Vehicle Theft Detection
prevent the vehicle theft and the functionality is achieved by detecting vehicle status in theft mode and by sending an SMS is generated automatically. This SMS is then sent to the owner of the vehicle. The owner can then send back the SMS in order to disable the ignition of the vehicle. Thus in this way crimes can be reduced to a great extent as vehicles today are being stolen in large number. Hence, the vehicles today require high security which can be achieved with the help of this application that how the system works is when a person tries to steal the vehicle, the microcontroller in it is interrupted and the command is sent to the GSM modem to send SMS. On the receipt of the message, the owner sends back the SMS to the GSM modem. This is done in order to stop the engine. This GSM modem is interfaced to the micro controller. This microcontroller on the receipt of the message uses a mechanism that helps to stop engine. Motor is being used to indicate vehicle ON/OFF state.
Survey paper on vehicle theft detection through face recognition system
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In todays era the use of vehicle is must for everyone. At the same time, the ratio of vehicle theft increasing day by day rapidly. Due to this, the protection of vehicles from theft is also very important. Prevention of automobiles from theft can be done by using authorization for
IOT Based Vehicle Theft Detection
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Property crimes are said to hover around 10 million annually. Of this, vehicle theft tops the list and often occurs in all parts of the world. There are so many recent technologies evolving and new methods are being upgraded to overcome this issue. The methods involved in
Vehicle Theft Detection and Remote Locking
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At present times, the security of the vehicles is a prime concern. This paper proposes a reliable and economic method of vehicle theft detection and remote locking using Arduino UNO, IR sensors, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global system for mobile
Design and Implementation of Vehicle Theft Detection System
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There are large number of vehicles are burgle by the thief our surroundings. The owner of vehicles have to register a complaint to police. Before the police caught the thief, they expel the different parts of vehicle and use this expelled parts into other vehicles. Sometimes these
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Property crimes is said to hover around 10 million annually. Of this vehicle theft tops the list and often occurs in all parts of the world. There are so many recent technologies evolving and new methods are being upgraded in overcoming this issue. Internet of Things has
Theft Detection and Controlling System of a Vehicle Using GSM
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At present days with increase in number of vehicles, vehicle thefts are also increasing in large numbers it is a challenging task for the owners to protect the vehicles, to overcome the theft of the vehicles an anti theft system is designed which is easier, useful and cost effective
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Todayswidespread issues related to vehicles theft are increasing on a daily basis and affecting the society in many adverse ways. In past few decades stolen rate has been increased more. Accidental-problems, rapecases, transportation and vehicle stolen causes
Vehicle Theft Detection System based on Nordic Radio Frequency
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Keywords: IOT, NRF, RFID. INTRODUCTION Vehicle tracking system has been designed various technologies by using their RFID tags, RFID reader and NRF RFID is an identification of method and RFID reader read their tag details and it sends to a controller unit and it update into their
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Recently vehicle tracking system is getting vast popularity because of the rising number of the stolen vehicles. Vehicle theft is happening on parking and sometimes driving in unsecured places. This research work explores how to avoid this kind of stealing and
Vehicle Theft Detection and Tracking Based on GSM and GPS
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Currently most of the public having their own vehicle , theft is happening on parking and sometimes driving insecurity places. The safe of vehicles is extremely essential for public vehicles. Vehicle tracking and locking system is installed in the vehicle , to track the place
How Can Anti- Theft Technology Be Applied to Vehicle Theft Detection by the Year 2000
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This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated In this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce
A Automation of Vehicle Theft Detection in The Toll Plaza by using The RF Technology
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The main aim of our project is presenting a new approach of car theft detection and arresting system using RFID technology in the toll plaza. Few days before some highways toll plazas are manually operated, and also are using FASTAG ETC (electronic toll collector) using
Detection of Fuel Theft in Heavy Vehicle
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In the aspect to facilitate and enhance the vehicles features such as speed, mileage and volumetric level of fuel by providing it with the detection of level and restrict illicit activities using sensor. It is implemented using Vehicle Area Network (VAN) and embedded design. It
Vehicle Number Plate Recognition System for Theft Detection
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Large number of vehicles around us in daily life creates disturbances such as heavy traffic, stealing of vehicles at the places like toll plazas, parking areas, heavy traffic roads. Management of vehicles transportation is tedious and time consuming task if it is completely
Vehicle Number Plate Recognition System for Theft Detection
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Large number of vehicles creates various problems and disturbances in day to day life. Vehicles generate problems of heavy traffic on road and stealing of vehicles at the parking areas. Management of vehicles and transportation are tedious and time consuming task. If it
Automatic Vehicle Identification at Tollgates and Theft Detection of Vehicles
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Yet, there are few hurdles which are ought to be overcome. People waiting at toll gates, so as to make their payments is one such time consuming act for which we intend to address a solution through this current project. By designing a simple RFID card holding onto a vehicle
Vehicle Fuel Theft Detection Using 89C51
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The system will manipulate a mobile phone to send SMS. Even though the SMS can be sent using the features available in the mobile, the objective of this experiment is to activate the SMS sending by the mobile phone using external program connected physically to the
Detection of GSM Based Accident Location, Vehicle Theft and Fuel Theft Using ARM Cortex M-3 Microcontroller
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In Todays world the amount of vehicle theft , fuel theft and accident of vehicles are increasing day by day. As per the survey made, each year more than a million vehicles are stolen in the US (one vehicle every 30 seconds). Vehicle theft occurs not only in metropolitan areas but
Vehicle Theft Identification RIFD Based Vehicle ID Detection in a Wireless Charging Applications
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There is not any suitable payment system for the electric rechargeable automobiles. Additionally there is not any effective system to track the theft vehicles; still polices job of finding the lost vehicle is very difficult. The electric chargeable vehicle will be monitored by
Automated Toll Collection System Using NFC And Theft Vehicle Detection
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This article gives an important guideline for Automated Toll Collection System (ATCS) Using NFC and Theft Vehicle Detection . ATCS emerges as a converging technology where time and efficiency are important in toll collection systems nowadays. In this, NFC tag will be