password security system


Enhanced password based security system based on user behavior using neural networks
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There are multiple numbers of security systems are available to protect your computer/resources. Among them, password based systems are the most commonly used system due to its simplicity, applicability and cost effectiveness But these types of systems

The Enhancement of Password Security System Using Key Stroke Verification
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At present computer security is increasingly important as global access to information and resources becomes an integral part of many aspects of our lives. Reliable methods for user verification are needed to protect both privacy and important data. Password verification has

GSM Based Bank Locker Security System using RFID: Password and Fingerprint Technology
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The main goal of this project is to design and implement a high security locker system based on RFID, fingerprint, password GSM technology which can be organized in bank, secured offices and homes. in this system only authentic person can be recovered money from

Cryptographically use of Caesar Cipher Technique in Password Managing and Security System
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In this paper we introduced a new type of social engineering attack via the website. We computed the result and then proposed a method to mitigate that attack. The research objective followed by the description of the experiment and then the mitigation of the

Password Protected Electronic Lock System for Smart Home Security
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The proposed system implements a password protected electronic lock that provides a great benefit over a traditional lock, as well as great security . The system comprises of a keypad and 16×2 LCD along with a PIC18F452 microcontroller. The present state is notified by the

Locker Security System using GSM and Random Password
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The main purpose of this paper is to design and implement advance locker security system . In todays materialistic world, security holds an in dispensable place. There is a need of security in almost every sector of society viz. offices, houses, banks etc. as thefts and

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The goal of this project was to Electronic Password Protected Security System to be used for the high security zone. Alternatively it can be used in any secured purpose such as ATM booth and any banking sector etc, and it can give safety of the Government IT sectors

Design and Implementation of Password Based Security Lock System
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The main objective of this project is to provide a security system having the provision to change the password by the authority only. The security of any organization or house is of prime importance always. The concern is for the physical property and also for the

Password Less Security System Using MultiFactor Biometric Fusion
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In this paper, we propose the use of audio and visual biometric features for person authentication instead of traditional single factor passwords and pins for secure access. Experiments performed on different gender specific subsets of data from VidTIMIT and

Online Voting Using Face Recognition and Password Based Security System
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In the online voting system , people can vote through the internet. In order to prevent voter frauds, we use two levels of security . In the first level of security , the face of the voter is captured by a web camera and sent to the database. Later, the face of the person is verified

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In this paper, Motion Controlled Password Recognition system using MEMS accelerometer is implemented using Embedded controller PIC 16F877A. MEMS can be used to sense motion in 3 axes (X, Y and Z). Microcontroller analyzes whether any motion is occurring and

Evaluating Employee Intentions to Comply with Password Security Policies and Procedures for a Public Hospital EMR System Queen Esther Booker
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Digital assets have become a major asset for corporations. Protecting these assets could mean the difference between customer confidence and customer concern. Thus, understanding employee attitudes toward compliance security policies and procedures is

Password Based Lock for Bike Security with Ignition Key Control System
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Many times we hear the cases of bikes getting stolen from parking area or sometimes we forgot to remove the keys from bike by mistake. In these cases it is really difficult to get the bike back. This project is designed to solve this purpose. Main concept behind this project is

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In our day to day life security is a major issue for any type of account. For security purpose different authentication methods are used. We proposed graphical password authentication method for providing better security in online examination system . Graphical password is

Review on Social Media Security Based on one-Time Password and Biometric System
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Social media is notable destinations amongst young people and older folks. This suggests it is consistently used for both systole and diastole purposes. Understanding which sorts of direct constitute web based systems administration bugging can help you and your child

Android based Security Lock System with Password Reconfigurable Option using Bluetooth and Microcontroller
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Our essential motive of designing this tool is to provide a greater secured multilevel protections and password reconfigure Options Using PAN (Personal Area Network) protocol gadgets like Bluetooth and Microcontroller. Android clever telephone are included to this

Increasing the Security of Site Managers Password Using Fuzzy Inference System
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Abstract ccording to some researches one of the commonest methods of hacking and copying the information of organizations is, weak passwords. By reviewing the literature we found out nobody has used fuzzy inference system yet, so we preferred to create one fuzzy

Security Analysis of 3D Password Based Authentication System
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Access to any automated system is most often based on the use of textual or alphanumeric passwords. However, mostly end users have difficulty to remembering a password that is long and random-appearing. Instead, they generally use short, simple, and insecure

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Portal site is not only providing search engine and e-mail service but also various services including blog, news, shopping, and others. The fact that average number of daily login for Korean portal site Naver is reaching 300 million suggests that many people are using portal

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To shield password clients from making straightforward and normal passwords, real sites and applications give a passwordquality measure, in particular a password checker. While basic prerequisites for a password checker to be stringent have won in the investigation of