robotic engineering

Determination of the effectiveness of the use of robotic systems in mechanical engineering
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Reduced to the following with the current pace of development of science and technology the main requirement for high-performance and highly efficient production: the production must be ready and able at any moment to break even stop production of reclaimed products

Robotic nudges: the ethics of engineering a more socially just human being
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Robots are becoming an increasingly pervasive feature of our personal lives. As a result, there is growing importance placed on examining what constitutes appropriate behavior when they interact with human beings. In this paper, we discuss whether companion robots

Relationship of robotic implementation on changes in middle school students beliefs and interest toward science, technology, engineering and mathematics
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Follow this and additional works at: This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by Knowledge Repository @ IUP. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations (All) by an authorized administrator of Knowledge

A software stack for specification and robotic execution of protocols for synthetic biological engineering
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Synthetic biology is an emerging field in which biologists modify or design the behavior of organisms to engineer systems that perform computation in diverse biological applications. Synthetic biologists design such a complex system by composing basic functional units eg

Robotic competition based education in engineering (roc-bee)
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In this paper, methodology, experiments and experiences of the authors over a period of last six years with engineering students of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi involved in robotics projects, mainly, Robotic Contest (RoboCon) organized by the ABU Asia-Pacific

Robotics in education: ROBOLAB and robotic technology as tools for learning science and engineering
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This thesis evaluates an eleven-week after school workshop for third through sixth grade children, which uses robotic software with LEGOs in order to help the children learn about the principals of science and engineering . The evaluation is based on pre-and post

ROBUS A mobile robotic platform for electrical and computer engineering education
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By having students design mobile robotic toys for autistic children, we allow freshmen in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering to work on a multidisciplinary project that requires creative and innovative solutions, involving technological aspects and social

A modular educational robotic toolbox to support university teaching efforts in engineering
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Robots offer an excellent basis for teaching a number of different engineering disciplines and their integration into systems. To accomplish courses and projects, universities need robot platforms which are flexible and modular so they can be easily customized to the

Agile robotic work cells for teaching manufacturing engineering
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Background Robots have become commonplace in industry. This is due in part to dramatic improvements in robot programming tools 1 and improved systems integration. The same technology improvements that have made it easier for industry to implement robots make it

SysML based system engineering : A case study for space robotic systems
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Space systems are similar to their terrestrial counterparts in many respects but the main distinction that makes space system unique are due to the harsh and low gravity environment that space systems needs to survive, requirements of system redundancy due

Recycling A Discarded Robotic Arm For Automation Engineering Education.
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Robotics and automation technology instruction is an important component of the industrial engineering education curriculum. Industrial engineering and automation departments must continuously develop and update their laboratory resources and pedagogical tools in order

Mobile robotic platforms as educational tools in mechatronics engineering
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Systems Lab of the Technological Institute of Piraeus, Greece, has recently accomplished will be described in this paper. Within the area of small mobile robots design, the project combines computer science in modern network protocol communication and microcontroller

A modular mobile robotic platform as an educational tool in computer science and engineering
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This paper describes a mobile robotic platform that can be used as a tool in computer science and engineering education. This platform consists of several integrated modules including a laptop computer that serves as the main control module, microcontroller-based

Engaging students with visual impairments in engineering and computer science through robotic game programming (research-to-practice)
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This paper presents an approach for engaging students with visual impairments to learn computer programming through our multi-modal feedback system and carefully devised curriculum using a robotic platform. Our goal of research is to promote precollege students

Fostering Global Collaboration Between Engineering Students Through a Robotic Design Competition
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Through a Robotic Design Competition AlSaibie, Ali Arto Kivila James Potter William Singhose Georgia Institute of Technology The George W. Woodruff School of MechanicalEngineering Page 2. Ali AlSaibie Arto Kivila James Potter William Singhose The George W. Woodruff School of

Innovative engineering education using programmable LEGO robotic VD Graaf generators
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Abstract The Technology Assisted Science, Engineering and Mathematics (TASEM) learning, with major focus on innovations in the use of technology to explain new and complicated concepts rather than on education research, goes far beyond the conventional

Socio-Cognitive Engineering of a Robotic Partner for Childs Diabetes Self-Management
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Social or humanoid robots do hardly show up in the wild, aiming at pervasive and enduring human benefits such as child health. This paper presents a socio-cognitive engineering (SCE) methodology that guides the ongoing research development for an evolving, longer

Teaching concurrent Engineering using intensive interdisciplinary robotic workshops
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The m tier of architecture is, contrary to the myth of the single visionary architect, one of co- ordinated interdisciplinary teamwork. For students of architecture, this concept can be somewhat abstract without the chance for hands-on experience in working in such teams

Developing a robotic kit for mechatronic engineering education
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This paper discusses the development of a robotic kit for the courses in the Mechatronic Engineering program. Mechatronics is a discipline that combines elements of Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering and Control Engineering

Engineering Quality in the Robotic World
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This paper explores the challenges of attaining engineering quality in robotics through the experiences of the Lincoln High School robotics team, the Nanites. In robotics, engineering quality in hardware-software co-design is important. While software is written in the abstract

