Wheelchair Control-project
Adequacy of power wheelchair control interfaces for persons with severe disabilities: A clinical survey
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The extreme difficulty with which persons with severe disabilities have been taught to maneuver a power wheelchair has been described in case studies, and anecdotal evidence suggests the existence of a patient population for whom mobility is severely limited if not
Eye motion tracking for wheelchair control
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This paper proposes a new algorithm, the coherence algorithm, for eye movement tracking. Researchers continue to restore some functions lost by handicapped people using some powered electrical and robotic wheelchairs. This paper presents an application of eye
Alternative wheelchair control
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This paper deals with various ways of controlling an electrically powered wheelchair beyond the usual method involving a manual joystick. The main focus is on the newest version of HaWCoS the HAnds-free Wheelchair COntrol System allowing persons with severe
A human-computer interface based on forehead multi-channel bio-signals to control a virtual wheelchair
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One of the major challenges for prosthesis or Human-Robot Device development is to produce devices to perfectly mimic their natural counterparts. A very popular approach for prosthesis or Robot control is based on the use of Bio-signals. One of them is EMG (the
An evaluation program for powered wheelchair control systems
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Despite our continuous and deep involvement at the VA Prosthetics Center in the evaluation of both conventional and powered wheelchairs, we have not previously devoted efforts to special control systems for powered wheelchairs. We have reported our experiences in
Shared control of the NavChair obstacle avoiding wheelchair
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The Nav Chair assistive navigation system [1, 2] is being developed to meet the needs of multiply handicapped people who are unable to operate available wheelchair systems. The Nav Chair shares control with users by allowing them to achieve desired behavior while
Influence of stimuli color on steady-state visual evoked potentials based BCI wheelchair control
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ABSTRACT In recent years, Brain Computer Interface (BCI) systems based on Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) have received much attention. This study tries to develop a SSVEP based BCI system that can control a wheelchair prototype in five different positions
A wavelet-and neural network-based voice interface system for wheelchair control
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Voice control has long been considered as a natural mechanism to assist powered wheelchair users. However, one implementation difficulty is that a voice input system may fail to recognise a users voice. Indeed, speech activated interface between human and
Multimodal wheelchair control for the paralyzed people
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Most serious accidents and injuries often end with various motoric disabilities usually resulting in a limited control of the muscles of various body parts and in some worst case scenarios even the whole body. In our research we concentrate on the development of a
Shared user-computer control of a robotic wheelchair system
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An assistive robotic wheelchair system should allow its user to travel more efficiently and with greater ease. The robotic wheelchair system described in this thesis, Wheelesley, performs semi-autonomous navigation for its user, taking high-level directional commands
Brain control of a smart wheelchair
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This paper makes a contribution to the field of autonomous vehicles, especially for use on assistive wheelchairs. The aim of our work consists in the development of a low-cost autonomous wheelchair able to avoid obstacles, selflocalize and explore closed
Head gesture based control of an intelligent wheelchair
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This paper proposes an integrated approach to realtime detection, tracking and direction recognition of human faces, which is intended to be used as an human-robot interaction interface for the intelligent wheelchair . Adaboost face detection is applied inside the
Driver performance using single switch scanning with a powered wheelchair : robotic assisted control versus traditional control
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Single switch scanning is the access method of last resort for powered wheelchairs, primarily because drift is a significant problem. To correct a drift to the left or the right, the user must stop going forward, wait for the scanning device to get to the arrow for the
Simplifying Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm Control with a Visual Interface.
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Wheelchair mounted robotic arms can assist people that have severe physical handicaps with activities of daily life. Manufacturer-provided direct input devices may not correlate well to the users motor skills and may require a high level of cognitive awareness. Our goal is to
MindWave device wheelchair control
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A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a direct neural interface between a human or animal brain and an external world. In this paper the system is presented in which wheelchair is controlled using EEG signals obtained from the human brain. The Neurosky product ie
Optimal traction control in a wheelchair with legs and wheels
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We propose a proof-of-concept prototype wheelchair with legs for people with motor disabilities with the objective of demonstrating the feasibility of a completely new approach to mobility. Our prototype system is a vehicle equipped with powered wheels and legs and is
Wheelchair movement control VIA human eye blinks
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Many disorders can disrupt the neuromuscular channels used by the brain to communicate with and control its external environment. Patients with severe neural disorders lose most of voluntary muscle control . Some patients can control their eye movements and may be able
Energy control system of solar powered wheelchair
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Independence is a major concern for individuals with severe handicaps. Welfare assistance robotic technology is a popular solution to this concern . Assistance robotic technologies offer potential
Hand gesture based wheelchair movement control for disabled person using MEMS
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This paper is to develop a wheel chair control which is useful to the physically disabled person with his hand movement or his hand gesture recognition using Acceleration technology. Tremendous leaps have been made in the field of wheelchair technology
A hybrid human-machine interface for hands-free control of an intelligent wheelchair
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This paper presents a novel hybrid human-machine interface (HMI) designed for hands-free control of electric powered wheelchairs. Both forehead electromyography (EMG) signals and colour face image information are deployed to identify winking and jaw clenching