smart grid projects
A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of operation and energy measures including smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficient resources.
Using AMI to realize the Smart Grid
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Integrated Solutions Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) Smart
Smart grid : The electric energy system of the future
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Three dominant factors are impacting future electric systems of the world: governmental policies at both federal and state levels, customer efficiency needs, and new intelligent computer software and hardware technologies. In addition, environmental concerns are
Literature review on smart grid cyber security
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The current US electrical power grid is an out-of-date infrastructure, and the Smart Grid is an upgrade that will add many new functionalities to meet customers new power requirements. Updating a system as complex as the electrical power grid has the potential of introducing
Smart grid security: Threats, vulnerabilities and solutions
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The traditional electrical power grid is currently evolving into the smart grid . Smart grid integrates the traditional electrical power grid with information and communication technologies (ICT). Such integration empowers the electrical utilities providers and
The cooperative internet of things enabled smart grid
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The strong coupling of Information and Communication (ICT) technologies especially via the usage of networked embedded devices with the energy domain, is leading to a sophisticated dynamic ecosystem referred to as the Internet of Energy. In the last mile of the
The smart grid and the promise of demand-side management
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Load shifting. Demand response (DR) programs transfer customer load during periods of high demand to off-peak periods and can reduce critical peak demand (the 20-50 hours of greatest demand throughout the year) or daily peak demand (the maximum demand during
Smart grid : an overview
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This paper briefly discusses evolution of Smart Grid development. Smart Grid is important as it will take us towards energy independence and environmentally sustainable economic growth. Growth of Smart Power Grid in India will slowly but surely take us towards fulfilling
Smart grid projects outlook 2014
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Legal Notice This publication is a Science and Policy Report by the Joint Research Centre, the European Commissions in-house science service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policy-making process. The scientific output expressed
Security issues and challenges for the IoT-based smart grid .
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Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) is the next step evolution of our today Internet, where any physical object/thing having/equipped with computation and communication capabilities could be seamlessly integrated, at different levels, to the Internet. The Smart Grid (SG)
Solid-state-transformers: Key components of future traction and smart grid systems
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The efficient supply of electric power relies strongly on the selection of suitable voltage levels for different sections of the energy distribution system. When higher levels of power are required, a medium-voltage level in the tens of kilovolts range is typically selected. In
Forecasting methodologies of solar resource and PV power for smart grid energy management
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Due to of the test of atmosphere and vitality emergency, sustainable power source era including sun based era has encountered noteworthy development. Progressively high infiltration level of photovoltaic (PV) era emerges in savvy matrix. Sun oriented power is
Towards modelling the impact of cyber attacks on a smart grid
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This paper provides an introduction to cyber attack impact analysis in the smart grid and highlights existing research in the field. We present an impact analysis framework where we focus on the model synthesis stage where both cyber and physical grid entity relationships
Intelligent Control Systems for Futuristic Smart Grid Initiatives in Electric Utilities
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Substation Automation Systems (SAS) provide reliable bedrock for future smart grid development in electric utilities. Implementation of high quality SAS system enables one to experience less outage rate using the state-of-the-art computerized functions of monitoring
Smart grid expectations [in my view]
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THE TERM SMART GRID IS AL-most becoming a household name. From the US president talking about the smart grid to television commercials on this topic, we have a plethora of activities around the world where engineers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and
The future-oriented grid – smart grid
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Since its emergence, smart grid has been given increasingly widespread attentions. Basically, smart grid combines a various modern technologies like network communication, information processing and distributed control to provide a more secure, reliable and
Implementing smart grid communications
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Burns McDonnell utility engineers to solve the problem of establishing robust data transport WANs to the distribution feeder and customer level. The proliferation of information technology utilizing Internet protocol (IP) transport over Ethernet
Cyber-physical systems security for smart grid
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One thing that virtually all of the information hierarchy components must deal with is cyber and physical security. This webinar (and the associated white paper) focuses on identifying a comprehensive set of cyber security challenges and the need for security at multiple levels
Smart grid cyber security strategy and requirements
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The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) promotes the US economy and public welfare by providing technical leadership for the Nations measurement and standards infrastructure. ITL develops tests
Implementing the smart grid : Enterprise information integration
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This paper presents some of the merging Smart Grid applications and discusses information systems requirements for a broad-base implementation of the Smart Grid applications. It provides representative examples, discusses existing challenges, and presents
Mosaik- smart grid simulation API
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Simulation is an important method to test and evaluate new control mechanisms for future Smart Grids. To generate sound simulation results one has to use validated and established simulation models. In this paper we present the first two out of six layers of our approach to a