vehicle to vehicle channel modeling
Vehicle-to-vehicle communications have recently received much attention due to some new applications, such as wireless mobile ad hoc networks, relay-based cellular networks, and intelligent transportation systems for dedicated short range communications. The underlying V2V channels, as a foundation for the understanding and design of V2V communication systems, have not yet been sufficiently investigated. This article aims to review the state-of-the-art in V2V channel measurements and modeling. Some important V2V channel measurement campaigns and models are briefly described and classified. Finally, some challenges of V2V channel measurements and modeling are addressed for future studies.
Machine-learning-based data processing techniques for vehicle-to-vehicle channel modeling
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Machine learning has recently drawn much attention for a variety of applications, thanks to its good performance in identification, recognition, and regression problems. One such important application is V2V communication propagation channel research. In this article, the challenges and opportunities of machine-learning-based data processing techniques for evaluation of V2V channel measurements are presented. This article reviews some state-of- the-art applications including identification of channel line-of-sight situations, tracking of
Vehicle to vehicle channel simulation in a network simulator
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The objective of this thesis is to extend NS-2 (the second generation of NS) by providing a realistic V2V channel model at the 5.9 GHz band. The current The rest of this chapter explains the various channel models . Section 2.1 explains in more details the largescale propagation
An overview of V2V communication channel modeling
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An overview of basic channel propagation models and fading models are presented here. Then vehicle to vehicle (V2V) channels are compared with cellular channels . Performance of three existing radio access networks, viz., 3G, WLAN and WiMax in V2V communication
Characterization of vehicle to vehicle radio channels from measurements at 5.2 GHz
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has participated in the European research initiatives COST 231 , COST 259 , and COST 273 , where he was chairman of the MIMO channel working group, he was chairman of the IEEE 802.15.4a channel model standardization group, and is also chairman of Commission C ( In vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication scenarios, the antenna heights of the communicating nodes are typically lower than the heights of scattering objects in the vicinity of these nodes such that signal propagation in the elevation plane cannot be ignoredMoreover, there is no universally prevailing mobility model and the required level of accuracy for the mobility of vehicular networks is not yet clear [28]. The channel model is a simple circular sensing range model Figure in which every node within the sensing area receives channel models with conventional fixed-to-mobile (F2M) cellular channel models to determine their fundamental distinctions. Then, recent developments on V2V channel models Wu, A novel 3-D massive MIMO channel model for vehicle to vehicle communication environments.
Performance comparison of IEEE 802.11 p and IEEE 802.11 b for vehicle to vehicle communications in highway, rural, and urban areas
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model provides more accurate results compared to the other models that is, Nakagami and Rayleigh models for wireless environments, we have selected it as the channel model [ In log-normal shadowing path loss model the signal to noise ratioð›¾(ð‘‘)dB at a distanceð‘‘from the
An improved non-geometrical stochastic model for non-WSSUS vehicle to vehicle channels
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A novel non-geometrical stochastic model (NGSM) for non-wide sense station⃠ary uncorrelated scattering (non-WSSUS) vehicle to vehicle (V2V) channels is proposed. This model is based on a conventional NGSM and employs a more accurate method to reâƒ
Filter Bank Multi-Carrier Modulation Technique for Vehicle to Vehicle Communication.
