction method and characterized sufficiently. The catalytic evaluation of γ
Photovoltage detection of spin excitations of nanocrystals and nanomagnets with 2D electron systems
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Photovoltage spectroscopy is an attractive technique for investigating the dynamic properties of the spin excitations of sub-micron scale ferromagnetic elements (cobalt stripes or disks) fabricated on the surface of a GaAs/Al0. 33Ga0. 67As heterojunction. Localised
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Wheat is the most cultivated plant and an important source of carbohydrates in the world. The Fe deficiency reduces quality of grain wheat leading to Fe deficiency in human. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of foliar and ground application of iron
Synthesis, characterization and application of Fe3O4@ MCM-BP as a Novel Nanomagnetic Reusable Basic Catalyst for the one Pot Solvent-Free Synthesis of
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By the immobilization of bipyridinium chloride onto mesoporous MCM-41encapsulated Fe3O4 nanoparticles via a simple post-synthesis method, a totally new organic inorganic hybrid nanocomposite was formulated. The heterogeneous hybrid nanomagnetic composite
Catalytic Reduction of Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 by Silver Nanomagnetic Clusters
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The research work represents the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) coated on magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles by chemical reduction and co-precipitation method, respectively. AgNPs were coated on magnetic ironoxide nanoparticles to form Ag@ Fe3O4
Inversion of the Spin-torque Effect by Resonant Magnon Scattering in Nanoscale Magnets
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The discovery of this counterintuitive effect advances our understanding of spin dynamics in nanomagnets and has farreaching implications for spin-torque oscillators , spintorque memory, and other emergent spintronics technologies . The ability to control and tune
Real-space imaging of phase transitions in bridged artificial kagome spin ice
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To achieve this order, we change the global symmetry of the artificial kagome system, by selectively tuning the near-field nanomagnet interactions through nanoscale bridges at the vertices. By precisely tuning the interactions, we can quantify the influence of frustration on such
Supreme Theory of Everything: A New Possibility to Open the Hysteresis
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The eddy current generates heat in nanomagnetic materials because of hysteresis loss. Nowadays, the necessity to study hysteresis increases by nanomagnetic properties, but it is described only by magnetic domains and their changes. In this paper, the opening of theThe surface of the MCPE was modified by immersing the electrode in a suspension of nanomagnetic core-shell (Fe3O4@SiO2) for 20 s, while nanomagnetic core-shells were physically adsorbed on the surface of the electrode by the magnetic force. The electrochemical
Understanding Ultrafast Switching with All-Optical Switching (AOS) Anomamlous Hall Effect (AHE)
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In this approach, we apply a current to an Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) crossbar and simultaneously excite the GdCo nanomagnetic dot in the center of the crossbar with a laser pulse. By observing a switch in the AHE voltage across the magnetic dot as the dot is hit with the
Focused-Electron-Beam Engineering of 3D Magnetic Nanowires. Nanomaterials 202 1 402
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This work reviews the experimental efforts to understand and control the physical processes involved in 3D FEBID growth of nanomagnets . Co and Fe FEBID straight vertical nanowires have been used as benchmark geometry to tailor their dimensions, microstructure,
Insights into the electric transport of sputtered Sb2Te3 topological insulator thin films towards spintronics applications
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Due to their performance in the control and switch of nanomagnets based on the Spin Orbit Torque (SOT), they could lead the Hall angle θSH have been reported , leading to outstanding control of nanomagnets . Sb2Te3 is one of the members of this family, with the TI surfaceWe will assume that nanomagnets 1 and 4 remain stiff while nanomagnets 2 and 3 rotate when stressed. This is a good approximation if the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy is significantly larger than the dipole interaction energy. Stage 1: Tension (T)/Compression (C) (We will assume that nanomagnets 1 and 4 remain stiff while nanomagnets 2 and 3 rotate when stressed. This is a good approximation if the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy is significantly larger than the dipole interaction energy. Stage 1: Tension (T)/Compression (C) ( nanomagnets undergo surface modification reaction with 3-amino propyltriethoxysilane, copolymers of acrylate and crotonate. Initially nanomagnets With respect to their activity, nanomagnets are efficient adsorbers for heavy metals, specially for Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) atWe find that NASR dynamics involves thermally activated transitions among two static states and a single dynamic state of the nanomagnet and can be well understood in the framework of Markov chain rate theory. Our simulations show that a direct voltage generated by the
Probing spin-waves in individual ferromagnetic nanoelements
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Focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID) is a technique of choice for direct-writing of nano-architectures with applications in nanomagnetism and magnon spintronics, Here, a series of our recent experiments on direct-write FEBID nanomagnets will be discussed. First
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In this talk, we will present our work on calculation of the energy barriers in nanomagnetic disks with strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions. These systems have a rough energy landscape with many minima. The different energy minima can be characterized by their
Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
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between nearby nanomagnets . This property is potentially useful for the design of closely packed arrays, for example, as in a high-density memory. Nevertheless, a minimum element size is imposed by the stability of flux-closure configurations, which requires an element size
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These auxiliary microcavities were loaded up with nanomagnetic substance in nearness of attractive field . By incorporation of nanomagnetic substance along huge attractive substance, the conglomeration of huge substance confines and causes field instigated stage
3D nanoarchitectures for superconductivity and nanomagnetism
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Patterned superconductors and nanomagnets are traditionally 2D planar structures, but recent work is expanding superconductivity and nanomagnetism into the third dimension. This expansion is triggered by advanced synthesis methods and the discovery of novel geometry-
Preparation of CoFe2O4@ Carboxymethylcellulose/HZSM-5 as a Novel Nano Magnetic Adsorbent for Metronidazole Removal: Isotherm, Kinetic and
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as a biopolymer in the green conditions as a new nanomagnetic adsorbent for metronidazole removal from aqueous media. Physical and chemical is preparation and characterization of CoFe2O4@CMC/HZSM-5 as a new nanomagnetic adsorbent for metronidazole removal.
Investigation of emergent magnetic behavior of artificial spin ice systems with defects
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A regular ASI vertex (a), a defective vertex with a misaligned nanomagnet at the vertex (b) and a defective vertex with missing nanomagnets at specific sites (c) with dimensions are shown. 94 4.3 (Left) MH loops measured at room temperature for multiple (over 80000) isolated
Development of Magnetic Hyperthermia Application: Current Status and Future Directions
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Abstract Artificial spin ice (ASI) consisting of highly shape anisotropic a thermal nanomagnets provides an interesting play-ground for studying geometric frustration in a very controlled way . Frustration leads to degenerate ground states. Several interesting experiments have
Optimization of lumped element superconducting resonators for quantum computing with molecular spin qubits
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In this work, we will focus on the design, fabrication and low temperature characterization of Lumped-Element Superconducting Resonators (LERs) optimized for the magnetic coupling to diverse molecular nanomagnets . Computation, discusses nanoscale architecture design and its implementation using nanomagnets . This chapter also throws light on graphene-based on-chip clocking interconnect replacing the traditional copper. The VLSI design process of digital signal processing (DSP)
Finite Element Analysis of Free Energy Permanent Magnet Motor Using Solidworks and Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) Software
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Although plenty of different magnetic materials have been synthesized including nanomagnetic ones, it is not easy to select an optimal magnetic material for a certain technological application due to their properties confliction. In this study, a new design of free energy The design of modern spintronic applications relies on the accurate simulation of nanomagnetic structures in realistic situations. This chapter discusses the application of multiscale modeling techniques to micro- and nanomagnetic systems. It is argued that multiscale
New and sensitive sensor for voltammetry determination of Methamphetamine in biological samples
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To deposition nanomagnetic core shell on the GCE/MWCNT/ Au-NPs, immersed the electrode in 10 mL suspention of Fe3O4@SiO2-Si-(CH2)3-SH and used 10 cycled of the potential between − 1.0 V to + 1.0 V with scan rate of 0.05Vs− 1. Procedure to prepare modified GCE is
Comparative Analysis of Spintronic Memories for Low Power on-chip Caches
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The presence of magnetic lines of force alters the trajectory of the moving nanomagnets (electrons), changing the effective electrical The direction of the nano magnet is governed by the controlling the direction of write current through the heavy metal layer. The amount of write
Controlling magnetic properties of La_0. 7Sr_0. 3MnO_3 by interface coupling and nanopatterning
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At the Curie temperature, the signal extends ∼ 150 nm inwards into the nanomagnet from the edges while no dichroism signal is observed Specifically, we investigate differences in the nanomagnets ’ crystal structure by x-ray diffraction and their magnetization by magnetometry.
Toroidal Order in Magnetic Metamaterials
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I demonstrate the design of planar arrays comprised of sub-micrometre-sized nanomagnets that are coupled by well-defined and tunable magnetostatic interactions and display a macroscopically ordered ferrotoroidic state. For addressing fundamental considerations about
Published in Science Advances https://www. science. org/doi/10.1126/sciadv. abg7054 as eLetter Comment on: Graphene-mediated ferromagnetic coupling in
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2021; 7: eabg705 23 July 2021) reported on the experimental demonstration of the graphene-mediated magnetic exchange coupling between nickel (Ni) nanomagnets and further suggesting that prepared graphene/Ni-nanoislands heterostructure exhibits ideal two-
High Accuracy DBN-Fuzzy Neural Networks using MRAM-based Stochastic Neurons
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In conventional MRAM cells, the free layer of the MTJ is made-up of a high energy barrier thermally-stable nanomagnet in proportion to the thermal energy, kT. Accordingly, the fixed layer offers a thresholding behavior appropriate for neural network applications meanwhile For the configuration of a central nanomagnet surrounded by four other nanomagnets three of them can be used as inputs driven by additional driver nanomagnets oriented in the x-direction, along the clock-field, and the last one of them (to the right of the central magnet) is the
Assessment of On-Grid and Off-Grid Electrification in Remote Villages of Chhattisgarh
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Abstract In this work, electrification scenario of the state of Chhattisgarh has been presented, which is the 10th largest state of India with a total population 25 million has total 19567 villages and 80% of the population lives in rural areas. Herein, we have bestowing 17 out of 133
Determination of Magnetization Dynamics of the Material with Spin Triplet States under the Action of a Weak Varying Field and Spin-Lattice Interaction in Zero
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In addition, we shall not consider the nanomagnets with the fractal structure (as an example of such structures, see Fig.1). Example of the fractal structure of Permalloy Ni80Fe20 nanomagnet (copy of Fig. 18 from )
Linearly and arboreally stackable quantum-dot cellular automata and their discrete simulation
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[ 29] All of these technologies have their advantages and disadvantages; NanoMagnet Logic can be produced using current-state technology and allows for ‘cells’ to be produced in sizes lower than 100 nanometre while Silicon Atomic QCA, although more difficult to realise,Nanomagnetic materials have applications in spintronics, medical diagnostics, and targeted drug delivery. The discovery of new materials for any specific application goes through different stages that involve formulation, synthesis, and characterization. And while
Ising Machine Based on Coupled Spin Torque Oscillators
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The spin torque oscillator is an emerging computing technology consisting of a nanomagnet driven into auto-oscillations by spin polarized current. Due to its sub-micrometer size, high operating frequency in the GHz range, and high tunability, the spin torque oscillator is a Added 10 μl of diluted sample to 100 μl FITC Label and 20 μl Nanomagnetic microbeads, then incubated for 5 minutes and washed with buffer (400 μl cycle washing), after that added 200 μl ABEI and incubated for 10 minutes, then washed with 400 μl cycle washing and finallyAbstract: Advancement of classical silicon-based circuit technology is approaching maturity and saturation. The worldwide research is now focusing wide range of potential technologies for the More than Moore era. One of these technologies is thermal-electronic logic circuits
Materials Processing, from Ideas to Practice
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Magnetic fluid is composed of nanomagnetic material coated with charged organics such as lignosulfonate, a paper pulping by-product, to provide sufficient repulsive force between the nanomagnetic particles. Learned from that concept, I combined it with the flotation collector
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Nanomagnetic spinel ferrite samples with the general formula Mg0.4Cu0.6CrxFe2-xO4 (x = 0.0, 0. 0. 1.0) which synthesized by sol-gel method, has been studied by different methods. Characteristics structural parameters have been examined from Xray diffraction spectra by
An efficient one-pot, four-component synthesis of a series of pyrazolo [ 4-b] pyridines in the presence of magnetic LDH as a nanocatalyst
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The 3-oxo-3-phenylpropanenitrile (1 mmol) was dissolved in H2O/EtOH (1:1) (5 mL) and arylglyoxal hydrate (1 mmol), 1-aryl-3-methyl1H-pyrazol-5 (4H) one (1 mmol), ammonium acetate with the nanomagnetic catalyst (10% mol) was then added to the reaction mixture. TheGeometrical frustration of the interactions between atomic moments can lead to a wide range of intriguing low-temperature collective spin states, such as spin liquids, spin glasses and spin ice. 1-2 Such behavior is driven by the structure of the geometrically frustrated magnetic-
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Keywords: Biomaterial, Iron sand, Nanomagnetic . The pattern of X-Ray diffraction of nanomagnetic samples. Redline shows the agglomeration of nanomagnetic and the yellow line shows spherical shape of individual nanomagnetic .A series of Mn-doped Na cobalt ferrite nanomagnetic particles having the formula MnxNa0.5Co(0.5−x)Fe2O4 (where x= 0.0, 0. 0. 0.5) were synthesized by a citrate sol gel autocombustion method at room temperature. Magnetic nanoparticles were synthesized by taking
bluetooth speaker
Automated Volume Adjusting Bluetooth Speaker
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With the rise of automation and wireless technology, there are so many different possibilities to create potential future technology with these fundamentals. I want to utilize my curiosity and interest in automation and wireless signals, along with my background in audio and
Efficient speaker identification from speech transmitted over Bluetooth networks
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This paper studies the process of speaker identification over Bluetooth networks. Bluetooth channel degradations are considered prior to the speaker identification process. The work in this paper employs Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients for feature extraction. Features are
Designing a Bluetooth Speaker : A Collaboration with Orlo AB
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This report details the collaborative project between the Author, Zenit Design AB which is performed on behalf of the bluetooth speaker manufacturer, Orlo AB. The Project is divided in two parts, where the first aims to identify a new market where Orlos technical expertise
Bluetooth architecture overview
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Speaker Amplitude Mic with Bluetooth Module
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A microphone is used in almost every platform of life whether its an education platform or entertainment platform. The system proposed in this paper is an advanced solution for the traditional microphones which is used in major parts of the world which lacks in connectivity
BRAKTOOTH: Causing Havoc on Bluetooth Link Manager
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Many vulnerabilities were discovered while testing with a BT Speaker (Mi Portable Bluetooth Speaker MDZ-36-DB [37]), BT Headphone (JBL TUNE 500BT [18]) and BT Audio Modules (XY-WRBT [25] and an unbranded BT Audio Receiver). The discovered vulnerabilities arise
SmallPod Bluetooth
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SmallPod Bluetooth Stylish wireless active speaker system The addition of Bluetooth wireless connectivity makes the SmallPod Bluetooth speaker one of the most versatile in the Podspeakers range.
