ultrasonic sensor
An ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement in automotive applications
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This paper describes an ultrasonic sensor that is able to measure the distance from the ground of selected points of a motor vehicle. The sensor is based on the measurement of the time of flight of an ultrasonic pulse, which is reflected by the ground. A constrained
Bed load measurements with a new passive ultrasonic sensor
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Banziger and Burch (1991) and Rickenmann et al. (1997) describe a system where impacts caused by bed load passing over a metal plate are detected by a hydrophone. Impacts above a certain threshold amplitude are recorded by a pulse counter. The volume of material deposited in an This paper presents a low cost design and implementation of a parallel parking assist system (PPAS) based on ultrasonic sensors. Generally, a PPAS requires several types of sensors, such as an ultrasonic sensor , camera sensor , radar sensor and laser sensor for
Distance measurement via using of ultrasonic sensor
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Journal of Automation and Control, 201 Vol. No. 71-74 Available online at http://pubs.sciepub .com/automation/3/3/6 Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/automation-3-3-6 Distance Measurement via Using of Ultrasonic Sensor Michal Kelemen *, Ivan
Voice based navigation system for blind people using ultrasonic sensor
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As the technology is advancing day to day, the human machine interaction has become a must in our daily life. The interference has progressively become more important and advanced in order to ease the interaction process of the user and provide friendly operation
Distance sensing with ultrasonic sensor and Arduino
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A sensor is a device that converts one type of energy to another. Arduino is a small microcontroller board with a USB plug to connect to the computer. The Arduino board senses the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its
Using Ultrasonic Sensor for Blind and Deaf persons Combines Voice Alert and Vibration Properties
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Persons who are blind and deaf frequently suffering when exercising the most basic things of daily life and that could put lives at risk while traveling, due to the lack of necessary equipment in our country that provides them with assistance to avoid the risk, so came the
Ultrasonic Sensor
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Description The DR Joseph sensors are self-contained, microprocessor based ultrasonic sensors for use in the blown film plastics industry. The sensor transmits a high frequency ultrasonic pulse, measures the time taken for the reflection (or echo) to return to the sensor , and calculates In this article, we propose a localization scheme for a mobile robot based on the distance between the robot and moving objects. This method combines the distance data obtained from ultrasonic sensors in a mobile robot, and estimates the location of the mobile robot and
Distance measurement of object by ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
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There are several ways to measure distance without contact. The selection of distance measurement sensor in order to apply it in any application is very important to avoid any invalid experimental results. Measurement using ultrasonic sensor is cheapest among
Comparison of a transesophageal and precordial ultrasonic Doppler sensor in the detection of venous air embolism
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Methods With institutional review board approval ten patients who were undergoing neurosurgical procedures in the sitting position in which a transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) probe was to be used were enrolled in the study. All patients had In multi-robot systems, each robot needs to have the position and pose information of itself and that of the other cooperative robots. This paper presents a synchronous distributed positioning system that uses a multi-code ultrasonic sensor network and a compensation
Mobile robot localization via fusion of ultrasonic and inertial sensor data
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We describe two possible structures for a localization system which should exploit ultrasonic sensor measures as well as inertial and odometric data to maintain a correct estimate of the location of a mobile robot. The objective is to reduce the position and orientation error in the
Automatic on-line depth control of seeding units using a non-contacting ultrasonic sensor
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Previous investigations on seed placement depth emphasize the importance of proper seeding depth for optimal crop stand and yield. On moist soils, care should be taken to plant as shallow as possible, but when surface soils are dry and sufficient moisture is not
Measurement of wind speed and direction with ultrasonic sensor using FPGA
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In this paper we introduce the method of measurement of wind speed and direction based on an embedded system with multiple ultrasonic sensor . The system includes front-end circuits and back-end circuits. The Front-end circuits include the sensors low-voltage drive
Assessing the signal quality of an ultrasonic sensor on different conductive yarns used as transmission lines
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The field of electronic textiles is still relatively new and extending due to technology miniaturisation. In this article, the integration of an ultrasonic sensor into a textile structure was realised and analysed in order to develop a system able to help visually impaired
Road surface classification using ultrasonic sensor
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This work examines the method of road surface classification, based on the analysis of backscattered ultrasonic signals. The novelty of our research is the extraction of signal features for separate swathes of illuminated surface (segmentation) and the use of a wide
Non-contact ultrasonic sensor for density measurement and defect detection on wood
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In this work the problem of measuring density and verifying structural integrity of wooden samples is approached by using non-contact ultrasonic transducers. The time of flight of the ultrasonic waves is measured in transmission mode using cross-correlation algorithms
Obstacle Avoidance Robotic Vehicle Using Ultrasonic Sensor , Arduino Controller
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This project describes about an obstacle avoidance robot vehicle which is controlled by ultrasonic sensor . The robot is made using ultrasonic sensor and it is controlled by Arduino microcontroller. Ultrasonic sensor fixed in front portion of the robot vehicle. The sensor getsRecognizing human activities non-intrusively has prevailed as a challenging and active area of research. In real life, it is a major requirement for human-centric applications like assisted living for elderly care, health-care and creating a smart home environment etc. Considering
Free surface detection in hydraulic jumps through image analysis and ultrasonic sensor measurements
