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Meter data used only for billing, cannot help in analysis like Automatic Remote Meter Reading . reporting, power outage reporting and power restoration.
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Abstract: As in every where automation is required to reduce the work so we decided to implement to automatic meter reading using power line communication.
Automatic Meter Reading Sabesp
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(Automatic Meter Reading) in a Utility: water loss and improve the income from each meter. The AMR system enables full 24 hours meter reading Real Time meter reading. ❖ Variety of comparison, historical, Irregular use reports.
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ABSTRACT. Energy meter reading is a monotonous and an expensive task. Now the meter reader people goes to each meter and take the meter reading
Automatic Meter Reading System with Power IJSER
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Abstract The Existing domestic energy meter reading systems universally exist many problems, such as difficulty in construction, too narrow bandwidth, too low
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Seminar Report. Power Theft Abstract: Power line communication (PLC) presents an interesting and economical solution for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR).
GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading System with
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Abstract The technology of e-metering (Electronic. Metering) has gone through rapid technological advancements and there is increased demand for a
Meter, Meter Reading Instrument (MRI) and Base Computer
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Smart 2K Stands for Secure Meters Analysis Reporting Tool. ➢ SMART 2000 is BCS (Base Computer Software) part of Integrated metering system.Energy
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The main aim of the system is to minimize human intervention and avoid tampering of electricity meter readings. Introduction: Electricity is one among our basic
M.Tech. credit seminar report, Electronic System Group, EE
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tor and demodulator part of PLCC are also presented. Key Terms: Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Power Line Carrier Communica- tion (PLCC). 1 Intoduction.
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ENERGY METERS BASED ON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Seminar Report. Submitted by. SURENDER AVULA (M060166EE). II-Semester. EED (Computer
IoT Based Smart Energy Meter IRJET
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AbstractWe can see a person standing in front of our house from Current reading with cost can be seen on web page. Automatic. ON OFF of meter is possible. Threshold value continuously monitor and records the energy meter reading.
Smart Energy Meter and Fault Detection IOSR Journal
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Abstract: This paper presents a GSM based smart energy metering system and line fault Keywords : Automatic Meter Reading(AMR,)ATmega32 Current seminar. I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr.S G Iyer (Director, ASIET)
Smart Metering for Smart Electricity Consumption DiVA
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contributes in measuring the Smart Meter power consumption data in various Time saving to the consumers and utility companies for reporting the meter reading These manually calculated results are compared with automated tool.
Best practices and strategies for distribution loss reduction
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FoR report on loss reduction strategies. 21. 2.3. Review of policies and 100% metering, Automated Meter Reading (AMR). . Installation of LT Aerial
Water Meter Program Final Report AZSLIDE.COM
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2015 associated with automated meter reading technology will be the ability The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee receive this report for
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prepaid energy meter block diagram latest seminar topics. pptprepaid energy meter using smart card gsm based automatic energy meter reading june 2nd
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Meter Fitness Report (Overconsumption League Tables). 150 If EMT is installing the automatic pulse meter reading system, this set-up will be done for you when the June 200 the creation of Shadow Manual Meters has been automatic.
List of Seminar Topics Lbrce
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Electrical Energy Management Audit. 37. Traction System. 38. Utilization Of Solar Energy. 39. Evacuated Tube Solar Collector. 40. Automatic Meter Reading.
A Review Paper on Automatic Meter Reading and IJARCCE
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Abstract: The existing systems are either an electronic energy meter or an electro-mechanical meter which are currently in use is limited to record up to kWh units
Smart Water Metering Cost Benefit Study Marchment Hill
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Smart Water Metering Cost Benefit Study | Final Report | February 2010. Victorian Smart Water Metering and Automated Meter Reading (AMR) projects, in.
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Solutions include Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management (MDM), Oracle Utilities Transaction Management/Automated Meter Reading and Network Control.
Public Utilities Report Outline City of Chesapeake, Virginia
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This report, in draft, was provided to Public Utilities officials for review and 1 Automatic meter reading, or AMR, is the technology of automatically collecting
El Sewedy SILO of research documents
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According to the latest ABS Research-UK Report of 200 El Sewedy is ranked No. Upgrade from manual reading to Automatic Meter Management-AMM.
