electrical transmission line 2021
Development of Computer Modeling System for Analysis and Design of Electrical Transmission Lines
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Analysis. Keywords: Electrical Transmission Tower, Electrical Transmission Line High Intensity Wind, Finite Element Analysis, Database 1. INTRODUCTION transmission line affected by HIW: (1) the geometric structure of an electrical transmission line is very special. It is time
Accurate fault detection and location in power transmission line using concurrent neuro fuzzy technique
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Introduction The first AC power transmission line system was initially introduced in the year 1889 in the United States of America . The first electrical transmission line was connected be- tween Oregon city and Portland. This
Invariant Solutions and Bifurcation Analysis of the Nonlinear Transmission Line Model
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Page 1. Invariant solutions and bifurcation analysis of the nonlinear transmission line model Sachin Ku ∗ Department of Mathematics and Statistics Central University of Punjab, Bathinda 15100 Punjab, India. sachin1jan@yahoo.com
Solitary waves and modulation instability with the influence of fractional derivative order in nonlinear left-handed transmission line
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40 The main purpose of this work is to investigate the behavior of the dark and bright solitons by a nonlinear evolution equation with fractional order describing the waves propagation in nonlinear left-handed electrical transmission line giving by [3 40], ∂U ∂z β2 j−3 (2) 17. Karakose, E.: Performance evaluation of electrical transmission line detection and tracking algorithms based on image processing using UAV
Risk Mitigation: Human Factors II
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devastated the town of Paradise and Concow (see Figure 1). As reported by multiple articles that quoted from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection investigation, the Camp Fire was started by a Pacific Gas and Electricity electrical transmission line of which
An efficient algorithm based on the multi-wavelet Galerkin method for telegraph equation
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1. Introduction Telegraph equation is introduced by Oliver Heaviside and is a linear second-order hyperbolic partial differential equations that describe the current and voltage on an electrical transmission line with distance
Realization of a polarization-insensitive optical frequency-domain reflectometer using an I/Q homodyne detection
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The application elds of the technology range from shape sensing, pipeline and electrical transmission line monitoring, structural health monitoring, or intrusion detection for perimeter security applications . Unlike optical time-domain
Alternative Modes of Natural Gas Transport
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was performed jointly by the Bonneville Power Administration and the Northwest Gas Association (Buchanan Christie) which concluded that the capital cost for an underground gas pipeline is 50% lower than the capital cost for an overland electrical transmission line
Novel Optical Solitons to the Perturbed Gerdjikov-Iva Equation Via Collective Variables
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Page 1. Novel Optical Solitons to the Perturbed Gerdjikov- Iva Equation Via Collective Variables Zara Hassan University of the Punjab Nauman Raza University of the Punjab Francisco Gomez ( jgomez@cenidet.edu.mx
Analytical Approaches for Fast Computing of the Thermal Load of Vehicle Cables of Arbitrary Length for the Application in Intelligent Fuses.
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398 Page 4. transformed. To avoid this problem, using Greens functions, expressions are derived, that can be transformed back into the time domain more easily. This approach is used in the electrical transmission line theory as well (Antonini)
Bioenergy Supply Chain Simulation and Improvement basedon Thailand Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP)
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Page 1. MASTERS THESIS Bioenergy Supply Chain Simulation and Improvement basedon Thailand Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP) Masters Educational Program: Center for Energy Science and Technology Student Pornpawit Karpkerd
Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics
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Page 1. Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics 4 (2021) 100040 Mathematics journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/padiff
Accelerated fitted operator finite difference method for singularly perturbed parabolic reaction-diffusion problems
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Page 1. Uncorrected Proof Computational Methods for Differential Equations http://cmde.tabrizu. ac.ir Vol. *, No. *, *, pp. 1-13 DOI:10.22034/cmde.2020.39685.1737 Accelerated fitted operator finite difference method for singularly perturbed parabolic reaction-diffusion problems
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16 USC 1531et seq.), for a proposal by Central Maine Power Company (CMP) to place temporary and permanent fill in numerous waterways and wetlands between Beattie Township and Lewiston, Maine in order to construct and maintain an aerial electrical transmission line
Improving Learning Electrical Engineering Student Activity via Computer Simulation
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e. Able to calculate Standing Wave (SWR) f. Able to model a transmission line as an electrical circuit g. Able to calculate transmission line parameters at low frequency and high frequency h. Able to use the graph method (Smith Chart) to solve problems on the transmission line
Accurate fault detection and location in power transmission line using concurrent neuro fuzzy technique