Understanding users cross-domain intentions in spoken dialog systems
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The wizard (21-year-old male native English speaker ) was instructed to respond directly to participant’s goal-directed requests and to not accept out-of-domain inputs. The participants were not required to follow the order of the applications play music via bluetooth speaker
SmallPod Active Bluetooth
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SmallPod Active Bluetooth Stylish wireless active speaker system The addition of Bluetooth wireless connectivity makes the SmallPod Active Bluetooth speaker one of the most versatile in the Scandayna range.
The Bluetooth Audio Rejiggering Instrument (BARI)
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We test with a JBL Flip a Sony SRS-XB2 and a Sony WI-C300 Bluetooth speaker /headphone. We have successfully paired to all the Currently the user would still need to use a computer to setup BARI to connect with a Bluetooth speaker but we could implement simple
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. It is highly recommended that a surge protector is used to prevent frrn damage. Do NOT use the massage chair in areas where the humidity is high such as sauna steam rooms, pools, bathrooms, AC or heating vents, el, po NOT use the massage chair outdoors and avoid with
Developing Pillow Speaker Using Conductive Thread for E-Textiles Applications
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2.1.4 Bluetooth Circuit With battery A regular DC 3.7 V power supply Bluetooth speaker circuit is used here. It can directly promote the This Bluetooth pillow speaker can be used as a speaker to hear a song as well as a regular pillow for resting our head while in sleeping time.
Appdialogue: Multi-app dialogues for intelligent assistants
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Connected to bluetooth speaker As shown in Figure SETTINGS would deal with U1 to setup bluetooth connection and MUSIC would take care of U2 and U3. However, sometimes users produce utterances which involve several apps, eg, Boost my phone so I can play [transmission can be achieved on an advance 7.1 channel audio technology, and audio signal can be synchronized during the Bluetooth transmission over all seven speaker . Here we also showed that how the piconet will help us to provide connectivity within this 7.1 audio
Next Generation Smart Fridge System using IoT
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We have used raspberry pi with Raspbian OS, to mound the devices, raspberry pi camera to recognize the food item, Amazon Web Services Polly to convert user’s text to speech, AWS Rekognition to recognize items in the fridge and Bluetooth speaker which plays the audio of
HELPR: A framework to break the barrier across domains in spoken dialog systems
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Connected to bluetooth speaker The wizard (21-year-old male native English speaker ) was instructed to respond directly to a participant’s goal-directed requests and to not accept out-ofdomain inputs. An example of a transcribed dialog is shown in Fig. .
The Impact of Gender Stereotyping on the Perceived Likability of Virtual Assistants
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Whereas one group’s speaker answered with a female voice, the other group’s speaker a real smart speaker inside the box, and instead had placed a Bluetooth speaker there. After the Bluetooth speaker using an iPhone in order to create the illusion of a smart speaker for the
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Klein Tools Bluetooth Speaker with Magnetic Strap offers great sound plus more mounting options. The flexible strap can be used on conduit, backpacks, cooler handles, belt loops wherever you want to go. A magnet is smartly embedded in the strap allowing you to attach it
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If the amplifier is power cycled you must turn the Bluetooth module back on by pressing the Bluetooth ON/ OFF button. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Australian Monitor is underConversation will take place when we can understand what speaker says. Listening is an important input. EFL students who are learning we cannot communicate with each other without listening to the speakers utterances and understanding them. In addition, everyone wants
A music recommender for a group of people
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After the master device generates a playlist, the device storing each song plays it back automatically by connecting to a Bluetooth speaker . For each song Mk, the master device requests D(Mk) to play it back, at which point D(Mk) connects to the Bluetooth speaker . At the same
MicroPod Bluetooth
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MicroPod Bluetooth Stylish wireless active speaker system The addition of Bluetooth wireless connectivity makes the MicroPod Bluetooth speaker one of the most versatile in the Podspeakers range.
Speaker Sculptures
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In more recent sculptures (see GATEWAY and TREE) via Bluetooth receiver technology the spectators can play their own music from their People can call up the sculpture and talk through it for 3 minutes also via Bluetooth receivers spectators are encouraged to participate live
Implementation of Association Rule-Market Basket Analysis in Determining Product Bundling Strategy: Case Study of Retail Businesses in Indonesia
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Abstract The increasing retail industry in Indonesia makes competitiveness among retail businesses even higher. Therefore, a good marketing strategy is important to do. Retail Z is a retailer that sells handphone (HP) and electronic accessories, which want to increase sales . of
Smartphone Integrated Smart helmet for Real-Time Detection, Prevention and Reporting of Accidents
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The helmet will also have small a Bluetooth speaker attached on the inner side of it. This speaker will be connected to the Google maps application that can be useful in getting the directions. The Google maps application also provides the user with the information on the state
Cell phone use while driving: the behavioural risk of injury in Thailand
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In addition, Mixing types are variety use of Hand-held, Hands-free, Bluetooth or Speaker phone. The research which support this found was They showed that when comparison accessory usage, speaker phone, hand-held and hands-free, the speaker phone usage is the most
Security Vulnerabilities in Z-Wave Home Automation Protocol
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Installation simply requires pairing the device to the central Internet of Things hub in your home, like pairing your phone to a Bluetooth speaker . All seems right in the world. But what if the very device that you purchased to secure you home were a portal for attackers to gain
Study on the Electronic Wheelchair Controller with a Smart Phones Speakerindependent Recognition Engine
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And, the Bluetooth communication was used in some researches on the connection of the phone and some environment devices [13[15]. In this paper a smart phone’s application was developed for the electronic wheelchair controlling system, which could be
Happy Valentines Day!
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Beyond that, MacOS is able to connect to virtually any Bluetooth speaker whether it’sa fancier stereo or a simple portable speaker . 1. Turn the audio output to a Bluetooth speaker from a Mac is to turn off the Bluetooth speaker though when the speaker comes back on the Mac
A Bluetooth Based Spoken Query System for Controlling Electronic Devices
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As we know, the speech is a special kind of communicator among all human beings for their communication, that is why in this work, research is emphasized for developing a Speaker independent speech module which controls electronic devices by the voice of human beings
Leveraging Behavioral Patterns of Mobile Applications for Personalized Spoken Language Understanding
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For example, in the upper part of Figure Settings and Music are linked together since they were used for the goal of play music via bluetooth speaker . Then users were shown tasks annotated by themselves earlier along with the meta-data (date, location, and time), the
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Some three years ago I bought a decent Bluetooth speaker . Recently I wanted to bring it because the speaker was not that old and still worked when connected to the charger. I decided to that the replacement battery would cost more than a third of the price of the speaker itself.
Sound Effects
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Develop attacks and malware Which can control volume and speaker output in consumer devices Play/stream tones at a set of high and low frequencies Measure output Vibration speaker vibrated so much that it continuously fell over Burning smell from smart speaker
Study on a Smart Phone Application Controlling Agricultural Chemical Spray System with Bluetooth Communication
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And, the Bluetooth communication was used in some researches on the connection of the phone and some environment devices . In this paper a smart phone’s application was developed for the agricultural chemical spray system, which could be controlled
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Portable outdoor wireless speaker Bluetooth version: V5.0 Product size: 275*116*127mm Speaker driver size: 3inch RMS output : 8W MAX output: 8.5W Battery capacity : 1500mAh Frequency response: 100Hz-12kHz Input power supply : DC 5V/2A Playing Time:4H Charging
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NFC-Enabled Bluetooth with Multipoint Connects up to two Bluetooth devices simultaneously. The Creative iRoar is one of the most feature-rich and powerful portable bluetooth speakers we’ve ever tested,
Increasing the Situation Awareness and Response Time of the K9 Units Using a Smart Integrated Vest for the Canine Companion
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Microphone and Speaker . The audio input/output device is a wireless Bluetooth speaker as shown in Figure 2f, with optional wired connectivity. It allows a bidirectional audio feed between the remote location and the canine handler. It is used by the handler to issue comments For roughly one hour, we confirmed that this application successfully selected songs, switched the connection to the Bluetooth speaker In addition, by assuming the use of a Bluetooth speaker we achieved the automatic switching of the devices to be connected to the speaker .
Exploration of Locally-Induced Waves
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Top right: The EWA A106 bluetooth speaker used to apply local oscillations to generate waves. Bottom left: Ashley Barnes experimental setup, with the piston-driver assembly submerged in the water. Bottom right: Steven Tarr’s experimental assembly.
Value Sensitivity in Judgments of Relative Versus Absolute Preference
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For instance, ceteris paribus, decisionmakers are expected to prefer a Bluetooth speaker that has 12 hours of battery life (labeled Speaker A ) over a speaker that has 10 hours of battery life (labeled Speaker B ). In this paper, I posit that decision-makers will not always prefer
high performance audio
Regulators for High Performance Audio
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In the first three issues of 199 TAA readers were given a wealth of information on state-of- the-art regulators for low-level audio applications. Now that youve seen Walt Jungs circuits (1/9 p. 8), analyzed his measurement data (2/9 p. 20), and built Diddens clean, easy
The complete guide to highend audio
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as audiophiles, but these listeners nonetheless want highquality sound. The future of high performance audio looks bright indeed. more technical content for those readers interested in knowing how audio works, and to make this book truly The Complete Guide to High
Using The Low-Cost, High Performance ADSP-21065L Digital Signal Processor For Digital Audio Applications
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This document will serve as an introduction for those new to digital signal processing with interests in digital audio . It will first cover important DSP features for use in audio application such as precision, speed, data format and I/O capabilities. Some basic comparative analysis
Virtualized audio : A highly adaptive interactive high performance computing application
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The idea behind virtualized audio is to extract sound sources (performers) from their native acoustic spaces and insert them into a virtual space, in which there are one or more listeners. This paper focuses on the insertion step, which is an interactive application that
High performance real-time FIR-filtering using fast convolution on graphics hardware
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In this paper we examine how graphic hardware can be used for real-time FIR filtering. We implement uniformly-partitioned fast convolution in the frequency-domain and evaluate its performance on a NVIDIA GTX 285 graphics card. Motivated by audio rendering for virtual
High Performance Audio Applications of The LM833
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Designers of quality audio equipment have long recognized the value of a low noise gain block with audiophile performance The LM833 is such a device a dual operational amplifier with excellent audio specifications The LM833 features low input noise voltage (4 5 nV0Hz
Low self noise: the first step to high performance MEMS microphone applications
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While a high SNR is always useful, you don’t depend on it as much when your audio source is very close to the microphone. There is usually enough signal for these near-field applications. In far-field applications where the microphone isn’t positioned next to the sound source,Many are dependent on highly optimised low level code to cope with the high performance requirements of realtime audio analysis. In this paper, we present a new audio feature extractor library, Meyda for use with the JavaScript Web Audio API, and detail its benchmarking
Digital audio compression
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The MPEG/ audio standard is a high complexity, highcompression, and high audio quality algorithm. These techniques apply to general au The high performance of this compression algorithm is due to the exploitation of auditory masking. This masking is a perceptual weaknessOpen Audio Library (OpenAL) is a freely-available cross-platform 3D audio API that serves as a software interface to audio hardware. OpenAL is a means to generate arrangements of sounds sources around a listener in a virtual 3D environment. It handles sound-source
Accelerating Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Audio Source Separation on Multi-Core and Many-Core Architectures.