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The application of non-intrusive techniques has been sought in experimental studies involving complex hydraulic phenomena. In this sense, in the present study an ultrasonic sensor and a high speed camera were used for measurements in hydraulic jumps, in order
Obstacle avoidance robotic vehicle using ultrasonic sensor , android and bluetooth for obstacle detection
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Now days many industries are using robots due to their high level of performance and reliability and which is a great help for human beings. The obstacle avoidance robotics is used for detecting obstacle and avoiding the collision. This is an autonomous robot. The
Interference cancelation in ultrasonic sensor arrays by stochastic coding and adaptive filtering
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Interference between sensors is a serious problem when ultrasonic sensor arrays are used to monitor and to explore the environment. In ultrasonic sensor arrays operating in the pulse- echo mode, the transmitters usually are excited serially by time division multiplexing. The
A sensor for laser ultrasonic measurement of elastic properties during manufacture
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An automated sensor has been developed for use in paper manufacturing and for demonstration on a full scale paper machine during commercial operation. This laser ultrasonic sensor provides non-contact and on-line measurement of the elastic properties of
Ultrasonic Sensor Based 3D Mapping Localization
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This article provides a basic level introduction to 3D mapping using sonar sensors and localization. It describes the methods used to construct a low-cost autonomous robot along with the hardware and software used as well as an insight to the background of autonomous
Ultrasonic sensor design for NDE application: design challenges considerations
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Ultrasonic transducers and arrays are used routinely in a diverse range of applications, including biomedical imaging and therapy, non-destructive testing, SONAR and industrial process monitoring. successful design of a sensor device for a specific application is often
Distance measurement using ultrasonic sensor and NodeMCU
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This paper describes to layout and build a manually controlled surveillance system. Ultrasonic sensors are first rate gear to degree distance without real touch and used at several places like water degree measurement, distance dimension etc. this is an efficient
Ultrasonic and Passive Infrared Sensor integration for dual technology user detection sensors
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The purpose of this application note is to inform the user about ultrasonic and passive infrared sensors and instruct the user on methods of integrating the sensors together to be put into a final application. First, an overview of both passive infrared and ultrasonic sensors
Determination of ultrasonic sensor ability for use as guidance sensors of mobile robots
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In this study, we have evaluated the ability of ultrasonic sensors to produce guidance signals for greenhouse application robots. First, one high-quality ultrasonic sensor was selected and some basic experiments were carried out. Experimental results showed that with
Improving integration of ultrasonic sensor and hand probe
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In mine detection within the humanitarian demining probing is a reliable technique, but accompanying with a relatively high level of risk and large duration. The adding of ultrasonic sensor to hand probe was demonstrated to overcome insufficiencies of traditional hand
Two Dimensional Mapping by using Single Ultrasonic Sensor
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An innovative and efficient approach to build a two-dimensional map of an indoor environment using an ultrasonic sensor has been described in this paper. A mobile robot (node) with an ultrasonic sensor has been used and map generation algorithm has been
Analysis of Obstacle Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensor
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Automation of the car braking system is an important feature in the development of the smart car. The ability of a smart car to detect and classify an obstruction that is in varying proximities from it play a vital role in the systems design. In this study, EV3 Lego Mindstorm
Ultrasonic sensor
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Position control of rubber artificial muscle using built-in ultrasonic sensor and quasi-servo valve
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Today, the care and welfare pneumatic equipment to support a nursing care and a self- reliance of the elderly and the disabled are actively researched and developed by many researchers. These wearable devices require many servo valves for multi degrees of
Multiple reflection ultrasonic sensor system for morphological plant parameters
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A standard industrial ultrasonic sensor is used to give advantage of multiple reflection echoes to test plant dimensions and leaf levels. First measurements in laboratory were done by mounting the sensor above a conveyor belt. During the measurement, artificial plants
HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
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The purpose of this file is to explain how the HCSR04 works. It will give a brief explanation of how ultrasonic sensors work in general. It will also explain how to wire the sensor up to a microcontroller and how to take/interpret readings. It will also discuss some sources of errors
Radar system using Arduino and ultrasonic sensor
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The application of radio detection and ranging in different places such as military installation, commercial use is done with the help of RADAR SYSTEM which uses electromagnetic waves for detection of different physical components such as distance
Sol-gel preparation of a PZT thick film from a solution containing polyvinylpyrrolidone and its application for a micro ultrasonic sensor
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A relatively thick PZT film without any cracks is obtained by sol-gel method with single-step spin coating. PZT solution containing PVP and acetylacetone is prepared in the laboratory. The key point is incorporating PVP into a solution, which realizes a highly stable viscosity
Implementation of Auto Surgical Illumination Robotic System Using Ultrasonic Sensor -Based Tracking Algorithm
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Most surgery illumination systems have been developed as passive systems. However, sometimes it is inconvenient to relocate the position of the illumination system whenever the surgeon changes his pose. To cope with such a problem, this study develops an auto
Proposal of a Device Detecting Two Dimensional Coordinates Using PSD Sensor and Ultrasonic Sensor
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Currently, the touch panel is used in various products. However, the size of the device is determined by the size of the touch panel. As a touch panel which is not to depend on the device size, the projection type touch panel exists. However, the projector is difficult to set to