Design and Development of Saline Flow Rate Monitoring System Using Flow Sensor, Microcontroller and RF ZigBee Module
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During last few decades, the population of the world has been increasing exponentially. This in turn increases the need for health care experts. But the ratio of number of health care experts to that of the number of people needing the expertise is unsatisfactory, especially in
Wireless traffic control using 2.4 GHZ ZigBee Module
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The main objective of this paper is to devise a device to control the traffic in a high priority situation. The main aim is to control the traffic of all the lanes at a traffic light and provide the priority vehicle a free path to move. Overall, the traffic of the lane from which the priority
The Real Time Wireless Sensor Network for Heart Beat Monitoring using Zigbee Module
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In this system using the features and technology of wireless sensor networks such as distributed and self-organization to build Heartbeat monitoring system, which can monitor the Heartbeat of human in real time. This system applies RF communication protocol and
Patient Monitoring By Using Wearable Wireless Sensor Networks with Zigbee Module
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Patient monitoring systems are gaining their importance as the fast-growing global elderly population increases demands for caretaking. These systems use wireless technologies to transmit vital signs for medical evaluation. In a multi hop ZigBee network, the existing
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To increase manufacturing productivity, industrial automation is required. Additionally, in order to monitor the manufacturing process, a remote online monitoring and control system becomes compulsory. A conventional remote monitoring system often uses a wire
Design of Energy Efficient ZigBee Module
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Main goal of this study was to develop an energy efficient ZigBee wireless module . The MG2455-F48 RF SoC chip was used for developing the ZigBee wireless module . This chip includes a 2.4 GHz RF part and an 8051 family microcontroller. ZigBee modules are
Design and implementation of real time wireless biomedical system based on ZigBeeGSM interactive module
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We present a framework for a wireless health monitoring system using ZigBee technology. It has the capability to monitor vital signals from multiple biosensors. Biomedical signals are collected and processed using 2-tiered subsystems. The first stage is the mobile device
Zigbee based indoor campus inventory tracking using RFID module
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This is a very useful application of RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and is very commonly used in institutes, offices, homes and so on. An RFID system consists of a reader device and a transponder. A transponder or tag has a unique serial number which is
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ABSTRACT The automatic Irrigation System (AIS) is the recent requirement in every part of agriculture in India. It is used to assist in the growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes and revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of
Wireless comms.|| ConnectZED ZigBee module
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ConnectZED modules provide both a rapid prototyping a manufacturing solution for products requiring RF mesh networking capability using the ZigBee protocol stack. Designed to fit onto a host board be powered from that board, a number of connectivity
Traffic Control System using Zigbee Module
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Traffic jams in the world today is one of the biggest concerns. Traffics jams might even lead to death of people in case of serious situations. Not only ambulance but the other emergency vehicles like Fire Brigade trucks and Police cars tend to get stuck in jams. These
Transferring the Health Details of Animal using Zigbee Module
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In this paper present an animal health monitoring system (AHMS) for monitoring the physiological parameters such as rumination, body temperature, and heart rate with surrounding temperature and humidity has been developed. The developed system can
Microcontroller based Automated Attendance System for Employees using Zigbee Module
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Microcontroller based student attendance system makes use of RFID based detection system to calculate attendance of student in college and do further calculations. This system has been designed to improve reliability of attendance system in the organization. It also
Home Appliences Control By Using Zigbee Module
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In this project we transmit digital data through radio frequency modulation system, transmitting, receiving purpose zigbee transmitter and receiver is use. So this project has two sections. One is transmitter in which switches, micro-controller unit, and regulated power
Wireless Biomedical Parameter Monitoring System Using ZigBee CC2500 RF Module
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This paper proposes a systembased on Zigbee wireless communication and sensors for biomedical parameters monitoring. The system can used to measure body temperature and heart rate. With the help of sensors patients vital signs are monitored continuously. The
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Wireless communication and industry has opened many challenges and opportunities for innovation. ZigBee is an IEEE 802.15. 4 standard for data communication with business and consumer devices. In industry ZigBee is being used for next generation automated
Zigbee Data Acquisition (DAQ) Module for the Cornell University Baja Racing Team
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The project is to develop a sensor data acquisition (DAQ) module that can communicate with a PC using the IEEE 802.15. 4 Zigbee protocol. The data collected can be used by the Cornell University Baja Racing Team to assist in optimizing their mechanical design for SAE
Mobile Robotic Platform to Gathering Real Time Sensory Data in Wireless Personal Area Network using Zigbee Transceiver Module
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Robots are intelligent and obedient but impersonal machine which perform functions according to their own intelligence. Now days monitoring and control plays very vital role in every sectors. we can able to provide wirelessly controlled robots using Wireless personal
A High-Precision NDIR CO2 Sensing Module for ZigBee Applications
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NDIR-based CO2 sensor is commonly used in the field of environmental monitoring due to relatively high accuracy compared with that of a chemical CO2 gas sensor. This paper presents a wireless sensing system with a low-cost Non-Dispersive Infra-Red (NDIR) sensor
Speech Recognition Module for Home Automation System Based On ZigBee
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The word Embedded itself gives the meaning as the combination of different components are mounted in to a single device, which is also called a system on chip. With the help of VLSI technology it became possible to develop high speed, with low cost, and power