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In this paper, we describe high performance parallel implementations of NMF developed using OpenMP for shared-memory multicore of audio we decrease running time from 18.5 seconds to 2.6 seconds using OpenMP and 0.6 seconds using CUDA. These performanceWhen the clock rates of DSP processors started to lag mainstream general purpose processors we moved to develop on SGI Indigo and Indy which had high performance multichannel audio I/O and a unique bus that synchronized all video and audio peripherals to the system
Advances in parametric coding for highquality audio
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Although a number of proposals have been introduced that combine waveform coding for the lower frequency region and parametric coding for the higher frequency region (see eg [ 2]), we advocate high quality audio coding using a full parametric representation. Abstract In this paper, we propose a high performance audio fingerprinting system used in real-world query-byexample applications for acoustic audiobased content identification, especially for use in heterogeneous portable consumer devices or on-line
TMS320C6713 Digital Signal Processor Optimized for High Performance Multichannel Audio Systems
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The TMS320C6713s high performance CPU and rich peripheral set are tailored for multichannel audio applications such as broadcast and recording mixing, home and large venue audio decoders, and multi-zone audio distribution. The TMS320C6713 device is
Challenges and Performance of HighFidelity Audio Streaming for Interactive Performances.
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Low-latency streaming of highquality audio has the potential to dramatically transform the world of interactive musical applications. We provide methods for accurately measuring the end-to-end latency and audio quality of a delivered audio stream and apply these methods
Audio Replay Attack Detection with Deep Learning Frameworks.
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Their high performance allows to use them for protection of more valuable data, such as confidential account information or transaction confirmation. With the growing importance of secured data, the need in the risks estimation of ASV systems spoofing increases . According
Audio Feature Engineering for Automatic Music Genre Classification.
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simple features reaches the state-of-art accuracy (on the ISMIR dataset) and very high performance on a music corpus collected locally. on very simple features reaches the state-of-art accuracy on the Magnatune dataset and very high performance on our new music corpus.
Advanced mixing audio streams for heterogeneous computer systems in telecommunications
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This paper presents an algorithm enhanced mixing of audio streams for computation on GPUs, which combines multiple stages of mixing by using two-pass rendering, which significantly reduces the switching time between buffers. Methods of computer experimental
Development of high performance highvolume consumer MEMS gyroscopes
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The design improvement resulted in smaller MEMS that met the same performance with higher resonant frequency to avoid the audio range. In the third and current generation, the sense frame was further optimized into a four-bar linkage. The Coriolis torque moves the four-bar
Design of High Performance Balanced Audio Interfaces
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High signal-to-noise ratio is an important goal for most audio systems. However, ac power connections unavoidably create ground voltage differences, magnetic fields, and electric fields. Balanced interfaces, in theory, are totally immune to such interference. For 50 years
A validation of high performance computational codes for large professional audio systems simulation
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The most innovative BEM FEM analysis techniques and solvers implemented in a CAE commercial code have proven to be an invaluable designer tool in a Professional Audio Application. The acoustic radiation on a quarter sphere of microphones of an Arrayable
A High Performance Portable Audio Amplifier
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A design for a prototype high performance portable audio amplifier is presented here. Li-Ion batteries that store a minimum 10 Watt-hours are on board, along with a battery charger that guarantees that the life expectancy of these batteries will be achieved. The capability is over
High Performance Simulator for Digital Audio Amplifier
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A new transient analysis simulator for digital class D amplifier, which significantly reduces the simulation time (more than 10-fold) and which provides an accurate and robust audio performance analysis, is presented in this paper. This simulator, called hybrid simulator, is of
Selecting capacitors to minimize distortion in audio applications
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However, it is still difficult to completely eliminate the influence of the ceramic capacitor in the bass region of the audio band. Applications demanding high performance will still benefit from the use of better technologies. In many audio applications such as analog filter design,
Audio Acquisition and Wireless Transmission for High Performance Embedded Processors
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This paper briefly describes a method based on TIs TMS320VC5509A DSP, TLV320AIC23 audio co chip and CC1110 wireless transceiver modules to act as the acquisition and wireless transmission of audio . This paper briefly introduces some main features and
Enabling fast and universal audio adversarial attack using generative model
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We evaluate the attack performance using FAPG and UAPG against three DNN-based audio systems: speech command recognition model on the Google Speech Commands dataset [Warden 2018], speaker recognition model on VCTK dataset [Christophe, Junichi, and
AES67-2013: AES standard for audio applications of networks- High performance streaming audioover-IP interoperability
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This paper accompanies the respective NAB BEC presentation on the AES67 standard on highperformance streaming audioover-IP interoperability. While the conference presentation can provide just a brief overview on intention, scope and content of the
Automatic song identification in noisy broadcast audio
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In the next sections, we present an audio identification system that is able to correctly identify songs in a continuous stream of unknown In speech recognition technology, mel-cepstrum coefficients (MFCC) are well known and their behavior leads to high performance of the
Audiovisual aided instruction in science among high school students in the Philippines
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it can positively or adversely affect their children’s academic performance ; (b) Audiovisual aided instruction could be used to increase the of audiovisual aided instruction on the academic performance in science of some grade 8 students of Maypangdan National High School.
RISE-Co-S: high performance sensor storage and Co-processing architecture.
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Storing data generated from such sensors as audio circuits, necessitate highcapacity storage on the sensor platform. The energy required for the transmitting one byte is roughly equivalent to executing 688 CPU instructions, and the cost of writing to the flash is less than 10% of
End-To-End Audio Replay Attack Detection Using Deep Convolutional Networks with Attention.
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To summarize, the combination of the GD-gram timefrequency representation and the attention-based convolutional neural network architecture are significant departures from existing approaches in the literature, and contributes to the high performance of our proposed in the overall cascade output, which is desirable for high performance audio applications; third, it is less sensitive to component mismatch [ 4], especially when the feature size is scaled down to 65 nm, where the circuit faces ever greater challenges of variability and reliability.
Common inter-IC digital interfaces for audio data transfer
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s audio integrated circuit (IC) designs move to finer geometries, it becomes more difficult to design and less cost- high performance analog circuits on the same piece of silicon with high density digital circuits. Audio system architects are pushing analog portions of an audio
Harmonic Lowering for Accelerating Harmonic Convolution for Audio Signals.
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Convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied to a variety of audio signal processing tasks including sound source separation, speech recognition and acoustic scene understanding. Since many pitched sounds have a harmonic structure, an operation, called
Dynamic performance testing of digital audio d/a converters
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SNR is often misused in defining audio DAC performance . For an A/D converter, SNR is a figure of merit similar to the dynamic range of a include a high performance external low pass filter. The most important elements to consider when designing a performance evaluation
Landmark-based audio fingerprinting for DJ mix monitoring.
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First, we want to find out if it is the verification process that allows it to maintain high performance . If we switch off the verification 6 and run the experiments, this results in an overall accuracy of 0.7 a precision of 0.90, and a specificity of 0.89 on the disco set. For the mixotic set
A crnn-gru based reinforcement learning approach to audio captioning
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Ensemble In order to further enhance performance we merge the outputs of CRNN-B and CRNN-W on word-level. The encoded By contrast, many other systems are in need of as many as 32 Million parameters ( due to multiple models in ensemble) to achieve high performance
Performance Improvement of Multichannel Audio by Graphics Processing Units
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They yield high performance in applications for which they are designed, but the initial programming techniques in this class of processors were closely tied to the hardware. However, although graphic processors were and are hardware devices specially designed to carry out
Design and implementation of nios ii system for audio application
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This article discusses in detail, the implementation of the audio application using SOPC builder, NIOS II processor and Altera DE2 board. should be small and must yield high performance (Fig. 5). These features help the Nios II architecture adjust to many different applications.
Trusted Encryption email
Trusted platform module (tpm) based security on notebook pcs-white paper
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The TCPA participants agreed that the specification for the trusted computing PC platform should focus on two areas ensuring privacy and * Outlook to acquire an email signing/ encryption certificate from a TTP such as Verisign*, and carry out email signing and encryption .
Challenges with End-to-End Email Encryption
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Therefore, an e2e email encryption is achieved without requiring any trusted party. In addition, since all public key queries and verifications are automatically done by email clients and all encryption and decryption processes are done in the background, users can use ConfiMailAt the same time overhead in the storage and computation cost for for encryption of our scheme for the number of users revoked are Hence he is fully a trusted party. Group Leader is the one selected from the group members. He will take the charges of user registration,It is derived from the traditional public key cryptography (wherein the user text is encrypted using the public key of the receiver which can only be decrypted using private key of receiver) and Identity based encryption (wherein the public key can be any string eg email address)
Using hardware-enabled trusted crypto to thwart advanced threats
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Mary opens the email because the subject line reads Running pics from Sat 10K. HSMs have most commonly been used in encryption applications, for secure key generation, trusted encryption /decryption and secure certificate operations in certificate authorities used to
Proxy re- encryption schemes for secure cloud data and applications: a survey
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in a trusted server.When a receiver arrives, the sender can delegate a re encryption key associated with the particular receiver to the Encrypted Email Forwarding:By utilizing the PRE primitive in a encryption email system, the granted recipient first generates a re encryption key
Review and Study of Trusted email Protocols: Email author identification and Email Authenticatio n
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There are many software based solutions has been proposed to solve a privacy concerns means end to end data encryption like Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), open PGP, Secure Multipurpose Internet Extensions (SMIME). The solution challenging is another type issue in a secure
Trusted email open standard
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Open Standard can be implemented through send and receive software components using a system of digital certificates of various types together with a range of machine-readable assertions, some of which rely upon encryption for enhanced trust and verification reliability.
Trusted Computing Group
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the root(s) of trust for the certificate verification chain that is used to verify email signatures Assuming that the recipient requires an authenticated (signed) email automatically generated and signature checking on the recipient’s mail reader would show this as a problem email .
Trusted Computing in Drives and Other Peripherals
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A TPM ( trusted platform module) is a tiny processor on the motherboard that can sign and The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) is an industry standards body, comprised of computer and and confidentiality of data assets through hardware-based protection of encryption keys
Multiple trusted authorities in identifier based cryptography from pairings on elliptic curves
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For the purpose of making sure that only Bob is able to decrypt the message, Alice includes a public key of a TA within the encryption . After receiving the encrypted email Bob authenticates himself to the TA by convincing of the ownership of the email address to obtain his
Trusted Declassification: Policy Infrastructure for a Security-Typed Language
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of our approach by using trusted declassification to implement several significant applications, including an email client, called JPmail, a If rcpt allows for AES and RSA encryption then the email is encrypted using a one-time randomly generated key (which cannot be leaked,
Enabling email confidentiality through the use of opportunistic encryption
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PGP’s Web of Trust allows trusted introducers to certify the authenticity of email addresses and human-readable names associated with keys. Although technically elegant, PGP’s approach ignores the fact that most electronic introductions take place when the introducer
Boolean Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Filters on Trusted Hardware
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In such a scenario, users would be able to securely outsource the storage and management of their emails to a third-party cloud provider, while still being able to have rich search features that are commonly found in todays unsecured email cloud archival services. As studied by
Proxy Re- encryption Schemes for Secure Cloud Data and Applications: A Survey
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In attribute based proxy re- encryption scheme [16], a semi trusted proxy with some additional information can transform a cipher-text under a set of Encrypted Email Forwarding:By utilizing the PRE primitive in a encryption email system, the granted recipient first generates a re-
Trusted Declassification
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the body of the email with a symmetric encryption method and then include the symmetric key in the body after encrypting it with the public key of the principal. Prior to integrating assymetric cryptography, so that we could encrypt the key with the principal’s public key, we had
A Survey on Proxy Re- Encryption Scheme for Providing Security in Cloud
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Proxy re- encryption (PRE) enables a semi- trusted proxy to convert a message encrypted under the public key of the sender into another cipher text under For instance, sender could encrypt a message for Bob by using their email address .The identity based proxy re- encryption
Cryptography Policy-Based Data Communication in Trusted Environment
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was created in an attempt to make a few changes as possible to current email systems and protocol norms. The assumption is that such a design will make it easier for companies to If it is a trusted system, the files receive in encryption mode with a secret key to decrypt the
Trusted SMS communication on mobile devices
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The study is based on performance and power consumption evaluations of each encryption mechanism provided by our J2ME Since SMS message exchange is very similar to sending and receiving emails, our security framework is based on some ideas for securing email
Fair certified email protocol
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In this paper, a new fair certified email protocol is proposed. The proposed protocol uses offline trusted third party (TTP) that will only be then he sends his signature on the encrypted email and verifiable and recoverable encryption of signature. Alice then verifies Bobs message
The Ethics of Key Escrow for Computer Encryption
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and sign their messages to ensure that only the intended recipient can decode and read the email and any attachments. The final use of The idea behind key escrow is that when a key is generated a copy of the private key is sent to a trusted third party (in this case, the
Designing in A Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
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Used only for encryption / decryption of command packets and to safely store internal With an accompanying certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA), attests to the identity TPM’s provide a very high quality FIPs type generator that can be trusted for all applications.encryption hardware that moves the processing overhead of decryption and encryption to the Central Processing Unit (CPU) providing and a reset instruction will be sent to his email in which he will be verified by a challenge question and OTP on his mobile phone or by
Secure Cloud Email System On Pr Encry
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Moreover, we d IBCPRE conspire in light of identity based encryption . The E plan is secure against the picked character assault in the A key is utilized to encode and decrypt whatever information is being scrambled/decoded by user.The trusted key generation is utilized for
How terrorists use encryption
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The public-key is then posted to public-key servers so that if somebody knows the associated email address, they can find the key. Or the The source-code for virtually all encryption is available to anyone who can write software. Indeed, paradoxically, the most trusted encryptionSIGNATURES In an identity-based signature scheme , the public key of a user is simply his identity, eg his name, email or IP address. A a new data encryption scheme that does not require a trusted data server. Unlike previous searchable data encryption schemes thatA searchable encryption scheme includes three parties: a trusted data owner O, a semi- trusted server S, and a collection of users who are authorized In order to protect the contents of the email and keywords, both are encrypted with Alices public key. However, in this case the
An Inconvenient Trust
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Some concern but generally trusted I will send my email to a third person I trust, and ask that person to encrypt the email for me and send to my recipients. Similarly, he will decrypt the [response] email for me and forward it to me.