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One of the major network applications related to 5G is Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication that improves vehicle road safety, enhances traffic and travel efficiency, and provides convenience Jiao, Wideband channel modeling and intercarrier interference vehicle to vehicle
Shadow fading model for vehicle to vehicle network simulators
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In the past, despite extensive research efforts to develop more realistic channel models for vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication, the impact of vehicles obstructing LOS has largely been ignored. We have observed that the LOS obstruction by vehicles (OLOS) induce an
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Therefore, to support Vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication in high speed mobility condition, it is required to have reliable and secure of In this section, the authors have analyzed the MIMO capacity under the influence of the SCM channel model . For the simulation purpose
Distributed channel coordination in cognitive wireless vehicle to vehicle communications
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Furthermore, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, we develop a channel utilization model in which the utilization of each channel changes temporally and spatially due to both primary (licensed) and secondary (unlicensed, opportunistic) usage. The
Ray-tracing for vehicle to vehicle communications
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The basis for these investigations are typical high resolution time series of impulse responses (IRs) of the physical radio channel between automobiles. A comprehensive IVC channel model is therefore presented in this paper, which is able to provide realistic time series of IRs
The status of vehicle to vehicle communication as a means of improving crash prevention performance
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This paper provides the status of NHTSA sponsored research on vehicle to vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications as a means of improving crash prevention The reference model defines seven layers of functions that take place at each end of a communication
Adaptive vehicle to vehicle heterogeneous transmission in cooperative cognitive network VANETs
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The vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication system is an active radio broadcast system to receive information of disseminated road Laurenson, Vehicle to vehicle channel modeling and measurements: Recent advances and future challenges, IEEE Comm. Magazine, vol
A broadcast vehicle to vehicle communication system in railway environments
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ABSTRACT Current statistics in railway transportation systems show that the number of accidents is still too high, despite of huge investments in infrastructure-based safety systems. We show that a infrastructure-less cross-layer train-to-train communication system exploiting all
Description of vehicle to vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure radio channel measurements at 5.2 GHz
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Abstract This paper presents a description of an extensive vehicle to vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure channel measurement campaign conducted in the year A novel geometry-based stochastic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel model is presented in and .
Special Issue on the State of the Art in Propagation and Mobile Channel Modeling
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The objective of this special issue is first to capture the state of the art in the fascinating areas of propagation and mobile channel modeling and second to make recent research In addition, the topics of interest include generic issues related to mobile channel modeling such as:
A proposed system for vehicle to vehicle communication: low cost and network free approach
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MA Alanezi Indian J. Sci. Technol two sensors are supposed to be designed each on the left and right side of the vehicle at which the proposed model is to be implemented. The distance sensor is set to emit an electromagnetic field at a set distance of 10 meters which is the defined normal range. Whenever aVehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is the network that is connecting a vehicle to the infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle to vehicle (V2V) via wireless manner to convey the information between them. Therefore analyzing influence such channels on the VANET system performance
Characterisation of IEEE802. 11p radio channel for Vehicle-2-Vehicle communications using the CVIS platform
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of the IEEE 802.11p communications channel conducted with prototype IEEE802.11p equipment for the Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communications. Using this analysis of the empirical measurements, a simple channel model for simulation of large-scale VANETs in urban, rural or
IEEE 802.11 p for Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) Communications
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In Section II, we introduce the IEEE 802.11p standard and the channel model we use as system model . Section III gives a brief overview of two existing channel estimation schemes, namely LS and STA. The proposed CDP estimator along with its two modifications are
In-Vehicle Channel Measurement, Characterization, and Spatial Consistency Comparison of 30-11 GHz and 55-65 GHz Frequency Bands.
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piecewise model of the PDP in logarithmic scale and a generalized extreme value (GEV) model of small-scale signal fading. Our channel model is band the popular assumption of uncorrelated scattering is not exactly valid (as presented for a vehicle to vehicle example in [35]).
The Effect of Buildings, Number of Vehicles, and Road Types on Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) Communication Channel
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In this study, our aim is to show how the V2V channel parameters ( path loss, received power, etc.) change while the vehicles travel Barros, and OK Tonguz, Geometry-based vehicle to vehicle channel modeling for large-scale simulation, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Vehicle to Vehicle communication
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continuous system performances as vehicle to vehicle (V2V) faces a highly dynamic time-varying channel conditions and varying vehicle We develop a hybrid system model combining PHY-layer propagation models and highway scenario for LORA. Then the designing of the
MIMO Channel Modeling and Simulation
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During these years we shall witness an introduction of applications for indoor wireless networks at the 60GHz band, Vehicle to Vehicle wireless systems, mobile Internet and VoIP over WiMax based systems, etc. Those new applications will rely on Multiple Input and Multiple
Analytical Model for Wireless Channel of Vehicle to Vehicle Communications
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Abstract Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication system is a network of vehicles that communicate with each other to exchange information. The environment between vehicles affect in the signals that travel from the transmitter to the receiver, subsequently, it is
A Reputation Agent Model for Reliable Vehicle to Vehicle Information.
