power divider
This letter presents a modified Gysel power divider for dual-band applications. A short-stub and an open-stub has been attached to the conventional Gysel structure. Closed-form design equations are derived. Power operation analysis shows that the new dual-band
Compact planar magic-T using E-plane substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) power divider and slotline transition
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A novel planar magic-T using an E-plane substrate integrate waveguide (SIW) power divider and a SIW-slotline transition is proposed in this letter. Due to the metal ground between the two input/output ports, the E-plane SIW power divider has a 180 reverse phase Page 1. A WIDEBAND STRIPLINE MATCHED POWRR DIVIDER P. C. Goodman Bendix Research Laboratories Southf ield, Michigan 48075 Introduction. In many microwave sys tenm, a signal must be split into two equal-amplitude in-phase signals by a power divider . The power divider This paper presents a 1: 8 differential power divider implemented in a commercial SiGe BiCMOS process using fully shielded broadside-coupled striplines integrated vertically in the silicon interconnect stackup. The 1: 8 power divider is only 1.12 1.5 mm2 including pads In this work, a miniature ultra-wideband (UWB) power divider (PD) is proposed. By implementing the transmission lines of a two-stage Wilkinson PD using bridged T-coils, very compact size with no reduction in bandwidth can be achieved. Specifically, a proposed UWB Wilkinson power divider with two absorption resistors and its size-reduced model are presented. Design equations for dual-band and arbitrary power division are derived from modified evenand odd-mode analysis. The frequency ratio of the lower and upper band
Analysis and simulation of a photonic crystal power divider
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In this research, the properties of a power divider that composed of two dimensional (2-D) Photonic Crystals (PC) have been analyzed. There is a large photonic band gap in transmission spectrum of the 2-D photonic crystal and by introducing a defect in the This letter presents a reconfigurable 1 4 power divider operated at 2.45 GHz. The proposed circuit has four power transmission states and is designed mathematically to satisfy matching conditions for each state. The experimental results for the transmission losses for A microstrip dual-band Gysel power divider with ar-bitrary power division is proposed. In order to generate two frequency bands simultaneously, two Schiffman phase shifters are adopted. Moreover, these frequency bands with arbitrary power ratio between two output The divider proposed is 100 per cent efficient; it is matched looking into any port; the isolation between output ports is infinite (assuming perfect directi~, ity); further, there is no theoretical limit to the number of outputs or relative amplitude of outputs that may be thickness DO(cd = 5.24) TABLE I SEPARATECOMPUTATIONSTO SHOW THE AGRRJMENTOF
Design of K-Band substrate integrated waveguide coupler, circulator and power divider
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Our study concerns the analysis of K-band passive devices using a new technology, substrate integrated waveguide (SIW), by the HFSS code. This technology has been applied successfully to the conception of planar compact components for the microwave and A novel quasi-planar four-way chained power divider using rectangular coaxial waveguide is presented. The rectangular coaxial waveguide consist of a rectangular outer conductor and a planar inner conductor that is a stripline suspended at the middle of the outer This paper presents a new scheme of a tri-band Gysel power divider . A tri-band transmission line transformer and parallel short-and open-ended stub resonators are applied to a dualband power divider for tri-band application. Exact equations are derived based on even
Compact waveguide-based power divider feeding independently any number of coaxial lines
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The device described in this paper has been designed to enable the feeding of many individual plasma sources from a single microwave generator, providing a noninterfering and constant supply of power to each coaxial line driving these plasma sources. The power
Miniaturized Wilkinson power divider with nth harmonic suppression using front coupled tapered CMRC
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Abstract- In this paper, a novel microstrip power divider with a new technique for nth harmonic suppression is presented. This technique is based on using front coupled tapered compact microstrip resonant cell (FCTCMRC) that inserted into a quarter-wavelength
Design of microstrip T junction power divider circuits for enhanced performance
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ABSTRACT This paper details the development of novel power – divider T junction circuits which have unique prescribed transmission characteristics. Subsequent to a description of the design technique, the paper describes experimental results obtained on a series of fabricated circuit
Non-uniform transmission line ultra-wideband wilkinson power divider
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We propose a technique with clear guidelines to design a compact planar Wilkinson power divider (WPD) for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications. The design procedure is accomplished by replacing the uniform transmission lines in each arm of the conventional
Analysis of a 1: 2 Rectangular Waveguide Power Divider for Phased Array Application Using Multiple Cavity Modeling Technique
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A method of moment based analysis of the feed network of a waveguide fed two dimensional array antennas has been presented using Multi Cavity Modeling Technique (MCMT) in transmitting mode. The proposed power divider is unlikely to the family of Tees
Design of miniaturized unequal split wilkinson power divider with harmonics suppression using non-uniform transmission lines
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In this paper, a design of an unequal split Wilkinson power divider (WPD), with high power split ratio, using non-uniform transmission lines (NTLs) is presented. The design is based on using NTLs in each branch of the divider instead of the conventional uniform ones. Besides
Recombinant waveguide power divider