UK Government Policy on Encryption
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Cryptography and encryption issues are all related to the use of email . Intercepting and reading other people’s communications can be The UK Government proposed the introduction of the licensing of Trusted Third Parties ( TTPs ) to hold the encryption keys. TTPs are
Poster: Secure logging infrastructure employing heterogeneous trusted execution environments
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In addition, after performance profiling, we found that most of the encryption overhead in ARM TrustZone occurs when encrypted logs are transferred from TA to Syslog. As a result, our proposed scheme will be able to encrypt 000 logs within 1.8 seconds, indicating that it can
Enhancing security of cloud computing by using RC6 encryption algorithm
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The email account is not obvious on personal PC but rather a person need to get to his account with the assistance of web. Like an firstly the proposed system is build and developed to achieve and gains the properties of a secure and trusted environment, the idea of the
On Security-aware Multilayer Planning with OTN Encryption for Optical Networks across Trusted and Untrusted Zones
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aware multilayer planning for an optical transport network (OTN) that covers both trusted and untrusted zones and has the option to choose encryption solution deployment (ESD) architectures based on traffic condition. We first formulate an integer linear programming (ILP)
Encryption Essentials
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A certificate is created when an entitys public key is signed by a trusted identity, such as a certificate authority. It contains information such A corporate requirement in the form of securing email transmissions illustrates the essential components and process of encryption . A userThe public key is stored publicly at a trusted centre while the private key is retained with the owner. The sender encrypts the message with identity attributes, such as email addresses or phone numbers, instead of digital certificates, for encryption and signature verification. ThisIn the midst of inter-cluster interaction, a trust system moreover helps in the choice of trusted routing gateway nodes or other trusted CHs through which the sender node will forward To encrypt the data for secure data sending, we use RC4 algorithm for encryption in the system.
A survey of email service; attacks, security methods and protocols
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This paper will explain Email works and discuss different threats in Email Communication and several Email security solutions. This paper First part be send after encryption to trusted server for tests. Supplied encrypted version of part just when server under test is registeredThe main reason for not using encryption in email communications is that current email encryption solutions and hard key management. While compared to identity based public key cryptography (IDPKC), the trust assumptions regarding the trusted third party in this scheme are
Advisory Paper for Trusted Computing Technology
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With a TPM, one can be more certain that artifacts necessary to sign secure email messages have not been affected by malware attacks. The algorithms and key lengths used for encryption and signature function should be documented. This process should be approved by
A Comparison of Proxy Re- Encryption Schemes-A Survey
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obvious application of proxy re- encryption because we always assume that a storage system will be non trusted and in PRE the goal is to use a non- With the help of proxy re- encryption incoming encrypted email can be forwarded to an external contractor for filtering at the first
A study on multi-cloud methodology of trusted third party in multiple double encryption security mechanism
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a double encryption security system with AES and MD5 over the trusted outsider and numerous open mists individually. Both of the encryption Sathish Raja and KGS Venkatesan, Email spam zombies scrutinizer in email sending network infrastructures , International journal of
Study of Graph Encryption for Implementing top-k nearest keyword Search
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As the clouds and edges are not far trusted encryption of data should be done at client side and then it should be outsource. Therefore, it is For example, in world the vertex identifiers might be EmailId, mobile variety, Name, Address etc. to hide all higher than wants, the specialand security functions including Confidentiality, authentication and integrity through some security procedures such as encryption . That is, adding a secure VPN to a trusted VPN does not increase the security for the entire trusted VPN, only to the part that was directly secured.
Trusted Mobile Client for Document Security in Mobile Office Automation
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SMS text messages, email and voice messages from advertisers have begun to appear on mobile phones. Besides the inconvenience of to achieve transparent encryption protection effective. According to the idea of trusted computing and transparent encryption we propose
Trusted Platform Module A Survey
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Currently a number of applications are based on TPM, such as secure email file and software encryption . TPM’s are also included in hard drives and mobile devices. Furthermore TPM’s reliability is tested while its technology is emerging in to different areas such as PC
Trusted computing platforms, the next security solution
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Applications and services that would benefit from using Trusted Platforms include electronic cash, email hot-desking (allowing mobile users Subsystem (mainly dealing with secrets) and additional functions (mainly dealing with the use of those secrets, such as bulk encryption ).
Desktop, Email and Mobile Security
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S Pandey If the site uses SSL, verify the Certificate details like Who is the owner, Expiry date of the certificate etc to confirm whether it is trusted or not Note: For encryption password is required, always remember the password used while encrypting it, else data would not be available
School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University Tel:(65) 6828-0920; Email : robertdeng@ smu. edu. sg January 2015
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We showed experimentally and theoretically that partial encryption leaks significant content information from the enhancement layers in all owners and the service providers are within the same trusted domain (eg when data is stored in cleartext at trusted service providers).
Trusted third party based key management allowing warranted interception
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In this paper we propose a novel solution to the problem of managing cryptographic keys for end-to-end encryption in a way that meets legal ’ provision of the software, which we would expect to be bundled in with, say, an email system or other telecommunications software.
End-to-end application security using trusted computing
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They even be preferred over a Trusted Platform, because the co-processor can do bulk encryption in a physically protected environment. However, the disadvantage is that this kind of Just forging a return address will always leave some clues about the origin of the email . A
A Key-insulated Proxy Re- encryption Scheme for Data Sharing in a Cloud Environment.
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Proxy re- encryption (PRE) enables a semi- trusted proxy to delegate the decryption right by re-encrypting the ciphertext under the delegator was considered appropriate to be applied into secure cloud email system with more advantages than the existing secure email systems.In our solution for user privacy, we are using anonymization and encryption techniques. Data owners can outsource their encrypted data The third party server is considered as semi- trusted in this paper. Some services provided by them are free of cost, while some are
An identity-based encryption scheme
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In IBE scheme encryption key can be any string (such email address, phone number). First of all, we give the basic consepts of IBE schemes The IBE relies on trusted third party called the Privte Key Generator (PKG). The PKG generates public and master private keypair and
Assessment Of Paper: VPFS: Building a Virtual Private File System with a Small Trusted Computing Base
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email clients, this paper describes a process whereby a multi-level secure system is implemented to provide secure isolation between a small trusted computing base running trusted file system encryption methods that use the TCM, such as the Bit Locker Drive encryption used scheme, in which users update their private key periodically and sender encrypts message using receivers’ identity (eg, unique name, email address, IP address, etc) concatenated with current time period. The private keys of users are obtained from a trusted third party called
An End-to-End Secured Email System using Base64 Algorithm
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The developed system secures the sensitive information sent through email by providing a secure, fast, and strong encryption which makes Although it requires a trusted third party (TTP), this TTP is stateless and lightweight; it never has access to the clear-text of the transmittedAbstract: In this paper, we propose a new attribute-based proxy re- encryption scheme, where a semi- trusted proxy, with some additional In the past, when Alice asks mail server to forward her encrypted email to Bob, the mail server only decrypts the encrypted email using the
Proxy Re- Encryption Scheme for Data Security in Cloud
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The CIBPRE-based cloud email system consists of a trusted KGC (built by an enterprise administrator), a cloud server and users. The to forward a historically encrypted email to multiple receivers, CIBPRE only requires the sender to generate a re- encryption key (with constant
Heterogeneous Re- Encryption System for Security and Bigdata Protection
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Proxy re- encryption has many applications in addition to the previous proposals for email forwarding, secure network file storage, and solution to balance the benefits of involved parties under the semi- trusted conditions. In the future, we will optimize the heterogeneous proxy re
Building Trust in the Global Electronic Marketplace: Auditing Trusted Third Parties
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An example for this kind of verification is email . To catch a PIN which goes to the user by a fax message or by a phone call the need for better equipment is obvious. For better verification, a check should be made, whether the name of the user and the given phone number are
Privacy-Preserving Location Tracking of Lost or Stolen Devices: Cryptographic Techniques and Replacing Trusted Third Parties with DHTs.
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The EmailMe tracking client software sends an email (like the example shown in Figure 1) to his webmail account every time the laptop However, we cannot just utilize the encryption key generated by the current state’s FSPRG: a thief could decrypt any ciphertexts in the
email web tools
Sweet: Serving the web by exploiting email tunnels
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To ensure availability and unobservability, several circumvention tools need to share some secret information with their users, in order to initiate the circumvented a connection [ 1 1 24]. This is a significant limitation, as keeping such information secret from the censorship
Collaborative Composition in a Foreign Language with Handheld Computing and Web Tools .
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The asynchronous collaborative tool provided by the system is an email facility. The email facility structures all the information into aspects and ideas [see Fig. 2 and 3]. The mailboxes (Inbox and Sent) are organized according to such aspects and ideas.
Blended learning models
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Blended learning thats skill-driven mixes interaction with a facilitator through email discussion forums, and face-to-face meetings with self-paced learning, such as Webbased courses and books. This type of approach is analogous to a chemical reaction, in which interaction
Dark social: We have the whole history of the web wrong
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as a teenager in rural Washington and my web was highly, highly social. We had instant messenger and chat rooms and ICQ and USENET forums and email . My whole Internet life True, my web social life used tools that ran parallel to, not on, the web but it existed nonetheless.SCIS uses various course management tools that use private internal email systems. Students enrolled in courses using these tools should check both the private internal email system and NSU’s regular email system. NSU offers students Webbased email access. Students are
Preserving email
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They can selectively preserve entire email accounts, using client- or webbased migration and capture tools . They can preserve entire While it is likely that many of the email migration tools discussed in section 3.4 of this report will preserve these properties, additional testingIn this article, selected Web 2.0 tools are aligned with major content areas to illustrate by example the wide reach of Not every school provides students with email accounts, although services like Gaggle ( offer free email accounts for students. If a school
An investigation into the usage of webbased education tools by university IT departments in South Africa
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In this paper, we present the findings of an investigation into the adoption and usage of Webbased education tools within IT departments at be in the form of chatting over the Internet, posting messages or queries on a discussion forum or bulletin board and through email .
Social media, libraries, and Web 2.0: how American libraries are using new tools for public relations and to attract new users
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Just as we use radio, the newspaper, email and such we should also use these tools . I think of them as little feelers thrown out into our community, meant to bring users to our services. The higher the number of ways they can contact us, and places that we are visible, the more
Email Archiving Stewardship Tools Workshop
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the gaps in our tools processes and polices for archiving email collections. Another way is to inspect them using the forensic tools using the Disk Image Access tool, or the new VCA web tools that allow this to
A Walkthrough of Digital Forensics and its Tools
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Email forensics tools offer diverse and detailed information related to source and content of Email . To investigate the attacker’s intent behind the attack, Future of digital forensics faces six security challenges in fighting borderless cybercrime and dark web tools . 2. Watson, S.,Use of workspaces with revision control, email usage limited to notifications and links to documents Establish unified CWE structure and competency development routines enabling document pull from virtual workspace I know the structure and therefore where the
RADAR: A Personal Assistant that Learns to Reduce Email Overload.
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we consider integrating email not only with task management tools but also with numerous application programs useful for carrying out emailderived For example, upon reading a request to Please change the phone number on John Doe’s web page to 555-1212 , a web site
Experimental analysis of web browser sessions using live forensics method
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Forensics tools web browser are the best source for forensics experts to find artefacts from web browsers if there are allegations regarding This study examines search keywords, web visits, email ID and Facebook ID used by user using the web browser Google Chrome and Most journals offer email alerting services for tables of contents, early release papers, and news. Many databases, Web sites, and newspapers also provide email alerting tools . Since email is already a critical tool for most physicians, it’sa convenient way to access the latest
I never signed up for this! Privacy implications of email tracking.
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The resulting links between identities and web history profiles belie the claim of anonymous web tracking. The practice enables onboarding, or Web tracking researchers have created a number of tools for detecting and measuring tracking and privacy, such as FPDetective ,
Web accessibility for older users: a southern argentinean view
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In this study, the purpose is to find out which are the accessibility failures that the email ’s Web interface has got and evaluate if a more accessible Besides, there are some useful accessibility tools developed and available in Web repositories. We have worked with some
Enhancing teaching learning with web tools
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This paper also suggests analyzes potential uses of Web 2.0 tools in improving effective delivery of learning in enhancing learning New online collaborative tool combines eMail instant messaging, and file sharing in a dynamic environment ,
What email reveals about your organization
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The high-level goal is to develop metrics and software tools that make measuring informal communication within organizations as Tim Berners-Lee, who is widely considered to be the creator of the World Wide Web had recently joined our group as a visiting scientist, and his
The new literacies of online reading comprehension
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And finally, online reading nearly always takes place while we are also composing messages: email IM, blogs, discussion boards, and This site provides a number of web resources, lessons, and planning tools for teachers of literacy. Lessons are searchable by grade band,
A design framework for online learning environments
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using the web as a supplement to face-to-face instruction, 2. using the Web technologies are being used popularly at all levels of education and training. However, most of the webcourses are nothing more than a classroom lecture materials posted on to the web . Carr-
The Simple Webbased Tool for Visualization and Sharing of Semantic Data and Ontologies.
