Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Systems

Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Systems continues the series of textbooks written for aircraft engineering students. This book addresses the electrical contents of the EASA Part 66 Modules 11 and 13; it also provides reference material for the avionic and aircraft electrical units of various BTEC National and Higher National, City and Guilds, NVQ and Foundation Degree modules.

This book is designed to cover the essential knowledge base required by certifying mechanics, technicians and engineers engaged in engineering maintenance activities on commercial aircraft and in general aviation. In addition, this book should appeal to members of the armed forces and others attending training and educational establishments engaged in aircraft maintenance and related aeronautical engineering programmes. This book will also appeal to others within the aircraft industry who need an insight into electrical and electronic systems, e.g. pilots, engineering managers, etc.

The continued development and integration of electrical and electronic systems, together with the widespread use of integrated circuits, microprocessors, data communications and electronic displays, have given new meaning to the term avionics. Aircraft engineers will be exposed to in-service aircraft using older technology, together with the new aircraft entering service based on modern technology. Using trends from the last 40 years, there will be an ever-increasing dependence on avionic systems. The eventual outcome could be the all-electric aircraft , a concept where traditional mechanical linkages, hydraulics and pneumatics are totally replaced by electrical and electronic systems.

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