Enhanced Ultra Wide Band Multistage Rectifier for Pulsed Signal Power Transmission
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This paper presents a multi-sections broad-band radio-frequency (RF) to direct-current (dc) power rectifier for pulsed signal transfer. The power transfer using a pulse allows to use a signal with low power spectral density. The optimal distributed configuration with criticalIn this work, the feasibility of energy harvesting in the useful UWB band (ie, 3.1-10.6 GHz) is analytically investigated. A typical UWB communications/EH chain in this band is modeled and analyzed, considering the spectral constraints imposed by the federal communications
Microstrip Antenna Analysis with Aid of Ultra Wide Band Applications
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Microstrip antenna is an essential choice for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) applications of its light weight, low profile and easy to form antenna arrays. However, the design of microstrip patch antenna bandwidth is greatly affects by the dielectric substrate material (FR4). In this
Efficient Microstrip Antenna system using Reduced GP Structure for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Applications
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Microstrip antenna is an essential choice for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) applications of its light weight, low profile and easy to form antenna arrays. However, the design of microstrip patch antenna bandwidth is greatly affects by the dielectric substrate material (FR4). In this
Optimization of Ultra wide Band Communication TCA and AVA by using PSO and IGWO-FU Algorithm
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Recently, with the faster pace of development on the sophisticated detection and stealth technology, an extensive attention is being paid to the reduction of Radar Cross Section (RCS) as it emerge in security and commercial application. Communication based By incorporating a suspended metallic patch with two different slots and a shorting post as a support of suspension, an ultra wide band PIFA has been proposed which leads to an achievement of a gain greater than 11 dB in the operating frequency range 7.39 15.98 GHz
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ABSTRACT Design of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output antenna in multipath environment for application of ultra wide band is proposed. The overarching antenna size is about 40 x 40 x 1.6 mm3 which is designed on FR-4 substrate. The proposed method comprises of four Significant challenges persist to date in the field of high frequency MMIC design, with the majority of designs based upon rather simplistic approximations or device models. The development of such models requires significant time and cost investment. This means that
A Tree-profile Shape Ultra Wide Band Antenna for Chipless RFID Tags
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In this article, a new small size planar microstrip tree profile shaped Ultra Wide Band (UWB) antenna with partial ground plane has been presented. The antenna is designed for chipless RFID tags that are working in UWB region. The operating frequency of the antenna
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In recent days antenna design based on Metametrial is gaining more popularity due to enhanced radiation. Also, for inherent impedance matching coplanar wave guide (CPW) antennas are used. In this paper high efficiency multi band antenna for various wireless
Compact Reconfigurable Ultra Wide Band and 5G Narrow Band Vivaldi Tapered Slot Antenna
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For a multiband communication system, a simple compact reconfigurable Vivaldi Tapered Slot Antenna (VTSA) is analyzed and designed in this paper. The designed antenna is aimed to switch between Ultra Wide Band (UWB) frequency band and one of the recent 5G Characterization of ultra wideband communication channels Ali Muqaibel Download a Pack of the best related papers Page 2. Characterization of the Ultra Wide Band Channel Introduction Ultra Wide Band (UWB) is an emerging wireless technology
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Specifications are subject to change without notice Suntsu Electronics, Inc. 142 TECHNOLOGY DR., SUITE 150 IRVINE, CA 92618 * Where letters denote decimal location (A=.0, B=. C=. etc.); eg B5=0.1 3A5=3.0 9A=9.0 SUNTSU ANTENNA CHIP ANTENNA PACKAGE
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it has clearly seen that modulating signals are filtered by the ultra wide band (UWB) Band-Pass filter and also work as key al,2007 proposed a novel ultra wide band band pass filter by cascading a broadband band pass filter with another broadband band stop filter
Performance Evaluation of SDR Blade RF using Wide-band Monopole Antenna for Spectrum Sensing Applications.
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Propagation, vol. 5 no. pp. 670-67 2011. NM Awad and MK Abdelazeez, Multislot microstrip antenna for ultra wide band applications, Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences, vol. no. pp. 38-4 2018. [12
Measurement Engineering to Design a Truncated Ground Plane Compact Circular Ring Monopole Patch Antenna for Ultra Wideband Applications
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Abstract In this paper, using in-depth simulations and measurements, a simple and compact design is engineered for making a circular ring microstrip patch antenna radiating element which is suitable for different ultra wide band (UWB) applications
Ultra-Compact Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter Based on Multi Mode Resonator Concept
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Abstract- An ultra-compact ultra wide band (UWB) bandpass filter (BPF) with a very sharp rejection for the high-speed wireless communication applications is proposed. The functional basis of the proposed structure is based on the multi-mode resonator (MMR) technique of the ring slots are presented. With the achieved bandwidth and other antenna parameters, it is concluded that the proposed antenna is suitable for ultra wide band wireless applications. The novelty of the proposed antenna
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Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. ABSTRACT An ultra wide band meta-surface configuration is proposed that shows qualities of linear and circular polarization at two distinct frequencies. The proposed antenna comprises of
A Low Cost and Efficient Breast Cancer Detection Method With a Staircase Shaped Ultrawide Band Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using Monostatic Radar
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Abstract: In this article, a staircase shaped ultra wide band dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) has been used as a sensor for detection of breast tumor by monostatic radar based microwave imaging (MRMWI).The proposed DRA has fractional bandwidth (BW) 98.5% and high
A Cascaded Tunable Wide Stop Band Frequency Selective Surface with High Roll-off Band Edge.
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5 no. p. 1223 1227. DOI: 10.1002/mop.27583 [15] MAJIDZADEH, M., GHOBADI, C., NOURINIA, J. Ultra wide band electromagnetic shielding through a simple single layer frequency selective surface. Wireless Personal Communications, 201 vol. 9 no. p. 2769 2783
A two-stage power amplifier design for ultra-wideband applications.