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We demonstrate the approach for automatic generation of interactive diagrams based on data provided by a user and a set of tools for diagram The diagrams created in our service can be embedded in any user Web site and access to them can be issued to a particular email
Web Designer/Client Communication: An in-situ development and evaluation of tools and methods to support the collaborative design of interactive
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This communication is conducted through a variety of Computer Mediated Communication tools such as email phone calls and Skype, through email and other technologies to work with clients, other designers, and other stakeholders to design and develop web applications.
Sensitizing Nigerian Secondary School Teachers on the Available WebBased Tools Suitable for Instructional Delivery in Christian Religious Studies
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The results demonstrated that awareness of the CRS teachers is high on the suitability of email and Facebook than other web based tools . paper examines ICT web based tools use for instructional delivery in Christian religious studies. It is expected that ICT tools such as emaillatest trends tools and their developments. This paper also attempts to evaluate the pros and cons of such web 2.00 marketing tools and their Electronic detailing, interactive websites, email prompts and viral marketing campaigns using social networking sites such as YouTube,
Technological tools and best practices for conducting web surveys
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a) Survey respondent when asked for feedback on her web survey experience b) Attendee of Kevin suspicion Are there disconnects between your sending email and signature/sending Compose email in a word processor outside of software to act as a spec Fresh eyes are a
How Web Tools Affect Efficiency and Effectiveness of Teachers and Learners
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Therefore IT skills vary greatly, with some students already using web tools like twitter, facebook, email and delicious every day and others discovering the potential of the web . As an organisation, the D partement dInformatique uses Open Source Software wherever possible Veronica and via the World Wide Web (WWW) using browsers such as Mosaic and Netscape. In this paper we briefly outline a number of such tools and illustrate their application by simply sends an email message requesting certain files/information to an email address and
A brief investigation on web usage mining tools (WUM)
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A variety of tools are available that can perform web usage mining taking web access logs as an input and generate the email address in the tool to automatically email the analysis report at particular scheduled time. One can see the tools which provide the automatic emailWeb technologies, ranging from email to discussion groups and blogs, provide opportunities for greater quality support. In third level EMAIL Question, query or advice sought of the lecturer Answer, suggestion sent onto the student. Queries can be addressed in a classroom
Webbased telephony bridges for the Deaf
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Email and chat are available to both hearing and deaf users. In particular, a deaf user with a PC has access to all possibilities except for voice-based mechanisms. Therefore, we have to try to grant access from a Teldem to both telephony and the synchronous web tools .
Using ubiquitous tools and web services for IT education
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For example, the University of Guam collected a technology fee to provide students technical services such as an email account, centralized computer lab, and web services. A recent survey indicated that a majority of the students never use the campus
Simplify ISS Flight Control Communications and Log Keeping via Social Tools and Techniques
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The SME would then receive an email or a client web application popup with the question. Then @jdoe could respond to that question. Likewise, if a SME or other person from the office would like to inform the console of some update or new product, they could then create an
Using Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Language Learning
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This change is best exemplified in Web 2.0 technologies or tools . As opposed to Web 1.0 tools such as email or websites, Web 2.0 technologies exploit the participatory potential of the Web (Wang Vásquez, 201 p. 412). While there is some debate regarding the actual
Webbased speed monitoring tools
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Wide Web ( WEB ). Thus it can make it easier for users to monitor wind speed by opening the WEB to check wind speed data in real time. From this research, it can be concluded that there are several things, namely: A webbased wind speed monitoring tool has been created.
The Factors Influencing Effective Web 2.0 Tools Used to Market Library Services Resources
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The purpose of this study (Yi) is to examine how Australian academic librarians perceive effective Web 2.0 tools used to market library and resources using a variety of effective Web 2.0 tools such as blogs and email newsletter, while others used different, but still effective,
Web tools for performance analysis and planning support for solar energy plants (PV, CSP, CPV) starting from remotely sensed optical images.
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EnviroInfo 2013: Web tools for performance analysis and planning support for solar energy plants (PV, CSP, CPV) starting from re thus representing a good baseline for the monitoring of AC power produced by the plants and for a further development of a web service.
Web Tools for Online Survey
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Hence, I compiled this book which encompasses the online survey tools available to date. It resulted in 15 chapters, reckoned as useful for After creating their surveys, users share them through a number of methods including email social media sites, web links as well as
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Popular web tools which are used to facilitate online classes are Email Avatars, Newsletters (1), Chat rooms or threaded discussions on ing of the effectiveness of webbased learning, in our case, regarding the use of web tools . In order to examine the use of web tools in the #
Change and response on the corporate web site
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This engender a higher state of relatedness than more one-way communication tools . A For this research question we found that a large majority had email links to field web user inquiries or comments (ie, 84% of the sites had an email link somewhere on the site of which
Useful creativity: Vernacular reviewing on the video-sharing platform Vimeo
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This article intends to cast light on the phenomenon of non-institutionalised or vernacular reviewing by studying the review videos published on the video-sharing platform Vimeo . The data were automatically retrieved by searching for videos provided with the hashtag#
An Introduction to Decolonising Netflix, Youtube and Vimeo : African Screen Worlds Self-Isolation Toolkit
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As the COVID-19 virus relentlessly spreads around the world, digital streaming services and online viewing platforms are providing vital respite from the mundanity and repetitiveness of day-to-day selfisolation. Problematically, our viewing habits become increasingly mouldedInheritance in the male line by way of patronymic legitimacy, indirectly sustaining the complex lines of class-formation, is, for example, a case where the money-form, and that of the ego-form in the dialectic of the phallus, support each other and lend the subject the
Film Viewed on Online Streaming Sites (Netflix, Vimeo Crave)
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Film Viewed on Online Streaming Sites (Netflix, Vimeo Crave) Page 14 Alexander College 13 Film Viewed on Online Streaming Sites (Netflix, Vimeo Crave) Works Cited Format Works Cited example Steve Jobs. Directed by Danny Boyle, performance by Michael Fassbender
Vimeo link for our introduction to The Public Enemy Zoom link for all Fall BFS Tuesday 7: 00 PM post-screening discussions
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Wellman THE PUBLIC ENEMY 5 that his red-haired and fiery-tempered mother embodied every clich of Irish girlhood, while his gentle and amiable father made up in alcoholic thirst what he lacked in business sense. Arthur Wellmans career was erratic, and
NOTE: This is a creative dissertation. The following contextual essay accompanies the video AIDS Through Music found at https:// vimeo . com/98964794. The
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AIDS was first identified on June 1981 by a report of an unusual cluster of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) among a small group of gay men in Los Angeles. AIDS has affected all aspects of health and global policy since that time. This creative dissertation
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Bill Pohlads wonderful biopic encouraged us to view the Brian Wilson of the 1980s (defeated; controlled utterly by Dr Eugene Landy) through the prism of his 1960s. Strong performances by John Cusack in one decade and Paul Dano in another anchored the two
Sir Joseph Banks: Endeavour
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A FILM ABOUT SIR JOSEPH BANKS WITH SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH Edited by Chris Hainstock This film was made to coincide with the opening of a new exhibition at The Collection Museum in Lincoln UK featuring: Sir David Attenborough Director: Philip Stevens
Videogames: Diving in the heart of parallel worlds
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This videography aims at improving the understanding of cultural practices by interviewing 35 gamers during the Paris Games Week . Results show that there are: a videogame’s appropriation through four motivations on a continuum reality-virtuality; a diving on parallel worlds;
Creative Director
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Screen Worlds, Australian Centre for Moving Image, Melbourne : https:// vimeo .com/10799554 Al Ostoura shop, Kuwait : https:// vimeo .com/3160151 Energy Shutdown, Science Museum, London : https:// vimeo .com/3921226
Video for peer feedback and reflection: Embedding mainstream engagement into learning and teaching practice.
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This paper discusses the benefits and challenges of video as a tool for supporting and enhancing peer feedback and reflection. The analysis draws on key arguments from relevant literature in combination with the author’s own experiences of producing and using video of peer /
red, black GREEN: a blues
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a visceral and moving hybrid performance that merges incisive writing and urgent choreography to confront issues of race, class, culture and the environment. The fourperformance run of rbGb will be presented at the Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater Thursday, January 31The user assigned better ratings for 360p videos on Facebook, Vimeo and Google+ because videos at 360p have low quality and as we know that low-quality videos take less time to load into a webpage that eventually speed-up the performance of web browsers.
NALPA: tips tricks
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The PSAs and videos housed on the Legion’s Vimeo channel can be shared via mobile devices or downloaded onto a computer hard drive and shared without the need for Internet connection. They too can be shared with media outlets and movie cinemas to promote what the
Data Curation Primers: Expanding the community curation toolkit
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https:// vimeo .com/350235467 https:// vimeo .com/350235467 https:// vimeo .com/350235467
Using Smartphones and PDAs to Enhance Memory and Organization
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Problems with memory and attention are clearly linked to difficulty learning in school, performing activities of daily living, and participating in community activities for these iindividuals. Organization does not develop as a part of executive functioning. Support personnel in .
Expanding Your Classroom with Video Technology and Social Media
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A Queering of Memory, Temporality, Subjectivity: Subversive Methods in Audiovisual Practice
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This practice-based research attends to queer and feminist understandings of sound, memory, voice, temporality and spectrality, specifically in relation to audiovisual art. Through an analysis of artworks and material practices, I identify a range of subversive strategies by artists .
Supplementary Material for Omniscient Video Super-Resolution
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We further conduct experiments on another public training dataset Vimeo90K , and test the models on its testing dataset Vimeo90K-T. According to the average motion flow magnitude, Vimeo90K-T is divided into 3 categories: slow, medium, and fast , where there are
Http: search. lookseek. com searchls. php q Imgur jbstart 20af 0
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Easily create GIFs from Youtube, Vimeo and hundreds of other video sites. Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community Easily create GIFs from Youtube, Vimeo and hundreds of other video sites. Imgur is the easiest way to discover and enjoy the magic of the Internet
Verbal behaviors and persuasiveness in online multimedia content
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With the rapid expansion of social media websites such as YouTube, Vimeo and ExpoTV, it is becoming ever more important and useful to understand persuasiveness in social multimedia content. In this paper we present a novel analysis of verbal behavior, based on lexical
The impact of image based web technologies in educational communication
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Vimeo Another surprising aspect worth noting is the presence of academic communication via Vimeo . If the communication of the US presence is on larger scale, in Romanian education, the presence of a single environment. Of course, in quantitative terms, this presence can
Listen! Imagine! Compose!
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This was around the idea of taking Frere Jacques and creating a Theme Variation composition: https:// vimeo .com/130772310 and https:// vimeo .com/130772598. You can see from these videos that students have worked out how to use techniques such as changing from major
COVID-19 Testing Explainer
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ABSTRACT: The slow roll-out of testing for the novel coronavirus in the United States has hampered the country’s response to the outbreak. Governmental red tape and costly mistakes have officially prevented the possibility to contain the virus. And even now, months into and
Recurrent Back-Projection Network for Video Super-Resolution Supplementary Materials
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To enrich the evaluation of RBPN, we provide the results for multiple scaling factors (ie, 2 and 8 ) on Vimeo90k , SPMCS-32 , and Vid4 as shown in Table 1. Due to the limitation on other methods, the scores for other methods were copied from the respective . RBPN (
Multivariate Techniques Section 4
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This course is designed to help you read, understand, interpret, use, and evaluate empirical work used in the social sciences and by policy analysts. To advance that goal, the class focuses on several quantitative techniques used by public policy researchers. When combined .
BasicVSR: The Search for Essential Components in Video Super-Resolution and Beyond Supplementary Material
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When training on Vimeo90K, we temporally augment the sequence by flipping the original input sequence to allow longer propagation. In other words, we train with a sequence of 14 frames. During inference, we take the whole video sequence as input.
Demonstrating the Value of Visualization: Highlights from the PacificVis Visual Data Storytelling Contest
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ABSTRACT Data-driven storytelling is an increasingly popular topic in the visualization research community and a maturing art form in the visualization practitioner community. We describe an open-ended contest dedicated to visual data storytelling, one that took place at 2017.
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at The Deaf Club 2 Channel version for installation https:// vimeo .com/133837896 Scenes 60 Hearing 4’33 2 Channel version for installation https:// vimeo .com/99383677 Scenes 48 and 57 Nyke and the New York Kite Enthusiasts https:// vimeo .com/167358961
Adoption Stories
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Adoption is one the richest relationships that exists in this world. Adoption also can be extremely controversial and political, unnecessarily. International adoption is an issue close to my heart as well as large part of who I am as a creative person. This relationship between and I .
Evaluation and reflection from the Nordic Pilot educational program hosted in Denmark at the Energy Academy
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http:// vimeo .com/69785464 http:// vimeo .com/92816932 http:// vimeo .com/92816993
Showgirl Manifesto
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The Showgirl Manifesto brings together research interrogating female bodies on display, pointing to new possibilities for considering pleasure, agency, sexuality, entertainment and identity. This research is manifested through an academic publication; live performances; a ofof
Covid-19 Vaccines: Explained
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ABSTRACT: A vaccine against Covid-19 is coming and many hope it will help end the pandemic. But a vaccine isn’ta sure shot and America’s history of medical racism make things much harder. This 4 minute animated explainer aims to help the public understand how
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Además hay otros portales de video como Vimeo que son una alternativa libre de publicidad y con mayor control sobre cómo se muestran los videos. Vimeo es la alternativa utilizada por ForumClinic (Figura al tener una cuenta de pago pueden evitar la inserción de Caraxs Oneiric Drive Page 1 5/29/2014 Caraxs Oneiric Drive | In Media Res Contribute Register Login Search Curators Note Philosopher and scientist Gaston Bachelard produced an immense and overlooked body of writing on the poetic imagination, one which privileges the
Locomotion-Encoded Musical Patterns in Self-Organizing Structures and Transitions
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Abstract. In recent decades, a categorization of vertebrate locomotion formulated by Dr. Temple Fay, a mid-20th century neurosurgeon, has gained widespread international currency in the dance and movement therapy fields, based principally on its elaboration in the work of in ’The Explanatory Videos (on Vimeo by Nick Landell) for this Paper Include Buoyancy Explains The 12 theories of flight summarized.https:// vimeo .com/172574660 (10 minutes). the end of a video on Vimeo ; Dynamic Buoyancy Explains Flight Full https:// vimeo .com/172578440.
video editing
Computational video editing for dialogue-driven scenes.