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In this paper, a substrate integrated waveguide power divider is proposed on the basis of a recombinant topology that provides in-phase power division with an odd or even number of branches. The aim is to generate different types of power distribution to control sidelobe
Dual-band out-of-phase power divider with impedance transformation and wide frequency ratio
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(PD) with impedance transformation and wide frequency ratio is proposed in this letter. This proposed circuit consists of four double-sided parallel-strip lines (DSPSLs) to obtain the out- of-phase and dual-band performance, mid-inserted conductor plane as a common ground This letter presents a new design of an unequal dual band Gysel power divider (GPD) with isolation bandwidth (IW) improvement, which contains two grounded resistors for better power-handling capability (PHC), one resistor between output ports for enhancing the IW, an
Design and Analysis of Multi-Frequency Unequal-Split Wilkinson Power Divider using Non-Uniform Transmission Lines
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Abstract- In this paper, the design of miniaturized multi-frequency unequal-split Wilkinson power divider (WPD) using nonuniform transmission lines (NTLs) is presented. To achieve compactness, the uniform transmission lines of the conventional WPD are substituted by A novel microstrip dual-band filtering power divider (FPD) is presented in this letter. By introducing a proper coupling topology between the quarter-wavelength (λ/4) shortended microstrip line and two multi-mode resonators, the dualband FPD is constructed. Meanwhile
A Wilkinson power divider with different power ratios at different frequencies
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The power divider /combiner is very important component for power amplifier design in low power MMIC design and high power system using hybrid scheme. In addition to that, the power divider /combiner is applied for impedance matching, antenna polarization, and phase
Design of V-band substrate integrated waveguide power divider , circulator and coupler
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Recently there is growing interest in a new technology, substrate integrated waveguide (SIW), it has been applied successfully to the conception of planar compact components for the microwave and millimeter waves applications. In this study, a V-band substrate
Design of an ultra-wideband Wilkinson power divider
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In this paper an ultra-wideband Wilkinson power divider (WPD) using binomial multi-section matching transformer is proposed. First an optimized single section WPD is designed and the output response of this power divider needs to be improved for ultra-wideband This letter introduces a novel simple structure for the realization of a reconfigurable unequal power divider with a high dividing ratio. Two transmission modes, high power mode and low power mode, can be obtained by this reconfigurable unequal power divider . Only three pin
A Novel UWB Out-of-Phase Four-Way Power Divider .
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Abstract- A novel ultra-wideband (UWB) out-ofphase four-way power divider is presented. To achieve a division over a large frequency range, T-junctions formed by slotlines and microstrip lines are utilized. Based on the transmission-line equivalent-circuit method, we where A and~ are vector functions of position, and the surface integral extends over the surface enclosing the volume V. Here is a tensor function of position and is not necessarily symmetric. The tilde indicates the transposed tensor. This identity may be
UWB Wilkinson power divider using tapered transmission lines
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In this paper, an UWB Wilkinson power divider using tapered transmission lines is proposed. Using tapered transmission lines in microwave components results in reduction of the element length and therefore the overall component size while providing wider operational
Dual-band (1: 4) Wilkinson Power Divider on Silicon
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This article presents the design and realization of a two stage dual band (1.575 GHz and 2.680 GHz) Wilkinson power divider on silicon substrate using microstrip technology. The design incorporates compact open stub in serpentine shape. Step impedance resonator
Design and analysis of improved multi-module memory bus using wilkinson power divider
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Branch connections in multi-module memory bus are usually sources of impedance mismatching, resulting in resonance in the branch stub. An effective way has been proposed to reduce stub resonance by using Wilkinson power divider . The effect of Wilkinson divider
Design of miniaturized 3-way Bagley polygon power divider using non-uniform transmission lines
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In this paper, a design of miniaturized 3-way Bagley polygon power divider (BPD) is presented. The design is based on using non-uniform transmission lines (NTLs) in each arm of the divider instead of the conventional uniform ones. For verification purposes, a 3-way
A Wilkinson power divider with harmonic suppression and size reduction using high-low impedance resonator cells
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A miniaturized Wilkinson power divider using high-low impedance resonator cells is designed and fabricated. The proposed power divider occupies 23.7% of the conventional structure circuit area at the operating frequency of 0.9 GHz and it is also able to suppress This paper presents a compact unequal Wilkinson power divider (WPD) with a reduced arm length. The unequal power divider consists of four arms and the isolation elements, including a compensating capacitor and isolation resistor. Compared with the conventional The purpose of this paper is to present an odd number N-way power divider which is cap- able of splitting an input signal into any odd number of plural output ports, with particular emphasis on a planar version ofa single layer microstrip circuit
A novel Wilkinson power divider using open stubs for the suppression of harmonics
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Abstract- In this paper, the design process of a novel Wilkinson power divider is presented. The proposed power divider features a simple structure with open stubs at each port. With slight changes of the dimensions of open stubs, designed power divider can suppress