service robotics

A service robot is a →robot that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment excluding industrial automation application. A robot system is a system comprising →robot(s), end-effector(s) and any machinery, equipment, devices, or sensors supporting the robot performing its task

Service robotics
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Service robotson the market! Robotics 1. 3. Yujin GoCart2 elderly and health care. Vorwerk vacuum cleaner. Cyberdyne HAL exoskeleton for walking.

1.2 Classification of service robots by application areas
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A service robotis a → robotthat performs useful tasks for humans or equipment excluding industrial automation application. A robotsystem is a system comprising → robot(s), end-effector(s) and any machinery, equipment, devices, or sensors supporting the robotperforming its task.

Executive Summary World Robotics 2019 Service Robots
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Service roboticsencompasses a broad field of applications, most of which having unique designs and different degrees of automation from full tele-operation

chapter 5 industrial, personal, and service robots World
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later class of robots, we will divide service robotsinto personal service robotsand A FANUC industrial robot (left), a service robotused for security made by.

Concept and Functional Structure of a Service Robot
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Abstract. In this paper, we present a concept of service robotand a framework for its functional specification and implemen‐ tation. The present discussion is

Service Robotics
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1. Service Robotics or: How Bring Robotics Research Results to Market Joachim Hertzberg. Osnabrück University and DFKI Robotics Innovation Center

Industrial and Service Robots Jyväskylän yliopisto
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The definition of a service robotas proposed by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) states that a service robotis one which operates semi- or fully

Service Robots
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May 22Keywords Automation of services 4 Autonomous systems 4 Human-centered environment 4 Service robots. 1 What are Service Robots

Home Service Robotics SAGE Journals
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of various home service robotsin terms of three major categories: mobile robot, robot manipulator and biologically inspired robot. After a detailed introduction.

service robots Alexandria (UniSG) University of St.Gallen
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May 221 What are Service Robots The focus of business and information systems engineering research is continuously shifting to a more user

Service Robotics Case Studies Silicon Valley Robotics
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starting the worlds first service roboticscompany, HelpMate Robotics, in the. 1980s. HelpMate Robotics is best known for hospital delivery robots, although.. Abstract A service robotdesigned to be of practical use in offices and commercial environments has beenThis paper first reviews the literature about the very important but neglected issue of safety an service- robotsapplications. Most of the few existing approaches

Planning with Task-Oriented Knowledge Acquisition for IJCAI
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We propose a framework for a service robotto behave intelligently in domains that contain in- complete information, underspecified goals and dy- namic change.

Planning and Navigation for a Service Robot on an AASS
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Planning and navigation for a service roboton an RFID floor. Ali Abdul Khaliq. Alessandro Saffiotti. AASS Cognitive Robotic Systems Lab, Orebro University,

Open-World Reasoning for Service Robots UT Computer
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A service robotaccepting verbal commands from a human operator is likely to encounter requests that reference objects not currently represented in its

Concept and Functional Structure of a Service Robot IIMAS
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Abstract. In this paper, we present a concept of service robotand a framework for its functional specification and implemen‐ tation. The present discussion is

Rise of the service robots CAN Newsletter Online
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Rise of the service robots. According to figures provided by the International Federa- tion of Robotics (IFR) around 21 000 service robots

A Study on the Deployment of a Service Robot in an Elderly
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The service robottargets older people with light physical or psychological issues, Keywords Service robotics Human robot interaction Social robotics AAL

Real-Time Human-Robot Interaction for a Service arXiv
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Abstract In this paper, we present a real-time Human-Robot. Interaction (HRI) system for a service robotbased on 3D human.

Robotics Abstract
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Robotics. Abstract The 21st century is a century for robotics. Robots have long borne the sectors such as medical, logistics, and domestic service robots.

Service Robots Computing Research Association
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A recent study by the Robotic Industries Association has highlighted how service robotsare increasingly broadening our horizons beyond the factory floor.

D1.7 Market and supplier study on European robotics, service
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During the previous years, service roboticsstatistics has been these service roboticscompanies are start-ups it is of particular interest to

Can Humanoid Service Robots Perform Better Than Core
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service robots(HSRs) behavioral cues during service encounters with those expressed by a human service employee. The behavioral cues tested in this study.

Interpretability of a Service Robot Carnegie Mellon School of
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Interpretability of a Service Robot: Enabling User. Questions and Checkable Answers. Vittorio Perera and Manuela Veloso. School of Computer Science,.

Design and Evaluation of Service Robots Proactivity in
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ABSTRACT. As service robotsare envisioned to provide decision-making support (DMS) in public places, it is becoming essential to de- sign the robots manner

A Review of Social-Aware Navigation Frameworks for Service
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Abstract The emergence of service robotinto human daily life in the past years has opened up various challenges including human-robot interaction, joint-goal

Design and fabrication of autonomous restaurant service robot
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Abstract: Purpose. Recently, service robotshave been widely used in various fields. The purpose of this paper is to design a restaurant service robotwhich could

A multi-perspective evaluation of a service robot for seniors
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The potential of service robotsfor seniors is given increasing state of the art service robotplatform, the Care-O-bot® 3 (Picture 1), was used to.

