boiler system
The boiler system is made up of:
Makeup water which is the raw water which must come from outside the boiler room and plant processes. The steam system collects and controls the steam produced in the boiler. Steam is directed through a piping system to the point of use.
Boiler System Efficiency
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Some would argue, probably correctly, that the entire national energy picture is in flux, and that the cost of electricity is artificially low compared to natural gas. Conversely, the cost of natural gas be artificially high because of the hurricane damage to the gas drilling rigs
Hazard and operability study in boiler system of the steam power plant
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The Pulverize is a major part of the boiler combustion system and an important part in the system of steam power plant (PLTU). Pulverizer plant serves to break chunks of coal into the coal ash was then fed to the burner. Type of feed coal into a pulverize is cleaned with a
Automatically verifying an object-oriented specification of the steam- boiler system
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Correctness is a desired property of industrial software systems. Although the employment of formal methods and their verification techniques in embedded realtime systems has started to be a common practice, the same cannot be said about object-oriented software. This
Passive fuzzy controller design for perturbed nonlinear drum- boiler system with multiplicative noise
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This paper addresses the problem of designing robust passive fuzzy controller for uncertain nonlinear drum- boiler system with multiplicative noise. For this problem, the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model is employed to represent the nonlinearities of boiler system to be an
Transformation of fuzzy state space model of a boiler system : a graph theoretic approach
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Graph theory has many real-world applications and is rich in theoretical results, especially for studying interconnection among elements in natural and man-made systems. In recent studies of complex control system, directed graph was introduced to define and interpret the
Principals of Condensing Boiler System Design.
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Condensing boilers can provide significant energy savings due to operating efficiencies as high as 98% as compared to a peak efficiency of 80% for a conventional boiler. However, specifying a condensing boiler does not guarantee achieving anticipated savings; careful
Corrosion-erosion on waste heat recovery boiler system via blowdown optimization
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It is estimated that problems due to corrosion-erosion of boiler system cost industries billions of dollars per year. Method of corrosion-erosion control varies depending upon the type of problem encountered. This study is focused on the optimization of the boiler blowdown
A comprehensive CFD model for sugar-cane bagasse heterogeneous combustion in a grate boiler system
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The comprehensive CFD models have been used to represent and study the heterogeneous combustion of biomass. In the present work, the operation of a global flue gas circuit in the sugarcane bagasse combustion, from wind boxes below primary air grate supply, passing
Nonlinear adaptive control based on parameter identification for a boiler system
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It is well-recognized that in real practices, some or even all of the parameters for a well- defined model are subject to change due to the following reasons:(1) it is difficult to construct an exact model for the boiler system because of its complexities; and (2) even if an exact
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This paper discusses a robust control problem of uncertain drum- boiler system subject to H2 and passivity performances. The main aims of H2 control scheme are to minimize output energy and guarantee robust asymptotical stability. Besides, passivity theory is applied to
Improve the Performance of Your Boiler System
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Chemical process industries (CPI) plants continually strive to increase efficiency and reduce expenses. Depending on the facility, the boiler system can account for a large portion of the plants utility costs. Improvement efforts, therefore, often focus on minimizing boiler fuel
Implementation of an innovative simplified sliding mode observer-based robust fault detection in a drum boiler system
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One of the robust fault detection filter (RFDF) designing method is based on sliding-mode theory. The main purpose of our study is to introduce an innovative simplified reference residual model generator to formulate the RFDF as a sliding-mode observer without any
Graphical representation of fuzzy state space of a boiler system
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Graphical representation is useful to illustrate complex structure in a direct or intuitive way. A graph is a symbolic of network and its connectivity can be simplified as a set of linked notes. In recent studies of complex control system, directed graph has been introduced to define
Slag Tap Firing System for a Low Emission Boiler
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ABSTRACT The objective of the US Department of Energys Low Emission Boiler System (LEBS) program is to dramatically improve the environmental performance of future electric power generating plants fired with pulverized coal
Analysis of the Optimisation Potential of an Industrial Boiler System
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Energy efficiency has been identified in a recent report to government in the UK as one of the methods that future energy policy will be most cost effectively served by. Combined with the well-documented financial return that efforts towards greater energy efficiency can bring
PLC SCADA Based Effective Boiler Automation System for Thermal Power Plant
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Various controlling mechanism are used to control the boiler system so that it works properly, many control strategies have been applied to it. In order to automate a power plant and minimize human intervention, there is a need to develop a Boiler Automation system
Artificial intelligent system for steam boiler diagnosis based on superheater monitoring
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This study also presents the sequence of the data preparation to suit the NN code training and validation test. M1 AIIRIALS ANI) M1IIH()|)S Brief description of the steam boiler system : The selected thermal power plant is (3*700 Mwatt/unit)
Practical validation of economic efficiency modelling method for multi-boiler heating system
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Working Day Time Temperature Used Heating Power (kW/hour) Used Fuel (kg) Active Heating Boiler System Running Costs 00-028 175 90 3 16.83 Holiday Time Temperature Used Heating Power (kW/hour) Used Fuel (kg) Active Heating Boiler System Running Costs
Heat pump control algorithm for a heat pump boiler system
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A heat pump boiler system consists of a heat pump, a boiler and a storage. The effective control of a heat pump boiler system is necessary. In this study, the heat pump control algorithm was developed. Control algorithms for a compressor, an EEV, a storage pump, an
Series and parallel demand sharing in Multi- boiler system
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A boiler is an enclosed vessel that provides a means for heat of combustion to be transferred into water until it becomes heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable for transferring the heat to a process. The requirement of steam or hot water ie