waveguide termination
On the completeness of eigenmodes in a parallel plate waveguide with a perfectly matched layer termination
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An explicit proof of the completeness of the eigenmodes of a grounded parallel plate waveguide with a perfectly matched layer termination is given. The proof is based on a general theorem governing the completeness of sets of complex exponentials. The Greens It is suggested to use a basis of discontinuous solutions of the wave equation (the generalized Sommerfeld solution) to describe scattering effects by a thin half-plane. This makes it possible to construct the self-consistent wave spectrum of a semiinfinite plate
Waveguide Termination with a Magnetic Wall on the Mushroom-Shaped Metamaterial Modeling
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Waveguide termination modeling with a mushroom-shaped wall were carried out. Voltage standingwave ratio (VSWR) and reflection coefficient (S11) frequency dependencies were obtained. High values of the mushroomshaped structure unloaded quality factor are the
Planar Metamaterial for Matched Waveguide Termination .
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Abstract- We present the design, fabrication, and characterization of a novel matched waveguide termination based on planar artificial metamaterial. This matched termination is realized by recent developed planar metamaterial absorber, which can be designed to near