VHDL (VHSIC-HDL) (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) is a hardware description language used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable gate arrays and integrated circuits.
A study of the experimental validation of fault-tolerant systems using different VHDL -based fault injection techniques
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A Study of the Experimental Validation of Fault-Tolerant Systems using different VHDL -Based Fault Injection Techniques J
JAVA VHDL -AMS, ADA Or C For System Level Specifications
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This technical panel discussion compares and discusses the suitability of new and established languages for creating executable specifications of heterogeneous embedded systems. The comparison is made by champions of the languages JAVA, VHDL -AMS, ADA Each organization usually prescribes how a hardware description language is to be used, both within the organization and between the organization and outside groups. To accommodate these individual requirements, VHDL has a construct called a package
VHDL -based Communication-and Synchronization Synthesis
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This paper describes an approach for VHDL -based communication and synchronization synthesis. This design step transforms a system level VHDL description into an RT-level description. The idea is, not to synthesize system level implementations of communication
A system for fault diagnosis and simulation of vhdl descriptions
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Abstract, This paper describes a compiler and algorithms for simulation and fault diagnosis of computer hardware modeled in VHSIC Hardware Description Language ( VHDL ). Given a VHDL description, the compiler creates an internal representation. For simula-tion, a Dear Editor: A misleading and inaccurate statement appeared in the October 1989 issue of DT on page 53. To complicate the matter, the statement was also highlighted. The statement Im objecting to is VHDL is powerful, but we found its relation to real hardware too
Semantic validation of VHDL -AMS by an abstract state machine
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This report presents a semantic analysis for VHDL -AMS, a mixed-signal extension of VHDL , based on an abstract state machine. Intended as a validation for the on-going standardization project, it faithfully reflects the view of simulation proposed. Our experiences
The use of VHDL models for design verification
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The correct and consistent design of computer hardware in a safety-critical system is extremely important. This feature necessitates a profound verification process related to the logic design of such a hardware. So far much work has been done on various verification
Electromechanical modeling beyond VHDL -AMS
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Analytical modeling for electromechanics sometimes requires features like the representation of bended structures, the inclusion of (moving) boundary conditions or spatial integrations and differentiations. All these points are currently not directly addressed in
Mixed Analog-Digital Circuit Modeling Using Event-Driven VHDL
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The mixed-signal event-driven (MixED) method developed to simulate small portions of analog circuitry within a digital environment is demonstrated in a mixed signal application. The MixED models using concurrent iteration to account for analog nodes were coded and
A VHDL Implementation of WiMAX Convolutional Turbo Code
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I. INTRODUCTION he prediction made by the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) shows that user demand for broadband services, terminal mobility and roaming availability is becoming increasingly intensive. The operation trend of new networks is focusing more on access and
Operational amplifier modeling using event-driven VHDL
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A method to model high-gain feedback-loop analog amplifiers on an event driven time axis is presented. The demonstrator is coded in digital VHDL 93. In the event-driven scheme any node in the network must converge on its own based on the information delivered from its
Approaching the denotational semantics of behavioural VHDL descriptions
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In this paper, we present a framework for defining the formal semantics of behavioral VHDL92 descriptions. We propose a complementary application of denotational and operational semantics. The static semantics is defined by denotational means. The definition
VHDL -AMS models for continuous-time Delta Sigma modulators
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Delta-Sigma modulation using switched capacitor (SC) techniques is an increasingly popular means of performing A/D (or D/A) conversion in modern applications. The main problem with SC-techniques though is the limitation of the maximum sampling frequency
Adaptive Microphone Array Beamforming for Teleconferencing Using VHDL
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This paper describes how the VHDL hardware description language can be used to aid the analysis, design and implementation of adaptive array beamformers for use in teleconferencing environments using parallel architectures. Beamformer models are ofen
Modeling of ADS 5547 using VHDL : Serial interface mode
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The analogue to digital conversion is very important for every electronic equipments ranging from the bottom level to the top level. Every data which is captured is changed into the digital form. In order to capture the data with proper and efficient ways different ADC devices are
Modeling and Simulation of ADS6445 Using VHDL
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Analog to digital converters always plays an important role in electronic and communication engineering. In the earlier times there were no analog to digital converter chips, designer had to implement the whole circuit every time they need an Analog to digital conversion. In
Introduction To The VHDL -AMD Modeling Language
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Page 1. Denver Chapter, IEEE Power Electronics Society www.denverpels.org Introduction To The VHDL -AMD Modeling Language Scott Cooper Mentor Graphics Presented 13 November 2007 Westminster, Colorado Page 2. 2 Denver Chapter, IEEE PELS Special
Proposed Language Requirements for Object-Oriented Extensions to VHDL
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In the ten years VHDL has been available, designers have faced and exploited tremendous growth in the size and complexity of systems. The software engineering community has largely adopted object-oriented design and programming methodologies as a means of