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Digital cameras make it easy for lmmakers to record many versions, or takes, of a scene. Each new take can provide a unique camera framing or performance, and skilled editors know how to combine multiple takes to build a stronger narrative than any one recording
Home Video Editing Made Easy-Balancing Automation and User Control.
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Hitchcock is a system to simplify the process of editing video . Its key features are the use of automatic analysis to find the best quality video clips, an algorithm to cluster those clips into meaningful piles, and an intuitive user interface for combining the desired clips into a final
Video Editing Using Lenses and Semantic Zooming
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Digital video is becoming increasingly prevalent. Unfortunately, editing video remains difficult for several reasons: it is a time-based medium, it has dual tracks of audio and video and current tools force users to work at the smallest level of detail. Based on interviews with Trademarked names, logos, and images appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, logo, or image we use the names, logos, and images only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademarkIn this work we present a gradient-based variational model for video editing addressing the problem of propagating gradient-domain information along the optical flow of the video . The resulting propagation is temporally consistent and blends seamlessly with its spatial
The electronic scrapbook: towards an intelligent home- video editing system
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How many peoples home videos remain unedited and unwatched Home video is a growing cultural phenomenon; however, few consumers have the time, equipment, and skills needed to edit their work. The Electronic Scrapbook is an environment designed to
Video editing support system based on video content analysis
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The video editing is a work to produce the final videos with certain duration by finding and selecting appropriate cuts from the material videos and connecting them. In order to produce the excellent videos, this process is generally conducted according to the special rulesA well-produced video always creates a strong impression on the viewer. However, due to the limitations of the camera, the ambient conditions or the skills of the videographer, the quality of captured videos sometimes falls short of ones expectations. On the other hand, we
Video editing with pen-based technology
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The manipulation of video content is still a difficult task due to its complexity and richness. This paper applies pen-based technology to video editing with the goal to improve such interaction. In this research, digital ink is replaced by video content, aiming to provide a more
Manual of film editing
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I The historical perspective : how the function of editing has evolved 11 12 123; 40; technique 21; to overcome problems 78-9; and see editing cutting copy: guide for ordering optical effects I 2 I ; preparation for negative cutting I 23-4 cutting room 46 MKM editing machine 26
3DVFX: 3D Video Editing using Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion.
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Numerous video post-processing techniques can add or remove objects to the observed scene in the video . Most of these techniques rely on 2D image points to perform the desired changes. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) has allowed the use of 3D points, however only for the
Write-a- video : computational video montage from themed text.
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skilled video editors using commercial frame-based editing software. Our work expands on the concept of text-based video editing by introducing a tool for creating video We compared video editing time using the same reference text, for a video editing novice using Write-A-
Vizard-an innovative tool for video navigation, retrieval, annotation and editing
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Non-linear video editing was for several years a domain for professionals due to high prices of capture devices and cameras and difficult to use video manipulation software. With the broad availability of cheap video capture and recording devices video editing became
Selectively de-animating video .
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motion visualizations, cinemagraphs and video editing examples created from a variety editing of moving objects in video . The user edits an object after it is immobilized in a single frame of the de-animated video and our system propagates these edits back to the original video
Promotional Video Editing Techniques Utilizing Color
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In order to respond to the flow of the many changes that changes every day in the digital era of constantly evolving, it will evolve; new research for the content production is required. In this research and it is an object of the invention is to provide a technique of public relationsAlthough there are many video editing applications available, this paper illustrates the video editing process using Microsoft Movie Maker. This software is bundled free with Windows XP and Vista, and is thus widely available, particularly in computer labs. It is also easy to learn
Identification of editing effect in image sequences by statistical modeling
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This paper presents a novel approach for video editing effect detection in digital image sequences such as movies, commercials The proposed method is based on histogram information and the decision criterion is derived from statistical properties of dissolve or wipe images,
2D Video Editing for 3D Effects.
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We present a semi-interactive system for advanced video processing and editing . The basic idea is to partially recover planar regions in object space and to exploit this minimal pseudo- 3D information in order to make perspectively correct modifications. Typical operations are
Video Editing and Production Skills Possessed by Computer Education Lecturers for Effective Instructional Delivery in Colleges of Education in South-East Zone
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The study determined the video editing and production skills possessed by computer education lecturers for effective instructional delivery in Colleges of Education in the South- East zone of Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of all the 61 computer education
Object oriented approach to video editing and broadcasting to the Internet
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Using video on the Internet has become a common practice, but the television-like passive viewerapproach misses the benefits of the interactive nature of the Internet. The technological limitations of television can be overridden by the Internet. Having multiple
Counselors attitudes toward video editing technology
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Counselor education has been and will continue to be effected by technology. Over the years, counselors and counselor educators have adopted new technologies, for example the use of audio and then video file:///C|/counseling% 20outfitters/Schaefle. htm (1 of
Consumer Applications of the IEEE 1394 Serial Bus, and a 1394/DV Video Editing System
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ABSTRACT The IEEE 1394-1995 High Performance Serial Bus has been created with consumer use in mind. Some of the more important features of the base standard are reviewed. Enhancements and additions to the standard to support new consumer
Teaching video editing and motion graphics with Photoshop
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between teaching video editing and motion graphics skills and concepts with Adobe Photoshop in a university marketing course and teaching effectiveness. Video editing and motion graphics skills and concepts were
Simplified Procedures in Digital Video Editing : Concepts and Technological Alternatives
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Recent technological changes have significantly simplified digital video editing . Yet, despite this simplification, digital video editing remains intimidating to some and confusing to others. Different reasons were cited for this intimidation, including the confusion on the steps
Exploring the potential of language learning through video making
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production is almost inexistent as researchers are mainly concerned with: a) the study of group dynamics in the processes of shooting and editing videos. b) the description of why video production is an excellent tool for catering for multiple intelligences in the classroom setting.
Programming Microsoft DirectShow for digital video and television
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MGI Software. œWe believe DirectShow is a major advancement for the digital video market. DirectShow eliminates several technology limitations and restrictions, making the entire video editing and production process significantly easier and more productive.Ubiquitous availability and low cost devices like cameras, camcorders and CCTVs has led to wide spread use of video information and services in our society for various purposes like video surveillances, forensics investigation, entertainment etc. Formerly Video editing
Automatic metadata generation and video editing based on speech and image recognition for medical education contents
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This paper reports a metadata generation system as well as an automatic video edit system. The metadata are information described about the other data. In the audio metadata generation system, speech recognition using general language model (LM) and specialized
Automation in Video Editing : Assisted workflows in video editing
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Capturing, publishing and distribution of video content have become accessible and efficient. However, video editing task remains very time consuming. Video being a time- based and dual-tracked (audio and video ) medium meant each video clips must beIn this respect it has become essential to analyze whether a particular video is an original-real one or one that has been tampered using any technique. As video editing techniques are getting very complicated, modified videos are hard to detect. However, when a video isNot only does Kaltura offer reasonably stable video editing it enables collaboration as well, meaning you and I can edit the same video from wherever we be in the world. At the moment I am using Kaltura to piece together my holiday video using titles and credits frames I
Constraint-based cinematic editing
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This document attempts to synthesize a year of diverse work in which I produced a short movie, designed a computerized video editing system, and wrote software to perform constraint-based editing on the movie I produced. I also interviewed movies editors and studied
An Efficient Video Editing Application for Android based Technologies
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Objective: Smartphone industry is growing day by day. According to studies, maximum smartphone users watch videos on their smartphones. With the time, android operating system is becoming popular due to the applications which are based on android SDKsthat WebClip (on-line demo at http://www. ctr. columbia. edu/webclip) is a compressed video searching and editing system operating over the World Wide Web. WebClip uses a distributed client-server model including a server engine for content analysis/ editing and
What is Video Activism
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This book will help you, whether you just want to video the occasional community event or need to document a long-running protest |^^^р|ШР1а¥йе huge improvements in editing equipment. Cheap, easyUMisc WIS domestic edit suites replaced the more expensive.
A variational model for gradient-based video editing . Supplementary material
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This document serves as a supplementary material to our submitted (IJCV) paper entitled: A variational model for gradient-based video editing . We first recall Appendix B of , the Euler-Lagrange equation, in Section 2 since it will used in other subsequent discussions Drawing upon a design intervention at a science centre, where a group of teenagers tried a new prototype technology for live mobile video editing we show how the participants struggle with both the content and the form of producing videos, ie, what to display and how to do it
Video Editing System
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This is a proposal for a general use system based, on the SGI IRIS workstation platform, for recording computer animation to videotape. In addition, this system would provide features for simple editing and enhancement. Described here are a list of requirements for the
The basics of video editing
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Yolochkin, E. The basics of video editing /E. Yolochkin, D. Sedun, D. Komissarova//Сборник материалов 72-й студенческой научно-технической конференции, 20-28 апреля г./Белорусский национальный технический университет, Факультет горного дела и
The Technique of Film and Video Editing
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This particular The Technique Of Film And Video Editing Dancyger Ken start with Introduction, Brief Session till the Index/Glossary page, look at the table of content for additional information, when presented. Its going to focus on mostly about the above subject
Dramatic Video Editing
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Objectives The goal of this M2 internship will be extend the previous work of (Galvane 2015) to include dramatic elements and characters conflicts. The role of dramatic elements, and characters conflicts in particular, in editing can be broken down into separate, yet related
Basic Digital Video Editing with VideoStudio
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Video clips to support classroom instruction are becoming more common. They can be integrated into internet tools such as BlackBoard, or into PowerPoint presentations. For example, chemistry experiments can be demonstrated, physical therapy methods can be
Editing faces in videos
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We propose to model the whole video by simultaneously segmenting the video into foreground and background while fitting the face to for expression invariant recognition, but also for model fitting to videos as described in chapter 4 and video editing as described in chapter 8.
The AmpexEditec: Early Video Editing
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Ampex, a Redwood City, CA-based electronics company, released the Editec in 1963. The Editec was an add-on to another piece of Ampex equipment, the Electronic Editor. Combined, the two systems provided an electronic means of videotape editing . Before
New interfaces for video browsing and editing
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In the field of video browsing, editing and processing a lot of software tools are on the market. Their user interface archetypes are predominantly based on early technological developments in non linear video editing (NLE) and follow the timeline concept. Typical
Editing for advocacy
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This chapter is a guide to editing advocacy videos aimed at a variety of audiences, including local communities, international audiences, courts and tribunals, as well as an online viewership. Intended as a companion to more technically oriented video editing manuals
A New Online Video Editing Tool
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We have implemented an online video editing application named NTUST Online Video Editing Tool (NOVET). It allows the user to edit video content through a Web browser, and makes a blogger able to post videos. This paper introduces the user-interface, functionalityMultimedia authoring systems which reuse produced video need access to video in terms of video shots. The edit detection algorithms presented in this paper can be used in digital video editing systems for edit logging operations. There are several other applications in videoProfessional video editing tools and 3-D editors (eg Avid, Axial) also have an interesting approach to timelines for editing even though they do not support SMIL and use proprietary formats instead. They have demonstrated that a spatial metaphor for representing time is of The composition results are visual-pleasing, which demonstrates that our video paint selection can be used in video editing tasks. We designed a user study to evaluate the effectiveness of our method. In the user study, we organized 25 undergraduate students (without
00Digital Film and Video Editing on the Computer
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This paper serves to introduce the conceptualization idea to my work, with reference to assigned readings for the Digital Media graduate program at UF. It briefly navigates preconceived notions of working with video on the computer and mentions one experimental
Using photographs to enhance videos of a static scene
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Video editing : A user can edit a video by editing just a few photographs (or, equivalently, a few keyframes of the video ). These manual ∗ 01] or two videos [HE02]; our video editing application is similar to these methods as it uses analogy-style user input, though unlike previ
A new approach toward digital storytelling: An activity focused on writing self-efficacy in a virtual learning environment.