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In this paper we presented a reputation agent model to assure the reliability of the information sources in vehicle to vehicle interactions. To this aim, an agent-based reputation system, named ARS, and a reputation model have been suitably designed to make ineffective or
Power spectral density of V2V communication system in the presence of moving scatterers
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One communication model in VANET technology is Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), which is used to accommodate the connection between a modeling due to the effect of the Doppler frequency on V2V channel modeling . Future research that will use the same V2V channel modelingWe apply the new approach to an antenna placement problem in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications. The numerical results show of wireless channel urban area and traffic distribution, as well as the antenna models are explained in this section. The wireless channel
Contextual and applications-aware communications protocol design for vehicle to vehicle communications
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Considerable efforts have been lately done towards the characterization and development of V2V radio channel models . However, to the authors’ knowledge, there is no complete system level model for urban environments properly reflecting pathloss, shadowing and multipath
Delay profile model in 700MHz band for road to vehicle and vehicle to vehicle communications
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Among them, we focus on the delay model and some concrete examples of the established models are shown . A detailed analysis of the statistical propagation characteristics such as the dependence on the environments, etc. is a remaining subject for the future study.
Channel Modeling
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Therefore, a proper channel model is required both for system design and for performance evaluation. Additionally, when ChannelState-Information (CSI) is available during system operation, transmission characteristics, such as the signal constellation or the allocated power,
Simulation based performance of Mumbai-pune expressway scenario for vehicle to vehicle communication using IEEE 802.11 p
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The channel model is a simple circular transmission model where all vehicles within a certain sensing range will sense and receive packets perfectly. The simulated sensing ranges are 500 m and 1000 m. We have tried to focus on how the two MAC methods perform in terms of
Understanding vehicle to vehicle ieee 802.11 p beaconing performance in real-world highway scenarios
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Finally, another major contribution of this paper is promoting the Gilbert-Elliot model , as a very accurate vehicular link channel model : in the last part of the paper, it is shown that this model which is renamed L/N model in the context of vehicular networks to emphasize3.7.2 Vehicle to vehicle channel models : The Vehicle to vehicle direct replica is of the conventional tapped-postpone line shape. It was a discrete design to the paths to drives the reaction. Adequacy blurring is displayed utilizing the adaptable Weibull dispersion.models we propose a VANET channel model which is easy to implement and suitable for specific traffic scenarios, and apply the model To evaluate the performance of proposed channel model we collect the path loss in different TR distance as sample points in the simulation,
Vehicle Mobility, Communication Channel Modeling and Tra c Density Estimation in VANETs
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We will then describe a recently proposed more realistic channel model called obstacle-based channel model that incorporates the effect of the moving obstacles (ie vehicles) on the received signal power due to their dominating influence as illustrated in [36]. The obstacle-
Vehicle to Vehicle Communication System EMI Characterization on Automotive
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Wiesbeck, Ray tracing for vehicle to vehicle communications, in Proc. XXVIIIth URSI-GA, 200 paper CP1.1 (0299), CD-ROM. A. Parmantier, and DD Ward, Experimental validation of time-domain electromagnetic models for field coupling into the interior of a vehicle form a
Investigation of intelligent transport system with optical vehicle to vehicle communication
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In the gg distributed atmospheric channel model the normalized light intensity can be considered as a combination of two components, namely large-scale and small-scale atmospheric effects, where each component is assumed to follow the gamma distribution . This
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model the packet-level performance of Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) transmission, while retaining a manageable complexity of the model . Our In this work we provide a low-complexity model that is able to provide this behavior based on real-world measurements, allowing
A channel model and coding for vehicle to vehicle communication based on a developed V-SCME
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Over the recent years, VANET communication has attracted a lot of attention due to its potential in facilitating the implementation ofIntelligent Transport System. Vehicular applications need to be completely tested before deploying them in the real world. In this
Semi-Supervised Extreme Learning Machine Channel Estimator and Equalizer for Vehicle to Vehicle Communications. Electronics 202 0
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The remainder of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 depicts the foundations and background of this work, namely the physical layer of the IEEE 802.11p amendment, details of the vehicular channel model used in this work, and the ELM neural network subject toand vehicle to vehicle channel loss. We recommend a discrete phase type distribution to model the time transitions of a node state. Based on this In this section, we present realistic simulation results based on the introduced Nakagami channel model in the earlier section. The
How Do You Quickly Choreograph Inter-Vehicular Communications A Fast Vehicle to Vehicle Multi-Hop Broadcast Algorithm, Explained.