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Introduction The first AC power transmission line system was initially introduced in the year 1889 in the United States of America . The first electrical transmission line was connected be- tween Oregon city and Portland. ThisAlready, power generation has outpaced the capacity of the grid, resulting in spill of electrical energy. The severe cost time overrun in transmission line project due to the hurdles motivated this research work to assess the different challenging factor in the transmission line
the Transmission Line and Consideration of Corona Impact and Frequency Dependence and Analogy between Them
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ABSTRACT The waveform and amplitude of overvoltage generated in the transmission line due to lightning strikes are of great importance in the insulation coordination of electrical equipment in the power grid and the choice of lightning protection to inequality (voltage, transmission line capacity and power generation limitations) and equality constraints. The Genetic Algorithm optimization method was very effective in the area of DG allocation and capacity when it applied on the standard IEEE bus electrical networks
Solitary waves and modulation instability with the influence of fractional derivative order in nonlinear left-handed transmission line
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40 The main purpose of this work is to investigate the behavior of the dark and bright solitons by a nonlinear evolution equation with fractional order describing the waves propagation in nonlinear left-handed electrical transmission line giving by [3 40], ∂U ∂z β2 j−3 (2)
Lightning Surge Analysis of Transmission Line Towers with a Hybrid FDTD-PEEC Method
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1 Lightning Surge Analysis of Transmission Line Abstract This paper addresses lightning surges on the transmission systems with a new hybrid method, using a 1D FDTD model for the transmission line and a PEEC model for the tower and lightning channel
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power flow controller (UPFC) is an electrical device for giving quick acting reactive power remuneration on high-voltage power transmission organizations. It utilizes a couple of threestage controllable bridges to deliver current that is infused into a transmission line utilizing an Fault detection during power swing is a critical task as relays remain blocked leaving the system unprotected. Power swing in general is symmetrical, but asymmetrical power swing occurs during single-phase auto-reclosing operation. Both the power swings severely affect
SSSC to control Power flow in the Line
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power plants, power generation by renewable energy is inserting much more electrical power in Numerous problems in expansion of transmission lines are forcing existing transmission network to utilise FACTS controllers are capable of controlling power flow in the line upto its
Transmission capacity improvement using unified power flow controller with new control strategy
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electric market is increasing day by day, thereby pressing transmission lines due to inadequate sources of energy . Since electrical energy is problem of stability, security, economic and reliability for power supply . It is not possible to build a new transmission line because ittransmission and distribution systems Janak Acharya Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering Related papers The percentage of transmission line failures in adverse weather was varied from 0 to 100% in 10% increments
Improving the voltage quality and power transfer capability of transmission system using facts controller
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AC /Alternating Current/ ESS /Energy Storage System/ FACTS /Flexible AC Transmission System/ GUPFC /Generalized Power Flow Controller/ ID /Identification/ IEEE /Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers/ IPFC /Inter- line Power Flow Controller/ NR /Newton Raphson
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UNIT I: Introduction: Reactive power control in electrical power transmission lines Uncompensated transmission line series compensation Basic concepts of Static Var Compensator (SVC) Thyristor Controlled Series capacitor (TCSC) Unified power flow controller
Hybrid CPFSK/OQPSK modulation transmission techniques performance efficiency with RZ line coding based fiber systems in passive optical networks
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modulation transmission techniques performance efficiency with return-to-zero (RZ) line coding scheme for various bits/symbol, based on hybrid proposed modulation transmission techniques. Also, optical power and received electrical power variations are simulated with fiber
A Hybrid Scheme for Fault Locating in Transmission Lines Compensated by the Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitors
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IEEE Index . Rajeswary, G. Raja, et al. Fuzzy-wavelet based transmission line protection scheme in the presence of tcsc. International Conference on Electrical Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT). IEEE. . Nale, Ruchita, and Monalisa BiswalEnhancement: A Case of Nigerian Electric Power Grid American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 201 Vol. No. 33-39 DOI:10.12691/ajeee-4-1-5 Ku and SB Dubey (2015), Enhancement of Transient Stability in Transmission Line Using SVC Facts
An Investigation on the Effect of Ground Resistance Value on the Lightning Discharge Current
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Back Flashover phenomenon analysis in power transmission substation for insulation coordination. In 11th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (pp. 170-174). IEEE. LaForest, JJ Transmission line reference book. 345 kV and above. NoFilter, Fuzzy Logic Controller. 1. INTRODUCTION Electrical Power when transmitted through High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) Transmission lines to the load, some amount of power is wasted in terms of losses which occur in the transmission line due to its parameters
Compact 5G Hairpin Bandpass Filter Using Non-Uniform Transmission Lines Theory.
