WSN Wireless Sensor Networks-2020
Wireless sensor network (WSN) refers to a group of spatially dispersed and dedicated sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment and organizing the collected data at a central location.
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Internet of Things notion is an emerging and popular concept, which is composed of heterogeneous networks. Wireless sensor network plays a vital role in such notion, where the users can directly send control commands and gather sensed data to and from deployed
Design and Development of A Simulation Frame Work For WSN Based Moisture Deficit Monitoring And Control In Irrigated Agriculture
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The dependency of economy of many countries on irrigated agriculture demand a high level precision in water supply and regulation to save water and incurred cost. The technology of Wireless Sensor Networks ( WSN ) seems to give a possible solution for this. However before
A Novel Approach for Reducing Energy Consumption using Binary Tree Structure in WSN
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Data aggregation is very vital method in wireless sensor networks. As the data aggregation decreases the energy utilization and efficiency increases. We are discussing about data aggregation and its various energy-efficient techniques used for data collection in WSN as
Performance Analysis of Chain-Cluster based Routing Protocols in WSN
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is one of the effective techniques that being strongly considered in scientific and engineering fields. WSN consists of small nodes with sensing, computing and communicating wireless abilities. These Sensor nodes usually have a limited
Compressed Data Aggregation and Routing in WSN using Optimal Clustering Protocol
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There is a difference in energy consumption among the nodes in cluster-based wireless sensor networks due to the non-uniform distribution of nodes. Based on this issue, we are proposing an efficient data aggregation tree based on the previous clustering architecture
WSN Based Intelligent Control System for Sericulture
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Sericulture, or silk farming, is the cultivation of silkworms to produce silk. Temperature, Humidity and Light intensity are very important parameters in the progression of silkworms, suitable encouraging must be done according to requisites in every stage. Environmental
Energy Optimization at the MAC Layer for a Forest Fire Monitoring Wireless Sensor Network
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This paper describes several optimizations of MAC protocols that can be applied in order to satisfy the constraints that come from a real-life application. Forest fire monitoring requires very different latencies and data sizes, depending on whether it is reporting normal
Adaptive Power Control and Duty Cycle based Medium Access Control Protocol for Cluster based Wireless Sensor Network
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Energy management has always been a research concern in the domain of wireless sensor networks. Usage of energy in an effective way is helpful to extend the life time of wireless sensor networks in significant manner. Clustering is one of effective solution used to
Wireless Local Area Network Signal Strength Measurement for Sensor Localization without New Anchors
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In sensor networks, sensor localization is one of the mandatory functions for physical sensing. In this paper, we propose a sensor localization system that utilizes wireless local area network (WLAN) access points (APs) as anchor nodes. WLAN is widely available
Challenges and Design Metrics of Wireless Sensor Network : A Survey
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Challenges and Design Metrics of Wireless Sensor Network : A Survey Abstract– Wireless communication has gained the exponential growth in the modern era; the
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ABSTRACT In Wireless Sensor Networks the major problem of LEACH is how many clusters to form while processing. The significant number of clusters in each round disturbs the WSN architecture. To enhance lifespan of network and efficient energy on the architecture of
Sensor Network with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-enabled Wireless Power Transfer: Optimal Clustering and Trajectory Designing
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In this work, we investigate the application of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled wireless power transfer (WPT) system in large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The specific research described in this paper can be divided into three parts. Firstly, it is well
Rethinking Wireless Network Management Through Sensor -driven Contextual Analysis
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Wireless network management is important to ensure the performance, utilization, allocation, and robustness of the network is optimized. Until now, wireless network management has typically been dictated by in-band information, such as wireless measurements, client