mechatronics projects
Best projects are based on robotics and drone. like wall climb robot, humanoid , spy robots,
Mechatronics, which is also called mechatronic engineering, is a multidisciplinary branch of engineering that focuses on the engineering of both electrical and mechanical systems, and also includes a combination of robotics, electronics, computer, telecommunications, systems, control, and product engineering.
Modelling and control of a haptic interface, a mechatronics approach
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With the advent of virtual reality and the inaeasing power of modern comput-ers, there is renewed interest in new modalities for the human-machine interface. Force feedback is gaining momentum as new applications of teleoperation and hap tic devices are discovered
Modeling of an automatic positioner-A mechatronics approach
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Now a days application of Mechatronics in machines is necessary to improve accuracy, repeatability, decrease the lead time and decrease requirement of labor. This paper is mainly concentrates on development of a mechatronics product which consists of servo
Developing a sewer inspection robot through a mechatronics approach
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Sewerage is a harsh environment which requires periodically inspection. The inspection should be done duo to the unanticipated problems that occur in the sewer networks. Entrance of objects like roots, corrosion and deformation of pipe are some usual problems
Integrated Design of A Vision-Guided Quadrotor UAV: A Mechatronics Approach
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Designing Mechatronic systems is known to be both a very complex and tedious process due to the high number of system components, their multi-physical aspects, the couplings between the different domains involved in the product and the interacting design objectives
Enhanced energy conversion performance of Philippine photovoltaic panels through tilt angle adjustments: A mechatronics approach
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The adaption of solar energy in the Philippines is slowly becoming a reality. Solar technology is considered to be clean and abundant hence its desirability. It is this situation that has spurred the Philippine government and the private sector to invest in the
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The article deals with the ability non-respirable dust fraction suppression for the optical dust monitor based-on the light scattering by the dust particles. As far this function for this type dust monitor is performed by mechanical means, eg a cyclone. The article tries to realise this
Mechatronics approach to CNC end milling study
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ABSTRACT A mechatronics approach , ie, developing a mathematical model for the end milling operations on a CNC milling machine to simulate its behavior, is taken up in this paper. The mathematical model of the servomotor controlled XY table, developed
Mechatronics Design And Implementation Education-Oriented Methodology; A Proposed Approach
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Mechatronics engineer is expected to design engineering systems with synergy and integration toward constrains like higher performance, speed, precision, efficiency, lower costs and functionality. The key element in success of a Mechatronics engineering
A mechatronics approach to solid/liquid separation
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It is shown how a mechatronics approach can improve a traditional unit operation. The basic principles of the task are outlined and the example of a pressure leaf filtration system is chosen to illustrate how the approach yields flexible apparatus. The experimental apparatus
A Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Approach to Mechatronics
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Mechatronics continues to gain currency throughout the world as a unique field of study. As this happens, more and more universities within the United States are expanding their offerings to include this valuable multi-disciplinary field. This paper examines the ongoing
Electronic pet robots for mechatronics engineering education: A project-based learning approach
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To address the difficulties in teaching interdisciplinary subjects in engineering, this paper presents the process of developing a project-based mechatronics curriculum with the final artifact of an electronic pet robot. The curriculum was designed and implemented in a real
Mechatronics simulation on system level: BroSAnT approach
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At present, the modelling of mechatronics system is buzz word in simulation world. There are a lot of different concepts how to get the problem, dealing with many physical domains: mechanics, electrics, electronics and software, under control. In principal, all approaches to
A systems approach to a final year mechatronics design course
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Mechatronics is the science that studies the holistic design process in which intelligent machines are created to develop efficient and complex processes and products. Mechatronics integrates mechanics, electronics and computer sciences to achieve control
An Approach to the Challenge Line Problem in a Mechatronics Engineering Course
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Experience gained from a course in Mechatronics Engineering is used to illustrate an approach to the Challenge Line Problem, a problem that relates to a key pedagogical issue that underlies most engineering courses. The issue is how to achieve the optimum balance
A mixed learning approach in mechatronics engineering
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This article presents a method for improving the current pedagogical strategy for sustainable education through creating a mixed learning scenario that integrates different learning styles such as reading, hearing, speaking, trying and realising into the learning process. The
A New Approach for the Control Optimization of an Assembly/Disassembly Mechatronics Line Served by an Autonomous Robotic System
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In this paper a generalized Synchronized Hybrid Petri Nets (SHPN) model for the control of repetitive tasks is presented. It is assumed that the process has both discrete and continuous components but integrated in repetitive tasks series. Generalized SHPN model describe this
Mechatronics design approach for working model of swinging boat in amusement park
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The paper is concerned with mechatronics approach to design and construct a working model of a Kora-kora Swinging Boat Ride for educational and entertainment applications based on the study of the actual ride in an amusement park. By constructing a working
Systems Dynamics and Control, Proposed Course Overview and Education Oriented Approach for Mechatronics Engineering Curricula
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This paper extends writers previous work, and applies proposed for Mechatronics engineering curricula, asystem dynamics and controlcourse education oriented methodology that integrates knowledge and abilities delivery, course topics, learning
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Mechatronics is a rapidly developing, interdisciplinary field of engineering dealing with design of products whose function relies on the integration of mechanical and electronic components coordinated by a control architecture. A mechatronics platform has strength
Development of Teach Pendent based Robotic Arm for Drawing using Mechatronics Approach
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The main scope of this project is to use mechatronics approach to design and develop a complete humanoid robotic arm which can be used to draw different figures. A mechatronic approach is basically a synergistic combination of mechanical, electrical and control