Brave new world: service robots in the frontline RWTH
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robots, and advances the service robotacceptance model. robot-delivered frontline service and explores how these will differ in the future.

Towards an autonomous wheelchair: Cognitive aspects in service robotics
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As the origin of this work comes from the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Robotics we basically describe the sensorimotor capabilities of an autonomous robot ie an automated wheelchair. Beginning with the technical aspects of sensing the environment and

SWARM Robotics : A Different Approach to Service Robotics : a different approach to service robotics
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Service robotics , as it has been intended so far, views the accomplishment of a service mission mainly as the result of the action of a single robot. Swarm robotics tackles the very same problem from a different stance, ie, as the result of a team effort of simple units. The

The DESIRE Service Robotics Initiative.
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In 2006 a consortium of twelve German partners-including some leading providers of industrial robotic technology components (RTCs)-teamed up with some research institutes and universities to work on a joint publicly funded four year project called DESIRE. It is

Speech technologies for advanced applications in service robotics
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The multimodal interface for controlling functions of the complex modular robotic system, which can be deployed in difficult conditions as are rescue works, natural disasters, fires, decontamination purposes was designed. Such interface involves several fundamental

Human-robot interaction in service robotics
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Abstract Service robots or personal robots are to be used by non-expert users. This requires special attention to the human-robot interaction to provide systems that people are comfortable to use and be around. In this paper a number of different modalities for human

Benchmarking analysis of the application of small bearing reducers and actuators in service robotics
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1Technical university in Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Production Systems and Robotics ,,,, Abstract: The article analyzes the current state of deployment of various Field and Service Robotics (FSR) is one of the (presently) five major conferences founded by the International Federation of Robotics Research (IFRR). As such, FSR is the leading single track conference dedicated to research related to development of robots that do real

Opacity versus Computational Reflection Modelling Human-Robot Interaction in Personal Service Robotics
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The modeling of human-machine interaction (HCI) has an enormous impact on the shaping of our everyday life and the usage of so-called interactive technology. Surprisingly, human- machine models are still a widely underdeveloped subject in science and technology

Advanced Aboveground Storage Tank Inspections In- Service Robotics Tank Inspections
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This paper describes the advanced in- service tank inspection methods available for use in the inspection of aboveground storage tanks (AST) in the petroleum and petrochemical industry. ASTs are subject to several federal and state regulations requiring tank owners to

European service robotics
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Soon after the introduction of industrial robots in manufacturing efforts have been made to utilize robot technology for jobs where a manual task execution is dangerous, impossible or unacceptable. These mobile platforms, manipulators (or a combination of both) were

Distant Talker Identification by Nonlinear Programming and Beamforming in Service Robotics
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In service robotics speech interaction is assuming increasing interest. In this contest, in order to perform properly their tasks, a robot needs to identify the persons who is talking to. In this paper an algorithm for distant talker identification is presented: it is based on beamforming in This book gathers the most representative papers presented at the second edition of the International Workshop Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing and Robotics SOHOMA12 organized on May 23 24 as special tracks F and G of the 14th

A system for hierarchical planning in service mobile robotics
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We discuss a planning system which has been especially designed for Service Mobile Robotics applications; the system is able to classify problems (ie, determining the domain to which a problem belongs and if possibe dividing it into subproblems) and to hierarchically

Leveraging the Cloud to develop Service Robotics Applications
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Page 1. Leveraging the Cloud to Develop Service Robotics Applications Ludovico Orlando Russo DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino JOL CRAB of TIM Ph.D. Student, XXIX Cycle Tutors: Prof. Basilio Bona, Ing. Marco Gaspardone (TIM) Page 2. Outline Introduction and Motivations

Ubiquitous service robotics
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RT (Robot Technology) is expected to magnify the IT industry, which is characterized by the real time operation in the physical environment. Especially, integration of RT with ubiquitous computation technology will make a big impact on service industry. In this presentation, a

R-Tourism: Introducing the Potential Impact of Robotics and Service Automation in Tourism.
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Robotics and artificial intelligence are expected to reach their tipping points over the next decade. Digitalization and service automation are already visible in the tourism sector, raising questions on their wider impact on the industry and the holiday-experience per se

11. Utilization of service robotics to promote elderly people living at home
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The population of the world is aging rapidly. The aging of population is a complex issue: it concerns the well-being of elderly and it brings forth health, social, and economic problems. Sustaining independent living of elderly is preferred by most citizens and it is a target for the

Towards Multi-Modal Distributed Attention for Service Robotics
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Here we discuss mechanisms of attention in distributed software systems for robotics as well as their advantages towards more intelligent and capable robots. We start with a short overview of human attention including filter and resource theories as well as with a

Perceptually informed spoken language understanding for service robotics
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Robots operate in specific environments and the correct interpretation of linguistic interactions depends on physical, cognitive and languagedependent aspects triggered by the environment. In this work, we introduce a Spoken Language Understanding chain for

Environment infrastructure and multi-sensor integration for autonomous service robotics
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This paper presents an approach to enable autonomous service robots activities based on creation of an infrastructure parallel to the infrastructure of environment for daily human life and on cooperation of robot sensors. A mobile robot equipped with a manipulator is