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Many of these applications involves a one-to-many transmission model where a single car broadcasts a message that has to be forwarded, even with multiple hops, in a very short time to all the other cars located within a range of few kilometers from the source. Since the high
Investigating and Modeling of Cooperative Vehicle to Vehicle Safety Stopping Distance. Future Internet 202 1 68
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Abstract: Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) or IEEE 802.11p/OCB (Out of the Context of a Base-station) is widely considered to be a primary technology for Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication, and it is aimed toward increasing the safety of users on the road
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As outdoor VLC channels undergo fast fading effects, a frequency selective channel model is considered in this work for modeling the system [39]. Referring to the Ministry of Transportation of Canada regulations [50], and by using the data provided in [47], and the headlight
Study on Multi-Users Interference in Vehicle to Vehicle Visible Light Communications
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traffic efficiency by enabling vehicles and infrastructure to exchange information via Vehicle to Vehicle /Infrastructure communication (V2X). Radio In this Section, we first present a VLC channel model and then develop an analytical model of a zone, from which no interference is
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However, dense urban traffic poses a challenge to communication systems due to the large amount of communication nodes within range, leading to high channel loads. We demonstrate that usage of the communication channel can be drastically improved by cooperative road
The Key Technologies in V2X Communication of VANETs
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of communication including vehicle to vehicle communications and vehicle to infrastructure communication, are introduced and remarked. Wang CX, Cheng X, Laurenson D, Vehicle to vehicle channel modeling and measurements: recent advances and future challenges,
Radio shadowing in vehicle to vehicle communication at urban intersections: a measurement and simulation-based evaluation
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directly affect the level of accuracy in simulation-based performance evaluations, we introduce a dedicated urban propagation model designed to reflect radio propagation on urban environments in a realistic way. After a careful selection of representative scenarios, we
Performance Analysis of NOMA-SM in Vehicle to Vehicle Massive MIMO Channels
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At the time of writing, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication is enjoying substantial research attention as a benefit of its compelling applications. However, the ever-increasing teletraffic is expected to result in overcrowding of the available band. As a first resort
Reliability Analysis of Vehicle to Vehicle Safety Applications
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range to mid-range wireless channel that enables the transmission of high data rates . In this thesis, we only discuss Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) com Channel modeling is a fundamental task during the modeling of mobile communication systems. We choose to use dual slopeWe use the deterministic Friis Free-space model for short distances and the Two-ray model for longer distances , ie, if the distance between the transmitter and receiver antennas is d, then the power of the signal decreases as d2 when the distance is short and d4 when the
WAVE Motion-Related Channel Model Development
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A method to develop a commercial channel emulator model for a doubly selective vehicle to vehicle wireless channel is presented. The model was developed from measurements taken at 5.9 GHz in an expressway environment when the vehicles are traveling in the sameConcerning wireless communication, which is more complex than its wired counterpart, it requires more effort on this layer, especially in elements, such as channel modeling and high reliability, in order to fulfill the proper operation of communication. Current Wireless LAN (
Channel modeling for the V2V VLC system
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1189 212 [34] Cheng L, Henty BE, Stancil DD, Bai F and Mudalige P Mobile vehicle to vehicle narrow-band channel measurement and characterization of the 5.9 GHz dedicated short range communication DSRC frequency band IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun.
Adaptive MIMO-CSK camera-based VLC system for vehicle to vehicle communications.
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SM Halawi One main focus of this thesis was on channel modeling . The noise at the receiver was investigated and it was shown that it can be approximated as a Gaussian noise on the reception angle in the CIE domain. Based on this approximation, a closed-form expression of the BER
Channel modeling and characterization for visible light communications: indoor, vehicular and underwater channels
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In the second part of this thesis, we present VLC channel models for vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-toinfrastructure (V2I) taking into account the asymmetrical pattern of headlamp and street lights, reflections from road surfaces and weather conditions. We further develop a
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A new era of vehicular technology that includes vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications is approaching. During recent ITS development, transportation telematics techniques have exhibited much progress, eg, interaction between automobiles