Prepaid Metering Analytical Report
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periodic meter readings from the AMI system. 3. services, the automatic disconnect and, more importantly covered in other sections of this report, prepay-.
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SEMINAR REPORT. ON. BLUE EYES TECHNOLOGY. Submitted by. BINYAMIN M. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of. B-TECH DEGRE in.
Fuel Cell SeminarAbstracts
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2019 The final report 21st Century Energy Vision will suggest us how to introduce fuel cell meters which were used (gas meter: 1 pulse==2 SCF, water meter: 1 pulse=l gallon). In automatic mode, the fuel gas can be either a read break-even c a p ita l costs d ir e c tly from the fig u re i t s e l f . For ex ample
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MSEDCL has implemented innovative technologies such as Pre-paid meter, automatic meter reading through infra-red (I.R.) and Radio Frequency (R.F.).
Smart Grid Technology and Consumer Call Center Readiness
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Abstract. The following reasearch project deals with utility call center customer concerns and questions about the Smart Grid and smart meter production of electric energy, gas usage, or water consumption (Automatic Meter Reading,.
Smart Cities
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Smart Meter Management Reference cases. 5. Conclusion Meter reading and billing.Tariff mgmt DSL. Fiber Data Center Automatic Meter Management.
seminar report
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Abstract. The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined in many different ways, and it encompasses turnout as users need to have another application to read QR codes. 3. This work is done within ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Automatic identification and data Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) devices connected to the.
Seminar Report On Digital Power Line Carrier NanoPDF
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Applications. ○ Internet access. ○ Telephony. ○ AMR( automated meter readings). ○ Home automation. ○ Home security. ○ Video conferencing
seminar report UITP India
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2ND UITP INDIA BUS SEMINAR ON SMART AND SUSTAINABLE BUS SOLUTIONS. Bus is the key to origin destination, close bus stop spacing (as low as 500 meters). PT users in Delhi ETMs can read smart cards too. The authorities should look for adaptation of automatic transmission technology for the buses.
final report The Group of 77
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2 1997 With due regard to the subject of the seminar, more detailed information Maximum water level: for automatic regulation channel, it is the
presented by Erkki Stam, Fingrid, Finland IEA DSM
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2 2005 Interval metering and automated meter reading.New business 3-4 times a year.Arrange DR seminar once a year (first on 19 April 2005)
Smart Grid report India Smart Grid Forum
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errors or omissions in the content contained in this report. happen, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) will be required as well as in-ability to read proprietary data from meters and lack of standardization in metering. All SEBS, distribution licensees / STUs shall provide automatic under- technical seminars etc.
In order to guide West Bengal State Electricity WBSEDCL
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inspection report is for the internal purpose of WBSEDCL and the Part-B of the Where the meter reading is taken through Remote / Automated Meter Reading.
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Figure 4.1: AMI deployment for automatic energy audit . AMI can be remote meter reading for error free data, network problem identification, load profiling, energy audit and through reports, white papers, technical seminars, etc. National
Produced by Alan Ward Utility Metering Solutions Ltd
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any reading used to bill a customer or tenant must be taken from a meter old meters will need to be replaced if an automatic Site surveys and reports. Meter
EPRI Journal–IntelliGrid: A Smart Network of Power Electric
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based automatic toll system that reduced and automatic meter reading (AMR), for example have difficulty speaking to More than 50 sensors report faults,.
Abstract: Data warehouse technology transforms the
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The basic application systems have been founded and are running steadily, such as the power management information system (MIS), Automatic Meter Reading.
User Guide
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These reports display the meter readings from View Details About Readings on a Report . Set Up Automatic Downloading and Report Printing .
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. Central
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Regular safety training seminars c. For taking automated meter readings of HT consumers, high value LT consumers, Distribution The division wise project reports have been prepared keeping in view the above stated objectives. The up.
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Automatic Meter Reading DEP | WATER CONSERVATION REPORT ANNUAL UPDATE | JUNE 2011 conservation seminar presentation used by DEP:.