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A significant amount of research examines using video editing software to create video clips for digital storytelling activities. However, in this study, we suggest performing digital storytelling in virtual worlds with open-ended, edutainment elements, and place more stress on theThis paper presents an architecture for a collaborative non-linear editing system whose main goal is to allow people located at distinct places to work together in the composition of MPEG2 video programmes. The system uses an applet as the front-end application
Case study of a generative editing audiovisual project
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The logics used in analog cinema and video editing worked perfectly in this new environment, but they are not exhaustive. Mainstream If we observe mainstream editing software such as AVID, Final Cut or Premiere, we can see a multitrack timeline that follows the analogy of a
LiVES: LiVES is a Video Editing System
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Relatively little scientific research has been performed to date regarding the requirements of users of video processing applications. In this dissertation, we introduce a new term Experimental VJ , and examine the software requirements for this class of user, deriving this
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It is said that paper has more patience than man, but a video has far more expression than a paper or a picture. As video is the sequence of kinetic images. The modern world accepted the video content more than words and touched the human life in almost every extent. Since
Authentic learning through the use of digital video
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This development has given rise to a host of new applications in education, including the ability of students to capture, edit and generate their own video ; aprocess supported and made viable by the development of clear and easy-to-use video editing software. As a result,
a general public video editing application
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SENSAREA a general public video editing application Object tracking algorithms, Keyframe-based interpolation Editing tools (brush, magic wand, vertex tool, ) Multi-layers video
Graphic and Video Editing for Scientific Publications
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Work with vector graphics as much as possible (you can mix pixels and vectors) Export MATLAB figures as /EPS (also save the. fig file) and work on colors, line types, legends, highlights, and background images in graphics program For photos and video stills
smart home
Smart Home technology started for more than a decade to introduce the concept of networking devices and equipment in the house. According to the Smart Homes Association the best definition of smart home technology is: the integration of technology and servicesIn 200 Orange, a UK mobile network operator, announced the Orange at Home project, a smart house incorporating the latest technology wizardry built some 20 miles north of London. It was intended to be more than a mere showcase, with plans for real families toSmart home technology is emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm. A wide range of aspects that includes security, energy saving, ventilation, smart kitchen is covered in this paper. All of the above is executed with the help of smart devices such as remote control
Smart home automation: a literature review
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Home automation is becoming popular due to its numerous benefits. Home automation refers to the control of home appliances and domestic features by local networking or by remote control. Artificial Intelligence provides us the framework to go real-time decision andSecurity has becoming an important issue everywhere. Home security is becoming necessary nowadays as the possibilities of intrusion are increasing day by day. Safety from theft, leaking of raw gas and fire are the most important requirements of home securityThis paper presents a low cost and flexible home control and monitoring system using an embedded micro-web server, with IP connectivity for accessing and controlling devices and appliances remotely using Android based Smart phone app. The proposed system does not
How to smart home
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For the purpose of the exercises in this book I have created the user account smart home (on both OS X and Windows XP/7. The prompts in the terminal window in some of the screenshots and terminal print-outs look accordingly. In chapter six we will configure our first Smart home environments have evolved to the point where everyday objects and devices at home can be networked to give the inhabitants new means to control them. Familiar information appliances can be used as user interfaces (UIs) to home functions to achieve aEthnomethodologists have observed that a striking feature of the sociology of work is its lack of interest in anything that looks like work itself. This absence goes some way toward explaining why it is that it is ethnomethodology, of all the sociological perspectives, that has One major challenge to successful aging is the capability to preserve health, or from another perspective to avoid disease. Unfortunately, a large percentage of the elderly people are living with chronic diseases or disabilities. Home care technologies and other emerging
Smart home technologies to assist older people to live well at home
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Background: With the rapid population ageing that is occurring world-wide, there is increasing interest in smart home technologies that can assist older adults to continue living at home with safety and independence. This systematic review and critical evaluationThis paper presents a comprehensive description about different home automation systems and technologies from a security standpoint. The work highlights various security flaws in existing home automation systems. In our work, we address how the concept of security and
A survey on smart home networking
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As suggested, a smart home is understood as an integration system, which takes advantage of a range of techniques such as computers, network communication as well as synthesized wiring to connect all indoor subsystems that attach to home appliances and
Collecting and disseminating smart home sensor data in the CASAS project
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Although smart environment technology has rapidly been maturing, the performance of these technologies is still difficult to assess because of the limited evaluation that has been conducted. A primary limitation in evaluating technologies is the lack of rich physicalThis paper deals with the signification of effective technologies for the people. Nowadays, IoT technology is working main role in human life. In recent years, smart home system and smart city security is one based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which support and
Prototype design of smart home system using internet of things
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Smart home control system (SHCS) can be integrated into an existing home appliances to reduce the need for human intervention, increase security and energy efficiency. However, it is still an open problem due to difficulties such as network distance, signal interference, notSmart Home System (SHS) is a dwelling incorporating a communications network that connects the electrical appliances and services allowing them to be remotely controlled, monitored or accessed. SHS includes different approaches to achieve multiple objectives
Performance evaluation of smart home system using internet of things
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Nowadays, many researches have been conducted on smart home . Smart home control system (SHCS) can be integrated into an existing home appliances to reduce the need for human intervention, increase security and energy efficiency. We have proposed a smartSmart Home technology looks set to become an increasingly common feature of domestic life. However commercial desire for technical innovation rather than explicit user needs are often the driving force behind the development of Smart Home products and services. ThisSmart homes equipped with ambient intelligence technology constitute a promising direction to enable the growing number of elderly to continue to live in their own home as long as possible. However, this calls for technological solutions that suit their specific needs and
Development of an embedded smart home management scheme
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This paper describes the development of an embedded smart home management scheme over the Ethernet network. The platform of the smart home management system is built using bespoke embedded system design. An embedded control module developed by exploiting
Smart home system design based on artificial neural networks
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Management and security of electric power plays a key role in economy and sustainable development. The major concerns in optimal usage of Power are reduction in wastage and creating intelligent switching systems to make optimal use of the power available. This paper
Development and implementation of the technical accident prevention subsystem for the smart home system
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The structure of the technical accident prevention subsystem for the smart home system has been developed in the article. The subsystem model based on Petri network, model based on neural network and physical model using the Arduino microcontroller have been realized
Smart home design using wireless sensor network and biometric technologies
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This paper proposes a new design for the smart home using the wireless sensor network and the biometric technologies. The proposed system employs the biometric in the authentication for home entrance which enhances home security as well as easiness of
Intelligent smart home automation and security system using Arduino and Wi-fi
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This paper provides a low cost-effective and flexible home control and monitoring system with the aid of an integrated micro-web server with internet protocol (IP) connectivity for access and to control of equipment and devices remotely using Android-based smartphone
Smart home control by using raspberry pi and arduino uno
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This paper presents a flexible and an inexpensive home control and monitoring system by utilizing network based on Raspberry Pi and using Arduino Microcontroller. The interface between the Access Point and switches with IP connectivity for accessing devices and
Smart Home Automation: GSM Security System Design Implementation.
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Smart home automation has attracted the interest of the research community during the last decade, at a great manner. Home security systems consist a constantly developing research field. In this paper, a security system for smart home automation is proposed. The introduced
Internet of things (IoT) of smart home : privacy and security
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The smart home is an environment, where heterogeneous electronic devices and appliances are networked together to provide smart services in a ubiquitous manner to the individuals. organization and people are wide accepting and adopting the functionalities
The social and psychological aspects of smart home technology within the care sector
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Technological innovations within the home are nothing new. The introduction of the radio, through to the current rise of computer technology have affected the way in which people interact with their environment and between each other. The advent of smart technology forAs the urgent need for efficient and sustainable energy usage becomes ever more apparent, interest in Smart Homes is on the rise. The SESAME-S project (SEmantic SmArt Metering Services for Energy Efficient Houses) uses semantically linked data to actively assist end
Mapping the smart home market
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The smart home ecosystem is continuing its rapid expansion, exemplified by Amazons acquisition earlier this year of Ring, a maker of internet-connected doorbells and cameras, for an estimated $1 billion the second-largest acquisition in the companys history. That
Web-based smart home automation: PLC-controlled implementation
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The most important source of motivation in continuity of technological developments is to upgrade human living standards. The technological development provides and increases human-beings safety and comfort directly and indirectly. Developing technologies for this
Can smart home technology deliver on the promise of independent living A critical re-flection based on the perspectives of older adults
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Expectations are high with regards to smart home technology. In particular, smart home technology is expected to support or enable independent living by older adults. This raises the question: can smart home technology contribute to independent living, according to In recent years, the number of elderly people living alone has grown rapidly. This increases the need for indoor healthcare services that help elderly residents live a safe and independent life. There has been increasing interest in indoor ubiquitous healthcare (U
Is smart home a necessity or a fantasy for the mainstream user A study on users expectations of smart household appliances
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Despite the various benefits that smart home technologies offer, they are not widely adopted by the mainstream users. Understanding the expectations of future users is fundamental to facilitate the widespread adoption of these technologies. With a focus on smart household
Perception of smart home technologies to assist elderly people
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In the last decade, the number of elderly population has increased significantly which affects human in many aspects, especially in healthcare. Many studies have shown increases in expenditures on longterm care. New models of care are needed including supported selfThis paper provides a low cost-effective and flexible home control and monitoring system with the aid of an integrated micro-web server with IP connectivity for access to and control of equipment and devices remotely using Android-based smartphone app. The proposed
Implementation smart home using internet of things
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Abstract Development in technology of information today provides various facilities to support human activity. One technology that facilitates human is the use of automated systems, the application of smart home system makes it easier for users to control household
Energy impacts of smart home technologies
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Smart homes use technologies like smart thermostats, appliances, and lighting to enhance residents comfort and convenience in their homes. These technologies connect to one another through home wireless networks and to the larger world through the Internet. Using
Implementation of wireless gateway for smart home
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In recent years, the ZigBee network has been rapid develop in smart home . In order to solve the interconnection problem between the ZigBee network and the internet in the smart home a wireless home gateway based on embedded is designed and implemented in this With the advancement of technology and more dependency of people on smart phone and increasing demands of easy and quick way of solving Daily life task, it has become very important to have a technology which can control over the domestic and industrial
Classification of functions in smart home
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The new trends in decoration of family homes are aimed at solving home called smart home (hereafter SH). Looking definition for intelligence SH is different for the user, investor, architect or designer SH devices. This means that the SH functions are chosen differently
Smart home automation using ATMEGA328
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Automation is one of the applications of control systems and information technologies to cut back the necessary works for human in the assembly of products and services. In the field of industrialization, automation could be a step beyond mechanization. Whereas
ZigBee based voice controlled wireless smart home system
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In this article, a voice controlled wireless smart home system has been presented for elderly and disabled people. The proposed system has two main components namely (a) voice recognition system, and (b) wireless system. LabView software has been used to implement Deploying 5G technologies in a combination of smart homes and smart city opens for a new ecosystem with big potentials. The potentials lie in the creation of an advanced ICT infrastructure with support for connected and entangled services possibilities including
Using Cisco Packet Tracer to simulate smart home
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Technology plays a critical role in all daily activities of the present day. One of these needs is to create a smart home that controls operation and turns off electronic devices via a smartphone. This implementation can be implemented effectively using package tracking
Smart Home Area Networks Protocols within the Smart Grid Context.
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The Internet of things (IoT) applications are becoming one of the emerging smart grid enabling technologies. Smart home appliances are one the beneficiary of such applications. Machine-to-Machine and Man-to-Machine are the basic IoT communication platforms that
Smart home automation system for elderly, and handicapped people using XBee
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Smart home automation system is increasingly used due to the wide manufacturer brands and various available technologies. From a social point of view, residents are admitted to smart homes for comfort, luxury, improving quality of live, and for providing security against A Smart Home is able to generate energy-related values such as electricity consumption, temperature, or luminosity without higher infrastructure requirements. The main aim of this research is to extract information from that raw data that could contribute to improving the
Design and Implementation of a Smart Home for the Elderly and Disabled
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Different from the past, in recent years, an increasing number of technology solutions have been started to be designed for the elderly and disabled due to the aging population and increasing awareness about common problems of the disabled. In smart homes, a group of
What if Predicting Individual Users Smart Home Privacy Preferences and Their Changes.
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Smart home devices challenge a long-held notion that the home is a private and protected place. With this in mind, many developers market their products with a focus on privacy in order to gain user trust, yet privacy tensions arise with the growing adoption of these devices
An integrated system for smart home control of appliances based on remote speech interaction
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We present an integrated system that uses speech as a natural input modality to provide user-friendly access to information and entertainment devices installed in a real home environment. The system is based on a combination of beamforming techniques and speech
Smart home concepts: Current trends
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Information appliances are consumer devices which offer Internet and/or network access without using the traditional operating system interface. That being said, the line dividing information appliances ( IAs ) and traditional PCs is not altogether clear. For instance, a
Design of smart home system based on WiFi smart plug
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This paper presents a low-cost and flexible solution to control and monitor home appliances using Smart Plug devices. The Smart Plug is a power switch which can be accessed via WiFi connection. It integrates two temp sensors, a current sensor and an IR-emitter. Users canIn 21st century the people wants the world on their hands. It outlets the revolutions of computing and smart environment. Some technologies like Ubiquitous/pervasive and ambient intelligence satisfy the maximum need of smart world but these technologies are not
Context-aware middleware architecture for smart home environment
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To realize smart home vision in an equipped domain, several types of context-aware applications should be deployed. Because of complex tasks of context gathering and processing, designing context-aware applications requires middleware support. Designing a
A smart home agent for plan recognition of cognitively-impaired patients.