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Yazdani, A miniaturized Wilkinson power divider using nonuniform transmission line Journal of Compact UWB unequal split Wilkinson power divider using nonuniform transmission lines, Int on Computer, Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Khartoum, Sudan, pp
Creep strength of hybrid composites used in power transmission line conductors
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Creep strength of hybrid composites used in power transmission line conductors Abstract In this paper, the creep strength of hybrid composites used in the new generation of power transmission line conductors is predicted
A pulse amplitude modulation scheme based on in- line semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) for optical soliton systems
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IS Amiri, et al., Influence of device to device interconnection elements on the system behavior and stability, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 1 no pp 307-3 1993. J. Witzens, et al., Design of transmission line driven slothence, enhance electrical energy supply within the entire power systems network. Through this voltage profiles are improved, energy losses are reduced, system stability is enhanced, power flow between parallel lines is optimized and the transmission line capability increased
Silicon-controlled Rectifier-based Electrostatic Discharge Protection Circuit with Additional NPN Parasitic Bipolar Junction Transistor for 5-V Application
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Fig. 5 shows the layouts of the fabricated devices and a 50 magnified image of the proposed device. In addition, transmission line pulse (TLP) measurements were used to verify the electrical characteristics and robustness [1 14]. Fig. 6 shows the Fig
Transmission Innovation Symposium
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generators from multiple electric utilities and a larger, and likely more diverse, electrical load, allows for transactions are implemented by each utility monitoring the flow on all the transmission lines that and then adjusting internal generation to keep the sum of the tie- line flows at ABSTRACT Electrical and Electronic systems are subjected to a wide range of power quality Restorer (DVR) as it gives compensation to sag, swell, improves the line regulation and VAR device that has seen applications in a variety of distribution and transmission applications
Compact active duplexer based on CSRR and interdigital loaded microstrip coupled lines for LTE application
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2020. 9. Keshavarz, R., M. Danaeian, M. Movahhedi, and A. Hakimi, A compact dual-band branch- line coupler based on the interdigital transmission line 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1 2011. 10
Minimization of losses by reconfiguration of radial distribution system using artificial intelligence (AI)
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Out of three functional areas of Electrical utility, the distribution sector needs more attention and it is difficult to standardize due to its complexity This project proposes an efficient approach to reduce active power loss in transmission line
Analysis of the performance of grounding grids buried in heterogeneous soil under impulse current
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systems,is based in transmission line approach of grounding grid and could be treated as well as circuit models [17]. Seixas and Kurokawa [18] have proposed electrical grounding systems model which could be simulated directly in the time domain using conventional software
Optimization of Micro strip antenna using 2×2 slot array for wireless application
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The array is fed by a probe of diameter 1.2mm in the middle of the thicker transmission line by using SMA of impedance 50 ohms If the dielectric constant is high, the electrical length of the antenna will be reduced but the bandwidth would be narrow
Design and Analysis of Dual-Band Circular Patch Antenna for X-Band Applications with Enhanced Bandwidth
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antenna is a crucial component in the wireless communication system which converts electrical waves to a simple circular patch antenna for better radiation along with wide transmission bandwidth antenna consists of a circular radiating patch, a 50-ohm feedline line a quarterCommunication Prof. Madhuri Zambre Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Modern College of Engineering Pune India madhurizambre01@gmail.com Article History LV is a central transmission line where it Page 3
Performance analysis of frequency on various substrate in microstrip patch antenna
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Rogers have distinct nature of low loss and uniform electrical and absorption properties which find major usage as substrates in antenna Fig. 1. shows the patch antenna with quarter-wave transformer. Following calculations are based on the transmission line model
Localization of Partial Discharge in a Transformer Winding Using Ladder Network A Review
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Electrical methods use digital filtering, capacitive component localization, and travelling wave. Likewise, electrical methods, lately some nonelectrical methods were also discovered which optical, chemical, acoustic methods are Multi-conductor transmission line (MTL) model
Enhanced Ultra-Wide Band Multistage Rectifier for Pulsed Signal Power Transmission
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Line (TRL) kit manufactured for this purpose The UWB power transfer requires a broad band RF power harvesting device to allow maximum power transmission to the of reducing the average power delivered by an electrical signal by efficiently cutting out it into discrete parts
Reduction of Power system losses in Transmission Network using Optimisaion Method
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Reduction of Power System Losses in Transmission Network 2Department of Electrical /Electronic Engineering, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, PMB 01660 power failure could be overcome by determining line losses, determining the phase values of theThe Electrical power system losses can be computed using several formulae in consideration of pattern of generation and loads by means of the following methods: Computing transmission losses as I2R By differential power loss method By computing line flows and line
Power quality improvement of 66-bus distribution system using SSC
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P.Ramesh and M.Damodara Reddy, Power Transfer Capa- bility Reliability Improvement in a Transmission Line using Distributed static series compensatorler, Interna- tional Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2(4)(2012), 553-562Padiyar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India 560012 AbstractThe Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a power electronic controller which can be used to control active and reactive power flows in a transmission line by injection