Modular Robotic System-A Concurrent Engineering Approach In
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The modularity of robotic subsystems is a big opportunity for robotics to compel recognition on the market as a viable and efficient alternative, thanks to the development of standardized modulus, especially, but also because of the robots features-such as

Empowering the model-driven engineering of robotic applications using ontological semantics and reasoning
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This work discusses two scenarios in which the model-driven engineering of robotic applications can be improved using ontological semantics and reasoning. The objective of the presented approach is to facilitate reuse and interoperability between cooperating

Using NASAs Robotic Mining Competition to Give Students a Quality Sys-tems Engineering Experience
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Todays engineers need to have a thorough understanding of systems engineering to be able to develop the complex systems used in a more connected world. NASA, motivated by its need for engineers with an understanding of systems engineering developed the Robotic

Robotic Forceps with a Flexible Wrist Joint Made of Super Engineering Plastic
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A pair of miniaturized robotic forceps with a flexible wrist joint has a problem of a trade-off relationship between rigid and flexible characteristics of the joint with metal parts. Regarding the problem, in this paper, we present a pair of robotic forceps in which the flexible wrist is

The Engineering Ed project: dealing with failure and the robotic future engaging students in multidisciplinary STEM learning
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This article proposes an alternative (or additional) place for the use of robotics within the secondary school curriculum. Robotics provides a unique opportunity to engage students in genuinely multidisciplinary learning that challenges their misperceptions about the nature of

Requirements Engineering for Robotic System: A Systematic Mapping Study.
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Several research efforts have been targeted to support Requirements Engineering (RE) for general software systems in the last two decades. However, to our knowledge, there is no framework to support RE for robotic systems domain. We aimed to systematically identify

Pick and Place Robotic Claw for Engineering Applications
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This paper presents a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) operated Pick and Place Robotic Claw. This system enables an object to be picked and placed automatically for a wide range of applications. The robotic claw is an open or closed kinematic chain of rigid

Engineering a 3D Ultrasound Robotic System
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Abstract Three-dimensional (3D) Medical Ultrasound (US) can definitely improve the diagnosis of several pathologies by providing a better view and analysis over tissues and organs than 2D Ultrasound. Depending on the organ or tissue to be scanned, it is necessary

Hydraulic-Powered Robotic Arm from Simple Materials for Engineering Education
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Have you ever seen a car lifted into the air at an auto repair place Have you ever wondered how an elevator can lift a load of people up into the air Well, the answer is hydraulic systems. Hydraulic systems use a liquid, usually oil, to transmit force. This system works on

Distance Engineering System for Robotic Applications
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The paper deals with innovative system providing a distance and online engineering functionality for students and practicing engineers. Purpose of this study and development is to provide internet based system for operating and controlling actively remote devices over

Software Engineering Challenges for Adaptive Robotic Ecologies
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-Coordination: find, execute and monitor cooperative strategies-Provide a base-line structure to the learning system-Enable the use of existing functional components-Support highly heterogeneous and distributed systems-Deal with both action and configuration-Deal

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Page 1. MODEL BASED SYSTEM ENGINEERING FOR SPACE ROBOTIC SYSTEMS Lead Academic: Dr Chakravarthini Saaj, Research Fellow: Dr. Savan Chhaniyara, Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey Astrium

Integrating pyrometallurgy and robotic systems engineering
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10 Abstract 11 The pyrometallurgical fire assay still remains the only widely accepted technique to concentrate platinum group elements (PGE) 12 and gold from low grade ores and metallurgical intermediates. The traditional technique is labour intensive batch process

Student Paper: Small Team Agile Systems Engineering For Rapid Prototyp-ing of Robotic Systems
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Engineering management decisions play critical roles in the ultimate success or failure of a project. The approach taken, the team size, the deliverables and their respective due dates, and the environment are key factors which engineering managers, technical team leads

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This paper reports on a major student project that adopts the systems engineering approach to design and build the upper-half of a humanoid robot that senses the presence of an object directly in front of it and triggers a series of pre-programmed activities that involves a

Autonomous Ground Robotic Vehicles for Electrical Engineering Technology
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This paper discusses the design and provides an analysis of the performance of an autonomous ground robotic vehicle (GRV) called Vasilius. Three sections of focus are presented. First, the paper describes the hardware and software design of Vasilius. A novel

Engineering Senior Design Project: Robotic Lawn Mower
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Abstract Boeing Mesa Helicopter Company came up with the project idea of designing, fabricating, and demonstrating a robotic lawn mower that was self-guided without a need for human directional control. This document lays the foundation to the design phase of the

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Mechatronics engineering is a broad discipline involving the integration of mechanical engineering electrical engineering telecommunications engineering control engineering and computer engineering . It is well-known that laboratory or hands-on works enhance the

Designing a Soft Robotic Hand July 2 2016 The New Jersey Governors School of Engineering and Technology
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Soft robots provide unparalleled flexibility and adaptability as compared to traditional robots while also being significantly more cost efficient to create. Designing a soft robotic hand that is both strong enough to lift objects and gentle enough to avoid damaging them could have

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This article addresses improvement in agriculture processes like automatic planting of seeds on ploughed land by using robot. We have developed a robotic vehicle having four wheels and steered by DC motors. The seed planting mechanism is fitted on the vehicle to plant the