Supervisory system
A system of control, indicating, and telemetry devices which operates between the stations of an electric power distribution system, using a single common channel to transmit signals.
Application of IP monitoring in the supervising system of a building
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Thanks to the development of modern technologies in the electronics field it is possible to directly connect the camera to computer networks. The purpose of this solution is to display the images from cameras installed in the object being monitored. Therefore, we can watch
Intelligent and pervasive supervising platform for information system security based on multi-agent systems
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As the development of technology, the mobile phone world also has developed very quickly. Mobile communication and services, over emerging wireless technologies, provide anyone, anytime and anywhere access. Moreover, the intelligence is now often embedded into
Supervising Water Quality of Water Resources via Telemetric System
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Besides being a professional sport, swimming is also one of the best sports that can be practiced for a healthy life. Due to practicing this funny sport, the usage of swimming pools is increasing. With the increasing use of the pools, pool water-borne micro-organisms and
An expert system for designing and supervising a discrete event model
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We present a model based expert system for designing and super-vising a. traffic-light process. The model of the process is based on place/transition Petri nets. The supervision is implemented through a production rule system . The architecture of the system be
System supporting the operators supervising with vehicle and transport control
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With the rapid development of technologies, deployment of the micro sensors and actuators, using the new info communication and embedded systems, widely applied automation, the role of vehicle drivers and transport controllers is transitioning from active control to passive
Supervising and Managing Projects through a Template based e-Portfolio System .
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We report an integration process that involves the Moodle learning management system and an in-house developed e-portfolio system -SPD and the institution information system . SPD is a system developed to create, evaluate and maintain digital portfolios assigned and
Conceptual Model of an Intelligent Supervising System for Evaluating Policies in the Operation of an Underground Mine
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This work presents a conceptual model for the design of an Intelligent Supervising System (ISS) built to support the scheduling for an underground mine in order to supervise its operation. The system is composed by a Simulation Model (SM) linked to a Knowledge
Energy Efficient Street Light Supervising and Control System
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In this proposal, we propose an energy efficient streetlight supervising and control system that can monitor and control streetlight more efficiently and can provide a safe night time environment for all road users including pedestrians. The proposed system uses the ZigBee
GPS system for supervising rock movements phenomena
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This project has been developed as a Senior Design Project. The main goal of this project has been to develop embedded system which is able to detect rock movements phenomena base on new proposed differential algorithm. In order to achieve this task there is a necessity
An Expert System for Designing and Supervising
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We present a model based expert system for designing and supervising a traffic-light process. The model of the process is based on place/transition Petri nets. The supervision is implemented through a production rule system . The architecture of the system be
Arrangement for supervising the functioning of an analogue multichannel control system
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ZA7102629B Arrangement for supervising the functioning of an analogue multichannel control multichannel control system . Info. Publication number ZA7102629B. ZA7102629B ZA712629A
Effects of Supervising Orphaned Children in Iranian Legal System
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Children as a group of human society are always in need of protection due to the lack of physical and cognitive development. Supervision is an issue about a group of children. Institution entitled Supervision of orphans has been rehabilitated with certain legal effects
The Aspect of Supervising and Remote Control System Developing-SCADA Implementation
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Implementation and development of a Supervising and Remote Control System (SRCS) has become an imperative for all the companies taking care of their own progress in the field of gas production (transmission, distribution, etc.) automatization. Therefore, public enterprise Methods: The Data Management Unit (DMU) established an electronic webbased data capture system for TRIGR. Study data is collected world wide using on-line web-based forms. The Oracle (internet) database is open continuously and the data can be entered
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The peer-to-peer database management System (P2PDBMS) runs to the high level of the standard database management system , to connect its database with other peer databases on the network. The P2PDBMS are completely independent in which no central server (or)
Apparatus for supervising the functioning of an analog plural-channel regulating system
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CA934667A Apparatus for supervising the functioning of an analog plural-channel regulating regulating system . Info Classifications. G PHYSICS; G05 CONTROLLING; REGULATING;
Research on Complex Energy Production System for the Marine Environment Supervising Buoy
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Recently, aerial drone technology is widely introduced for easily monitoring the marine environment. Aerial drones are being considered due to the advantages including the monitoring capability of wider region for a long time and no restriction to power source for