quadrotor design
A quadcopter, also called a quadrotor helicopter or quadrotor, is a multirotor helicopter that is lifted and propelled by four rotors. Quadcopters are classified as rotorcraft, as opposed to fixed-wing aircraft, because their lift is generated by a set of rotors
Flight PID controller design for a UAV quadrotor
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This paper presents the modeling of a four rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned air vehicle known as the quad rotor aircraft. The paper presents a new model design method for the flight control of an autonomous quad rotor. The paper describes the
Design , construction and control of a large quadrotor micro air vehicle
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This thesis presents research directed towards the development of practical quadrotor robot helicopters. Most existing quadrotor robot vehicles have been based on consumer flying toys that do not offer the performance necessary to consider commercial applications. The
Design of control systems for a quadrotor flight vehicle equipped with inertial sensors
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This thesis reviews the Design of Control Systems for a Quadrotor Flight Vehicle Equipped with Inertial Sensors in detail. The control system is developed in Matlab/Simulink and real time implementation is achieved by using Simulink Real Time Windows Target utility. Linear
Modelling and Stabilizing Control Laws Design Based on Sliding Mode for an UAV Type- Quadrotor .
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In this paper; we are interested principally in dynamic modelling of quadrotor while taking into account the high-order nonholonomic constraints in order to develop a new synoptic control scheme as well as the various physical phenomena, which can influence the
Adaptive hybrid control algorithm design for attitude stabilization of quadrotor (UAV)
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This paper presents a new adaptive hybrid Fuzzy Logic based PID (FPID) Control algorithm for attitude stabilization of Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Usually UAV systems are unstable and attitude stabilization control plays a very important role in it. The proposed
Controller design of quadrotor aerial robot
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This paper deduced the nonlinear dynamic model of a quadrotor aerial robot, which was a VTOL (vertical tale-off and landing) unmanned air vehicle. Since that is a complex model with the highly nonlinear multivariable strongly coupled and under-actuated property, the
Platform design and mathematical modeling of an ultralight quadrotor micro aerial vehicle
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In this paper, a micro quadrotor aircraft with approximately 40 g gross weight and 8 min flight endurance is developed. System development of this micro aerial vehicle is discussed in terms of the design of the mechanical structure and electrical systems. Mechanical structure
Non-cascaded dynamic inversion design for quadrotor position control with L1 augmentation
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This paper presents a position control design for quadrotors, aiming to exploit the physical capability and maximize the full control bandwidth of the quadrotor . A non-cascaded dynamic inversion design structure is proposed for the baseline controller, augmented by an
The design and implementation of a quadrotor flight controller using the quest algorithm
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Formally posed in 196 the problem of optimal attitude estimation from vector measurements has been a hot topic of research in the aerospace community. This paper provides a survey of open source quadrotor helicopter autopilots that demonstrates that the
µAV- Design and implementation of an open source micro quadrotor
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This paper presents the design of µAV, a palm size open source micro quadrotor constructed on a single Printed Circuit Board. The aim of the micro quadrotor is to provide a lightweight (approximately 86g) and cheap robotic research platform that can be used for a
Design of a quadrotor roll controller using system identification to improve empirical results
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), specifically quadrotors, is one of the major topics of study in current literature with applications to numerous fields. In this paper we consider a test-bed for the design of a low cost flight controller for a quadrotor and as a first step in
Design , Development, and Closed-loop Flight-Testing of a Single Power Plant Variable Pitch Quadrotor Unmanned Air Vehicle
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This paper describes the design , development and flight testing of a single power plant variable pitch quadrotor unmanned air vehicle (UAV). The use of variable pitch rotor enables replacement of four motors of the conventional quadrotor design with a single power plant
The Design and Implementation of a Robust AHRS for Integration into a Quadrotor Platform
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The quadrotor is a small to medium sized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that has seen a massive surge in interest in recent years, both in military and commercial applications. This is down to a combination of its mechanical simplicity, its stability, and its low cost compared
Adaptive Neural Network Based Fault Detection Design for Unmanned Quadrotor under Faults and Cyber Attacks.
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The occurrence of faults and failures in flight control systems of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can destabilize the system which could cause potential economic and life losses. Therefore, its necessary to detect faults and attacks in real time and modify the control
Integrated Design of A Vision-Guided Quadrotor UAV: A Mechatronics Approach
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Designing Mechatronic systems is known to be both a very complex and tedious process due to the high number of system components, their multi-physical aspects, the couplings between the different domains involved in the product and the interacting design objectives
Design and implementation of IMU sensor fusion and PID control in quadrotor
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This paper discusses about design and implementation of IMU sensor data fusion and attitude estimation. This paper discusses about the simple approach of implementation of traditional PID control using microcontroller. Three axis accelerometer and gyroscope have
Modeling and Stabilizing Control Laws Design Taking Into Account the Actuator Faults for an UAV Type- Quadrotor
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This paper deals with the design of a robust control algorithm for an under-actuated quadrotor UAV system in presence of actuator faults. Dynamic modeling of quadrotor while taking into account various physical phenomena, which can influence its dynamics is
Design , development and flight testing of a novel quadrotor convertiplane unmanned air vehicle
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This paper describes the design , development and flight testing of a small novel quadrotor convertiplane Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) which has four propellers driven by individual brushless DC motors mounted at the tip of tandem wings. The segment of the wing under the
GSA vs PSO Applied to Design PD Control for the Stabilization of a Quadrotor
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In this work, we propose the use of two different global optimization algorithms, namely Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to design Proportional-Derivative controllers (PD) for the stabilization of a Quadrotor . To stabilize the
Quadrotor Aircraft Design based on the K60 Controller.
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The stability of flight attitude is an important evaluation index of quadrotor aircraft applications. Attitude stability in particular plays an important role in micro- quadrotor aircraft control systems. Thus, a new quadrotor flight controller design based on the K60 processor