electrical power transmission

Transmission and distribution refers to the different stages of carrying electricity over poles and wires from generators to a home or a business. The primary distinction between the two is the voltage level at which electricity moves in each stage.

Scheduling maintenance of electrical power transmission networks using genetic programming
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Abstract The National Grid Company Plc. is responsible for the maintenance of the high voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales. It must plan maintenance so as to minimise costs taking into account: location and size of demand, generator capacities

Wireless transmission of electrical power overview of recent research development
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The aim of this research work is to give a overview of recent researches and development in the field of wireless power transmission . The methods applied for wireless power transmission like Induction, Electromagnetic transmission , Evanescent wave coupling

Reactive power control in electrical power transmission system
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In this paper, an understanding of reactive power associated with power transmission networks is developed. To make transmission networks operate within desired voltage limits, methods of making up or taking away reactive powerhereafter called reactive- power

An overview of impedance-based fault location techniques in electrical power – transmission network
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Fault location is an important task in power system analysis because an accurate distanceto- fault will assist to restore the power supply in the shortest possible time so as to prevent them from possible damages to people, property and environment. Faults on power system

System of Electrical Power Transmission
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Scheduling planned maintenance of electrical power transmission networks using genetic algorithms
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The maintenance of the electrical power transmission networks must be planned in advance so as to minimise costs taking into account: location and size of demand for electricity, generator capacities and availabilities, electricity carrying capacity of the remainder of the

An assessment of the earthquake resistant design of electrical power transmission facilities
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SYNOPSIS Following the San Fernando earthquake, an assessment was made of the earthquake resistant design of typical damaged equipment and facilities located at the Syl Converter Station, which is the southern terminus of the 800-kv DC Pacific Intertie

Electrical structure of future off-shore wind power plant with a high voltage direct current power transmission
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General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Users

Unmanned aircraft system for high voltage power transmission lines of Brazilian electrical system
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Having one of the largest aerial power lines structures of the world with length as much as 9 000 km long, there is a large demand for aerial inspection of these structures in Brazil. In this context a RD Project based on Small Unmanned Aircraft System-sUAS-to be used for

A single-span aeroelastic model of an overhead electrical power transmission line with guyed lattice towers
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The typical method of high-voltage electricity transmission uses conductors that are carried above ground by towers. provided a comprehensive description of overhead transmission line technology. Existing design practices have been documented

The Role of Facts and HVDC in Development of an Efficient Electrical Power Transmission System in India-Prospects Challenges
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the present paper focuses on FACTS (Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System) and HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) transmission technologies, Particular attention is paid to different specific technical, economic and environmental features of these power

Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power
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In this section we shall develop formulas by which we can calculate the voltage, current, and power factor at any point on a transmission line provided we know these values at one point. Loads are usually specified by their voltage, power , and power factor, from which current

Development and Research the Device of Transmission Electrical Power at Gyrating Piezoelectric Transducers elec-trodes
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The ultrasonic processing has the certain restriction-decline of productivity when increasing the depth of processing. The giving to the working tool in addition to oscillatory, rotary movement, that will increase productivity of processing. In this article the way of inductive

Transmission of electrical power through subsea-cables over long distances
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Crude oil is the basis for almost all products of our modern life. However, the sources where crude oil can be exploited easily are limited. Therefore, in addition to existing oilfields, sources which require more technical effort must be exploited in future. Many of such

of Sensor-less Coil Position Control System and its Gap Deviation Tolerance Improvement Method in Wireless Power Transmission System of Electrical Trains
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Based on coil-misalignment information detected form position sensor-less method using magnetic coupling information between primary and secondary coils proposed in our previous publication. We built a test-bench for on-board coil positioning for static wireless

Dynamic of electrical transmission lines with inspection robot on it under influence of limited power of robot engine
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We consider the influence of the limited power of the inspection robot engine while moving over the electrical transmission lines. We develop the technique of mathematical modeling of dynamic processes based on Lagrangian mechanics of solid and elastic bodies by using

Risk, vulnerability and cost. Functions for electrical substation and power transmission towers under strong winds in Mexico
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Risk, vulnerability and cost functions are developed for electrical substations and power transmission towers exposed to strong winds in Mexico. Conditional annual failure probabilities for given maximum wind velocities are calculated in terms of the most probable

Optimal reconstruction of measurements in electrical power transmission and distribution systems
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In the transmission and distribution systems there are very important activities such as: planning, design, operation, maintenance and commercialization, which are based on the knowledge with good precision of its operation variables: active powers, reactive powers

Electrical Power Transmission and Energy Management System
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Electrical power transmission system forms an important part of the electricity network required to transfer bulk amount of power produced at remotely located generating stations to the load centres. In most of the countries, including India, the electricity sector has a vast

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The environmental impacts from the electric power transmission networks reviewed in this paper, which deal with operational and biological consequences. The possible results from the operational impacts are mostly land-planning, aesthetic and Electro-Magnetic (EM)