robotics development platform
robotics software platform is a software package which simplifies programming of several kinds of robotic devices by providing
a unified programming environment;
a unified service execution environment;
a set of reusable components;
a debugging/simulation environment;
a package of drivers for most wide-spread robotics hardware
a package of common facilities such as computer vision, navigation or robotic arm control
Aerial informatics and robotics platform
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Abstract Machine Learning technologies are increasingly becoming an important tool in building autonomous systems. Learning-based techniques have been useful but typically need a large amount of training data, which is an expensive and time consuming process
A Low-Cost Educational Platform for Swarm Robotics .
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Swarm robotics usually involves a large number of robots, dealing with the emergence of intelligent collective behaviors based on local interactions, thus mimicking collective behaviors found in biological societies (eg ants, bees, bacteria, etc.). Therefore, both
The Urbi universal platform for robotics
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Robots can free humankind from everyday chores, they can entertain us, and even educate our children. They can carry loads, walk, dance, sing, and express emotions. Hundreds of different robots are already sold in shops, and complex applications are being developed
Unified humanoid robotics software platform
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Development of humanoid robots is increasing rapidly, and humanoids are occupying a larger percentage of robotics research. They are seen in competitions like RoboCup, as consumer toys like the RoboSapien from WowWee, and in various research and DIY
An open-source hardware and software platform for telesurgical robotics research
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We present our work to develop a telerobotics research platform that provides complete access to all levels of control via open-source custom electronics and software. The electronics employs an FPGA to enable a centralized computation and distributed I/O
eBug-An open robotics platform for teaching and research
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The eBug is a low-cost and open robotics platform designed for undergraduate teaching and academic research in areas such as multimedia smart sensor networks, distributed control, mobile wireless communication algorithms and swarm robotics . The platform is easy to use
RobEx: an open-hardware robotics platform
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Autonomous robots are usually given a considerable sensing capacity. However, they are seldom equipped with the necessary actuators to perform active perception techniques or human-like tasks. This paper presents two robot actuators and RobEx, the robot platform
A low-cost real-time mobile robot platform (ArEduBot) to support project-based learning in robotics mechatronics
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We discuss aspects of development of a low-cost real-time mobile-robot platform ArEduBot- for educational experiments. Our framework leverages ease-of-programming in block- diagrammatic form within the MATLAB/Simulink environment, together with several special
A low-cost, high-performance robotics platform for education and research
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The authors have developed a new robotics platform for researchers and educators, providing an improvement in processing power compared to existing low-cost solutions while maintaining a low cost. The platform includes a microcontroller board, GNU-based
Reconfigurable and Modular Mobile Robotics Platform for Remote Experiments.
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In this paper a hardware and software architec-ture based on a modular approach for a reconfigurable mobile robot is developed with intended use as remote experiment. A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was chosen as control unit for the robot and allows the
Evo-bots: A modular robotics platform with efficient energy sharing
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This paper introduces the Evo-bot platform , a light-weight reconfigurable modular robot for the study of long-term evolutionary processes. Evo-bot modules integrate an efficient energy management system, which comprises three sub-systems for energy harvesting, energy
Low cost educational platform for robotics , using open-source 3d printers and open-source hardware
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In this paper, we present a new design methodology for educational robotic platforms. Using printbots (open-source 3D-printable robots) as a starting point in our designs has allowed us to create custom robots with very little effort. Using this new methodology we have designed
Jmesim: An open source, multi platform robotics simulator
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Simulation of autonomous and teleoperated robots has become a staple of the robotics research community. Accurate physics simulation, high quality rendering, open source code, and multi platform implementability are essential qualities for simulation packages. Many
Performance improvement of parallel robotics through flexible platform
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Proceeding of the 6th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Automation in Space: i-SAIRAS 200 Canadian Space Agency, St-Hubert, Quebec, Canada, June 18-22 Performance Improvement of Parallel Robotics through Flexible Platform
A home made robotic platform based on theo jansen mechanism for teaching robotics
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Nowadays, robotics is becoming increasingly popular as an educational platform . Working on robots provides a unique learning experience. The students receive strong and meaningful feedback for physically experience their work, allowing them to acquire
Spider-bots: A low cost cooperative robotics platform
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Multi-robot teams with many members can be very demanding in terms of both monetary and spatial resources, major limitations in both laboratory and classroom settings. A reduction in both the size and cost of robots that remain capable of testing a myriad of
PLATFORM : an integrated approach to robotics and space navigation validation. Designing and setting the robotic test-bed
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During the last years, as the missions have become more and more complex, the need for saving space devices and system testing costs and reducing the risks associated to them has also become evident. PLATFORM is a ground test-bed being developed by GMV and
Design aspects of an open platform for underwater robotics experimental research
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The early results in the development of a platform for experimental underwater robotics research are presented in this work. This platform consists of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) and a Mission Monitoring/Control System (MMCS) unit to teleoperate and to
Roomba and mac os x: Cross- platform vision and robotics for ai
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This paper investigates the suitability of iRobots Roomba as a low-cost robotic platform for use in both research and education. We present sensor and actuation models and implement algorithms that demonstrate the Roombas viability. While the platform has both
Robotics -based educational tool An interactive learning platform to enhance understanding behavior of physical systems
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Most undergraduate students of Science and Engineering disciplines show lack of interest in passive traditional teaching methods. The consequence of losing interest in learning eventually leads to failure to keep up with the grades expected of them or even can lead to