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Assistance to people suffering from cognitive deficiencies in a smart home raises complex issues. Plan recognition is one of them. We propose a formal framework for the recognition process based on lattice theory and action description logic. The framework minimizes the
Distributed Intelligence for smart home appliances
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A main goal for the researchers designing smart health care technology is to develop strategies allowing both, early detection of and avoid problems that could lead to a decreased independence. Medical analysis, smart sensors, intelligent software agents
Smart home energy management system for monitoring and scheduling of home appliances using zigbee
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Energy management system for efficient load management is presented in this paper. Proposed method consists of the two main parts. One is the energy management center (EMC) consisting of graphical user interface. EMC shows the runtime data and alsoAbstract The Internet of Things (IoT) has been identified in various applications across different domains, such as in the healthcare sector. IoT has also been recognised for its revolution in reshaping modern healthcare with aspiring wide range prospects, including
video game
Educational video game design: A review of the literature
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Much attention has been directed to the use of video games for learning in recent years, in part due to the staggering amounts of capital spent on games in the entertainment industry, but also because of their ability to captivate player attention and hold it for lengthy periods ofExcessive video game playing behaviour be influenced by a variety of factors including the structural characteristics of video games. Structural characteristics refer to those features inherent within the video game itself that facilitate initiation, development and
Video game spaces
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Interactive media and their most prominent and most diverse representatives, video games, have unsettled traditional media theory. They introduced the meta-medium computer into our living rooms, opening up a range of opportunities so unfamiliar and so diverse that we
Video game uses and gratifications as predictors of use and game preference
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Video games continue to be a highly popular form of entertainment. In 200 over 239 million computer and video games were sold in the United States, and the video game industry reported sales of over $7 billion (Entertainment Software Association)
In- game in-room, in-world: Reconnecting video game play to the rest of kids lives
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One of the burning questions that people ask about video games, including most parents weve told about our study of young people playing video games in their homes, is whether playing these games affects kids lives when the machine is off. In particular, people want to
Violent video game exposure and aggression
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Over the last 30 years, the video game industry has grown into a multi-billion dollar business. More children and adults are spending time playing computer games, consoles games, and online games than ever before. Violence is a dominant theme in most of theThis paper offers a review, explication and defense of Erving Goffmans Frame Analysis (1974) as a valid contemporary sociological theory of play, games, and video games. To this end, it provides an introduction the frame analytic conception of play, games and videoThe objective of this study was to examine associations between problem video game use and psychopathology. The Video Game Use Questionnaire (VGUQ) and the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) were administered in an international anonymous online survey. TheThe research literature suggests that the structural characteristics of video games play a considerable role in the initiation, development and maintenance of problematic video game playing. The present study investigated the role of structural characteristics in video game
Video gamebased education in mechanical engineering: A look at student engagement
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One of the core courses in the undergraduate mechanical engineering curriculum has been completely redesigned. In the new numerical methods course, all assignments and learning experiences are built around a video /computer game . Students are given the task of writingResearch driving the mandates of the current education reform law, No Child Left Behind, indicates a 300% increase during the last 10 years in students being labeled with specific learning disabilities. In addition there has been a dramatic increase in the number ofSelf-determination theory states that motivation plays an important role in initiating, developing and maintaining involvement within an activity. The present study applied this theory to video game playing and surveyed 399 video game players, 82 percent of whichResearch has estimated that between 6 to 13% of individuals who play video games do so excessively. However, the methods and definitions used to identify problem video game players often vary considerably. This research presents preliminary validation data for a new
Supercade: a visual history of the videogame age 1971-1984
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Kent, a freelance writer, interviewed video game innovators such as Atari founder Nolan Bushnell and Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani, among hundreds of others, to provide a definitive history. He includes photos of the major video game players and quotes extensively from his
The effect of interactivity with a music video game on second language vocabulary recall
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Video games are potential sources of second language input; however, the mediums fundamental characteristic, interactivity, has not been thoroughly examined in terms of its effect on learning outcomes. This experimental study investigated to what degree, if at all
Active learning with the CyberCIEGE video game
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Hands-on exercises promote active learning where student experience reinforces material presented in lectures or reading assignments . Drawing the student into a meaningful context where student decisions have clear consequences strengthens the learning
The agony and the Exidy: a history of video game violence and the legacy of Death Race
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In 197 Exidys Death Race triggered the United States first video gaming moral panic. Public outrage not only fueled sales of the game and made Exidy a household name, but established a pattern by which controversial games receive a high levels of press attention
A new look at the cognitive neuroscience of video game play
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A growing body of literature has investigated the effects of playing video games on brain function and behavior. One key takeaway from this literature has been that not all entertainment video games are created equal with respect to their effects on cognitive
Video game addiction among adolescents: Associations with academic performance and aggression
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Video games have become a popular pastime among children and adolescents. The current study includes a selfreport measure of video game habits completed by 607 8th and 9th graders for hand-held devices, video game consoles, and the computer. A scale of addictionVideo game playing has received increased academic interest over the last few decades, particularly with regard to the psychological understanding of addiction. Based on the many studies carried out by the authors, this paper summarises some of the methodological
Short-term psychological effects of interactive video game technology exercise on mood and attention
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Recent interest in interactive video game technology (IVGT) has spurred the notion that exercise from this technology have meaningful physiological and psychological benefits for children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to examine the short
Comparison of a traditional and a video game based balance training program
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The aim of the present study is to compare the efficiency of traditional and video game based balance training programs. 22 customers of a health care centre (age: M= 47.6 yrs; SD= 13.1) volunteered to participate in the experiment. They were randomly assigned to twoThe present study utilized an experimental design to investigate the short term effects of exposure to sexualized female video game characters on gender stereotyping and female self-concept in emerging adults. Bussey and Banduras (1999) social cognitive theory of
Metabolic requirements of interactive video game cycling
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purpose of this investigation was to determine whether there are differences in the metabolic requirements and ratings of perceived exertion of interactive video game and traditional exercise at identically matched workloads. We hypothesized that interactive video game cycling would
The Crowdfunding Bible: How to raise money for any startup, video game or project
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To Z, for whom endless possibilities await, and every aspiring entrepreneur with barriers to market entry rapidly crumbling, theres no better time to act than the present. As dozens of enterprising new creators and startups are proving, General Electrics not the only with the Abstract This paper provides further thoughts and observations on Richard Wood’s paper Problems with the concept of video game Until addiction researchers agree on what it is to be addicted, we will never get agreement on whether behavioural excesses like videogame
RoboBuilder: A program-to-play constructionist video game
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As the popularity of video games continues to grow, we see the medium as an increasingly important venue for giving young learners an opportunity to engage in constructionist learning. This paper introduces RoboBuilder, a blocks-based programming game that draws
Saving the world, one video game at a time
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I was playing Peacemaker, a video game in which players assume the role of either the Israeli prime minister or the Palestinian president. Will you pull down the containment wall Will you beg the United States to pressure your enemy You make the calls and live with theEmerging research on video games has suggested that feelings of both enjoyment and meaningfulness can be elicited from gameplay. Studies have shown enjoyment and meaningfulness evaluations to be associated with discrete elements of video games (ratings This paper looks at the conceptual differences between video game learning and traditional classroom and laboratory learning. It explores the notion of virtual experience by comparing a commonly used high school laboratory protocol on DNA extraction with a similar Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is rationalized to be a highly appropriate treatment modality for problem and addicted users of video games. Drawing on available empirical research in this and allied areas (eg, problem gambling), this paper presents some
Learning about learning from a video game : Rise of Nations
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This paper will argue that computer and video games have a great deal to teach us about how to facilitate learning, even in domains outside games. Good computer and video games are complex, challenging, and long; they can take 50 or more hours to finish. If a game
Real-time evolution of neural networks in the NERO video game
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A major goal for AI is to allow users to interact with agents that learn in real time, making new kinds of interactive simulations, training applications, and digital entertainment possible. This paper describes such a learning technology, called real-time NeuroEvolution of The objective of the present study was to evaluate the presence of pain and musculoskeletal pain syndromes in adolescents and associate them to computer and video game use. A cross-sectional study was performed on the entire adolescent population (n= 833) of a
Exploring the Uncanny Valley with Japanese Video Game Characters.
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Dr. Masahiro Moris robotics design theory, the Uncanny Valley, has become a common reference in virtual character design. The theory holds that robots whose appearance is very close to being human, but not fully, will evoke a very negative human reaction. The theory is
Waiting for Something to Happen: Narratives, Interactivity and Agency and the Video Game Cut-scene.
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Since the appearance in 1978 of Adventure on the Atari 2600, the cut-scene (alternatively cutscene or cut scene) has been a key component to many video games. Often, the cut- scene gives narrative shape to the game experience, moving the player along through a
Video game culture: Playing with masculinity, violence and pleasure
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In recent years educators have begun to explore how to purposively design computer/ video games to support student learning. This interest in video games has arisen in part because educational video games appear to have the potential to improve student motivation and
Adventures of Ludom: A videogame geneontology
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Hence I will not use the term ‘ game studies’ in its customized sense to cover both game and videogame research (and often other ludic research These are not cases of winning and losing in the videogame but in an extra videogame game an overgame, which has at least one In recent years, the increasing popularity of casual games for mobile and web has promoted the development of new editors to make video games easier to create. The development of these interactive applications is on its way to becoming democratized, so that anyone who is
The World War II video game adaptation, and postmodern history
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Allison states that from Air Force(Howard Hawks, 1943) to Inglourious Basterds(Quentin Tarantino), the cinema has taken on the cultural task of visualizing World War II. Increasingly, however, this task has also been taken up by a new media– video games, in As interest in video games increases, so does the need for intelligent access to them. However, traditional organizational systems and standards fall short. To fill this gap, we are collaborating with the Seattle Interactive Media Museum to develop a formal metadataVery little research has been conducted to examine the relationship between video game playing and gambling in adolescence. In this study, 669 adolescents aged 13 17 years were surveyed to obtained details of their involvement in gambling and video game playing
A classification of business models in video game industry
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Over the last few decades, video game industry has grown quickly from a small market to a massive industry. Along with industry growth, business models in the industry also have developed rapidly to meet emerging technologies and innovations. There have been a lot ofAbstract The United States Supreme Courts recent decision relating to violent video games revealed divisions within the scientific community about the potential for negative effects of such games as well as the need for more, higher quality research. Scholars also haveUsing data from the 128-bit video game industry I evaluate the impact technologically tying has on the intensity of console price competition and the incentives for hardware firms to tie their produced software to their hardware. Tying occurs when a console hardware
Exercise Improves Video Game Performance: A Win Win Situation
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Situation. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 5 No. pp. 1595 160 2020. Purpose: Video gamers exceeding screen-time limits are at greater risk of experiencing health issues associated with physical inactivity. Demonstrating that exercise has positive effects on videoThe recent paper by Wiegman and van Schie (1998) examining aggressive and prosocial behaviour in video game players is a welcome addition to a fairly sparse (but growing) literature. However, there are many speculations and assertions made throughout the paperAbstract In 198 Margaret Shotton published her pioneering study of psychological dependency on computer technology. Since then, the empirical research literature on technology-based addictions, particularly addiction to the Internet and online video games
Whose mind is the signal Focalization in video game narratives.
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In this paper, I explore instances in which video games convey an experience of subjectivity, utilizing an appropriation of G rard Genettes (1980) concept of focalization. Through an analysis of The Sims 3 (The Sims Studio 2009), Top Spin 4 (2K Czech 2011), Mirrors Edge
Videorec as gameplay: Recording playthroughs and video game engagement
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This paper outlines an alternative genealogy of non-narrative machinima by the means of tracing a parallel with different cinematographic genres. It analyses the circuit of production and distribution of such material as a field for modes of superplay, in which users both
Real-time Learning in the NERO Video Game .
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If game characters could learn through interacting with the player, behavior could improve as the game is played, keeping it interesting. The real-time NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (rtNEAT) method, which can evolve increasingly complex artificial neural
A pedestal, a table, a love letter: Archaeologies of gender in videogame history
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The history of videogames has largely been imagined as a patrilineal timeline. Women, when they emerge as participants in the game industry, are typically figured as outliers, exceptions, or early exemplars of diversity in the game industry. Yet the common practice
Negative effects of video game play
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Video game play has become a ubiquitous form of entertainment in modern society. As a result, interest has accrued from parents, educators, policy makers, and scientists alike regarding the potential effects of this relatively new media. The current chapter has several
A corpus analysis of strategy video game play in starcraft: Brood war
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We present the first ever large scale analysis of actual strategy video game play. Using a corpus of over 000 Starcraft: Brood War games from international tournaments, we analyze every players actions to determine which of their capacities lead to success. We also tie
Down many times, but still playing the game : Creative destruction and industry crashes in the early video game industry 1971-1986
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Method This chapter presents a long-term historical account of the video game industry in which all of the early crashes and shake-outs during the period 1972-1985 are compared and contrasted, using the entire population of firms active in the market for various game
game applied for coaching emotional understanding in children and adolescents in the therapeutic video game environment: The feeling better resources game
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Introduction: Children and adolescents ability to effectively identify and understand emotions is an important aspect of development that has been linked to a variety of beneficial outcomes (eg, better mental health, social skills and academic performance;Despite the strong appeal of personalization (through creating personalized players, teams, and leagues) in sport video games (SVGs), little is known about its marketing implications. This study explores the effect of personalization on SVG gaming enjoyment, repurchase
Narrative Therapy for Treating Video Game Addiction.
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Video game addiction is increasingly prevalent and treatment modalities have ignored the unique aspects of this particular process addiction. This article reviews the construct of video game addiction and posits utilizing narrative therapy in a manner tailored to the video game
Analytics of play: Using information visualization and gameplay practices for visualizing video game data
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Tracking player data in video games has increased in recent years. Data such as click- throughstreams and event logs are currently being captured within most major games, while other researchers are prototyping new ways of capturing data from a players physical body
Video game instruction in basic life support maneuvers
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Objectives: 1) To assess the usefulness of an educational video game to teach the theory of basic life support to high school students; 2) to compare video game instruction to the traditional teaching of basic life support maneuvers through practical demonstrations by