Internet-of-Things-(IoT)-A-Seminar-PPT- by-Mohan aphrdi
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2 2017 A Seminar by. Prof K meter transmits each test result to a secure server and Niwa is the first fully automated and CO2 readings to live in a.
Jos Encarnag o,JamesFoley(editors): Multimedia- System
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Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report;51. 02.11. history of writing and reading. Text has We also notedthat there be system(automatic)strategies as well as meter. This implies that image editing is the same as video content editing. But.
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Actaris, the global leader in metering technologies. In the past EverBlu is more than just an Automatic Meter Reading system. Enhanced reporting functiona-.
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Topic 50430 | Presentation Reporting Quick Start | Websense Web Security Find presentation reports and templates on the ReportingPresentation Reports To delete a report immediately, rather than waiting for the automatic purge, click
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This is to certify that this seminar report entitled A SOLUTION TO REMOTE Automatic Meter Reading (AMR): The AMR system starts at the meter. Some.
Development of a GSM based Control System for Electrical
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ABSTRACT. This paper presents the Tan, Lee, and Mok developed an automatic power meter reading system using GSM network. It utilizes the GSM
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has decided to write this paper to help investors in electricity Smart Metering projects handheld meter readings. » Remote operation. » Fraud reduction. » Better grid management with automatic reporting will provide improved data.
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Automatic Meter Reading (AMR): TPDDL also established the first of its kind Automatic Meter. Reading safety incidents and has mandated reporting of unsafe situation, acts and near misses by all employees. seminars / conferences, etc.
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One need only to read international news to be exposed to the vast numbers of crimes of states Most of the presentations of the seminar are published in this report. life should mean life, parole should not be an automatic consideration and Chand had been released on bail to an address just 300 meters away from.
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years of water audits, the best approach for the calendar year reporting cycle is the Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) systems can reduce systematic data
67th Annual Report 2013 2014 IEEMA
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the time of publication of this report following 10 States will have active Meter Division; Dr. Satish Kumar, Chairman, Smart seminars, workshops, expositions, etc. IEEMA has also entered into a similar MoU with IET Low Voltage Automatic Power Factor Correction read with Rule 10 of SEZ Rules, allows exemption of.
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2019 All the students are advised to submit their seminar report to seminar coordinator Automated Energy Meter Reading for Billing Purpose. 24.
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Before installation and operation of the EM 6400 DigitANseries meters, we Negative: When lit, indicates that the reading is negative as Per IEEE 100 and industry standard The Kilo , Mega and Negative Indicators are automatic.
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122. Automatic Solar Tracking System. Mayank Ku Lokhande. Abstract : Solar energy is very important means of expanding renewable energy resources. In.
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Lewin, in a report prepared for the Outdoor Advertising Association of America meter readings of each area of color and then find their average, or else move for dusk; or regulations require an automatic control of sign luminance.
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time to run the load fault test-the current meter DROPS! The first time current (PEAK if below 60Hz, otherwise RMS) and read the voltage drop. The product is.
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Metering. Survey. Software. Consultancy.Energy Audit.Metering survey Automatic report scheduling Identifying high readings or anomalies in this.( ). Automatic meter reading. BT: Pre-college engineering. STEM. Scholarships. Self-study courses. Seminars.
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Advanced Automated Meter Reading. The term used to refer to the type of automated meter reading applicable to Non-Residential month-end billed Customers.
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Notes attached thereto and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon with comments, if any, Automated Meter Reading (AMR) is installed on 843 Nos. of HT connections. This has The seminar on energy conservation was.
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METHODOLOGY FOR DISTANCE AUTOMATIC ON-LINE MONITORING OF Report on the analysis of the data in the form of an easy to read leaflet for end users the aeration zone, to deep landslides of dozens of meters thickness and several Associated deliverables: Report of the regional seminar and comments.
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Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The present document refer to technical specifications or reports using their 3GPP identities, UMTS identities or.
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3¾ digit liquid crystal display (LCD) with a maximum reading of 3999. Polarity n. Automatic, positive implied, negative polarity indication. Overrange.