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vol. no. pp. 3504-351 2018. CW Kim, MS Kang, PT Anh, HT Kim and SG Lee, An ultra wide band CMOS low noise amplifier for 3-5 GHz UWB System, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 40, no. pp. 544-54
Heterogeneous IoT Sensor Data Classification for Emergency Detection using Machine Learning
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Korea. (cosmas.ifeanyi, adepitra, ljmpaul, dskim)@kumoh.ac.kr Abstract Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and Ultra Wide Band (UWB) sensors were integrated to collect heterogeneous data in a smart factory scenario. In this
A 3 18 GHz UWB Antenna with modified feed-line
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Page 2. Page 2/14 Abstract A Co-Planar Waveguide fed circular ultra wide band antenna with modi ed ground-plane and feedline is designed on a FR4 (ϵr=4.3) substrate of thickness 0.01λ0. The proposed antenna exhibits an overall Optimization of LNA Consisting of CCG Stage and Mutually Coupled CS Stage Using PSO Algorithm for UWB Applications Manish Ku Abstract This paper deals with optimal design of ultra wide band (UWB) low- noise amplifier (LNA) using particle swarm optimization (PSO
UWB Circular Fan-Shaped Monopole Patch Antenna
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The pro- posed antenna with small size and different ground structure is considered to reduce the surface wave and to achieves high impedance bandwidth and good gain performance for ultra wide band (UWB) range with specific absorption rate (SAR) 1.126 W/kg for 10 g ofNeha Tanzeem Sagar ML Meena2 and Pankaj Shukla3 Department of Electronics Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, India Abstract A compact circular ring antenna with defected ground structure (DGS) has been design for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) applications
Compact Quad-Port High Performance UWB MIMO/Diversity Antenna with Slotted Ground Structure
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Antenna with Slotted Ground Structure Pankaj K. Keshri 1 Richa Chandel * Sanjay Sahu 1 and Anil K. Gautam 3 Abstract A compact 30 30 mm2 high performance four elements ultra wide band multi-input multi-output (UWB MIMO) diversity antenna is proposed
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104-114 22. Hussein HM Ghouz, Mohammed Sayed ali, Ahmed Raafat Fouad, A Novel Compact Ultra wide band Monopole Microstrip Filtenna , Journal of Applied sciences, 201 Vol. 13 Issue: 1106-1111 23. Wei- ufa.cas.cz Abstract The UWB ( ultra wide band ) radar output signals can be substantially affected due to electromagnetic wave propagation through obstacles (such as walls) and multi- path effects, too. Multipath effects are analyzed
5-20 Luminescence Characteristics of β-Ga2O3 Irradiated by Swift Heavy Ions
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of Sciences, Beijing 10004 China) β−Ga2O3 has received extensive attention as power electronics and UV optoelectronics because of its ultra wide band gap, excellent chemical and thermal stability. In this work, β-Ga2O3Secrecy Capacity and Secure Distance for Diffusion-based Molecular Communication Systems Stefano Caputo A Flexible Wireless Sensor Network Based on Ultra Wide Band Technology for Ground Instability Monit Emanuele Intrieri, Teresa Gracchi, Stefano Caputo
SWB MIMO Antenna with Dual Band Rejection Characteristics and Polarization Diversity for UWB Applications
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with microwave monolithic integrated circuits (MMICs) and ever since the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) assigned ultra wide band (UWB) frequency range from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz, UWB technology have gained so much attentionAntenna for Microwave Imaging System rahul krishnan 10. Kalyani PD, Narlawar MS (2015) Design of novel vivaldi antenna for cognitive radio application in ultra wide band 3(3)
Security Analysis of IEEE 802.15. 4z/HRP UWB Time-of-Flight Distance Measurement
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Abstract IEEE 802.15.4z, a standard for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) secure distance measurement, was adopted in and the chips that implement this standard are already deployed in mobile phones and in the automotive industry (for Passive Keyless Entry and Start)
Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna with Conical Radiation Pattern and Wide Tuning Range
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Because the two constructed prototypes are operated at the frequency bands from 3.1 to 4.9GHz and from 4.1 to 5.7GHz, they would be applied into UMB ( ultra wide band ) and WLAN (wireless local network) systems, respectively
A Novel Eye‑Shaped Monopole Antenna for Dual Band and Wideband Communication Applications
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International Journal of Electronics and Com- munications (AEÜ), 8 322 328. 26. Ray, KP (2008). Design aspects of printed monopole antennas for ultra wide band applications. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 200 1 8. 27. Balanis, CA (2005)
Volume 21 Issue-1 NOV- 2020
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Ma TG, Tseng CH. An ultra wide band coplanar waveguide-fed tapered ring slot antenna IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 2005;53:2111 4. MaTG, Jeng SK. Planar miniature tapered slot fed annular slot antennas for ultra wide band radios
A compact UWB FSS single layer with stopband properties for shielding applications
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pp. 53 6 2018. AJA Al-gburi, IM Ibrahim, and Z. Zakaria, Band-notch effect of U-shaped split ring resonator structure at ultra wide band monopole antenna Band-notch Effect of U-shaped Split Ring Resonator Structure at Ultra Wide band Monopole Antenna, Int. J. Appl
High Gain of UWB CPW-fed Mercedes-Shaped Printed Monopole Antennas for UWB Applications
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73 AJ Abdullah Al-Gburi, IM Ibrahim, Z. Zakaria, and AD Khaleel, Gain Improvement and Bandwidth Extension of Ultra Wide Band Micro-Strip Patch Antenna Using Electromagnetic Band Gap Slots and Superstrate Techniques, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci., vol. 1 no