robotics application
Robotics is the engineering science and technology which involves the conception, design, operation and manufacture of robots. Electronics, mechanics and software are brought together by robotics.
Robots are used for jobs that are dirty, dull and dangerous. Today robotics have many different application areas
Intelligent Home Applications: We can monitor home security, environmental conditions and energy usage with intelligent robotic home systems. Door and windows can be opened automatically and appliances such as lighting and air conditioning can be pre programmed to activate. This assists occupants irrespective of their state of mobility.
Application of robotics to radiopharmaceutical preparation: controlled synthesis of fluorine-18 16-fluoroestradiol-17β
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I n the synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals labeled with short-lived positron-emitting radioisotopes (oxygen-15. nitrogen-13. carbon-11 ( C). fluorine-18 ( T). gallium-68). large initial amounts of radioactivity are often required to produce sufficient amounts of high
Application of robotics and image processing to automated colony picking and arraying
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We describe a system which applies image processing and robotic techniques to automatically pick individual colonies from square Pet~ L_dis~ es and array them in 96 well microtiter plates. Digital images of the colony distribution in the dishes are acquired using a
Calibration of non-overlapping cameras- application to vision-based robotics
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Multi-camera systems are more and more used in vision-based robotics . An accurate extrinsic calibration is usually required. In most of cases, this task is done by matching features through different views of the same scene. However, if the cameras fields of view do
Theory and application of extension hybrid force-position control in robotics
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The paper presents advanced method for solving contradictory problems of hybrid position- force control of the movement of walking robots by applying an Extension Set . Starting from the extension distance defined by Prof. Cai Wen, the founder of Extenics, there are
Application of challenge based learning approaches in robotics education
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Engineers involved in the product realization process must master technology as it develops and quickly integrate it into products well ahead of the competition. Many educators have developed a variety of pedagogical tools and curriculum to increase the competence of
Application of visual pattern recognition to robotics and automation
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II. COMPUTER VISION FOR ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION Visual recognition of patterns is a basic capability of most advanced species in nature. A big percentage of the human brain is devoted to visual processing with a substantial portion of this area used for pattern
Review of soft computing techniques used in robotics application
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In this Review paper we discussed, how soft computing to the field of behavior based robotics . It discusses the role of fuzzy, neuro-fuzzy and genetic algorithm rule-based systems for behavior architectures and adaptation. It reviews a number of applications of soft
Systematic methodology of fuzzy-logic modeling and control and application to robotics
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Page 1. SYSTEMATIC METHODOLOGY OF FUZZY-LOGIC MODELING AND CONTROL AND APPLICATION TO ROBOTICS MOHAMMAD REZA EMAMl A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of
Modular robotics and locomotion: application to limbless robots
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Snakes arent the kind of cuisine most people look for when ordering, but the speciality of the house was amazing servo-driven snakebot. All snake robots Ive ever seen even Gavin Millers amazing bots-cheat. They replicate a snakes motion, be it
Expensive multiobjective optimization and validation with a robotics application
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Many practical optimization problems, especially in robotics , involve multiple competing objectives, eg performance metrics such as speed and energy efficiency. Proper treatment of these objective functions is often overlooked. Additionally, optimization of the performance of
Introduction to fuzzy logic control with application to mobile robotics
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A brief introduction to fuzzy set theory and its application to control systems is provided. Fuzzy sets do not have sharp boundaries and are therefore able to represent linguistic terms which be considered gray or vague. Aspects of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic are
A preliminary study about robust speech recognition for a robotics application
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In this study the specific problem of robustness in automatic speech recognition under various acoustic conditions is reviewed. The currently most used techniques to solve this problem are discussed. One specific technique (RASTA-PLP) is then implemented and
Interactive task planning through múltiple abstraction: Application to assistant robotics
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Assistant robotics has become an emergent field within the robotic and artificial intelligence communities ( , ). The main characteristic of assistant robots is that they are designed to serve non-expert people within their environment. They must plan and act efficiently to
Integration of rehabilitation robotics in the context of smart homes: Application to assistive robotics
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This paper describes our methodology to create a bridge between two research areas in assistive technologies dedicated to people with disabilities: rehabilitation robotics and smart homes or domotics. Rehabilitation robotics could be classified in two main research areas
Towards practical application of swarm robotics : overview of swarm tasks
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Swarm robotics is a relatively new research area inspired from biological systems such as ant or bee colonies. It composes a system consisting of many small robots with simple control mechanisms capable of achieving complex collective behaviours on the swarm level
A self-learning environment based on the PBL approach: an application to the learning process in the field of robotics and manufacturing systems
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This paper deals with a PBL approach used to bridge a teacher-centered learning to a studentcentered learning. It has been applied in undergraduate and graduate courses of robotics and manufacturing systems with successful results. A cognitive analysis of the
Application of robotics in mining industry: A critical review,
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The advance of robotics and the increase in robot use have raised the need for computer simulation of robots, among the aims of which are the design of new robots, task planning of existing robots, performance evaluation and cycle time estimation. For mining environment If one wants to translate a desired trajectory into corresponding input signals, one attempt to read this diagram from right to left. First, the trajectory (which is specified as a function of time into coordinates, so that the derivatives of the motion are also determined)
Sultan: Simultaneous user learning and task execution, and its application in assistive robotics
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The main objective of this work is to present a mechanism called Simultaneous User Learning and TAsk executioN (SULTAN). In SULTAN the model of the user maintained by the systems learning module and the systems representation of the physical interaction
Control system with biochemical reaction network and its application to molecular robotics
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In this paper, we consider how to realize a PID controller and a signal transmission system in a biochemical reaction network, which are fundamental issues in a design of molecular robot. Since a negative feedback is implemented with an inhibition reaction in an