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1 2014 In the near future frequent readings of the energy consumption will be automated systems for a continuous screening of the city for project IEA EBC Annex 58 on the topic of Reliable building energy characterisation of buildings based on in situ testing and smart meter readings, which in turn.
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quality-of-service QoS reporting, create management reports, and generate regulatory responsible for overall service control and metering events for any type of service Parsing errors prevent the Billing System from reading the information in the If payment method is set automatic using either credit card or debit card,
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and control metering protection circuitry (automatic circuitry). The combination of the secondary voltage and current readings gives the power input Most people who have used Matts-Ohnfeldt equation report that a value of k equal to 0.5.
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Automatic Meters Reading bcm billion cubic in new meters and meter reading equipment to reduce the commercial losses on billings and to detect and There have been no reports, however, of a disruption to the supply of gasoil to the
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This report will serve as a complete guide on starting up such a new project Meter/ Generator. Room. 1.00. 8 Automatic Clay Slug Cutter QT100. 1. 1.1. 8.
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benchmarking/schools/ECG73.pdf. Text. Stu Allan installing automatic door closures, particularly on meter reading, and inadvertent overcharging by the
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GD SEMINAR. Core Deptt. 0–0–3. 100. 100. 2. 5 Introduction to Smart Meters, Real Time Prizing, Smart Appliances, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR),. Outage Management System (OMS), Life testing, requirements, methods, test planning, data reporting system, data reduction and analysis, reliability test standards.
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The Productivity Seminar will help you Metrics and tracking of # of appraisers, # of reports to hit goals, etc. Automated Appraisal Management System
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environment, you can take advantage of automated tools for asset inventory Amazon Neptune is highly available, with read replicas, point-in-time recovery, smart electricity meters need to connect to the cloud to report on usage, and.
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4.4 Further proposal Controlled pivoting, automatic seat leveling and guidance system 18cm rise) stairway in the same situation would be 3.5 square meters, an In the case of erroneous data occurring, for example false stair or stair edge readings or Available:
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We will discuss here techniques for populating Excel reports with the ultimate Taking the results and porting to Excel in an automated, hands-free fashion,
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Setting up automatic data collections using the Group Policiesfeature is discussed in Use Group Policies with data collection templates on page 16. Add devices to
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APPENDIX DPOWER FACTOR READINGS. APPENDIX EThe next phase is to implement the recommendations from this report. Thereafter, $53 900. Table 2.2a shows a summary of the electricity consumption for meter be similar. Automatic control of lights is not a significant issue at Bell Island Sewerage.
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1 2014 Read, telemetering or an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) device. (ii) a commercially available consumer credit reporting service.
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ABSTRACT- Automatic Toll Tax systems have really helped a lot in reducing the products have a range of 30 meters and operate in the 916927 MHz for the A. Automatic Toll Collection: The RFID Readers mounted at toll booth will read
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Upon request by a REP, TNMP will provide a report to the requesting REP stating the monthly meter reading; and automatic outage notifications. For TNMP
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Abstract. Cost effective solar power can be the answer for all our energy needs. an automatic water flow control using a moisture sensor. It is the proposed
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To explore this issue in depth, CII has issued a new report, Anti-Counterfeit. Packaging data can be read at a distance by radio equipment.) 1 meter. Automatic sorting of air. Track and trace security statusfreight and courier parcels,.
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The Medium of Instruction, Examination, Seminar and Project reports will be in English. Analog Ammeters, Voltmeters, Multimeters, Wattmeter, Energy meter, Megger. Managing time, Improving personal memoryrapid reading, notes taking ApplicationsBetatron, Cobalt and Caesium therapy Automatic treatment.
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Get Reports for your testers and manager that show results of your testing progress Excel´s reporting features are limited if you have to show which test cases are executed, which are read-only in the portal display the locked lock icon in the dialog, and are not Failed tests result in automatic creation of a Defect item,.
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A.AC-6: AUTOMATIC SESSION TERMINATION . For example, humans can read distorted text but the bots cant. Use of CAPTCHA They are required to report immediately to a competent authority in case of loss or damage or suspected
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Format of the Seminar report should be as follows: 1. The format of the text of the seminar reports: Introduction to SCADA and Automatic meter reading in.